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Raw Blame History

21300000151308500043Vassago ToyCollectiblesNanami made this toy based on the fierce Vassago after Gray Raven defeated it. Kamui always found new ways to play it.Unlocks after clearing Main Story 4-121Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection004.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
31300030031605Area ControllerCollectiblesThis controller monitors the number of areas cleared and is a symbol of total control within the areas. It is issued to the commandants who have demonstrated outstanding capabilities.Clear any Border Pact area without rebooting to receive11Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection006.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
41300040041702847001023847001034847001045Honor Support CertificateCollectiblesThe certificate issued by Babylonia Field HQ to honor the collaboration effort and spirit of unity. It can be upgraded to different levels.· Help others clear 10 stages to upgrade it to blue· Help others clear 50 stages to upgrade it to purple· Help others clear 200 stages to upgrade it to orangeHelp others to clear 1 Joint Warfare stage to receive1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection001.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
51300050051508500095ContestCollectiblesA large map that marks all the strongholds cleared. It is a symbol of the outstanding performance across various battlefields, as well as a wrap-up of the enormous effort made in those difficult battles.Complete Stronghold Chapter 121Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection003.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
61300060061102850021385002248500235Siege RecorderCollectiblesA recording device that the United Command Bureau issues to commandants who have vanquished strong enemies. (Participate in Simulated Siege to gain points. When the event ends, points gained are converted into Siege Recorder EXP at a rate of 10,000: 1)· [Siege Recorder] upgrades to blue when it reaches Lv.6· [Siege Recorder] upgrades to purple when it reaches Lv.11· [Siege Recorder] upgrades to orange when it reaches Lv.16Join the United Command Bureau to receive1111Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection015.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
713000700612028500303850031485003250.5Call Me BossCollectiblesDesigned specifically for those who are willing to help their fellow commandants, this item has recording functions. (Converts a fraction of the BP gap between the owner and the team member with the lowest BP into the Collectible's EXP when participating in Co-op and Joint Warfare)· Reach [Call Me Boss] Lv.50 to upgrade it to blue· Reach [Call Me Boss] Lv.100 to upgrade it to purple· Reach [Call Me Boss] Lv.150 to upgrade it to orangeJoin Co-op and Joint Warfare while not having the lowest BP in team.11Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection020.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
81300080010180385006748500685F.O.S. Instructor MedalCollectiblesIssued by Babylonia to commandants with outstanding performance in the mentorship program. A testament to the growth of the commandants on the battlefields under their mentor—a teacher, and a friend.· Have 4 students graduate to upgrade it to purple· Have 9 students graduate to upgrade it to orangeAvailable after 1 student graduates11Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection031.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
913005001999210002850001385000248500035Crimson LoveCollectiblesConstructs give this rare collectible to their commandant on the White Day. It carries special meanings.· Gain 3 [Crimson Love] to upgrade it to blue· Gain 6 [Crimson Love] to upgrade it to purple· Gain 10 [Crimson Love] to upgrade it to orangeConverted from [Crimson Love]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection007.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
1013005002999210012990058399005949900605Voice of ThoughtsCollectibleGifts given by members to the commandant on May 20 express their strong affection.· Gain [Voice of Thoughts] ×2 and rank up to Blue· Gain [Voice of Thoughts] ×5 and rank up to Purple· Gain [Voice of Thoughts] ×10 and rank up to OrangeComplete [Voice of Thoughts] to obtainAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection083.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
1113005100521100850006385000748500085Osiris BadgeCollectiblesA badge with Osiris printed on it to commemorate the incredible effort made to defeat him. Displays different colors as it levels up. Reserved for those who have survived the Doomsday Judgment. A testament to the epic battle against the Eye of Punishment and Eye of Judgment.· Clear Osiris Overclock - Elite to upgrade it to purple· Clear Osiris Overclock - Nightmare to upgrade it to orangeClear Co-op [event] Osiris Overclock to receiveAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection005.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
12130051015212008500202850013385001448500155Gabriel BadgeCollectiblesA badge with Gabriel printed on it to commemorate the incredible effort made to defeat him. Displays different colors as it levels up.· Clear Gabriel Overclock - Easy to upgrade it to blue· Clear Gabriel Overclock - Elite to upgrade it to purple· Clear Gabriel Overclock - Nightmare to upgrade it to orangeClear Co-op [event] Gabriel in Berserk or higher difficulty to receiveAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection012.png11Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
1313005102999212015Gabriel BadgeCollectiblesA badge with Gabriel printed on it to commemorate the incredible effort made to defeat him.Earned after conditions in Trial Zone [Nightmare Gabriel] fulfilled.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection012.png12Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
1413005103999212025Gabriel BadgeCollectiblesA badge with Gabriel printed on it (advanced version) to commemorate the incredible effort made to defeat him.Earned after conditions in Trial Zone [Nightmare Gabriel] fulfilled.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection023.png13Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
1513005104999212035Gabriel BadgeCollectiblesA badge with Gabriel printed on it (final version) to commemorate the incredible effort made to defeat him.Earned after conditions in Trial Zone [Nightmare Gabriel] fulfilled.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection029.png14Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
1613005200999213005Phosphor Bronze MedalCollectiblesThis honor is awarded to the commandants who have made it to the top. The counter will update every time a new medal is won. Forged with phosphor bronze, it is a symbol of battle-tested strength and techniques.Awarded to top 5%-10% players when Phalanx results are tallied1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection008.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
1713005201999213015Silver-coated MedalCollectiblesThis medal is only awarded to the top-ranking commandants, and is a symbol of outstanding strength and techniques. The counter will update every time a new medal is won. The perfectly blended silver and white colors make it a piece of art.Awarded to top 1%-5% players when Phalanx results are tallied1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection009.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
1813005202999213025Gold-coated MedalCollectiblesThis honor is only awarded to the best of the best commandants. The counter will update every time a new medal is won. The golden coating and carving represent unrivalled strength and techniques.Awarded to top 1% players when Phalanx results are tallied1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection010.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
1913005301999214012850024385002548500265Tokarev Tower BadgeCollectiblesUsed to reward the commandants who succeeded in an in-depth simulation of Project Babel tactical operation. It is delicately crafted with special sentimental value.· Collect 3 [Tokarev Tower Badges] to upgrade it to blue· Collect 6 [Tokarev Tower Badges] to upgrade it to purple· Collect 10 [Tokarev Tower Badges] to upgrade it to orangeConverted from [Tokarev Tower Badge]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/BabelReward1.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
2013005302999214022850027385002848500295Sand Tower BadgeCollectiblesRewarded to commandants who have succeeded in an in-depth simulation of Project Babel Tower tactical operation phase 2, Sands of Infinity. This symbol of glory has witnessed a brave legend.· Collect 3 [Sand Tower Badges] to upgrade it to blue· Collect 6 [Sand Tower Badges] to upgrade it to purple· Collect 10 [Sand Tower Badges] to upgrade it to orangeConverted from [Sand Tower Badge]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/BabelReward2.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
211300530022314032850010385001148500125Theme Park Tower BadgeCollectiblesA badge obtained from Project Babel: Theme Park. Rewarded to commandants who have succeeded in an in-depth simulation of Project Babel tactical operation phase 3. A testament to an unforgettable experience.· Complete Babel Tower mission [Ether Tower II] to upgrade it to blue· Complete Babel Tower mission [Ether Tower III] to upgrade it to purple· Complete Babel Tower mission [Ether Tower IV] to upgrade it to orangeClear Babel Tower: Theme Park to receive1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection011.pngAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerIconLv1.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
221300530322414042850039385004048500415Aurora Sky BadgeCollectiblesA badge obtained from Project Babel: Aurora Sky. Rewarded to commandants who have succeeded in an in-depth simulation of Project Babel tactical operation phase 4. A testament to an unforgettable experience.· Complete Babel Tower mission [Aurora Gate II] to upgrade it to blue· Complete Babel Tower mission [Aurora Gate III] to upgrade it to purple· Complete Babel Tower mission [Aurora Gate IV] to upgrade it to orangeClear Babel Tower: Aurora Sky to receive1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection016.pngAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBabelTower/UiBabelTowerIconLv2.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
231300530422514052850052385005348500545Bai Ze BadgeCollectiblesA badge obtained from Project Babel: Bai Ze Chamber. Rewarded to commandants who have succeeded in an in-depth simulation of Project Babel tactical operation phase 5. Hand-crafted by the best master artisans, this badge carries special value to collectors.· Complete Babel Tower mission [Tabula Akasha II] to upgrade it to blue· Complete Babel Tower mission [Tabula Akasha III] to upgrade it to purple· Complete Babel Tower mission [Tabula Akasha IV] to upgrade it to orangeClear Babel Tower: Bai Ze Chamber to receive1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection024.pngAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection024.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
241300530522614062850072385007348500745Morgana Sicily BadgeCollectiblesRewarded to the commandants who have succeeded in an in-depth simulation of Project Babel Tower: Morgana Sicily, this badge has adopted a traditional design and carries great ceremonial value.· Complete Babel Tower mission [Rising Pavilion II] to upgrade it to blue· Complete Babel Tower mission [Rising Pavilion III] to upgrade it to purple· Complete Babel Tower mission [Rising Pavilion IV] to upgrade it to orangeClear Babel Tower: Morgana Sicily to receive1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection042.pngAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection042.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
2513005400999215005Metal SurfboardCollectiblesA surfboard carrying summer memories. A big seller in Venus Splash Park.Complete Challenge Missions in Operation Summer to receiveAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection013.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
26130055017216012850042385004348500445Amberia FigureCollectiblesThe souvenir received after defeating Amberia. Displays different colors as it levels up. Let all the guilt and nightmares end here—· Gain 11★ Reward to upgrade it to blue· Gain 13★ Reward to upgrade it to purple· Gain 15★ Reward to upgrade it to orangeGain 9★ Reward in Karma Tidal to unlockAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection017.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
27130055027216022850055385005648500575Luna's Data SampleCollectiblesThe combat illusion collected by Babylonia. Displays different colors as it levels up. Available after simulating the battle against Luna. Her formidable power can be felt even from the sample.· Gain 11★ Reward to upgrade it to blue· Gain 13★ Reward to upgrade it to purple· Gain 15★ Reward to upgrade it to orangeGain 9★ Reward in Kowloong Theater to unlockAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection025.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
2813005701999218012850064385006548500665False Words CertificateCollectiblesFalse Words Certificate· Gain 10 [False Words Certificates] to upgrade it to blue· Gain 20 [False Words Certificates] to upgrade it to purple· Gain 30 [False Words Certificates] to upgrade it to orangeConverted from [False Words Certificate]1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection028.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
2913005900999220002850045385004648500475Mycenaean BastionCollectiblesA holographic badge inspired by a special castle design.· Collect 5 [Mycenaean Bastion] to upgrade it to blue· Collect 10 [Mycenaean Bastion] to upgrade it to purple· Collect 20 [Mycenaean Bastion] to upgrade it to orangeAvailable through participating in Mycenaean Protocol: WargameAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection018.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
30130060008221008500482850049385005048500515Book of Toro ScoreboardCollectiblesRecords the score earned in Book of Toro. The number displayed is updated based on the Trial Points earned during exploration (refreshes after clearing the Trial Mode).· Accumulate 1600 Trial Points to upgrade it to blue· Accumulate 1800 Trial Points to upgrade it to purple· Accumulate 2000 Trial Points to upgrade it to orangeObtained after clearing the Trial Mode of Book of Toro1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection026.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
311300610092165783960013006Honor MedalCollectiblesA medal issued by Babylonia to all the commandants who have worked hard over the past year. The digital panel records the commandant's glorious achievements, and is decorated by a frame made from precious metal. (Up to 2022/7/5, 2:00 UTC)1234From Anniversary Sign-inAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection033.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
3213006200999222002850061385006248500635Processing UnitCollectiblesEven a single processing unit of Gestalt also processes incredible computing power. As Gestalt is gradually repaired, the processing units available for teams to use will also level up.· Gain 5 [Processing Unit] to upgrade it to blue· Gain 6 [Processing Unit] to upgrade it to purple· Gain 10 [Processing Unit] to upgrade it to orangeConverted from [Processing Unit]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection036.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
3313006300999223002Temp Imbalance TapeCollectiblesDefeat all the obstacles to seize the victory. The best commandant of Babylonia will never lose! Records Commandant's outstanding performance during Temp Imbalance. Also has Celica's autograph on it.Converted from [Temp Imbalance Tape]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection037.png21Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
3413006301999223013Temp Imbalance TapeCollectiblesDefeat all the obstacles to seize the victory. The best commandant of Babylonia will never lose! Records Commandant's outstanding performance during Temp Imbalance. Also has Celica's autograph on it.Converted from [Temp Imbalance Tape]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection037.png22Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
3513006302999223024Temp Imbalance TapeCollectiblesDefeat all the obstacles to seize the victory. The best commandant of Babylonia will never lose! Records Commandant's outstanding performance during Temp Imbalance. Also has Celica's autograph on it.Converted from [Temp Imbalance Tape]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection037.png23Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
3613006303999223035Temp Imbalance TapeCollectiblesDefeat all the obstacles to seize the victory. The best commandant of Babylonia will never lose! Records Commandant's outstanding performance during Temp Imbalance. Also has Celica's autograph on it.Converted from [Temp Imbalance Tape]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection037.png24Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
3713006400999224005POD ModelCollectiblesLimited POD ModelClear the hidden missions of Untold NarakaAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection038.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
3813006600999224015Caesar & Cheney - Mk 79CollectibleThe collectible given to players and Constructs for completing events in various locations during the White Day. You can put vinyl records in this rare Golden Age machine to play songs from that era.From White Day eventAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection043.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
3913006800999224044Crafted LanternCollectiblesA red rectangle hand-crafted lantern. Its wick is made from the tactical torches the children gathered in the Oasis. It brings a warm, orange light to the lonely night.From Lantern Festival Sign-inAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection041.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
4013006900999224052Eden Festival FlagCollectiblesBanners and balloons all over the Eden Festival were released together in the Opening Ceremony, flying to the skies along with good wishes. The Eden Festival flag flying on the pole witnessed the grand and cheerful celebration of a world without war and suffering, and recorded the unforgettable moments spent with them during the Festival.Obtain by completing [Accept My Cheer VI]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection045.png31Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
4113006901999224083Eden Festival FlagCollectiblesBanners and balloons all over the Eden Festival were released together in the Opening Ceremony, flying to the skies along with good wishes. The Eden Festival flag flying on the pole witnessed the grand and cheerful celebration of a world without war and suffering, and recorded the unforgettable moments spent with them during the Festival.Complete [Accept My Cheer VII] to upgrade it to blueAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection045.png32Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
4213006902999224094Eden Festival FlagCollectiblesBanners and balloons all over the Eden Festival were released together in the Opening Ceremony, flying to the skies along with good wishes. The Eden Festival flag flying on the pole witnessed the grand and cheerful celebration of a world without war and suffering, and recorded the unforgettable moments spent with them during the Festival.Complete [Accept My Cheer VIII] to upgrade it to purpleAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection045.png33Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
4313006903999224105Eden Festival FlagCollectiblesBanners and balloons all over the Eden Festival were released together in the Opening Ceremony, flying to the skies along with good wishes. The Eden Festival flag flying on the pole witnessed the grand and cheerful celebration of a world without war and suffering, and recorded the unforgettable moments spent with them during the Festival.Complete [Accept My Cheer IX] to upgrade it to orangeAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection045.png34Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
4413007000999224062850075385007648500775War-Experienced RibbonCollectiblesHistory has always been written by the winner. In this case, after so many battles, you are experienced and worthy for receiving this War-Experienced Ribbon.—Hassen·Gain 2 [War-Experienced Ribbon] to upgrade it to blue·Gain 4 [War-Experienced Ribbon] to upgrade it to purple·Gain 5 [War-Experienced Ribbon] to upgrade it to orangeObtain by participating in Mycenaean Protocol: Blind SimulationAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection046.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
4513007200999225005JOKERCollectiblesA rare commemorative card that only appears in a few dozen popular card decks in Babylonia. The front of this shining gold card is a symbol of mysterious power. This makes it quite the collector's item.Win 10 times consecutively in Poker GuessingAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection048.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
46130073009992260048500815Calculation SuitcaseCollectiblesA suitcase containing the formulas and procedures for checking the whole process. Data can be viewed through the electronic screen on the outside of the case without opening it. Gain 2 [Calculation Case], and rank up to OrangeParticipate in Chained Simulation to obtain itAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection050.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
4713007400999227002850082385008348500845Message In A BottleCollectiblesAsimov's cherished personal collectible.·Gain 3 [Message In A Bottle] and rank up to Blue·Gain 6 [Message In A Bottle] and rank up to Purple·Gain 10 [Message In A Bottle] and rank up to OrangeCollect points rewards of Limit Break to obtain itAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection051.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
4813007600999229004Secret TreasureCollectiblesAnswer all puzzles correctly to obtain the hidden treasures.Participate the [Treasure Rush] Event to obtain itAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection052.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
4913007700999230002850085385008648500875Horizon Echoes - AlbumCollectiblesAn album recorded in an old storage device. The stories of the ocean are sung by an old yet rich voice.· Gain 3 [Horizon Echoes - Album], quality upgrade to Blue· Gain 6 [Horizon Echoes - Album], quality upgrade to Purple· Gain 10 [Horizon Echoes - Album], quality upgrade to OrangeObtain by clearing [Into the Deep]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection054.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
501300780022714072850088385008948500905Maelstrom BadgeCollectiblesA badge obtained from Babel Tower: Maelstrom. The unique design of this badge shows how much effort was poured into making this tiny badge. A commendation to commandants for successfully completing Babel Tower: Maelstrom Phase 7. This meticulously designed medallion is a symbol of bravery and glory in battle for those who wear it.· Complete Babel Tower mission [Sail Against the Tide II] to upgrade it to blue· Complete Babel Tower mission [Sail Against the Tide III] to upgrade it to purple· Complete Babel Tower mission [Sail Against the Tide IV] to upgrade it to orangeClear Babel Tower: Maelstrom 1 time to receive1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection053.pngAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection053.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
5113007900999232002850091385009248500935Combat DaggerCollectiblesA dagger carried by Vera when she was still a medic on the field. Used to protect or end herself in desperate times.· Gain 2 [Combat Dagger] to upgrade it to Blue· Gain 3 [Combat Dagger] to upgrade it to Purple· Gain 4 [Combat Dagger] to upgrade it to OrangeObtain by clearing [Warrior's Triumph]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection055.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
5213010000999235002990000399000149900025Heterosoil Grown CertCollectibleThe certificate for Heterosoil Grown. A hint of the new-born disaster has been captured inside.· Gain 18 [Heterosoil Grown Cert] to upgrade it to blue· Gain 36 [Heterosoil Grown Cert] to upgrade it to purple· Gain 56 [Heterosoil Grown Cert] to upgrade it to orangeAvailable after completing [KI.GAL Archives - Heterosoil Grown]1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection057.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
5313011000999236002990003399000449900055Hand-held Signal TowerCollectibleA popular tech toy in Babylonia equipped with communication features within certain channels. Kids often use this to secretly talk to one another.· Gain 3 [Hand-held Signal Tower] to upgrade it to blue· Gain 5 [Hand-held Signal Tower] to upgrade it to purple· Gain 7 [Hand-held Signal Tower] to upgrade it to orangeAvailable through [Circuit Connect]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection059.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
5413012001999237002990015399001649900175Planetary SequenceCollectibleA handmade galaxy model that is not as accurate and convenient as hologram projection but thus more imaginative.· Gain 44,000 points to upgrade it to Blue· Gain 48,000 points to upgrade it to Purple· Gain 52,000 points to upgrade it to OrangeObtained by clearing [Limit Break]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection063.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
5513012002999237012990012399001349900145Caged BirdCollectibleEven though there is not much time left to escape, she still decides to stay here.· Gain [Caged Bird] x2 and rank up to Blue· Gain [Caged Bird] x3 and rank up to Purple· Gain [Caged Bird] x4 and rank up to OrangeObtained by clearing [Glimmering Life]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection061.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
5613012004229460114082990006399000749900085Nocturnal Path BadgeCollectibleA badge obtained from Project Babel Tower: Nocturnal Path, whose unique artistic carving makes it stand out among all the badges. A reward for commandants who have achieved Deep Strategic Simulation in Project Babel Tower Phase 8: Nocturnal Path. Its unique luster and carving design is a symbol of the excellent performance of its owner in a battle.· Complete Babel Tower mission [Nocturnal Journey VII], quality upgrade to Blue· Complete Babel Tower mission [Nocturnal Journey VIII], quality upgrade to Purple· Complete Babel Tower mission [Nocturnal Journey IX], quality upgrade to OrangeClear Babel Tower: Nocturnal Journey to receive1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection064.pngAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection064.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
5713013001999238005Memorial Photo AlbumCollectibleAn album full of precious memories with everyone. Hope these memories can fill your days in the future.Obtained on the birthdayAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection065.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
5813013002999238012990019399002049900215Concerto No. 1: IrisCollectibleThis is the first concerto that Selena wrote by pouring her feelings into the music as an opera singer. Although it is not perfect and the minor mistakes on it always make Selena look away in embarrassment, she still cherishes the music score and keeps it in a box to take care of it. Now, this memory is lying quietly in your hand like the music score that waits for two to play it till the end.· Gain 2 <Iris> to upgrade it to Blue· Gain 3 <Iris> to upgrade it to Purple· Gain 4 <Iris> to upgrade it to OrangeObtained by clearing [Accompanist's Song]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection066.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
5913013003999238022990022399002349900245Festival Group PhotoCollectibleThe only group photo the Scavengers left. It records the last days of their struggles. However, most of the people in the photo have vanished in the changes of the times.· Gain 2 [Festival Group Photo] to upgrade it to Blue· Gain 3 [Festival Group Photo] to upgrade it to Purple· Gain 5 [Festival Group Photo] to upgrade it to OrangeObtained by clearing [Immunopolis]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection068.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
601301300492168921360013016Honor Medal IICollectibleDear commandants, you have been through the most difficult battles this year, from the Red Tide to Atlantis. You fought so bravely that you all managed to seize hope even in difficult times. Hope this precious medal will witness your victory in the future and become a part of your memory.(Up to 2023/7/13 02:00 UTC)1234Obtained from the 2nd Anniversary Sign-in eventAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection067.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
6113014001999239012990028399002949900305Ultimate BudoCollectibleThe ultimate state martial artists are working toward their whole life is not to defeat their opponents by punching and kicking or with weapons but to seek a way of coexistence with them. But of course, if reasoning doesn't work, we'll have to try some other way...· Gain [Ultimate Budo] x2 and rank up to Blue· Gain [Ultimate Budo] x3 and rank up to Purple· Gain [Ultimate Budo] x4 and rank up to OrangeObtained by clearing [Roamer Records]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection070.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
6213014002999239022990031399003249900335Stopped PocketwatchCollectibleThe lid is broken and the cogs sound squeaky. The watch that could only run with a special spring has now found a brief moment of peace.· Gain [Stopped Pocketwatch] x2 and rank up to Blue· Gain [Stopped Pocketwatch] x3 and rank up to Purple· Gain [Stopped Pocketwatch] x4 and rank up to OrangeObtained by clearing [Devour Wave Escape]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection071.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
6313014003999239032990034399003549900365Mini Wood MatrixCollectibleAn old Kowloong educational toy invented by an ancient architect. He put together this toy with mortise and tenon joints for children to play with. People in Kowloong believe that children can develop their observational and practical abilities by repetitively assembling and disassembling a complex structure. These toys come in different difficulty levels to satisfy the needs of children of different ages, but those of higher difficulty levels are enough to indulge adults.· Gain [Mini Wood Matrix] x3 and rank up to Blue· Gain [Mini Wood Matrix] x5 and rank up to Purple· Gain [Mini Wood Matrix] x7 and rank up to OrangeObtained by clearing [Circuit Connect]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection072.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
6413014004999239045Frozen Ice CrownCollectibleA crown that is said will never melt. It is granted to all commandants who have completed Crabsgiving Day missions! Thank you for your participation!Obtained by clearing [Crabsgiving Day]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection073.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
6513015002999240022990046399004749900485SnowmanCollectibleA delicate handicraft that represents missing thoughts that will never melt.· Gain [Snowman] x2 and rank up to Blue· Gain [Snowman] x3 and rank up to Purple· Gain [Snowman] x5 and rank up to OrangeObtained by clearing [Plum Snow]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection077.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
66130150032211730114092990040399004149900425Ruins of Nothingness BadgeCollectibleA commemorative badge obtained from Project Babel Tower: Ruins of Nothingness. It's a precious collectible. Awarded to commandants who have achieved deep strategy simulation in the Ruins of Nothingness operation.· Complete Babel Tower mission [Ruins VII] and rank up to Blue· Complete Babel Tower mission [Ruins VIII] and rank up to Purple· Complete Babel Tower mission [Ruins IX] and rank up to OrangeObtained by clearing [Babel Tower: Ruins of Nothingness] 1 time1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection078.pngAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection078.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
6713015004999240032990043399004449900455Eternal CosmosCollectibleWhat keeps spinning in her soul is a tiny cosmos that has witnessed the past and the future.· Gain [Eternal Cosmos] x2 and rank up to Blue· Gain [Eternal Cosmos] x3 and rank up to Purple· Gain [Eternal Cosmos] x4 and rank up to OrangeObtained by clearing [Robo-Heart]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection076.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
6813015005999240042990049399005049900515History of the CosmosCollectibleCold matters, piled matters, orbits, gathering, and stability. Fusion, burning, the red giant star, and coldness. All happening in front of our eyes. In the vast starry sky, countless stars are being born, and countless are dying. Some are our past. Some are our future. And this medal is for you, who have been through so many battles to witness the rise and fall of the stars at this particular moment.· Gain [History of the Cosmos] x6 and rank up to Blue· Gain [History of the Cosmos] x11 and rank up to Purple· Gain [History of the Cosmos] x16 and rank up to OrangeObtained by clearing [Mycenaean Protocol - Prophetic Surveillance]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection079.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
6913015006999240055Decorative FanCollectibleA decorative fan featuring vibrant plum blossoms.Obtained by clearing the event [Handmade Blessings]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection075.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
7013016001999250012990055399005649900575Spin This Disco BallCollectibleProvided by an unknown young rapper. Very useful to enliven the atmosphere. Kind reminder: don't use it in residential areas.· Gain [Spin This Disco Ball] ×2 and rank up to Blue· Gain [Spin This Disco Ball] ×3 and rank up to Purple· Gain [Spin This Disco Ball] ×4 and rank up to OrangeObtained by clearing [Disco Panini]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection081.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
7113016002999250022990052399005349900545Difference EngineCollectibleHaicma often looks at it and wonders if the machine has its own thoughts.· Gain [Difference Engine] ×2 and rank up to Blue· Gain [Difference Engine] ×3 and rank up to Purple· Gain [Difference Engine] ×4 and rank up to OrangeObtained by clearing [Godseeker's Psalm]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection082.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
7213017001999260015Pixel MasterCollectibleA special trophy given to the winner of [Magic Square Funfair]. Although it can be disassembled into colorful parts, it requires considerable brainpower to be put back together.Complete [Magic Square Funfair] to obtainAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection086.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
7313018001999270022990067399006849900695Wanderer's JournalCollectibleIt's hard to imagine how this worn-out paper notebook has been preserved until this day. The bloodstains and water stains on the cover have already dried up. The writings inside are not from the same person.· Collect 2 [Wanderer's Journal] to upgrade it to Blue.· Collect 3 [Wanderer's Journal] to upgrade it to Purple.· Collect 4 [Wanderer's Journal] to upgrade it to Orange.Obtained by clearing [Immunopolis: Wasteland Journal]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection087.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
7413018002999270032990070399007149900725Sunflower and FeatherCollectibleThe sinner slowly recounts his memory and gives the keepsake of the precious highlights to you, his attentive listener. Among them, there are flowers rooted into the ground but following the light and traces left by flying seagulls.· Gain 2 [Sunflower and Feather] to upgrade it to Blue.· Gain 3 [Sunflower and Feather] to upgrade it to Purple.· Gain 4 [Sunflower and Feather] to upgrade it to Orange.Obtained by clearing [A Sinner's Confession]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection088.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
7513019001999280012990085399008649900875Summer MemoryCollectibleA recording of the summer shot and saved because the recorder accidentally switched to the recording mode in a hurry.· Gain 3 [Summer Memory] to upgrade it to Blue· Gain 5 [Summer Memory] to upgrade it to Purple· Gain 7 [Summer Memory] to upgrade it to OrangeObtain by clearing [Midsummer Memento]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection093.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
7613019002999280022990076399007749900785Lithos' Data SampleCollectibleThe combat echo collected by Babylonia. Displays different colors as it levels up. Available after simulating the battle against Litho. Her mysterious power can be felt even from the sample.· Gain 6★ Reward and rank up to Blue· Gain 9★ Reward and rank up to Purple· Gain 15★ Reward and rank up to OrangeObtain by clearing [Exodus Memoria]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection094.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
771301900322131140180032990079399008049900815Triumphant Tide BadgeCollectibleA badge obtained from Project Babel: Triumphant Tide. Rewarded to commandants who have succeeded in an in-depth simulation of Project Babel tactical operation phase 10. The design carries the wish for the warrior to achieve a victory.· Complete Babel Tower mission [Song of Victory VII] to upgrade it to Blue· Complete Babel Tower mission [Song of Victory VIII] to upgrade it to Purple· Complete Babel Tower mission [Song of Victory IX] to upgrade it to OrangeObtained by clearing [Babel Tower: Triumphant Tide] once1Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection091.pngAssets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection091.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
7813019004999280042990082399008349900845Fluorescent CoralCollectibleA coral of a dim fluorescent color. The call of the tide attracts the fairies from the deep sea to the coast, turning it into a starry river that guides Bianca back home.· Gain 2 [Fluorescent Coral] to upgrade it to Blue· Gain 3 [Fluorescent Coral] to upgrade it to Purple· Gain 4 [Fluorescent Coral] to upgrade it to OrangeObtain by clearing [Reborn Resolve]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection092.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
7913019101999290012990088399008949900905Ballerina TutuCollectibleA soft snow-white tutu quietly hung on the display stand. With this tutu on, a ballerina lifts her knee and spins her body round and round. Does she realize why she has to dance? Does she remember the dance she performed yesterday? Does she know... when she can stop dancing?· Gain [Ballerina Tutu] ×2 and rank up to Blue· Gain [Ballerina Tutu] ×3 and rank up to Purple· Gain [Ballerina Tutu] ×4 and rank up to OrangeAvailable through [A Dance in the Park]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection096.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
8013019102999290022990091399009249900935Rhomboid PolymagnetCollectibleA once-popular toy in Babylonia created using the Engineering Force's industrial molds. It was discontinued due to safety issues from its imprudent pursuit of recreating industrial magnetism. Please handle this rarity with extreme care as it is both precious and extremely dangerous when near magnetic substances...· Gain [Rhomboid Polymagnet] ×2 and rank up to Blue· Gain [Rhomboid Polymagnet] ×3 and rank up to Purple· Gain [Rhomboid Polymagnet] ×4 and rank up to OrangeAvailable through [Circuit Connect - Force Unleashed]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection095.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
8113019103999290032990094399009549900965Porcelain SwanCollectibleAn exquisite porcelain of a swan resting on a tranquil lake. Noble and elegant, it wordlessly embodies Bambinata's wish for the partner dance she is well familiar with but unable to recreate.· Gain [Porcelain Swan] ×2 and rank up to Blue· Gain [Porcelain Swan] ×3 and rank up to Purple· Gain [Porcelain Swan] ×4 and rank up to OrangeAvailable through [Dialogues with an Existentialist]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection098.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab
8213019104999290045Blessing From the MoonCollectibleA special bookmark made by the WGAA in commemoration of the Mid-Autumn Festival. It has a blessing engraved on one side, and the other side is for you to write a message for someone you care about. Legend has it that if the bookmarks you receive are enough to form a full moon, you may engrave your wish on them, and the day of your dream coming true will arrive very soon.Available through the Mid-Autumn Festival event [Once in a Blue Moon]Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiCollection/Iconcollection097.pngAssets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiCollection/CollectionStyleOne.prefab