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210101Commandant, I'm here.Talk_Idle1500About SummerAbout the IslandGoodbye101021010510108
310102Summer? I love the warm feeling... But I'll always have this warm feeling as long as I'm with everyone in Gray Raven. What about you, Commandant? Do you feel the same?150010103About SummerAbout the IslandGoodbye101021010510108
410103Feeling hot? Well... I think there are chilled watermelon and cold drinks over there. Liv should also have some things to cool you down. No, I can't do that. You would be frostbitten if I cool you off.150010104About SummerAbout the IslandGoodbye101021010510108
510104Whew... Maybe I can have some ice cream to cool down...1500About SummerAbout the IslandGoodbye101021010510108
610105There seems to be a grill over there. It's nice to have a barbecue in an outdoor vacation like this, right? But Liv told me to be careful with it... I wonder what she meant...150010106About SummerAbout the IslandGoodbye101021010510108
710106Commandant, not sure if you notice it. The footprints we left when we set foot on this island were washed away by the sea... But the sea will remember them, and so will I.150010107About SummerAbout the IslandGoodbye101021010510108
810107Have you got a plan for our holiday, Commandant?1500About SummerAbout the IslandGoodbye101021010510108
910108I'll be here for the time being, Commandant.SummerNpc_Luxiya_Endtalk
1010201Is there anything I can help with, Commandant?Talk_Idle1500About the IslandAbout LivGoodbye102021020510208
1110202I had scanned the entire island before we landed. It's completely safe. The only hidden danger on this island is... that grill over there.150010203About the IslandAbout LivGoodbye102021020510208
1210203You also noticed the stage, Commandant? There are instruments on it. It's said that they were left for the visitors. Would you like to give them a try?150010204About the IslandAbout LivGoodbye102021020510208
1310204This island is warm enough even though it's isolated.1500About the IslandAbout LivGoodbye102021020510208
1410205Me? If I can, I would like to bring a coconut back and see if I can plant it. Not sure what kind of coconut tree it would grow into in the space... No, of course I won't plant it directly in our lounge.150010206About the IslandAbout LivGoodbye102021020510208
1510206I feel... secure. The wind, the sunshine, and the warm sand will always make me feel relaxed... Do you feel the same, Commandant?150010207About the IslandAbout LivGoodbye102021020510208
1610207I'll remember this holiday we spend together, Commandant.1500About the IslandAbout LivGoodbye102021020510208
1710208Goodbye, Commandant. I'll always be here.SummerNpc_Lifu_Endtalk
1810301Hi, Commandant.Talk_Idle1500About SummerAbout the SeaGoodbye103021030510308
1910302In my memory, summer is always full of suffocating dust or a rain that won't stop for dozens of days. It's never this clear and bright. And most importantly, it's comfortable here.150010303About SummerAbout the SeaGoodbye103021030510308
2010303Have you watched the Summer Brawl before? It is an anime from the Golden Age. I think it's a perfect fit for this happy and relaxing time.150010304About SummerAbout the SeaGoodbye103021030510308
2110304I'm already very happy to be able to pass a peaceful summer.1500About SummerAbout the SeaGoodbye103021030510308
2210305Look! Is that a seagull? I only saw its illustration before, but I can still recognize it just like that. It must be wonderful to fly freely between the sky and the sea... This is, of course, one of my wishes as well.150010306About SummerAbout the SeaGoodbye103021030510308
2310306I actually had a horrible first impression on the sea, but now I finally get the chance to look at it quietly... What's on the other side of the sea?150010307About SummerAbout the SeaGoodbye103021030510308
2410307Go and have a look. What you see is what I want to see.1500About SummerAbout the SeaGoodbye103021030510308
2510308Goodbye, Commandant.SummerNpc_Nuoan_Endtalk
2610401Hmm... What's up, Commandant?Talk_Idle1500About SummerAbout the IslandGoodbye104021040510408
2710402Spring, summer, fall, and winter are all good seasons to take a sleep... Hmm? You feel the same?150010403About SummerAbout the IslandGoodbye104021040510408
2810403Do you like this season? It is a sleepy season... Hmm? No, I don't want to go anywhere else. It's comfortable here. You go for me...150010404About SummerAbout the IslandGoodbye104021040510408
2910404At least we have some great sunshine here, right?1500About SummerAbout the IslandGoodbye104021040510408
3010405I checked the coastline, but today is the first time that I get to relax like this... What? We are on holiday? Then let me take a nap first...150010406About SummerAbout the IslandGoodbye104021040510408
3110406Speaking of which, the beach chair is perfect to nap on, especially in the sea wind... Do you want to give it a go?150010407About SummerAbout the IslandGoodbye104021040510408
3210407Hmm, Kamui has been asking me to play with him in the sea... What? You haven't seen him? Thank God...1500About SummerAbout the IslandGoodbye104021040510408
3310408Good night... No, see you.SummerNpc_Wanshi_Endtalk
3410501Hello, Commandant.Talk_Idle1500About the SeaAbout BiancaGoodbye105021050510508
3510502In my memory, the sea means more dangerous missions, but faith and purpose are like the rocks. They are unshakable...150010503About the SeaAbout BiancaGoodbye105021050510508
3610503How do you feel about the sea? It won't stay calm like this forever. It can be turbulent and terrifying... But will you still feel the same way you do when it's like that?150010504About the SeaAbout BiancaGoodbye105021050510508
3710504I miss the sea so bad.1500About the SeaAbout BiancaGoodbye105021050510508
3810505About the frames... Do you mind it? They are part of me, but I prefer to spend my holiday in a more relaxing way.150010506About the SeaAbout BiancaGoodbye105021050510508
3910506For the Purifying Force, the brief moment of standby is our holiday... What about the Task Force? You don't have much time off, do you? Commandant?150010507About the SeaAbout BiancaGoodbye105021050510508
4010507I'll be here watching, Commandant. Both the sea and you.1500About the SeaAbout BiancaGoodbye105021050510508
4110508See ya, Commandant.SummerNpc_Bianka_Endtalk
4210601Hey! Commandant! Nice to see you again!Talk_Idle1500About SnacksAbout the SeaGoodbye106021060510608
4310602Commandant! There! Did you see the snack stand over there? Yeah, that thing called hamburger... Oh, it's fast food, right? It smells so good... I wonder how it tastes.150010603About SnacksAbout the SeaGoodbye106021060510608
4410603Kowloong has so many delicious foods in summer! The sweet soup, the bean jelly, the fruits, and the ice bowl. I've heard of the ice bowl, but I never had the chance to try it...150010604About SnacksAbout the SeaGoodbye106021060510608
4510604I've got to take you to try Kowloong's summer snacks if we have the time!1500About SnacksAbout the SeaGoodbye106021060510608
4610605I remember seeing the sea on the Nighter every day. Or the sea was all that I could see... Sounds confusing, doesn't it? Anyways, I love the sea here!150010606About SnacksAbout the SeaGoodbye106021060510608
4710606By the way, the stars in the night at sea are different from what we see in Babylonia. You haven't seen it before, right? Commandant? Let's look at the stars together at night!150010607About SnacksAbout the SeaGoodbye106021060510608
4810607Commandant, promise you'll take me when you go to the sea.1500About SnacksAbout the SeaGoodbye106021060510608
4910608Bye, Commandant.SummerNpc_Pulao_Endtalk
5010701Ha! There you are.Talk_Idle1500About the IslandAbout SummerGoodbye107021070510708
5110702My experience tells me that there are a few Corrupted hidden in that beach over there. And I wouldn't be surprised if some Ascendants suddenly come down from the sky... Yeah, that look. You don't need to suppress your nervousness. It's okay. I understand.150010703About the IslandAbout SummerGoodbye107021070510708
5210703Commandant, get me a cold drink over there. You can get yourself one too. But don't get the wrong one. For the record, I have no experience in rescuing people who drink the cooling liquid by mistake.150010704About the IslandAbout SummerGoodbye107021070510708
5310704The island is perfect for holiday. Plus, it's not boring here.1500About the IslandAbout SummerGoodbye107021070510708
5410705When was the last time when the sea, the summer, and you were together? You should remember, right? Well... You'd better remember.150010706About the IslandAbout SummerGoodbye107021070510708
5510706Sometimes I wonder if we should change our clothes, or coatings, according to the season. After all, summer is not a calm season, right?150010707About the IslandAbout SummerGoodbye107021070510708
5610707You'll have to make some sacrifice if you want to share this shade with me... Think about it.1500About the IslandAbout SummerGoodbye107021070510708
5710708Hmm? Are you leaving already?SummerNpc_Weila_Endtalk
5810801Hello, Conductor.Talk_Idle1500About the IslandAbout the StageGoodbye108021080510808
5910802Only the smell of the sea can bring our souls back. I think you can feel it too, right? Conductor? The wind comes from the sea...150010803About the IslandAbout the StageGoodbye108021080510808
6010803Maybe we will only remember the summer we spent together when the horrible storm has passed and the sun casts its light on the ground.150010804About the IslandAbout the StageGoodbye108021080510808
6110804The storm has passed, so we can enjoy the sunshine on the island.1500About the IslandAbout the StageGoodbye108021080510808
6210805Yes, of course, we've all been on the stage and off the stage. I just miss this feeling. But these instruments... feel so strange.150010806About the IslandAbout the StageGoodbye108021080510808
6310806Would you like to hear something? Maybe I can play something for you. But most of the ball music can't be performed by one person... Would you like to join me, Conductor?150010807About the IslandAbout the StageGoodbye108021080510808
6410807A stage that I can't hide from. A stage that makes me stay.1500About the IslandAbout the StageGoodbye108021080510808
6510808Until then, Conductor.SummerNpc_Sailinna_Endtalk
6610901Hello, Commandant. Is there anything I can help with?Talk_Idle1500About the HolidayAbout ChromeGoodbye109021090510908
6710903If the holiday lasts forever, then I'm afraid it will become just like work, right? This is exactly why this holiday is so precious.150010904About the HolidayAbout ChromeGoodbye109021090510908
6810904I'll be around anytime if you want some rest.1500About the HolidayAbout ChromeGoodbye109021090510908
6910905The unexpected holiday caught me off guard. I don't have any plans yet... What about you, Commandant? Any suggestions?150010906About the HolidayAbout ChromeGoodbye109021090510908
7010906...Oh, sorry, I was lost in thought. I didn't notice that you were calling me. Sometimes I would empty my mind like this when I have the time. It's a good way to relax. You should try, Commandant.150010907About the HolidayAbout ChromeGoodbye109021090510908
7110907Planning holidays for you and yourself is part of your duty as a commandant and captain.1500About the HolidayAbout ChromeGoodbye109021090510908
7210908Goodbye, Commandant.SummerNpc_Kuluomu_Endtalk
7311001What? Are you starting to enjoy the holiday?Talk_Idle1500About the IslandAbout LeeGoodbye110021100511008
7411002This is a nice place to take a holiday... Would you like to lie down a bit here? Just relax. You're having a holiday.150011003About the IslandAbout LeeGoodbye110021100511008
7511003...I'm good, sitting here and enjoying the sea wind. If you want some food, there seem to be some snacks over there, but I'm not sure how it tastes.150011004About the IslandAbout LeeGoodbye110021100511008
7611004I'm curious about where the stage gets its power. I bet it's not some mysterious summer power...1500About the IslandAbout LeeGoodbye110021100511008
7711005Me? For me, it's not whether I like it or not. It's just that I feel calm staring at the sea. And it's a good time killer as well.150011006About the IslandAbout LeeGoodbye110021100511008
7811006You are so strange. It's your holiday, but you're worrying about other people... I know. I'm fine. I can be better if you want.150011007About the IslandAbout LeeGoodbye110021100511008
7911007You can take this holiday as our holiday, because that is what I think.1500About the IslandAbout LeeGoodbye110021100511008
8011008Nothing else? Fine.SummerNpc_Li_Endtalk