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21011Matrix - War Blade - Phase 1101Upon dealing Physical DMG, reduces the enemy's DEF by <color=#dbb536>100%</color> for <color=#dbb536>15</color>s. Triggering this effect again will renew its duration. It does not stack with other Bonds.Total Stars of War Blade members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2131001110111
31012Matrix - War Blade - Phase 2101Upon dealing DMG, reduces the enemy's Extra DMG Reduction by <color=#dbb536>50%</color> for <color=#dbb536>15</color>s. Triggering this effect again will renew its duration. It does not stack with other Bonds.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 1</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of War Blade members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>41410011100121011101111
41013Matrix - War Blade - Phase 3101Upon entering battle, CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG permanently increase by <color=#dbb536>40%</color> and <color=#dbb536>100%</color> respectively.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 2</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of War Blade members reach <color=#dbb536>6★</color>615100111001210013101110111011111
51014Matrix - War Blade - Phase 4101Upon entering battle, inflicts the <color=#dbb536>Frail</color> effect on all enemies, which will make them receive <color=#dbb536>30%</color> more Physical DMG.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Lv.3</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of War Blade members reach <color=#dbb536>8★</color>8161001110012100131001410111011101110111111
61015Crimson - War Blade - Phase 5101Upon dealing DMG, summons floating blades to attack the enemy, dealing a total of <color=#dbb536>1,500%</color> Physical DMG with a <color=#dbb536>30%</color> Blood Draining effect; cooldown: <color=#dbb536>10</color>s.\nWhen dealing <color=#dbb536>Physical DMG</color>, the final DMG increases by <color=#dbb536>50%</color>.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Lv.4</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of War Blade members reach <color=#dbb536>10★</color>1011610011100121001310014100151011101110111011101111111
71021Matrix - Fire - Phase 1102Fire Extra DMG Bonus increases by <color=#dbb536>50%</color>. Does not stack with other Bonds.Total Stars of Matrix - Fire members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2131002110211
81022Matrix - Fire - Phase 2102Upon dealing DMG, reduces the enemy's Extra DMG Reduction by <color=#dbb536>50%</color> for <color=#dbb536>15</color>s. Triggering this effect again will renew its duration. It does not stack with other Bonds.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 1</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Matrix - Fire members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>41410021100221021102111
91023Matrix - Fire - Phase 3102Upon dealing DMG, reduces the enemy's Fire Resistance by <color=#dbb536>70%</color> for <color=#dbb536>15</color>s. Triggering this effect again will renew its duration. It does not stack with other Bonds.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 2</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Matrix - Fire members reach <color=#dbb536>6★</color>615100211002210023102110211021111
101024Matrix - Fire - Phase 4102Upon entering battle, inflicts the <color=#dbb536>Combustible</color> effect on all enemies, which will make them receive <color=#dbb536>30%</color> more Fire DMG.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Lv.3</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Matrix - Fire members reach <color=#dbb536>8★</color>8161002110022100231002410211021102110211111
111025Crimson - Fire - Phase 5102Upon dealing DMG, summons a meteor to strike a wide area, dealing <color=#dbb536>3,000%</color> Fire DMG to all enemies within range. Afflicted enemies have their Extra DMG Bonus reduced by <color=#dbb536>50%</color> for <color=#dbb536>5s</color>; cooldown: <color=#dbb536>10</color>s.\nWhen dealing <color=#dbb536>Fire DMG</color>, the final DMG increases by <color=#dbb536>50%</color>.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Lv.4</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Matrix - Fire members reach <color=#dbb536>10★</color>1011610021100221002310024100251021102110211021102111111
121031Matrix - Lightning - Phase 1103Lightning Extra DMG Bonus increases by <color=#dbb536>50%</color>. Does not stack with other Bonds.Total Stars of Matrix - Lightning members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2131003110311
131032Matrix - Lightning - Phase 2103Upon dealing DMG, reduces the enemy's Extra DMG Reduction by <color=#dbb536>50%</color> for <color=#dbb536>15</color>s. Triggering this effect again will renew its duration. It does not stack with other Bonds.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 1</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Matrix - Lightning members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>41410031100321031103111
141033Matrix - Lightning - Phase 3103Upon dealing DMG, reduces the enemy's Lightning Resistance by <color=#dbb536>70%</color> for <color=#dbb536>15</color>s. Triggering this effect again will renew its duration. It does not stack with other Bonds.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 2</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Matrix - Lightning members reach <color=#dbb536>6★</color>615100311003210033103110311031111
151034Matrix - Lightning - Phase 4103Upon entering battle, inflicts the <color=#dbb536>Electrode</color> effect on all enemies, which will make them receive <color=#dbb536>30%</color> more Lightning DMG.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Lv.3</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Matrix - Lightning members reach <color=#dbb536>8★</color>8161003110032100331003410311031103110311111
161035Crimson - Lightning - Phase 5103Dealing DMG creates a lightning formation around yourself, striking random enemies <color=#dbb536>5</color> times, each dealing <color=#dbb536>1,000%</color> Lightning DMG, with a <color=#dbb536>30%</color> chance to stun enemies; cooldown: <color=#dbb536>10</color>s.\nWhen dealing <color=#dbb536>Lightning DMG</color>, the final DMG increases by <color=#dbb536>50%</color>.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Lv.4</color> Bond effects are inherited.Total Stars of Matrix - Lightning members reach <color=#dbb536>10★</color>1011610031100321003310034100351031103110311031103111111
171041Matrix - Dark - Phase 1104Dark Extra DMG Bonus increases by <color=#dbb536>50%</color>. Does not stack with other Bonds.Total Stars of Matrix - Dark members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2131004110411
181042Matrix - Dark - Phase 2104Upon dealing DMG, reduces the enemy's Extra DMG Reduction by <color=#dbb536>50%</color> for <color=#dbb536>15</color>s. Triggering this effect again will renew its duration. It does not stack with other Bonds.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 1</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Matrix - Dark members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>41410041100421041104111
191043Matrix - Dark - Phase 3104Upon dealing DMG, reduces the enemy's Dark Resistance by <color=#dbb536>70%</color> for <color=#dbb536>15</color>s. Triggering this effect again will renew its duration. It does not stack with other Bonds.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 2</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Matrix - Dark members reach <color=#dbb536>6★</color>615100411004210043104110411041111
201044Matrix - Dark - Phase 4104Upon entering battle, inflicts the <color=#dbb536>Corrosion</color> effect on all enemies, which will make them receive <color=#dbb536>30%</color> more Dark DMG.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Lv.3</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Matrix - Dark members reach <color=#dbb536>8★</color>8161004110042100431004410411041104110411111
211045Crimson - Dark - Phase 5104Upon dealing DMG, creates a black hole that deals <color=#dbb536>3,000%</color> Dark DMG to all enemies within a wide area, pulling them in after a brief delay; cooldown: <color=#dbb536>10</color>s.\nWhen dealing <color=#dbb536>Dark DMG</color>, the final DMG increases by <color=#dbb536>50%</color>.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Lv.4</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Matrix - Dark members reach <color=#dbb536>10★</color>1011610041100421004310044100451041104110411041104111111
221051Matrix - Ice - Phase 1105Ice Extra DMG Bonus increases by <color=#dbb536>50%</color>. Does not stack with other Bonds.Total Stars of Matrix - Ice members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2131005110511
231052Matrix - Ice - Phase 2105Upon dealing DMG, reduces the enemy's Extra DMG Reduction by <color=#dbb536>50%</color> for <color=#dbb536>15</color>s. Triggering this effect again will renew its duration. It does not stack with other Bonds.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 1</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Matrix - Ice members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>41410051100521051105111
241053Matrix - Ice - Phase 3105Upon dealing DMG, reduces the enemy's Ice Resistance by <color=#dbb536>70%</color> for <color=#dbb536>15</color>s. Triggering this effect again will renew its duration. It does not stack with other Bonds.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 2</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Matrix - Ice members reach <color=#dbb536>6★</color>615100511005210053105110511051111
251054Matrix - Ice - Phase 4105Upon entering battle, inflicts the <color=#dbb536>Frost</color> effect on all enemies, which will make them receive <color=#dbb536>30%</color> more Ice DMG.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Lv.3</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Matrix - Ice members reach <color=#dbb536>8★</color>8161005110052100531005410511051105110511111
261055Matrix - Ice - Phase 5105When taking DMG from enemies, <color=#dbb536>gains immunity to that DMG</color> and deals <color=#dbb536>3,000%</color> Ice DMG to the attacker, briefly <color=#dbb536>freezing</color> them; cooldown: <color=#dbb536>10</color>s per enemy.\nWhen dealing <color=#dbb536>Ice DMG</color>, the final DMG increases by <color=#dbb536>50%</color>.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Lv.4</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Matrix - Ice members reach <color=#dbb536>10★</color>1011610051100521005310054100551051105110511051105111111
272011Gaze Realm - Phase 1201In Matrix, all characters have <color=#dbb536>50%</color> more Extra DMG Bonus for <color=#dbb536>3s</color>.Total Stars of Gaze Realm members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2132001120111
282012Gaze Realm - Phase 2201Reduces Matrix cooldown by <color=#dbb536>50%</color>.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 1</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Gaze Realm members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>41420011200122011201111
292021Pure Mercy - Phase 1202Excess healing for all characters is converted into True DMG equal to <color=#dbb536>2,000%</color> of the healing amount in a radius of <color=#dbb536>12 meters</color>.Total Stars of Pure Mercy members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2132002120211
302022Pure Mercy - Phase 2202All healing and HP recovery effects increase by <color=#dbb536>100%</color> and will not be affected by the healing decrease.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 1</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Pure Mercy members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>41420021200222021202111
312023Pure Mercy - Phase 3202All characters (<color=#dbb536>including standby characters</color>) restore <color=#dbb536>10%</color> max HP every second and standby characters' overflow healing will be applied to the character in use.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 2</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Pure Mercy members reach <color=#dbb536>6★</color>615200212002220023202120212021111
322031Extreme Calculation - Phase 1203Every time any character deals DMG, adds an additional <color=#dbb536>5,000</color> True DMG; won't trigger recursively.Total Stars of Extreme Calculation members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2132003120311
332032Extreme Calculation - Phase 2203Every time any character deals DMG, adds an additional <color=#dbb536>combo count x250</color> True DMG; won't trigger recursively\nAll <color=#dbb536>Lv.1</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Extreme Calculation members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>41420031200322031203111
342041Fighter's Wings - Phase 1204All characters have <color=#dbb536>50%</color> more max HP. Upon dealing DMG to the <color=#dbb536>shield</color>, deal the same amount of True DMG.Total Stars of Fighter's Wings members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2132004120411
352042Fighter's Wings - Phase 2204All characters gain <color=#dbb536>Super Armor</color> and will not receive DMG beyond <color=#dbb536>20%</color> of their max HP from a single attack.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 1</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Fighter's Wings members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>41420041200422041204111
362043Fighter's Wings - Phase 3204Every time any character takes DMG, inflicts True DMG equal to <color=#dbb536>15x</color> of their max HP to all enemies within <color=#dbb536>12 meters</color>.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Lv.2</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Fighter's Wings members reach <color=#dbb536>6★</color>615200412004220043204120412041111
372051Little League - Phase 1205Upon entering battle, summons Polar Bear <color=#dbb536>Martin</color> with a random one of the following effects:\n<color=#dbb536>Martin</color> deals DMG equal to <color=#dbb536>5%</color> max HP every <color=#dbb536>10s</color> to all enemies.\n<color=#dbb536>Martin</color> summons a black hole to pull all enemies and reduce all their Elemental Resistance by <color=#dbb536>20%</color> every <color=#dbb536>10s</color> for <color=#dbb536>5s</color>.Total Stars of Little League members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2132005220511
382052Little League - Phase 2205Upon entering battle, a random one of the following effects will be granted:\nRestores <color=#dbb536>1 Signature Energy</color> every second for each <color=#dbb536>5 Tinbread Cookies</color>.\nAll members have <color=#dbb536>5%</color> Extra DMG Bonus for each <color=#dbb536>5 Tinbread Cookies</color>.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 1</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Little League members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>41420052200512051205111
392053Little League - Phase 3205Upon entering battle, guaranteed to gain all Phase 1 and Phase 2 Bond effects.\nMeanwhile, all Tinbread Cookies' bonus effect increases by <color=#dbb536>100%</color>.Total Stars of Little League members reach <color=#dbb536>6★</color>615200522005120053205120512051111
402061Hell Guards - Phase 1206Every <color=#dbb536>5s</color>, consumes <color=#dbb536>250 Dodge Gauge</color> to gain a <color=#dbb536>30%</color> Extra DMG Bonus for <color=#dbb536>5s</color>.Total Stars of Hell Guards members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2132006120611
412062Hell Guards - Phase 2206Takes DMG equal to <color=#dbb536>1%</color> max HP every second and deal DMG equal to <color=#dbb536>1%</color> of current HP to all enemies within <color=#dbb536>12m</color>.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 1</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Hell Guards members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>41420061200622061206111
422071Sin Reverb - Phase 1207Press and hold Basic Attack for <color=#dbb536>1s</color> to gain a <color=#dbb536>100%</color> Extra DMG Bonus for <color=#dbb536>3s</color>. Cooldown: <color=#dbb536>7s</color>.Total Stars of Sin Reverb members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2132007120711
432072Sin Reverb - Phase 2207Within <color=#dbb536>1s</color>, dodging <color=#dbb536>2 times</color> in a row or holding Dodge for over <color=#dbb536>0.5</color>s triggers <color=#dbb536>Matrix</color>; cooldown: <color=#dbb536>15s</color> (independent from Matrix triggered by successful dodges).\nAll <color=#dbb536>Lv.1</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Sin Reverb members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>41420071200722071207111
442081Final Judgement - Phase 1208Upon attacking an enemy with HP above <color=#dbb536>40%</color>, gains a <color=#dbb536>10%</color> Extra DMG Bonus for every 10% more HP the enemy has, up to <color=#dbb536>60%</color>.Total Stars of Final Judgement members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2132008120811
452082Final Judgement - Phase 2208Upon dealing DMG, has a <color=#dbb536>40%</color> chance to deal <color=#dbb536>200%</color> more DMG at the same time.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 1</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Final Judgement members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>41420081200822081208111
462083Final Judgement - Phase 3208Upon dealing DMG, <color=#dbb536>instantly kills</color> the enemy if their HP is below <color=#dbb536>30%</color>.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 2</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Final Judgement members reach <color=#dbb536>6★</color>615200812008220083208120812081111
472091Phantom Capriccio - Phase 1209For each different <color=#dbb536>class</color> in the team recruited, all deployed characters gain a <color=#dbb536>15%</color> Extra DMG Bonus.Total Stars of Phantom Capriccio members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>21320091200922009320094200952091209220932094209511111
482092Phantom Capriccio - Phase 2209For each different <color=#dbb536>energy type</color> in the team recruited, all deployed characters' HP and ATK increase by <color=#dbb536>10%</color>.\nAll Bond effects <color=#dbb536>activated previously</color> will be inherited.Total Stars of Phantom Capriccio members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>4142009120092200932009420095200962009720098200992010020912092209320942095209620972098209921001111111111
492093Phantom Capriccio - Rank 3209For each different <color=#dbb536>weapon type</color> in the team recruited, all deployed characters gain a <color=#dbb536>25%</color> Extra DMG Bonus. All Bond effects <color=#dbb536>activated previously</color> will be inherited.Total Stars of Phantom Capriccio members reach <color=#dbb536>6★</color>61520091200922009320094200952009620097200982009920100201042091209220932094209520962097209820992100210111111111112131
502101Creator-Destroyer - Phase 1210Upon entering battle, fires a cannon shot every 3s that deals <color=#dbb536>100k</color> True DMG:\n <color=#dbb536>80%</color> chance to successfully fire <color=#dbb536>1</color> shot;\n<color=#dbb536>20%</color> chance to successfully fire <color=#dbb536>5</color> shots.Total Stars of Creator-Destroyers members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2132010121011
512102Creator-Destroyer - Phase 2210Upon entering battle, summons laser beams to attack enemies. The laser beams automatically lock onto enemies and deal <color=#dbb536>50k</color> True DMG every second:\n<color=#dbb536>80%</color> chance to successfully summon <color=#dbb536>1</color> beam with medium speed;\n<color=#dbb536>20%</color> chance to successfully summon <color=#dbb536>2</color> beams with increased speed.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Lv.1</color> Bond effects are inherited.Total Stars of Creator-Destroyers members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>41420101201022101210111
522103Creator-Destroyer - Phase 3210Upon entering battle, unleashes an explosion every 5s:\n<color=#dbb536>95%</color> chance to successfully deploy a <color=#dbb536>Gravity Bomb</color> that deals <color=#dbb536>400k</color> True DMG in a wide area;\n<color=#dbb536>5%</color> chance to successfully launch a <color=#dbb536>Tactical Strike</color> that deals <color=#dbb536>1M</color> True DMG in a wide area.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Lv.2</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Creator-Destroyers members reach <color=#dbb536>6★</color>615201012010220103210121012101111
533011Overclock - Phase 1301After casting a Signature Move, gains a <color=#dbb536>100%</color>Extra DMG Bonus for the next Signature Move within <color=#dbb536>15s</color>, stacking up to <color=#dbb536>3</color> times. Upon reaching <color=#dbb536>3</color> stacks, triggers Hypertune, preventing Signature Move use for <color=#dbb536>15s</color>.Total Stars of Overclock members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2133001130111
543012Overclock - Phase 2301After casting a Signature Move, reduces the target enemy's Extra DMG Reduction by <color=#dbb536>20%</color> indefinitely, stacking up to <color=#dbb536>120%</color>.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Lv.1</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Overclock members reach <color=#dbb536>3★</color>31430011300123011301111
553013Overclock - Phase 3301Energy cost <color=#dbb536>-50%</color>; the stacking limit of Lv.1 Bond effects is increased to <color=#dbb536>5</color> stacks.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Lv.2</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Overclock members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>415300113001230013301130113011111
563021Escalation - Phase 1302When <color=#dbb536>2 or more</color> members from the same Bond are deployed at the same time, activates an extra skill:\nEvery Signal Orb used grants 5 Charge Points, capped at 100. Upon reaching 100, the skill is activated.\nAfter activating the skill, summons a random backup character from the Bond to assist in battle. This assisting character is invincible, and during their time on the field, the deployed characters cannot be swapped out.\nOnce the assisting character uses their Signature Move, they leave and trigger Matrix.\nAfter they leave, the skill can be recharged.\nAfter each active skill use, all team members gain an extra a <color=#dbb536>50%</color> Extra DMG Bonus, capped at <color=#dbb536>150%</color>.Total Stars of Escalation members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2233002130211
573022Escalation - Phase 2302For every <color=#dbb536>Signal Orb</color> used, if the ping color matches the <color=#dbb536>previous one</color>, gains a <color=#dbb536>20%</color> Ping Extra DMG Bonus per ping for <color=#dbb536>6s</color>, stacking up to <color=#dbb536>200%</color>.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Lv.1</color> Bond effects are inherited.Total Stars of Escalation members reach <color=#dbb536>3★</color>32430021300223021302211
583023Escalation - Phase 3302In Lv.1 Bond: Charge Points gained from pings increase to <color=#dbb536>10</color>;\n2In Lv.2 Bond: Each stack of Ping Extra DMG Bonus is increased to <color=#dbb536>40%</color>, with the cap raised to <color=#dbb536>600%</color>;\nAnd each Signal Orb use has a <color=#dbb536>80%</color> chance of producing a matching orb (including special ones).\nAll <color=#dbb536>Lv.2</color> Bond effects are inherited.Total Stars of Escalation members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>425300213002230023302130223022111
593031Oblivion - Phase 1303After <color=#dbb536>dodging continuously</color>, rearranges the Signal Orbs by color.Total Stars of Oblivion members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2233003130311
603032Oblivion - Phase 2303In the ongoing battle, each time a Signature is cast, the next Signature will increase Extra DMG Bonus by <color=#dbb536>50%</color>, up to <color=#dbb536>150%</color>.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 1</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Oblivion members reach <color=#dbb536>3★</color>32430031300323031303111
613033Oblivion - Phase 3303When deployed at the same time, activates the extra skill:\nEvery <color=#dbb536>Signature cast</color> will <color=#dbb536>charge</color> the Special Skill button. Activating the button will <color=#dbb536>cast a Signature</color> again. (This time the Signature cast <color=#dbb536>will not</color> <color=#dbb536>charge</color> the special skill.)\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 2</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Oblivion members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>425300313003230033303130313032111
623041Elimination - Phase 1304After <color=#dbb536>3</color> 3-Pings in total, triggers Matrix and rearranges the Signal Orbs by color. (Cooldown: <color=#dbb536>8s</color>)Total Stars of Elimination members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2133004130411
633042Elimination - Phase 2304For every <color=#dbb536>5</color> Signature Energy, Extra DMG Bonus of Orb skills increases by <color=#dbb536>10%</color>.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 1</color> Bonds will be inherited.Total Stars of Elimination members reach <color=#dbb536>3★</color>31430041300423041304111
643043Elimination - Phase 3304Each ping grants random Signal Orb(s) of the same number of orb(s) pinged.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 2</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Elimination members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>415300413004230043304130413041111
653051Divine Judgment - Phase 1305Upon dealing CRIT DMG, deals <color=#dbb536>10%</color> more CRIT DMG for <color=#dbb536>5s</color>, up to <color=#dbb536>300%</color>.Total Stars of Divine Judgment members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2133005130511
663052Divine Judgment - Phase 2305Upon dealing CRIT DMG, deals additional DMG equal to <color=#dbb536>1%</color> of the enemy's current HP. Cooldown: <color=#dbb536>0.5s</color>\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 1</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Divine Judgment members reach <color=#dbb536>3★</color>31430051300523051305111
673053Divine Judgment - Phase 3305Upon dealing CRIT DMG, reduces the enemy's Physical Resistance by <color=#dbb536>80%</color> for <color=#dbb536>5s</color>. Triggering this effect again will renew its duration.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 2</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Divine Judgment members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>415300513005230053305130513051111
683061Fortress - Phase 1306Upon dealing Basic Attack DMG, gains Shield equal to <color=#dbb536>10%</color> max HP. Cooldown: <color=#dbb536>1s</color>. Max Shield equals to <color=#dbb536>100%</color> max HP.Total Stars of Fortress members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2133006130611
693062Fortress - Phase 2306When dealing Basic Attack DMG, adds additional True DMG equal to the current shield points <color=#dbb536>x20</color>. Cooldown: <color=#dbb536>1</color>s.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Lv.1</color> Bond effects are inherited.Total Stars of Fortress members reach <color=#dbb536>3★</color>31430061300623061306111
703063Fortress - Phase 3306Every upon taking DMG, becomes invincible for <color=#dbb536>2s</color>. Cooldown: <color=#dbb536>5s</color>\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 2</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Fortress members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>415300613006230063306130613061111
713071Sudden Rain - Phase 1307Upon dealing Basic Attack DMG, gains 1 random Signal Orb. Cooldown: <color=#dbb536>1s</color>.Total Stars of Sudden Rain members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2133007130711
723072Sudden Rain - Phase 2307Upon dealing Basic Attack DMG, can consume Signature Energy to boost up Basic Attack Extra DMG Bonus for <color=#dbb536>5s</color>. A maximum of <color=#dbb536>40</color> Signature Energy can be consumed, which will increase Basic Attack Extra DMG Bonus by <color=#dbb536>200%</color>.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 1</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Sudden Rain members reach <color=#dbb536>3★</color>31430071300723071307111
733073Sudden Rain - Phase 3307Upon dealing Basic Attack DMG, increases Basic Attack Extra DMG Bonus by <color=#dbb536>20%</color> for <color=#dbb536>10s</color>, up to <color=#dbb536>200%</color>. Cooldown: <color=#dbb536>1s</color>.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 2</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Sudden Rain members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>415300713007230073307130713071111
743081Cyclone - Phase 1308Upon casting a Signature Move, immediately gains <color=#dbb536>2</color> sets of same-colored Signal OrbsTotal Stars of Cyclone members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2133008130811
753082Cyclone - Phase 2308Each 3-Ping increases Extra DMG Bonus by <color=#dbb536>30%</color> for <color=#dbb536>3s</color>, up to <color=#dbb536>150%</color>.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 1</color> Bond effects.Total Stars of Cyclone members reach <color=#dbb536>3★</color>31430081300823081308111
763083Cyclone - Phase 33081-Pings and 2-Pings will be regarded as 3-Pings.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 2</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Cyclone members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>415300813008230083308130813081111
773091Outlier - Phase 1309Upon casting a Signature Move, increases Extra DMG Bonus by <color=#dbb536>100%</color> for <color=#dbb536>10s</color>.Total Stars of Outlier members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2133009130911
783092Outlier - Phase 2309Character switch cooldown decreases by <color=#dbb536>50%</color>. Gains Shield equal to <color=#dbb536>30%</color> max HP upon character switch.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 1</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Outlier members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>41430091300923091309111
793093Outlier - Phase 3309Each character switch permanently increases Extra DMG Bonus by <color=#dbb536>40%</color>, up to <color=#dbb536>200%</color>.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Phase 2</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Outlier members reach <color=#dbb536>6★</color>615300913009230093309130913091111
803094Outlier - Phase 4309Upon character switch, <color=#dbb536>enters Matrix</color>, gaining <color=#dbb536>100</color> Signature Energy and 3 sets of same-colored Signal Orbs.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Lv.3</color> Bond effects will be inherited.Total Stars of Outlier members reach <color=#dbb536>8★</color>8163009130092300933009430913091309130911111
812111Yesterday's Egrets - Rank 1211Dodge Gauge Limit increases by <color=#dbb536>200</color>. When <color=#dbb536>dodging</color>, <color=#dbb536>Healing Pulse</color> will be released to heal all allies within <color=#dbb536>6m</color> for <color=#dbb536>25%</color> ATK of the current character and grant them <color=#dbb536>20%</color> DMG Immunity for <color=#dbb536>4s</color>. <color=#dbb536>6s cooldown</color>. (It cannot be stacked, and its cooldown resets every time it is triggered.)Total Stars of Yesterday's Egrets members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2132011121111
822112Yesterday's Egrets - Rank 2211Dodge Gauge Limit increases by <color=#dbb536>400</color>. The <color=#dbb536>effect and duration</color> of Phase 1 Healing Pulse are <color=#dbb536>doubled</color> with an additional <color=#dbb536>50%</color> Extra DMG Bonus granted. <color=#dbb536>It does not have cooldown periods anymore.</color> (It cannot be stacked, and triggering this effect again refreshes its duration.)Total Stars of Yesterday's Egrets members reach <color=#dbb536>4★</color>41420111201122111211111
832121Aliasing Resonance - Rank 1212After activating Matrix, Lee will launch <color=#dbb536>1 Supporting Strike</color> from other timelines, each strike dealing damage equal to <color=#dbb536>500% of current character's multiplier</color> and permanently increasing the damage taken by the target hit <color=#dbb536>by 30%</color>, stacking up to <color=#dbb536>2 times</color>. This effect has a 3s triggering cooldown.Total Stars of Aliasing Resonance members reach <color=#dbb536>1★</color>1132012121211
842122Aliasing Resonance - Rank 2212After activating Matrix, Lee will launch <color=#dbb536>3 Supporting Strikes</color> from other timelines, each strike dealing damage equal to <color=#dbb536>500% of current character's multiplier</color> and permanently increasing the damage taken by the target hit <color=#dbb536>by 30%</color>, stacking up to <color=#dbb536>6 times</color>. This effect has a 3s triggering cooldown.Total Stars of Aliasing Resonance members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>2142012221211
852131Thunderclap Blade - Phase 1213After dodging, Crimson Weave casts a <color=#dbb536>Swordwave Attack Support</color>, dealing True DMG at <color=#dbb536>2,000% of the current character's multiplier</color>, and then gains a <color=#dbb536>50%</color> Extra Basic Attack DMG Bonus for <color=#dbb536>6s</color>. Cooldown: <color=#dbb536>12</color>s.Total Stars of Thunderclap Blade members reach <color=#dbb536>1★</color>1132013121321
862132Thunderclap Blade - Phase 2213Cooldown of Lv. Bond Swordwave is reduced to <color=#dbb536>8</color>s.\nEach <color=#dbb536>Swordwave Attack Support</color> use grants a <color=#dbb536>20%</color> Extra DMG Bonus, stacking infinitely up to <color=#dbb536>100%</color>.\nAll <color=#dbb536>Lv.1</color> Bond effects are inherited.Total Stars of Thunderclap Blade members reach <color=#dbb536>2★</color>21420131201322132213211