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210Eden-Grade BabyloniaFilled with the unprecedented aspirations of humanity, Babylonia was supposed to be the first-ever superluminal starship for interstellar colonization.\nIts massive construction alone has ushered in a new era of human history, the Golden Age, where human beings stayed united and evolved.\nAfter the virus outbreak, the construction of Babylonia was forcibly terminated. Babylonia became the shelter for many survivors who had escaped to space.\nNow, Babylonia is anchored in the arc orbital dock and, as the starting point for taking back Earth, it maintains close ties with ground forces.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading.jpg30
32902MoodYou can improve the Mood of members by increasing the Comfort of the Dormitory and interacting with them.\nMembers will send you gifts when they are happy.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading5.jpg30
43902ComfortPut Dormitory Members under their preferred Comfort\nto increase the speed at which their Stamina/Mood recoversAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading5.jpg30
54902Mood EventMood Events will occur randomly and reduce the Mood of Dormitory Members greatly\nSolve the events in the correct way to recover a great amount of MoodAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading5.jpg30
65902PatTap Pat to go to the screen\nYou can recover a small amount of Mood by Patting Dormitory MembersAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading5.jpg30
7610101Eden-Grade BabyloniaFilled with the unprecedented aspirations of humanity, Babylonia was supposed to be the first-ever superluminal starship for interstellar colonization.\nIts massive construction alone has ushered in a new era of human history, the Golden Age, where human beings stayed united and evolved.\nAfter the virus outbreak, the construction of Babylonia was forcibly terminated. Babylonia became the shelter for many survivors who had escaped to space.\nNow, Babylonia is anchored in the arc orbital dock and, as the starting point for taking back Earth, it maintains close ties with ground forces.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading.jpg30
8710101CorruptedThe types of the Corrupted include, but are not limited to electronic devices, facilities, mechanoids, and Constructs.\nBased on their physical characteristics, the Corrupted will have different propensities, namely modification, proliferation, and destruction.\nHowever, their ultimate purpose remains the same—annihilate everything that has human consciousness.\nThe higher the Punishing Virus concentration in their bodies, the more savage and destructive they are.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading2.jpg30
9810101Punishing VirusThe Punishing Virus first appeared in the Vacuum Chamber of the first Zero-Point Reactor at extremely high density.\nIts Mass Deployment process resulted in explosions and leakage. Eventually, it spread all over the globe through atmospheric circulation.\nThe Punishing Virus is able to damage the cellular structure of organisms and infest mechanoids by manipulating their logic circuits.\nIt shows a strong tendency to attack any individual that exhibits human consciousness and behaviors.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading4.jpg30
10910101Gray RavenGray Raven is a legendary squad that belongs to the Task Force.\nTheir captain Lucia is a seasoned veteran.\nAll the members she has recruited into Gray Raven are the cream of the crop in their own professional fields.\nOn the other hand, there never ceases to be rumors and guesses in regard to how the Gray Raven squad was founded in the first place.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading6.jpg30
111110101International Space StationA cutting-edge experimental facility with a long history. It was mainly used to carry out experiments of Field Physics in the early Golden Age.\nShortly after the Grand Unified Theory was verified, the first gravity generation and manipulation experiment in human history was carried out.\nKorolev, the AI mascot of the ISS, was put in charge to explain the latest development in scientific theories to the public in simple terms.\nAfter the outbreak of the Punishing Virus, gravity went out of control around the ISS, and it begun to attract nearby Punishing Virus and spacecraft debris, growing bigger and bigger in the process.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading10.jpg30
121210101Inver-DeviceThe Inver-Device is the first line of defense against the Punishing Virus for all Constructs.\nAccording to the upgrade plan made by humans, Constructs are allowed to receive the Mind Beacons of nearby Commandants through the Inver-Device.\nThis is also an important precondition for the current Construct/Commandant tactical system.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading15.jpg30
131310101Akdilek Commercial AllianceAkdilek Commercial Alliance originated in the Middle East with Asslam, the Eternal Engine, as its territory.\nA distinctive train culture has been developed during its long journey. It is also known as the express moving city-state.\nAdhering to monarchy, its trading business has been across the Eurasian continent. It also has connections with various forces on the continent.\nAkdilek Commercial Alliance advocates interests, but it also has deeply rooted contradictions. The current leader is Akdilek IV—Akdilek Jamilah Emil.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading14.jpg30
141410101Kowloong Chamber of CommerceThe Kowloong Chamber of Commerce is a regional commercial organization established in the Golden Age in the coastal cities of East Asia. From the undertows of capital, to the strings of politics, the KCC was the actual master.\nThe Kowloong Crew who serve the KCC are all Constructs named after the nine sons of the dragon king. Together, they are responsible for operating the KCC.\nIn the Golden Age, the KCC invested an unthinkable amount of money and manpower into developing a Gestalt-tier AI. The Huaxu, named after a primordial Chinese goddess, was the result.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading17.jpg30
151610101Dead ZoneBattle zones in Babylonia are divided into 4 regions based on Punishing Virus zones: Low, Medium, High, and Deadly.\nSerums and Inver-Devices are ineffective against high-density Punishing Virus in Dead Zones. Additionally, the high density will cause Corrupted to go berserk,\ngreatly increased the danger of Dead Zones. Therefore, survivability in these regions is especially hostile toward Humans and Constructs.\nSpecialized Constructs can conduct short-term reconnaissance, but the long-term battle is impossible.\nKnown intel on Dead Zones has been provided by a scarce number of vanguard squads dispatched by Babylonia. Of which, a majority of the Constructs have been abandoned indefinitely within these zones.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading21.jpg30
161710101Forest Guard ISpecial organization based in the Siberian Forest, comprised primarily of humanoid hybrid Constructs.\nOriginally formed to prevent northward movement of Corrupted from southern Siberia into ARU territory.\nThe Forest Guard is currently led by a Construct named Rosetta.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading9.jpg30
171910101Tabula AkashaA human salvation project developed by Huaxu and introduced by Qu to reassure the public upon the outbreak of the Punishing Virus. Yet, the truth is it was a project laid by Qu and the Kowloong Crew based on Huaxu's deduction. It aims to upload the digitized data of all the people of Kowloong to a virtual space constructed by Huaxu, releasing their souls from the suffering of this world.\nKowloong Metropolis is an above-ground city built according to the Tabula Akasha. The digitized human data center is located in the Kowloong ruins under the city. Qu is the only person who knows how to enter the ruins. She is still secretly continuing with the Tabula Akasha in order to keep the human race alive until the end of the Earth.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading24.jpg30
182010101KowloongIn the Golden Age, the Kowloong Chamber of Commerce ruled this capital of the entire district. Located along the coast, this city is renowned for its waterways and roads extending and intertwining like blood vessels and nine dragon towers being tall enough to reach heaven. Its prosperity outshone every city back in the day.\nCooperating with Universal Toys, Kowloong was one of the pioneer cities that fully embraced the use of robots and androids. The KCC is governed by nine branches led by the Kowloong Crew. Its productivity and technology made a great leap forward at the time, but everything was destroyed after the outbreak of the Punishing Virus.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading25.jpg30
192110101GestaltGestalt is a super artificial intelligence created by global elites gathered by the Science Council of the Golden Age.\nThe public service network built on Gestalt's infrastructure has vastly enhanced people's lives.\nMeanwhile, with Gestalt's help, the Science Council has also made tremendous progress in intergalactic traveling.\nGestalt is now Babylonia's highest AI commander, serving the humankind. However, it appears that Gestalt has evolved over time.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading29.jpg30
202210101Punishing Red TidePunishing Red Tide serves as a breeding ground for Hetero-Creature. It devours and deconstructs machines and beings, converting the energy into nutrition for a large number of Punishing Hetero-Creatures.\nThe Hetero-Creatures begin to self-evolve by copying Earth's life forms under the Red Tide's nourishment.\nExternal causes have expedited the supposedly slow evolution, resulting in a significant number of Hetero-Creatures on the surface.\nThe Red Tide exhibits a tidal pattern, but its rising and falling is unrelated to celestial objects and is more like a form of creature prey.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading30.jpg30
212610101Specialized Frame IIDue to the unique source of bottom-level data required in the development of specialized frames, it usually takes a prolonged period of connection test and adjustment to match them with the M.I.N.D. of Constructs.\nForcing such frames into actual combat without proper tuning may result in various side-effects, including but not limited to memory data loss or loss of frame control due to M.I.N.D. deviation.\nThe Science Council has been seeking solutions to improve the frames and increase the chance of successful adaptation. An important breakthrough has been achieved recently.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading33.png30
222710101Zero-Point Reactor IAccording to quantum mechanics, there is an underlying background energy known as zero-point energy that exists in a vacuum and throughout the universe.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading35.png30
232810101Zero-Point Reactor IIDuring the Golden Age, a number of zero-point reactors were constructed by humanity in order to realize superluminal travel. As the exploration for zero-point energy was about to reach its final phase, the Punishing Virus suddenly emerged inside the vacuum chamber of the first zero-point reactor at ultrahigh density and spread across the world.\nHowever, Atlantis, presumably due to its different research progress or direction, managed to terminate the experiments on its reactor immediately after the Punishing Virus had surged out of the first zero-point reactor. Having adjusted its research direction, Atlantis has preserved its reactor to this day.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading35.png30
243010101WGAA IIApart from leading the trend, WGAA is also the biggest advocate for restoring old art.\nIt is because of the work of WGAA's Archaeological Team that art from the Golden Age is not lost in a time of war.\nIt is a core tenet of WGAA to recover, restore, inherit, and promote all art from Earth.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading37.png30
253110101Mechanical Awakening IWhen the deadly Punishing Virus was destroying everything, enlightened by Sagemachina, the awakening of machines became a flame that spread unnoticed.\nFrom those graffiti and scribblings originating from the machine language, the machines found a path to their sentients. Wisdom was forged within their iron shells.\nFree from the shackles they were born with, they now follow the footsteps of their Sagemachina and embark on their great journey.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading38.png30
263210101Mechanical Awakening IIWhen the awakening tide rushes onto the land, complicated calculations depict a strange landscape. Gestalt lights up its beacon, observing, recording, and studying. The shimmer begins to guide the arrival of our future.\nMachines of various origins and designs turn their attention to their makers that once were. Is it obedience or transcendence? Perhaps their answer will be pretty much the same as that of humanity.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading38.png30
273410101Lunar BaseA base located on the dark, silent surface of the moon, now managed by Norman Mining Corp—the biggest mining corporations of the Golden Age.\nTo test how zero-point energy would perform under low gravity in space, Babylonia's zero-point reactor and the manufacture of its engine were sent to the propulsion lab on the moon during Babylonia's production.\nUpon discovering the connection between zero-point reactors and the Punishing Virus, the reactor and the lunar base that housed it have been half-abandoned to this day.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading41.png30
283510101Copperfield AquariumA spacious aquarium located in the coastal area with great popularity back in the Golden Age. Its construction was solely funded by Copperfield. It applied cutting-edge bionic technology to realistically recreate the ecology and habits of marine life for visitors from around the globe.\nAs one of the leaders of the Transatlantic Economic Community, Copperfield was committed to pushing bionic technology forward. The Copperfield Aquarium stood not only as a museum for worldwide visitors, but also as a valuable contributor to bionic research.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading42.png30
293720001NarwhalA gigantic biomimetic machine with the form of a Narwhal, most commonly sighted in Arctic and Antarctic waters.\nThe Narwhal is covered in powerful weapons systems and its most prominent feature—the horn on its head—can extend when needed to permit direct communication with consciousness systems.\nThere are few extant records regarding the genesis of the Narwhal, however, it is most likely connected to M.I.N.D.s research.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading7.jpg30
303920001Forest Guard ISpecial organization based in the Siberian Forest, comprised primarily of humanoid hybrid Constructs.\nOriginally formed to prevent northward movement of Corrupted from southern Siberia into ARU territory.\nThe Forest Guard is currently led by a Construct named Rosetta.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading9.jpg30
314020002Hetero-CorePolymer Core is created when the polymers formed by the Punishing Virus under special environmental conditions assembles to a specific scale.\nDense and solid in texture, its behaviors are far more complicated than that of Punishing Virus.\nWith an extremely high density of Punishing Virus inside, it can create various heteromers by manipulating the Punishing Virus polymers around it.\nMany secrets of it remain unknown. The only one Polymer Core was discovered in the infected International Space Station.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading11.jpg30
324120003Happy New Year!Happy New YearAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading32.png30
334220004Asslam, the Eternal EngineA heavy nuclear fusion reactor drive, masterfully combined with Cosmos Industries' Central Purification Filter—this is Akdilek Commercial Alliance's very own moving castle.\nThis leviathan of a train is built in a procession of a locomotive, aristocrat carriages, functional carriages, passenger carriages, commoner carriages, cargo carriages, and industrial carriages. All carriages are detachable in an emergency.\nEarly on in the Golden Age, this train has already established a labyrinthine rail network on the Eurasian continent known as APUS.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading13.jpg30
344320004Akdilek Commercial AllianceAkdilek Commercial Alliance originated in the Middle East with Asslam, the Eternal Engine, as its territory.\nA distinctive train culture has been developed during its long journey. It is also known as the express moving city-state.\nAdhering to monarchy, its trading business has been across the Eurasian continent. It also has connections with various forces on the continent.\nAkdilek Commercial Alliance advocates interests, but it also has deeply rooted contradictions. The current leader is Akdilek IV—Akdilek Jamilah Emil.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading14.jpg30
354420005The Nighter of Nona Ouroboros Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading16.jpg30
364520006Kowloong Chamber of CommerceThe Kowloong Chamber of Commerce is a regional commercial organization established in the Golden Age in the coastal cities of East Asia. From the undertows of capital, to the strings of politics, the KCC was the actual master.\nThe Kowloong Crew who serve the KCC are all Constructs named after the nine sons of the dragon king. Together, they are responsible for operating the KCC.\nIn the Golden Age, the KCC invested an unthinkable amount of money and manpower into developing a Gestalt-tier AI. The Huaxu, named after a primordial Chinese goddess, was the result.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading17.jpg30
374620006The Nighter of Nona OuroborosThe coastal location dictated trade and shipbuilding as the Kowloong Chamber of Commerce's birthright.\nA Kua-Er (A Chinese god of strength) grade dreadnought—the Nighter—was built during the Golden Age by the KCC.\nWhen dusk falls, the Kowloong vessels would all stay berthed near the port temporarily.\nCombined and linked, their lights upon the deck can outshine even the sun. Dancer puppets would perform intricate and alluring dances. The second day would begin in their markets before midnight even comes.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading18.jpg30
384820008Venus Splash ParkVenus Splash Park is a cinema-themed water park built by Shome Group situated on a small island in the Caribbean.\nThe construction of the Venus Splash Park was largely in part due to support from the World Government's integration plan.\nThe splash park is lavishly designed, with a giant bionic Shark-speare statue as a symbol of the park.\nDue to various reason, the park never officially began operation and only opened when the Ascendants unsealed its firmly shut doors.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading20.jpg30
394920008Dead ZoneBattle zones in Babylonia are divided into 4 regions based on Punishing Virus zones: Low, Medium, High, and Deadly.\nSerums and Inver-Devices are ineffective against high-density Punishing Virus in Dead Zones. Additionally, the high density will cause Corrupted to go berserk,\ngreatly increased the danger of Dead Zones. Therefore, survivability in these regions is especially hostile toward Humans and Constructs.\nSpecialized Constructs can conduct short-term reconnaissance, but the long-term battle is impossible.\nKnown intel on Dead Zones has been provided by a scarce number of vanguard squads dispatched by Babylonia. Of which, a majority of the Constructs have been abandoned indefinitely within these zones.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading21.jpg30
405120009NarwhalA gigantic biomimetic machine with the form of a Narwhal, most commonly sighted in Arctic and Antarctic waters.\nThe Narwhal is covered in powerful weapons systems and its most prominent feature—the horn on its head—can extend when needed to permit direct communication with consciousness systems.\nThere are few extant records regarding the genesis of the Narwhal, however, it is most likely connected to M.I.N.D.s research.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading7.jpg30
415320009Forest Guard ISpecial organization based in the Siberian Forest, comprised primarily of humanoid hybrid Constructs.\nOriginally formed to prevent northward movement of Corrupted from southern Siberia into ARU territory.\nThe Forest Guard is currently led by a Construct named Rosetta.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading9.jpg30
425520010Tabula AkashaA human salvation project developed by Huaxu and introduced by Qu to reassure the public upon the outbreak of the Punishing Virus. Yet, the truth is it was a project laid by Qu and the Kowloong Crew based on Huaxu's deduction. It aims to upload the digitized data of all the people of Kowloong to a virtual space constructed by Huaxu, releasing their souls from the suffering of this world.\nKowloong Metropolis is an above-ground city built according to the Tabula Akasha. The digitized human data center is located in the Kowloong ruins under the city. Qu is the only person who knows how to enter the ruins. She is still secretly continuing with the Tabula Akasha in order to keep the human race alive until the end of the Earth.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading24.jpg30
435620010KowloongIn the Golden Age, the Kowloong Chamber of Commerce ruled this capital of the entire district. Located along the coast, this city is renowned for its waterways and roads extending and intertwining like blood vessels and nine dragon towers being tall enough to reach heaven. Its prosperity outshone every city back in the day.\nCooperating with Universal Toys, Kowloong was one of the pioneer cities that fully embraced the use of robots and androids. The KCC is governed by nine branches led by the Kowloong Crew. Its productivity and technology made a great leap forward at the time, but everything was destroyed after the outbreak of the Punishing Virus.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading25.jpg30
445720011Hetero-CreatureHetero-Creature is a biomimetic form of Punishing Virus that evolved from the Red Tide in simulating the evolution of earth creatures inside the earth's ecosystem.\nHumans have yet to discover the Hetero-Creature's evolutionary method, whether they have biological traits similar to earth organisms, or the reason for their biomization.\nThe only conclusion that can be drawn from their observations is that Hetero-Creature has exhibited the possibility of its own systemic development tree as well as the potential to awaken their consciousness.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading26.jpg30
455820011GestaltGestalt is a super artificial intelligence created by global elites gathered by the Science Council of the Golden Age.\nThe public service network built on Gestalt's infrastructure has vastly enhanced people's lives.\nMeanwhile, with Gestalt's help, the Science Council has also made tremendous progress in intergalactic traveling.\nGestalt is now Babylonia's highest AI commander, serving the humankind. However, it appears that Gestalt has evolved over time.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading29.jpg30
465920011Punishing Red TidePunishing Red Tide serves as a breeding ground for Hetero-Creature. It devours and deconstructs machines and beings, converting the energy into nutrition for a large number of Punishing Hetero-Creatures.\nThe Hetero-Creatures begin to self-evolve by copying Earth's life forms under the Red Tide's nourishment.\nExternal causes have expedited the supposedly slow evolution, resulting in a significant number of Hetero-Creatures on the surface.\nThe Red Tide exhibits a tidal pattern, but its rising and falling is unrelated to celestial objects and is more like a form of creature prey.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading30.jpg30
496520014Specialized Frame IIDue to the unique source of bottom-level data required in the development of specialized frames, it usually takes a prolonged period of connection test and adjustment to match them with the M.I.N.D. of Constructs.\nForcing such frames into actual combat without proper tuning may result in various side-effects, including but not limited to memory data loss or loss of frame control due to M.I.N.D. deviation.\nThe Science Council has been seeking solutions to improve the frames and increase the chance of successful adaptation. An important breakthrough has been achieved recently.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading33.png30
506820015Eden-Grade BabyloniaFilled with the unprecedented aspirations of humanity, Babylonia was supposed to be the first-ever superluminal starship for interstellar colonization.\nIts massive construction alone has ushered in a new era of human history, the Golden Age, where human beings stayed united and evolved.\nAfter the virus outbreak, the construction of Babylonia was forcibly terminated. Babylonia became the shelter for many survivors who had escaped to space.\nNow, Babylonia is anchored in the arc orbital dock and, as the starting point for taking back Earth, it maintains close ties with ground forces.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading.jpg30
516920015CorruptedThe types of the Corrupted include, but are not limited to electronic devices, facilities, mechanoids, and Constructs.\nBased on their physical characteristics, the Corrupted will have different propensities, namely modification, proliferation, and destruction.\nHowever, their ultimate purpose remains the same—annihilate everything that has human consciousness.\nThe higher the Punishing Virus concentration in their bodies, the more savage and destructive they are.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading2.jpg30
527020016Zero-Point Reactor IAccording to quantum mechanics, there is an underlying background energy known as zero-point energy that exists in a vacuum and throughout the universe.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading35.png30
537120016Zero-Point Reactor IIDuring the Golden Age, a number of zero-point reactors were constructed by humanity in order to realize superluminal travel. As the exploration for zero-point energy was about to reach its final phase, the Punishing Virus suddenly emerged inside the vacuum chamber of the first zero-point reactor at ultrahigh density and spread across the world.\nHowever, Atlantis, presumably due to its different research progress or direction, managed to terminate the experiments on its reactor immediately after the Punishing Virus had surged out of the first zero-point reactor. Having adjusted its research direction, Atlantis has preserved its reactor to this day.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading35.png30
547220017Unidentified Twins IA humanoid being given birth by the Hetero-Hive Mother.\nWith extraordinary individual performance and Intelligence Level.\nThe most evolved and purest Punishing Virus creature among the known Hetero-Creatures.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading36.png30
557320017Unidentified Twins IITheir appearance is just a signal.\nA symbol that the trial presented by the Punishing Virus against human beings has gone up to a new level.\nA reminder that human beings are still living in the shadow of disasters as long as there is Punishing Virus on Earth.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading36.png30
567420018Happy New Year!Happy New YearAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading39.png30
577530001Venus Splash ParkVenus Splash Park is a cinema-themed water park built by Shome Group situated on a small island in the Caribbean.\nThe construction of the Venus Splash Park was largely in part due to support from the World Government's integration plan.\nThe splash park is lavishly designed, with a giant bionic Shark-speare statue as a symbol of the park.\nDue to various reason, the park never officially began operation and only opened when the Ascendants unsealed its firmly shut doors.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgUi/BgFightLoading20.jpg30