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Id EquipId Order Type Title Text Condition
201300111 2013001 1 1 Data I A standard pistol made of normal materials. Simple and easy to use. 810000
201300112 2013001 2 1 Data II Standard pistol used by Construct squads. Easy to maintain. 810000
201300121 2013001 1 2 Story A mass-produced standard weapon that you couldn't ask for more.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810000
201400111 2014001 1 1 Data I It does a good job overall, though nothing to really write home about. 810000
201400112 2014001 2 1 Data II A pistol from a previous era. Crude but hardy, it continues to see service. 810000
201400121 2014001 1 2 Story Its stylish pitch-black color and user-friendly design have greatly raised its popularity. 810000
201500111 2015001 1 1 Data I Equipped with a high-capacity magazine that can hold an exceptional number of rounds, it is a great choice for long-running battles. 810000
201500112 2015001 2 1 Data II Designed for stealth operation, it is capable of suppressing the sound of a muzzle blast. 810000
201500121 2015001 1 2 Story Only that dumb designer "I" would ever design such a complicated loading mechanism for a weapon. Why can't he put himself in the shoes of someone like me who reloads a lot?\n—Weapon Designer N 810000
201600111 2016001 1 1 Data I Modified from a general weapon, it is applied with the newest high-temperature coating, so that the user no longer needs to worry about the gun getting overheated. Its appearance alone shows the modifier's great expertise and attentiveness to detail. 810000
201600112 2016001 2 1 Data II A specialized firearm focusing on single-shot performance. 810002
201600121 2016001 1 2 Story To protect it from the damage caused by overheating in battles, Lee has carried out special adjustments and added his mark to it. 810004
201600211 2016002 1 1 Data I With a greatly upgraded aim assist, once an enemy is locked on, the bullet will definitely hit its mark as long as the trigger is pulled. 810000
201600212 2016002 2 1 Data II Equipped with a sophisticated nanocomputer, it possesses energy management and ballistic guidance capabilities. 810002
201600221 2016002 1 2 Story This is the best weapon for a terrible shooter like me—Wait, this line has to be deleted. I can't let "Z" and "I" know I'm a terrible shooter.\n—Weapon Designer N 810004
201600311 2016003 1 1 Data A large caliber handgun with a relatively long barrel. It can deal severe damage to enemies in close range. Someone favors its silver color and has added a line of small words to it as a reminder that evil shall be eliminated. 810000
201600321 2016003 1 2 Story Akdilek's craftsmanship... Niceeeee, I've got some new ideas.\n—Weapon Designer I 810004
202200111 2022001 1 1 Data I Forged with general high-speed steel. Its blade length is 1.0 m. 810000
202200112 2022001 2 1 Data II Standard knife issued to Constructs. Mass-produced and easy to use. 810000
202200121 2022001 1 2 Story A standard Katana for the Constructs who are skilled at Katana fighting. 810000
202300111 2023001 1 1 Data I Forged with general high-speed steel. Its blade length is 0.8 m and it is much harder to break than Standard Knife. The shorter length improves its portability as a self-defense weapon. 810000
202300112 2023001 2 1 Data II Knife typically carried for personal defense. 810000
202300121 2023001 1 2 Story A mass-produced self-defense weapon that you couldn't ask for more.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810000
202400111 2024001 1 1 Data I Forged with test-type high-speed steel. Its blade length is 0.9 m. A blade of good quality overall. 810000
202400112 2024001 2 1 Data II There is no inscription by the maker, but the blade itself is perfectly sharp and deadly. 810000
202400121 2024001 1 2 Story Just like its name—Unbranded Blade. There's nothing worth making it a brand.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810000
202500111 2025001 1 1 Data I Forged with superhard high-speed steel. Its blade length is 0.9 m. It is equipped with a small device that can be triggered to inflict lightning strikes. 810000
202500112 2025001 2 1 Data II A curious Katana based on a legendary blade in the old times. 810000
202500121 2025001 1 2 Story Why wouldn't you want to deal long-range damage with a melee weapon?\n—Weapon Designer Z 810000
202600111 2026001 1 1 Data I Forged with enhanced tungsten high-speed steel. Its blade length is 1.0 m. It is able to withstand scorching temperatures. Even the hottest substance on earth is nothing to it. 810000
202600112 2026001 2 1 Data II In addition to its super sharp blade, Lotus Berserker can even alter the Construct's attack patterns. 810002
202600121 2026001 1 2 Story My calculation says Lotus Berserker can withstand the temperature of lava. So out of my way! I'm gonna throw it into lava for SCIENCE!\n—Weapon Designer I 810004
202600211 2026002 1 1 Data I Forged with high-entropy alloy and a small amount of silver. Its blade length is 1.1 m. Compared with pure physical attacks, it is more suitable for inflicting elemental attacks. With high electrical conductivity, it can greatly improve the damage of lightning attacks. 810000
202600212 2026002 2 1 Data II Due to ■■■, its creator ■■■■ has now been ■■■■■. 810002
202600221 2026002 1 2 Story It is recorded that Inverse - Shadow was forged with the remaining materials of Inverse - Blood Crux, but even so, its power is still quite surprising. Inverse - Blood Crux's whereabouts remain unknown until today. 810004
202600311 2026003 1 1 Data I Its blade length is 1.1 m. It is equipped with a kinetic energy conversion device and an autonomic attack module. The conversion device can convert the kinetic energy from swinging the hilt into a laser. Pressing the button on the hilt can extend or draw back the laser blade, which has made it very easy to carry around. 810000
202600312 2026003 2 1 Data II Its power as a weapon is nothing to write home about, but it is much sought after for its attractive appearance. 810002
202600321 2026003 1 2 Story Using pure energy as a blade instead of making one out of physical substances has made Sirius a very important page in the history of weapons.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810004
202600411 2026004 1 1 Data Its blade length is 1.0 m. It was forcefully forged with multiple materials, but surprisingly, this has not weakened its hardness at all. For unknown reasons, the longer it is being wielded, the redder it becomes. 810000
202600421 2026004 1 2 Story A white-haired girl draws. In a flash, one became two—all cherry blossom petals in the air were already split. Satisfied, she sheathes. 810004
202600511 2026005 1 1 Data Forged with special multi-layer techniques, this extremely sophisticated weapon has a 0.9m blade length. Its color changes with temperature, and will display a light crimson wavy pattern under extreme circumstances. 810000
202600521 2026005 1 2 Story The wounds left by this blade never bleed, for blood has been frozen the moment when the wounds are cut. Its victim dies without even realizing they have been killed. 810004
203200111 2032001 1 1 Data I A generic wireless remote weapon. 810000
203200112 2032001 2 1 Data II Basic levitating attack devices. Easy for new Construct members to pick up. 810000
203200121 2032001 1 2 Story A standard Levi-Gun for the Constructs who are skilled at controlling it. 810000
203300111 2033001 1 1 Data I A semi-automatic levitating weapon controlled by the mind. 810000
203300112 2033001 2 1 Data II Levitating attack devices with partially autonomous AI, reducing the burden on the user. 810000
203300121 2033001 1 2 Story A mass-produced Levi-Gun that you couldn't ask for more.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810000
203400111 2034001 1 1 Data I It is said that this Levi-Gun was based on a certain carnivorous fish. 810000
203400112 2034001 2 1 Data II Equipped with a new mobility module, it is able to operate freely on the battlefield, delivering devastating firepower. Has been known to get out of control on rare occasions. 810000
203400121 2034001 1 2 Story I'm more curious about the fish it was made of than its performance.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810000
203500111 2035001 1 1 Data I Equipped with a test-type attitude control device, its stability has been brought up to a new level. 810000
203500112 2035001 2 1 Data II It is a fully independent, stand-alone weapon platform that is even capable of forming emotional attachment with the user over time. 810000
203500121 2035001 1 2 Story A test-type weapon for Type Zero. It has played its role in the research for enhancing the energy out.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810000
203600111 2036001 1 1 Data I Type Zero has a high level of stability with its newest attitude control device. To enhance its high-energy laser output, its barrel has been replaced by a slenderer one. 810000
203600112 2036001 2 1 Data II Its mobility is the price of stability enhancement, yet its power is of the highest level without a doubt. 810002
203600121 2036001 1 2 Story Only a few Levi-Guns have higher energy output than Type Zero. Achieving unmatched power is the reason why it was created. 810004
203600211 2036002 1 1 Data I Benediction is able to shoot high-energy electric arcs at the enemies. Its energy can be recharged via the solar ring collectors on both sides. Practically a bottomless battery as long as there is light. 810000
203600212 2036002 2 1 Data II Its attack accuracy is enhanced at a slight loss of power. A great weapon for one-against-many battles. 810002
203600221 2036002 1 2 Story The energy recharge had been a technological bottleneck for the Levi-Gun until the birth of Benediction. A short charging time is all it needs for long endurance.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810004
203600311 2036003 1 1 Data I With an electromagnetic restraint device, Dragon Wind will stay by the user's side. It absorbs the air with its filter absorber on the tail, compresses it inside the barrel, and finally, shoots it at the enemies. 810000
203600312 2036003 2 1 Data II Its performance is every bit worthy of the grandiose name. 810002
203600321 2036003 1 2 Story Adjustable output for the user... Clever. At minimum output, it basically functions as a fan. Is that the true reason why "I" made this weapon?\n—Weapon Designer N 810004
204300111 2043001 1 1 Data I A general bow provided in the archery ranges. 810000
204300112 2043001 2 1 Data II Composite bow for practice, designed to be handled by beginners. 810000
204300121 2043001 1 2 Story A mass-produced practice bow that you couldn't ask for more.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810000
204400111 2044001 1 1 Data I With a pulley added to it, the user can pull the bowstring effortlessly. 810000
204400112 2044001 2 1 Data II Pulley-assisted composite bow, with firepower comparable to firearms. 810000
204400121 2044001 1 2 Story Pulley Bow is easy to use and carry around.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810000
204500111 2045001 1 1 Data I With a 36" axle-to-axle length, Falcon E-3320 is easy to carry and has a good level of accuracy. A 7.6" brace height makes it not difficult to use. A good weapon for the beginner. 810000
204500112 2045001 2 1 Data II After the first batch was launched, its production was halted due to ■■■. 810000
204500121 2045001 1 2 Story The newest composite bow produced by Falcon Industries. It is a fairly good weapon, but its value as a collection is much higher.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810000
204600111 2046001 1 1 Data I With a 39" axle-to-axle length, Ramiel boasts high stability as well as accuracy. The special reagent equipped on its bow limb enables the arrow to corrode its target's armor for further damage. 810000
204600112 2046001 2 1 Data II Named after the fallen angel, it ensures a kill regardless of the environment. 810002
204600121 2046001 1 2 Story Ramiel is the perfect bow in blitzes or long-running operations. That dumbo "I" keeps adding weird stuff to his weapon designs as usual.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810004
204600211 2046002 1 1 Data In order to enhance Tonitrus' electrical conductivity, some special materials have been added to it during the production. Coupled with its resistance to electricity and high temperature, it can adapt to nearly all harsh environments on earth. 810000
204600221 2046002 1 2 Story Comes out good as new even if you chuck it inside a thunderstorm. (Tested) Bianca can be rest assured that her weapon will never break down again.\n—Weapon Designer I 810004
205300111 2053001 1 1 Data I A common chainsaw used in the heavy industry. 810000
205300112 2053001 2 1 Data II A common tool that can also be used as a weapon. 810000
205300121 2053001 1 2 Story A mass-produced chainsaw that you couldn't ask for more.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810000
205400111 2054001 1 1 Data I Designed for outdoor operations. While in use, it will let out a lot of heat and noises. 810000
205400112 2054001 2 1 Data II A massive chainsaw that runs on gasoline. Takes a lot time to rev it up. 810000
205400121 2054001 1 2 Story Why couldn't "I" make this thing quieter?.I can't always be the one to pick up the slack, right?\n—Weapon Designer N 810000
205500111 2055001 1 1 Data I A wind-powered chainsaw that ensures security and mobility when being wielded. 810000
205500112 2055001 2 1 Data II The first generation of chainsaws developed specifically as a weapon. Named after the sparks it created during testing. 810000
205500121 2055001 1 2 Story It cuts its target in a matter of seconds, just like what its name indicates.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810000
205600111 2056001 1 1 Data I A chainsaw forcefully combined with different kinds of industrial parts. When it is activated, it will let out loud roars like the legendary monster Chimera. 810000
205600112 2056001 2 1 Data II A chainsaw with a slightly bizarre appearance, though it does not affect its performance. 810002
205600121 2056001 1 2 Story The one who created this chainsaw is either a genius or a lunatic.\n Weapon Designer Z 810004
205600211 2056002 1 1 Data A hydraulic chainsaw with accelerating chains. Its special reagents will increase the saw blade's temperature to diminish the target's fire resistance. 810000
205600221 2056002 1 2 Story Ohohohoho, spin fast like the wind, little one! Now, let's spice it up some MORE with FIRE and EXPLOSIONS!\n—The GREAT Na☆na☆mi Sama! 810004
206300111 2063001 1 1 Data I An ordinary greatsword with an ordinary name. 810000
206300112 2063001 2 1 Data II Common greatsword for Construct use. Heavy and unwieldy. 810000
206300121 2063001 1 2 Story A mass-produced greatsword that you couldn't ask for more.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810000
206400111 2064001 1 1 Data I A quality greatsword that can deal heavy damage to an enemy. 810000
206400112 2064001 2 1 Data II Greatsword with long reach and strong defensive capability. 810000
206400121 2064001 1 2 Story This greatsword is designed for riot suppression. Its blade is not sharp. A weapon that has a quite long history.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810000
206500111 2065001 1 1 Data I Equipped with a mini shooter, it can unleash a wave of energy produced when being swung. 810000
206500112 2065001 2 1 Data II It is able to fire shockwaves when its internal energy tank is filled. 810000
206500121 2065001 1 2 Story This is made for the Constructs with bottomless stamina. Z's Kuji no Sada must have cribbed my design idea!\n—Weapon Designer N 810000
206505011 2065050 1 1 Data A greatsword that resembles a Christmas tree. The Star of Bethlehem is stuck tightly on the tip, so tight that not even a fierce swing can shake it off. The blade is not sharp, but its bulk makes it a deadly weapon. 810000
206505021 2065050 1 2 Story A festive weapon for festive events. I should have added a music player to it.\n—Weapon Designer I 810000
206600111 2066001 1 1 Data I A greatsword that can take on the most zealous enemies by virtue of its firmness, length, and girth. Equipped with an impact-absorption device, it can even convert explosive impact into its own energy. 810000
206600112 2066001 2 1 Data II Originally given a different name, it was renamed by Kamui after he took a liking to it. 810002
206600121 2066001 1 2 Story Behold blessed perfection. The only issue is that it is perhaps too big to be called a sword. Big Kamui is not something most Constructs can handle.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810004
206600211 2066002 1 1 Data I It is infused with radioactive elements that will inflict penetrating damage on the enemies and corrode the wielder at the same time. Therefore, only Constructs with corresponding resistance are recommended to use this greatsword. 810000
206600212 2066002 2 1 Data II It is modified from the weapon of a corrupted Construct. 810002
206600221 2066002 1 2 Story I heard that this lad in Strike Hawk has pretty good radioresistance. Haha, let's get this guy to use my baby.\nWeapon Designer I 810004
207300111 2073001 1 1 Data I Low-cost and simple. It is a practical bazooka for a one-man army. 810000
207300112 2073001 2 1 Data II Bazooka for Construct use. Can be used as a blunt weapon when out of ammo. 810000
207300121 2073001 1 2 Story A mass-produced bazooka that you couldn't ask for more.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810000
207400111 2074001 1 1 Data I It has a higher level of accuracy and its projectiles can deal greater damage. 810000
207400112 2074001 2 1 Data II The barrel will rotate when firing a projectile. 810000
207400121 2074001 1 2 Story Enhanced bazooka with a comprehensive boost in performance.\n——Weapon Designer Z 810000
207500111 2075001 1 1 Data I With a higher energy output level, it boasts a faster rate of fire and greater power. 810000
207500112 2075001 2 1 Data II Prototype cannon equipped with an internal reactor. Be careful of overheating. 810000
207500121 2075001 1 2 Story It fires projectiles like a volcanic eruption. Coupled with its high portability, the price-performance ratio is unrivaled.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810000
207500211 2075002 1 1 Data Its design is inspired by firecrackers. The firecrackers on the tail can be loaded into the barrel as a projectile. It has a several second downtime after every shot. 810000
207500221 2075002 1 2 Story It is not merely a toy for celebration. Based on my calculation, it can destroy the CIC's holographic screen with only one shot.\n—Weapon Designer I 810000
207600111 2076001 1 1 Data I Berserk Fusion uses shaped charges that can penetrate the enemy's armor with ease. The regulator on the tail can alter the shell's detonation initiation to achieve the most effective damage against the enemy. Some mechanical parts that should not appear on a bazooka have been forcefully installed in it—in an apologetically restrained manner. 810000
207600112 2076001 2 1 Data II Though restrained, the inane amount of extra modules still makes this weapon scream death. 810002
207600121 2076001 1 2 Story This method of weapon modding feels familiar...\n—Weapon Designer Z 810004
207600211 2076002 1 1 Data I With high thrusting power, exhaust velocity, and thrust-to-weight ratio, it can produce thermal energy that can toast even the toughest of the Corrupted. 810000
207600212 2076002 2 1 Data II It can fire flames like a dragon's breath at its maximum output level. 810002
207600221 2076002 1 2 Story It has sacrificed its effective range for the unsurpassed power. In no way am I going to stand before it.\n—Weapon Designer N 810004
208300112 2083001 2 1 Data I A common dagger that has nothing to write home about. 810000
208300111 2083001 1 1 Data II Simple and easy to use. 810000
208300121 2083001 1 2 Story A mass-produced dagger that you couldn't ask for more.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810000
208400111 2084001 1 1 Data I An extremely sharp dagger that can cut through nearly all substances in this world. 810000
208400112 2084001 2 1 Data II The special layer of coating makes this weapon non-reflective. 810000
208400121 2084001 1 2 Story Since it does not reflect light, it is an ideal weapon for an assassin.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810000
208500111 2085001 1 1 Data I Even though it is forged with a special ore, its blade is still as sharp as a razor. 810000
208500112 2085001 2 1 Data II It might not excel in size, but its penetrative power should never be underestimated. 810000
208500121 2085001 1 2 Story Stone Heart rivals a metal dagger in all fronts. Basically no drawbacks, except the bit about it requiring special maintenance.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810000
208500211 2085002 1 1 Data A dagger made for the Lantern Festival. The words carved on its blade are to bless its wielder. 810000
208500221 2085002 1 2 Story A highly collectible weapon created to commemorate the "Lantern Festival" in the old times.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810000
208600111 2086001 1 1 Data I Soul Ripper has a unique blood groove that enables it to inflict effective and continuous damage on the enemies. The fuller below the hilt can divert the liquid away, so that the hilt will not be contaminated. 810000
208600112 2086001 2 1 Data II Dagger equipped with ion vibrators, causing severe damage to the area around the wound. Requires great skill to use effectively. 810000
208600121 2086001 1 2 Story "Those who have been cut by Soul Ripper will have their blood drained rapidly as if their souls were ripped out..." A weird record by "I", again.\n—Weapon Designer N 810000
208600211 2086002 1 1 Data By pressing the button on its hilt, the blade will vibrate at an extremely high frequency to increase its cutting sharpness. It contains traces of radioactive elements that can deal severe penetrating damage to the enemy's mechanical parts. 810000
208600221 2086002 1 2 Story High-frequency vibrating blade, a kinetically optimized curve for the deepest cut... All craftconstructship is of the highest quality.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810004
209300111 2093001 1 1 Data I A common scythe that has functional sharpness. 810000
209300112 2093001 2 1 Data II A standard scythe used by different squads. Simple and easy to use. 810000
209300121 2093001 1 2 Story A mass-produced scythe that you couldn't ask for more.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810000
209400111 2094001 1 1 Data A standard scythe implemented with a hilt and foldable features for ease of transport. 810000
209400121 2094001 1 2 Story The long attack range allows the wielder to defeat multiple enemies at once.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810000
209500111 2095001 1 1 Data Even though the coating on its blade has slightly faded because of its long history, it is still sharp enough to be a deadly weapon on the battlefields. 810000
209500121 2095001 1 2 Story Durability is its biggest advantage.\n—Weapon Designer Z 810000
209600111 2096001 1 1 Data When its blade cuts through a Corrupted, it will leave a thick layer of corrosive substance to corrode its armor rapidly. Once the substance penetrates the frame, it might even cause a temporary short circuit. 810000
209600121 2096001 1 2 Story A weapon designed by Ayla herself. You can already feel how much it hurts just by the design sketch alone.\n—Weapon Designer N 810004
209600211 2096002 1 1 Data St. Elmo is made of a highly conductive alloy. Its foldable design makes it very easy to carry around. Whenever it is swung, the blade leaves a flash of blue lightning. Electricity flows through the blade. 810000
209600221 2096002 1 2 Story It can unleash a great amount of electricity without producing any heat. St. Elmo's Fire, good name, ain't it?\n—Weapon Designer I 810004
209600311 2096003 1 1 Data Galatea is created based on a brand new concept in answer to the dissatisfaction with the existing weapons. It's a perfect vessel that reflects the creator's spirit and holds everything inside. It conveys the creator's feelings and composes an epilogue for the enemy. 810000
209600321 2096003 1 2 Story "Its perfection is a silent mockery after going beyond the creator, but Haicma, who achieved this, is imitating the concept of 'love.' Boring." —Magician 810004
210400111 2104001 1 1 Data A greatsword that is worn from countless battles. The wielder has wrapped it with bandages as perfunctory fortification. 810000
210400121 2104001 1 2 Story Still usable even though it's already worn and torn like that. Should we give credit to its materials or its wielder? —Weapon Designer Z 810000
210500111 2105001 1 1 Data A tough sword with a dull edge, made so that the wielder can brutally crush the enemies. Nonetheless, it requires advanced swordsmanship to use. 810000
210500121 2105001 1 2 Story This greatsword is awesome, but "I", can you explain to me why'd you put the blood groove there? Does it really work?! —Weapon Designer N 810000
210600111 2106001 1 1 Data The mechanism installed on its hilt has dramatically boosted its cutting capability, and its edge produces searing heat to melt all kinds of machines. In the event of a long solo operation, the wielder can pull the lever to initiate its automatic maintenance to clean and maintain the blade. 810000
210600121 2106001 1 2 Story Now, it should have all the features it needs. Hope this greatsword can help bring our comrades back from dead zones. —Weapon Designer N 810004
202600611 2026006 1 1 Data Its blade length is 0.9 m. The blade can expand and split into two to inflict double the pain. Stabbing an enemy with it does not deal significant damage, but extracting the blade will make a river of vital fluids, causing long-lasting, unbearable pain. 810000
202600621 2026006 1 2 Story Miss Vera... I... I'll do what you so... I'll mod it the way you want. So please sheathe that katana... —Weapon Designer N 810004
211400111 2114001 1 1 Data The first ever mass-produced Rail Spear for military use. It is equipped with a powerful blast cannon and also has outstanding performance in melee range. 810000
211400121 2114001 1 2 Story "They told me cost mattered a lot, and I finally understood it a long time after taking over that military weapon project..." — Weapon Designer Z 810000
211500111 2115001 1 1 Data A special Rail Spear designed specifically for Task Force Constructs. The warhead of its cannon has a built-in shock field that breaks armor apart from inside. 810000
211500121 2115001 1 2 Story "I'll be honest. We only received the all-clear for the shock module's safety test when this thing was already delivered in batches." — Weapon Designer Z 810000
211600111 2116001 1 1 Data The core of this Rail Spear is a high-energy component that is still in the experimental phase. The engineers must have given it the divine spear's name for a reason. 810000
211600121 2116001 1 2 Story "Remember that deadly thing brought by the Science Council? Yep, I had it installed on this prototype. I mean, why not?" — Weapon Designer N 810004
214400111 2144001 1 1 Data These standard gauntlets have been optimized for their melee user's body features. A boost mode is activated for increased striking force once they come into contact with the target physically. 810000
214400121 2144001 1 2 Story "Regarding the irreversible damage in joints and frame caused by the power boost device... What? Asimov cut four times with a file, then it was fixed?!" —Weapon Designer L 810000
214500111 2145001 1 1 Data Equipped with power components that should never be installed on gauntlets, these bold, reckless yet incredibly powerful weapons have a total of 663 pages of manuals and safety alerts. 810000
214500121 2145001 1 2 Story "I said these things were still in the test stage! You can borrow them, but we won't take responsibility if anything happens!" —Weapon Designer H 810000
214600111 2146001 1 1 Data The technical data of this set of gauntlets was lost. It could only be manufactured from standard blueprints and protocols with millimeter-and-nanosecond-level accuracy. Of course, their power made it all worth it. 810000
214600121 2146001 1 2 Story "Press the button three times, turn the bolt clockwise twenty-six and a half circles, chant the chief engineer's name three times, then inject the lubricating oil... How the heck did that even work?!" —Weapon Designer Y 810004
213400111 2134001 1 1 Data The blade of this quaint and well-crafted spear sends a chill up people's spines, keeping them away even when it is only placed on a rack. 810000
213400121 2134001 1 2 Story "The experience we learned from manufacturing this model can be used as reference when developing long weapons in future... Wait, what? Why did they terminate the subsequent development?" —Weapon Designer H 810000
213500111 2135001 1 1 Data Forged from gilded steel, this blade will eliminate all the hesitation. Only when there is no more conflict shall it meet its sheath. 810000
213500121 2135001 1 2 Story "We are the Association of Art, why did you ask us to manufacture a weapon? ...Look at this beautiful piece of art! Please, allow me to give it a try!" —Ayla 810000
213600111 2136001 1 1 Data This blade is infused with the power to create realms. Its inky shaft does not tolerate any discord. Whoever gets to wield this weapon must rule the world. 810000
213600121 2136001 1 2 Story "No, we never had the capability to 'craft' this weapon. All we did was to 'restore' it to the form it was supposed to be." —Allen 810004
217400111 2174001 1 1 Data The outdated and rudimentary structure makes Genesis look fragile and weak, but it can still play a role in term of amplification on bioic animals after countless years. 810000
217400121 2174001 1 2 Story "I didn't expect to see the amplifier of that era. Its designer Karash was a sensational genius, but such a genius didn't participate in Arcadia action. It's really sad."—Z, a weapon designer 810000
217500111 2175001 1 1 Data It's the modified version of the first generation amplifier "Genesis", with a reinforced structure and improved energy transmission circuit, resulting in a significant increase in its output. 810000
217500121 2175001 1 2 Story Stability and practicality are its labels, and the dazzling energy burst like prominence is its characteristic. 810000
217600111 2176001 1 1 Data When the amplifier Ozma is used to amplify bionic animals, sufficient computing support must be provided, otherwise it will be hard to perform its real effectiveness , even be involved by its computing consumption, resulting in limited performance of the bionic animal. The amplification covers various aspects of the bionic animal, even the resistance or application of the bionic animal to punishing. Double-edged sword is the best word to describe it. 810000
217600121 2176001 1 2 Story Powerful, mysterious yet forbidden wisdom is contained in Ozma, which always shows that this is an existence that humans should not easily touch. 810004
212500111 2125001 1 1 Data A pair of white blades kept by samurai of the East. 810000
212500121 2125001 1 2 Story How long can I continue to believe in a world laden with deceit and folly? How long, I wonder? 810000
212600111 2126001 1 1 Data A pair of white blades kept by samurai of the East. 810000
212600121 2126001 1 2 Story How long can I lie to myself as I despair at the dark future of this world? How long, I wonder? 810004
215500111 2155001 1 1 Data The latest YoRHa model. 810000
215500121 2155001 1 2 Story I Hi guys! It's me, 42S—your favorite YoRHa Squadron idol from North 12C Defense HQ. I'm here with the latest hot scoops from the front line, so let's get out there and do our best, all right? Goooo team! 810000
215500122 2155001 2 2 Story II Hey ho, battlefield buddies! I'm not gonna lie here—the current war situation isn't looking too optimistic, but we're expecting reinforcements from our orbiting satellite bases any moment, so don't give up yet! Glory to mankind! 810000
215600111 2156001 1 1 Data The latest YoRHa model. 810000
215600121 2156001 1 2 Story I Mayday! Mayday! This is Publicity Agent 42S from North 12C Defense HQ! Is anyone listening?! Our facility has been completely surrounded by machines! I don't know how much longer we can ho— 810004
215600122 2156001 2 2 Story II [NO BROADCAST FROM THIS CHANNEL] 810004
216500111 2165001 1 1 Data A black blade used by warriors of the East. 810000
216500121 2165001 1 2 Story I Once, long ago, there was a group of seven boys who were born in the same village. Though they were not brothers by blood, they treated each other as family. 810000
216500122 2165001 2 2 Story II One cold night, a fortune-teller appeared and warned of a traitor among them. The boys laughed it off and went about their business, but the next morning, one of them lay dead. 810000
216600111 2166001 1 1 Data A black blade used by warriors of the East. 810000
216600121 2166001 1 2 Story I With each passing night, another boy died. The survivors grew more and more suspicious of each other, each harboring terrible doubts about what happened to their brothers. 810004
216600122 2166001 2 2 Story II On the morning of the seventh day, a single survivor stood tall. Cleaning the blood from his hands, he chuckled to himself. "Better go find the traitor!" 810004
218400111 2184001 1 1 Data Purchased under the terms outlined in Babylonia military weapon contract SMS-FY-AF-0223. Cosmos Industries products can always be trusted. 810000
218400121 2184001 1 2 Story This gun set is manufactured under the supervision of Babylonia Parliament, the Science Council, and Cosmos Industries, strictly following the requirements set out under the standard Construct weapon procurement contract SMS-FY-AF-0223.\nOut of 76 qualifying submissions, the proposal with the lowest overall cost has been chosen for mass production.\nCosmos Industries products can always be trusted. 810000
218500111 2185001 1 1 Data A mysterious experimental anti-material gun set. Its barrel was forged from special alloys to accommodate unique armor-piercing bullets. 810000
218500121 2185001 1 2 Story Thermal energy, shockwave, or any other high-tech gadgets...\nThe nature of weapon is gradually forgotten when soldiers start to rely on fancy technologies.\nIn comparison, this weapon is a combination of simple mechanism with state-of-the-art manufacturing, ensuring its user never experiences misfire or in-bore detonation. 810000
218600111 2186001 1 1 Data On one side of the barrel is the feather-light special flechette-shaped rounds. On the other side is an inevitable ending for their target. 810000
218600121 2186001 1 2 Story Wind, humidity, falling trajectory, the Coriolis force...\nAll those factors may become obstacles for the execution of judgement.\nBut the Scale doesn't care, neither does its user. 810004
219400111 2194001 1 1 Data I mark the beginning of everything. All notes and chants come after. 810000
219400121 2194001 1 2 Story Poems, stories, melodies, legends...\nThey all need a beginning.\nShh, can you hear her blade cutting through the air?\nHere it starts. 810000
219500111 2195001 1 1 Data The shining steel blade drives the tightened string. Elegant, lightweight, yet unstoppable. 810000
219500121 2195001 1 2 Story Weapon Designer D: How do you want me to do this?\nAyla: Um... Listen to this music while you work, maybe?\nWeapon Designer D: Oh, okay. 810000
219600111 2196001 1 1 Data Soft, rhythmic, but carries a great weight of meaning. It is the wind in the forest, the fluttering of wings, and the happiness of victory. 810000
219600121 2196001 1 2 Story The master of forest walks out of the serene valley.\nShe summons singing cuckoos and plays her enchanted strings.\nWhat story lies in that song of yours?\nAnd who are you awaiting? 810004
220400111 2204001 1 1 Data A kind of weapon batch produced in accordance with Kara Type I Gunblade, which finds a delicate balance between power and cost. 810000
220400121 2204001 1 2 Story "Romance! Yes, that's romance! Loading a gun onto a blade, making it a weapon suitable for a variety of medium to close combat sounds romantic!"—Weapon designer I 810000
220500111 2205001 1 1 Data The Gunblade, a weapon left over from the Operation Acadia, has the craftsmanship that has long been lost. And now, Babylonia can only carry out simple maintenance to keep it running normally. Kara Type I Gunblade has more excellent research value than application, and provides an excellent data templet for developing other subsequent gunblades in Babylonia. 810000
220500121 2205001 1 2 Story "How exactly did Kalash convert the muzzle jet kinetic energy into the energy to drive the gunblade? If his research data hadn't been lost during the Great Evacuation, we wouldn't have been so slow in developing the gunblade."—Weapon Designer Z 810000
220600111 2206001 1 1 Data Not all constructs can withstand the chill it constantly emits, and the fit between the gun and the blade reaches a wonderous peak through cold tempering. The energy released from the muzzle is transformed and utilized in the turbine to the extreme, driving the blade to emit a strong resonance. 810000
220600121 2206001 1 2 Story When people reopened the door of the long-fallen weapons lab at the top of Kawakarpo, what they saw was the Gunblade lying among mechanoid wreckages, reflecting a dim blue light. Even after the corruption of long years and cold temperatures, it still worked like it had never been covered with dust. It was retrieved and brought back onto the battlefield by humans. 810004
221400111 2214001 1 1 Data It is the first generation of Co-Bots researched and manufactured by Kurono Laboratory in the early days. This refined prototype is based the Medic Bot's design. It retains the function of balancing the user's M.I.N.D. to a certain extent, and maximizes its combat power, making it an indispensable prototype for the improvement of the future Co-Bots. 810000
221400121 2214001 1 2 Story "Incredible! The Medic Bot has become an extension of herself. I've never seen such a fragile yet powerful Construct... If removing it poses too great of a risk... then let's modify it into a weapon. What a wonderful idea!" 810000
221500111 2215001 1 1 Data It's a Co-Bot developed by Asimov using data templates acquired from numerous experiments. Based on the first generation of bots, Animus is able to not only balance the M.I.N.D., but also share it with its users. Whether it is a Co-Bot with multiple battle modes or a high-performance laser beam to supplement to combat power, both can become a natural extension of its user through Animus' special external link. Such intuitive design... it seems like the most beautiful and ingenious weapon. 810000
221500121 2215001 1 2 Story "Cool boy, doubled than any other weapon in the Lab!"——Weapon Designer L 810000
221600111 2216001 1 1 Data It's a Co-Bot with unprecedented computing power and independent tactical analysis. "He" is equipped with the most advanced external link technology, allowing "him" to link to a Construct's M.I.N.D. Only when "he" is used by No. 21, can "his" true potential be unleashed. Like a bullet pierces the enemy's throat on the battlefield, this Co-Bot has the explosive power of a beast trained for the Colosseum. When you see "him" on the battlefield, you wonder if you are looking at a soul born to fight. 810000
221600121 2216001 1 2 Story "Hey, you're here. How is your experience on that externally-linked Co-Bot 2.0?"\n"Snore."\n"Just send the data report to my terminal."\n"Snore."\n"...Sorry?"\n"...His designation is 'Snore'."\nNo. 21 repeats somberly. The researchers of the Science Research Department One cannot help but rename the cutting-edge weapon.\n"Snore, what a cute name! It suits you!"\n"L-Leonie, why would you pinch the cheek of a Cerberus..."\n"What? Is something wrong? She's a lamb."\n"Yeah, but she's looking at you like she wants to kill you."\n"That's just you misunderstanding the girl. Now, I have to go, for—I want Snore to be able to stay with you sooner." 810004
223400111 2234001 1 1 Data One of the prototype weapons developed by the Science Council. The reason they decided to design a weapon as garish as a banner spear is not clear. On second thought, this might be why the banner spear has not been mass produced. 810000
223400121 2234001 1 2 Story "Is this your plan of improvement for the spear weapon?" "You were the one who said it needs to be more noticeable!" "I meant we should make its power level more noticeable!" —Conversation between weapon designers 810000
223500111 2235001 1 1 Data A modified banner spear with a golden-tailed flag to indicate its superiority to the prototype. Weapon designers have paid extra attention to the design of the flag to make sure it stands out among the other banner spear prototypes. 810000
223500121 2235001 1 2 Story My secret to creating above-average products? First of all, its performance cannot be worse than its competitors. Second, its presentation needs to stand out from the rest. Take this one as an example... as long as its performance stays the same, we can play around with the design of the flag... What? The "Phoenix" has beaten my proposal? —Weapon Designer Y 810000
223600111 2236001 1 1 Data This banner spear has seen multiple trials and battlefields, but its shape-memory alloy and self-healing structure has kept it pristine and unspoiled as if it is newly forged. The way it stands unwavering has reminded others of a certain legendary, undying Construct. Or perhaps the shape-memory alloy and self-healing structure are just a white lie? Maybe staff members of the Science Council have kept sneaking into the maintenance room every day to replace it with a new one. 810000
223600121 2236001 1 2 Story The self-healing ability of this spear is so good it's unbelievable. I still can't understand that guy's aesthetics, but this thing performs exceptionally. I'm glad that I've shut that guy up permanently... With this, I'll be able to become a Weapon Department—no, a Science Council superstar! ...Huh? Who's knocking at this hour? 810004
222400111 2224001 1 1 Data A weapon used by some pioneers in the past during the expansion. It has a simple structure yet multiple functions, but the chain isn't easy to master. 810000
222400121 2224001 1 2 Story "It brings hope for some, but despair for the others." 810000
222500111 2225001 1 1 Data Nobody knows whether this weapon would spit out deadly bullets or mocking flowers, or the red glow on its blade is a warning or a reminder. This oddly shaped weapon is as mysterious as its user, making it impossible for others to interpret their real intention. 810000
222500121 2225001 1 2 Story Colorful confetti scatter in the air under the arc, and the red stage is covered in flowers.\nA man stands in the center of spotlight and takes a bow toward the empty audience.\nHe closes the curtain with his "rose." 810000
222600111 2226001 1 1 Data Durendal was long lost in the history of the Golden Age. Rumor has it that its blade can pierce through everything, and its crosshair will reveal all hidden foes. The immortal Durendal will fight along its user until their last breath, dedicating absolute loyalty to the person that it protects. 810000
222600121 2226001 1 2 Story "You had a brilliant story. Many people had great expectations of you. Yet, you ended up like this. Well, what's done is done. Let's walk together in the shadow from now on." 810004
224400111 2244001 1 1 Data The spinning wheel of light has significantly enhanced the damage-dealing efficiency of the weapon. The design is thus widely used by other scepters later. 810000
224400121 2244001 1 2 Story "I can watch it spinning all day." 810000
224500111 2245001 1 1 Data The plug-in component keeps revolving around the center, with light as bright as that of the polar star radiating through the gaps. 810000
224500121 2245001 1 2 Story "First I wondered what kind of like could penetrate the heavy smoke on the battlefield and shine above my head. And then I realized that was not light from a star. That was the light of a lone hero wielding the scepter." 810000
224600111 2246001 1 1 Data A scepter with a simple coloring scheme and structure, yet an extraordinary amount of energy. There are few records on the scepter, but any description would be redundant. You will understand this the moment you see it. 810000
224600121 2246001 1 2 Story The sacred flame surrounded by Hestia's white wings leads the travelers in the dark and witnesses the indomitable courage of the explorers. It spreads the hymns of heroes among the city-states and undying light across the vast land. 810004
225400111 2254001 1 1 Data I'm the base of rhythms in music. Everything's change is by your ears. 810000
225400121 2254001 1 2 Story The beauty of music is in change, and the base is the rule of change. She hides the sound of the sword in the flute music and brings you the singing of the wind. 810000
225500111 2255001 1 1 Data The black flute looks deep and composed, concealing all the innocence in her heart. Now her charms are all overthrown, she wields the sword to stay committed to her last duty. 810000
225500121 2255001 1 2 Story The sound of waves echoes everywhere, making people sad. To repel the loneliness and the darkness, she plays solo on the scorched earth. In the faint melody of the flute, there seem to be chirpings of Naples. 810000
225600111 2256001 1 1 Data A snow-white flute with golden sparkles resembling the light of the sun rising at the end of winter and symbolizing the return of spring. 810000
225600121 2256001 1 2 Story Even though they say that she is a demon and surround her with hostility, she still calmly takes the champion's sword and thrust it through her chest. In the daylight, she is finally reborn. Having escaped the fate of early death, she is looking forward to the next reunion with you. 810004
226400111 2264001 1 1 Data A product of the latest technology. It has excellent performance but weighs way heavier than a standard weapon. 810000
226400121 2264001 1 2 Story "Who ordered the weapon? It weighs more than twice as heavy as a standard one!" "It's Pulao." "Oh, I see. Then never mind." — A conversation between Fuxi Crew members 810000
226500111 2265001 1 1 Data A weapon with an unconventional straight blade design. In order to increase its overall stability, the designer has added extra metal rivets to the blade. 810000
226500121 2265001 1 2 Story "Will this slow down the weapon when we spin it?" "Then just use more strength." — A conversation between Fuxi Crew members 810000
226600111 2266001 1 1 Data A weapon designed by a dancer. Maybe that's why it looks like a prop for performance. 810000
226600121 2266001 1 2 Story May you be safe and sound in this everchanging world. — Hanying 810004
227400111 2274001 1 1 Data A mass-produced saw component made with standard alloy. Cheap, big, and economical. 810000
227400121 2274001 1 2 Story "The delivery is fast, but it looks like something is missing. Let's see if we can add something cooler later."—Nanami's Journal 810000
227500111 2275001 1 1 Data The modified chain component has an upward-pointing blade top and enhanced sawblade, making the saw even thicker. The personalized coating has been improved at the user's urging, as "making it cool" is the ultimate goal. 810000
227500121 2275001 1 2 Story "Uncle designer finally agreed to make Nanami's number bigger. Why is it so hard to change the color of the chain blade? Why the color red? Just travel around in the universe and you'll see how beautiful the color is."—Nanami's Journal 810000
227600111 2276001 1 1 Data The latest mega saw plan designed by Nanami. It features a complex joint structure and a conspicuous coating. Powered by the Energy Core's sudden increase of temperature, the sawblade will reach its max explosive power. 810000
227600121 2276001 1 2 Story "The ultimate evolution of the weapon is done! Only this form matches Power and—Nanami's intelligence!"—Nanami's Journal 810004
228400111 2284001 1 1 Data A strange weapon modified from engineering equipment primarily used to explore new methods in weapon development. Long-ranged firepower has been added to make up for its lack of power at close range. 810000
228400121 2284001 1 2 Story "Just use this to smash a Corrupted right on the head!" "It says it's okay." Researchers in a weapons R&D laboratory are arguing about leaving what they want to say as its conception. 810000
228500111 2285001 1 1 Data By integrating the data collected from its prototype and the feedback from the prototype's wielder, it has eventually become an even more powerful weapon than its original model. The grip, power, trajectory, and a hundred other improvements have all been made, resulting in a weapon capable of shattering any doubts and despair. 810000
228500121 2285001 1 2 Story After the weapon's design was verified for its viability and tactical significance, the sound of a heavy object clanging could be heard more and more frequently from inside the weapon research laboratory. 810000
228600111 2286001 1 1 Data The creation of Illuminare is a game changer in Babylonia's weapon development history: its performance-centered exterior is revolutionary, it is committed to maximizing destructive power, and even its wielder, Karenina stormed into the Weapons Design Bureau pressing for the removal of safety limiters. There is no doubt that its final result will be exactly what Karenina said, "This is gonna send all the enemies out of this galaxy!" 810000
228600121 2286001 1 2 Story There is a theory that the universe was born from an "explosion" with massive energy. When Illuminare reaches its maximum power output, flashes of light can be seen from its clashes in a dimmed environment. These are not usual sparks as speculated at first. Out of everyone's expectation, the researchers detected a slight amount of particles that only existed in the early universe when the flashes occurred. Perhaps this weapon really has the power to create a new world and future for its wielder. 810004
229400111 2294001 1 1 Data "The weapon given to the adventurer before they set off usually carries the hope of the entire village. Don't you think this is a perfect name? You'll feel full of courage just at the thought of fighting for the village." 810000
229400121 2294001 1 2 Story A weapon "he" created based on Noan's Rev Blade blueprint with random materials at hand. Only the offhand weapon remains unchanged. 810000
229500111 2295001 1 1 Data Babylonia has improved the performance issues of the old blueprint and remade the Rev Blade with strong materials. "Progressive Knife" is a name Noan came up with himself. It seems he got the inspiration from a manga he read. "Great name. Promise me don't name any weapon next time." —Weapon Designer H 810000
229500121 2295001 1 2 Story When the weapon design department received this Rev Blade blueprint, they were surprised to find that it is a plan obsoleted by Babylonia ten years ago. It was sent to Earth along with other old weapons and plans a long time ago and should have been used by humans on the ground for self-defense. 810000
229600111 2296001 1 1 Data A Rev Blade made with the improved blueprint by Babylonia's weapon design department. It uses upgraded materials and perfectly matches the off-hand old sword. However, it is restricted by the old design after the overall improvement of performance and requires regular maintenance. What Noan does is hit it several times. 810000
229600121 2296001 1 2 Story Having been told to give a meaningful name to the weapon, Noan intended to name the weapon "Chione" for the cold winter is not over yet when the weapon is wielded. But the Gray Raven Commandant suggested Noan name it Prometheus, because "It will bring the fire and courage able to melt the snowfield and welcome liberty, just like it is described in Shelley's poem." 810004
230400111 2304001 1 1 Data An extensible sword that makes its owner able to fight flexibly. Its low-key gray color might not stand out, but the energy hidden in it is astonishing. 810000
230400121 2304001 1 2 Story "A pitch black sword... I know there's a black sword well known for pairing with a white sword. How about we name this sword after it? Its name is Elu*******." says a designer of Kurono, who happens to also be a Golden-Age anime freak. 810000
230500111 2305001 1 1 Data The sword's blade and body have been converted to match the latest specialized frame with its coating changed to a more transparent black color. The world will be launched into an eternal polar night when the power in the sword is released through its blade. 810000
230500121 2305001 1 2 Story The polar night is not just about the darkness but also the silence, the stars, and the bright aurora. 810000
230600111 2306001 1 1 Data One of Kurono Tech's best products. A perfect combination of elegance and wildness. When the executor wields the sword as if she is making a prayer, it looks like the multi-faced goddess of the crossroads in the myth has descended to bring victory to her allies and the end to her enemies. 810000
230600121 2306001 1 2 Story Hecate is known as the goddess of witches and witchcraft, but she also guides people. She'd be sure to fulfill the wishes of those who offer their prayers. 810004
231400111 2314001 1 1 Data A sword doesn't have a heart. It only needs to be wielded by its wielder... Is it not? 810000
231400121 2314001 1 2 Story "Automatic control mechanisms are not needed. It'll be drawn out only when I allow it to."—Vanessa said so to the weapon designer. 810000
231500111 2315001 1 1 Data A composite weapon with a transformation blade. Created by adopting the newest molecular dynamics technology, its silver blade has a much more lethal curvature and emits a faint blue glow. 810000
231500121 2315001 1 2 Story As if a meteor tears open the night sky, its blade is so sharp that it can cut through anything in its attack range. In fact, its sharpness is dangerous enough to even damage its wielder, but its wielder and her mistress seem unconcerned about it. 810000
231600111 2316001 1 1 Data A new-generation special-grade weapon created by Babylonia. While its weight has been further reduced, the argon gas vacuum condensation technology has brought the durability and sharpness of its blade to a level that ordinary metals are impossible to achieve. Repeated hammering and heating also cause its blade to emit a dark blue glow. When wielded, its wielder seems to be controlled by invisible strings to deliver silent death. 810000
231600121 2316001 1 2 Story Over the boundary between dawn and dusk, time and again, the girl awakes from cycles of memories, fearlessly wielding her sharp blades to destroy the rusty cogs in the clock. Even though her resistance goes unknown, with the hands on the clock moving silently, the girl's voice has already reached the one bonded to her. 810004