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2110110112Explore BedroomGo Deeper300010111Explore StorageGo Deeper300010112Abandoned YardYou entered the abandoned yard.Abandoned YardIt's been deserted for a long time, but you may still find something useful.You are back at the manor where you woke up. The inside reeks of rot and mildew. You itch to leave but a voice in your head urges you to explore this foreboding manor.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory388.png
3210110123311Abandoned YardYou enter the manor's bedroom.Abandoned YardManor's BedroomYou enter the bedroom of the manor and notice that someone has left an Artifact box for you on the table beside the bed where you woke up.Open the boxAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory372.png
43101101331961198Abandoned YardYou enter the manor's storage.Abandoned YardManor's StorageYou are in the manor's storage. After waving away the dust in your face, you find some Tinbread Cookies in a box.Keep themAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory387.png
5410210212Take the giftTake the gift300010211Cradle's giftYou met Cradle.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/V130mlnNormal05.pngCradleHere's a small gift for you... Please take it...For you, who follow the sound of the tide down the Path of the Curse Quellers, the girl has prepared a tiny gift that may help you on your journey.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory373.png
6510210223311Cradle's giftYou accept the gift.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/V130mlnNormal04.pngCradleHopefully, it'll be helpful on your journey.A tiny gift may not be enough to clear all that stand in your way, but it carries the thoughts of Cradle.Accept the giftAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory373.png
7610310312Why notWhy not300010311Rest upRest up300010312Everlasting SongA ballad echoes here.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/ZhongguochuanshangrenNormal02.pngBardOh, honored companion, would you care to lend your ear for a piece?After setting up camp somewhere remote, a bard with ragged clothes sits next to the fire you just started and asks to play you a song about heroes.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory359.png
8710310323490011Everlasting SongYou listen carefully.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/ZhongguochuanshangrenNormal01.pngBardIt's based on an ancient legend...In the era of the blood-red moon, Crimson devoured the land, forcing heroes to leave their homeland for the sky before waging war against those that took their home—that is the ancient legend, but the bard seems to be hinting that you'll find like-minded companions at locations mentioned in the song.Recruit companionAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory359.png
98103103331961199Everlasting SongYou take a break.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/ZhongguochuanshangrenNormal02.pngWithout a soulSomething is flickeringYou filter out the bard's mumbling as you drift into sleep from fatigue. By the time you wake up, there is no trace of the bard except the few coins he left as gratitude for sharing your shelter.Keep the moneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory359.png
10910410412Drink like there's no tomorrowDrink like there's no tomorrow300010411Get a few drinksGet a few drinks300010412Happy timesYou walked into Bar Small TownBar Small Town...Very lively with shouts and music...Bar Small Town is having an exuberant celebration tonight. The Normans, a family of brewers for generations, are providing their townsfolks with this feast. This joyous occasion might be a rare opportunity on this journey for you to find some comfort.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory423.jpg
111010410423490011Happy timesYou down a few pints in a heartbeat.Bar Small Town...Shouts of excitement resonate through the crowd...Your feat has caught the attention of the crowd. A few guests revere your spirit and invite you to join them on their journey.Recruit companionAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory423.jpg
1211104104331961203Happy timesTake a few sipsBar Small Town...Lively as always...You only drink occasionally for a little uplift and you must keep your head straight at all times for the long journey ahead.Obtained suppliesAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory423.jpg
131210510512Choose Biomimetic BloodChoose Biomimetic Blood300010511Claim the Tinbread CookiesClaim the Tinbread Cookies300010512Refuse the nun's helpRefuse the nun's help300010513MissionaryA nun walks toward you.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/CibeizheNormal03.pngNunAre you a Curse Queller? Please take our...When the kingdom, once so glorious, fell to calamity, doors to understanding ancient wisdom closed upon the world once more. Seekers of knowledge assemble from far and wide in an attempt to unearth the truth buried under the sands of time. After patiently listening to the history of the church, you sense there is something to be gained even for a non-believer like yourself as the nuns hand out supplies to passersby.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory364.png
1413105105231961203MissionaryYou collect supplies given by the church.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/CibeizheNormal03.pngNunThank you for supporting our church. Please take this as a token of our gratitude.You accept the nun's kind gesture. They make a prayer for your journey ahead.Accept suppliesAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory364.png
15141051053319611910MissionaryYou collect supplies given by the church.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/CibeizheNormal03.pngNunThank you for supporting our church. Please take this as a token of our gratitude.You accept the nun's kind gesture. They make a prayer for your journey ahead.Accept suppliesAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory364.png
161510510541MissionaryExitAssets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/CibeizheNormal03.pngNunOh... Are you leaving already?You find it difficult to forget the prayer you heard even though you did not accept the supplies given by the church...Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory364.png
171610610612Try pouring in 3 bottles of Biomimetic BloodBiomimetic Blood x31196120310611Drop 8 Tinbread CookiesTinbread Cookie x81196119810612Like anyone is going to believe thisLeave300010613Wishing WellYou stroll among the woods.A deserted wellBottomlessA rotten old well out of nowhere attracts your attention. It reminds you of a myth that doesn't hurt to try—dropping coins into dried-up wells for good luck, that is.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory374.png
181710610623490021Wishing WellThe storm is howling...A deserted wellThe howling windsThe idea of dropping a few drops of Biomimetic Blood into the well suddenly comes to you. Before you know it, winds pick up dust and swerve around you. When you open your eyes again, a crumpled letter lands at your feet. It contains the location of the outliers yearning for companions.Open the letterAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory374.png
191810610633321Wishing WellNothing's happening?A deserted wellNot a single sound.You throw a few Tinbread Cookies into the well in anticipation, but nothing happens. Just as you're about to leave, you notice a supply crate behind the rundown well.Open the boxAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory374.png
201910610641Wishing WellBetter not waste itA deserted wellBottomlessYou realize that these myths have no basis so it's better not to waste your money on them.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory377.png
212010710712Offer 6 Tinbread Cookies for the deal6 Tinbread Cookies1196119610711Bid him farewellBid him farewell300010712Homebound TravelerA chance meeting on the journeyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/LuolanNormal12.pngAn exhausted manGreetings... Mind if I borrow you for a minute?You cross paths with a tattered man, an archaeologist who made his way here looking for what rumors say are traces of the crimson creatures. Yet years of pursuit have led to nothing, and the yearning in his heart urges him to sell all that he has so he can finally go home.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory377.png
2221107107231961206Homebound TravelerYou trade supplies.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/LuolanNormal12.pngAn exhausted manThank you so much for your help. May God be with you on your journey.You trade some Tinbread Cookies for a few of his items. Hopefully, that will keep him alive on his way to the next village.Accept suppliesAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory377.png
232210710731Homebound TravelerBid him farewellAssets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/LuolanNormal12.pngAn exhausted manStay safe.You bid farewell to the man you probably will never cross paths with again and wish that he will soon find a way back to his beloved homeland.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory377.png
242310810812Buy information with 12 Tinbread Cookies12 Tinbread Cookies11961191210811Buy supplies with 6 Tinbread Cookies6 Tinbread Cookies1196119610812Buy antiques with 6 Tinbread Cookies6 Tinbread Cookies1196119610813Leave and continue your journey300010814MarketYou arrive at a busy market.Rowdy crowd...Busy with the sounds of hawkers and shoppers...There is a busy market in town. After the demise of civilization, these large markets were the key to the economic recovery. This is where you can get items that will be useful during your journey.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory554.jpg
252410810823490021MarketYou meet an informant.InformantThis is all I have. Follow the lead and see what you'll find.You manage to reel some information out of the informant. There are a few interesting characters in this little town with the potential to become your travel companion.Go to recruitmentAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory554.jpg
2625108108331961206MarketYou meet a merchant.MerchantThank you for your business. Best of luck on your journey.You manage to get your hands on a good amount of supplies. They will certainly be useful on your journey.Accept suppliesAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory554.jpg
272610810843321MarketYou meet an antique dealer.Antique DealerMark my word. There are treasures in here!You found a battered chest at an antique stall. The owner claims that the contents are worth a fortune.Open the boxAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory554.jpg
282710810851MarketI should focus.Rowdy crowd...Quiets down...You think there are better uses for your funds and leave without purchasing anything.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory554.jpg
292810910912Watch using 8 Tinbread Cookies1196119810911Not interested in the plays at allLeave300010912Traveling TroupeYou meet a traveling troupe.Traveling Troupe...Busy with the sounds of hawkers and shoppers...A traveling troupe is setting up a stage in this little town to put on their most famous show, The Horizon Blue Sun and the Red Moon. This play is an interpretation of a famous battle in the Mythical Age, where believers holding scepters light themselves up in flames to cleanse the world of disease and death. An admission fee is of course required.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory368.png
302910910923490021Traveling TroupeYou watch the show.Traveling TroupeActress: She's holding a scepter, even though the scepter is...The play was a big success. After the curtain closes, you sit for a minute to take it all in, while recalling the faces of the actors with adventure gleaming in their eyes.Recruit companionAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory368.png
313010910931Traveling TroupeExitTraveling Troupe...Quiets down...You're not interested in the play and leave the enthusiastic crowd behind.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory368.png
323111011012Fulfill his requirements (Enter a difficult battle)300011011Keep your distance and leave quickly.Leave300011012The last warriorHatred fills the airAssets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/BalaswordNomal.pngWarriorCome, come and join me in the craziest dance you can ever imagine!A once-famous swordsman is blinded by resentment and asks for nothing but a final dual.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory360.png
33321101102570011The last warriorYou step into the deep bog of hate.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/BalaswordNomal.pngWarriorHahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... Hahahahahahaha!You decide to end his hatred once in for all and walk straight into him... and into an inevitable and arduous battle.Prepare for battle!Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory360.png
343311011031The last warriorYou free yourself from the hate.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/BalaswordNomal.pngWarriorNo! Don't go, please...You decide to quickly get yourself out of here. One filled with hatred only spells trouble.Leave quicklyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory360.png
353411111112A Gospel to End All Evil (Enter an arduous battle)300011111Keep your distance from her and leave swiftlyLeave300011112Gospel of DeathYou hear about the legend of this land.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/XiunvNomal04.pngThe Nun of Death...Stay silent...In the abandoned church on the fringe of town, a nun who embraced the forbidden faith lingers eternally. She seeks to bring to all living souls in this world the final gospel—death.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory358.png
36351111112570021Gospel of DeathSever the unknownAssets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/XiunvNomal04.pngThe Nun of DeathAs punishment for your blasphemy, turn to dust!It is time to end such a malicious gospel.Prepare for battle!Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory358.png
373611111131Gospel of DeathLeaveAssets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/XiunvNomal04.pngThe Nun of Death...Stay silent...Shouldn't have come this close to someone so foreboding. Let's leave at once!Leave quicklyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory358.png
383711211212Enter to search in the dense forest (Consume 2 Biomimetic Blood)Consume 2 Biomimetic Blood1196120211211Dismiss and leaveLeave quickly300011212Lost ChildYou meet a blind old woman.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal01.pngBlind Old WomanMy child... where are you...You were wandering the outskirts of town when you met a blind old woman by the roadside. She lost her direction while looking for her son Grey and is offering all of her possessions in exchange for your help, but the forest she points to seems to be crawling with beasts and bandits.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory373.png
393811211222Tell the truthTell the truth300011221Tell her that you've found traces of her sonLie to her300011222Lost ChildYou did not find Grey.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal01.pngBlind Old WomanYou're back... Anything...?After a long search, you find no trace of Grey in the forest. What do you tell the old lady when you see her?Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory373.png
403911211231Lost ChildThe forest is too dangerous.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal01.pngBlind Old WomanMy child... Help! Somebody, please help...You sense a malicious aura coming from the forest and finally made the difficult decision to leave without answering the old lady's plea for help.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory373.png
4140112112432961Lost ChildYou inform her.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal01.pngBlind Old WomanThank you... gracious stranger... Seems like I'll have to look elsewhere...After hearing your explanation, the heartbroken old lady thanks you for your kindness, gifts you the ring she kept for her beloved son, and heads back into town.Accept the giftAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory373.png
4241112112531961196961203Lost ChildYou lied to her.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal01.pngBlind Old WomanGod bless... I'm coming... I'm coming, my child...The old lady believes your words and hands over everything she has before hurrying into the forest alone.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory373.png
435111511512Trade 2 bottles of Biomimetic Blood for useful Artifacts2 bottles of Biomimetic Blood1196120211511Buy some Biomimetic Blood using 6 Tinbread CookiesTinbread Cookies x61196119611512Actually, never mindLeave300011513Scavengers PartyYou meet a group of Scavengers.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminxiaohai.pngGroup of ScavengersHey buddy, I've got loads of treasures here. Wanna take a look?In a tiny room inside the fortress, a group of trespassing Scavengers is going through what they've collected after a day of scavenging. A myriad of ancient mechanical parts and supplies of all shapes and sizes scatter across the floor. They offer to sell you some of the items at prices much lower than the market prices.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory419.jpg
4453115115331961203Scavengers PartyYou reach a deal with them.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminxiaohai.pngGroup of ScavengersThis stuff saves lives. You certainly are a sharp one.You trade for some extra reserves of Biomimetic Blood with the Scavengers. These may be useful in the adventure ahead.Collect suppliesAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory419.jpg
455411511541Scavengers PartyIgnore themAssets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminxiaohai.pngGroup of ScavengersThen get lost...You can't trust these money-thirsty Scavengers. Ignoring their invitation, you carry on into the fortress.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory419.jpg
465511611612Take the ScepterScepter300011611Take the Banner SpearBanner Spear300011612Solved PuzzleYou enter... a strange room...Strange roomFilled with a solemn atmosphereThis is a room that resembles a chessboard with all sorts of sculptures. It seems to be reenacting a battle while being part of a complex puzzle. One legendary hero stands on either end of the room—one a divine messenger holding a purifying flame, the other a female warrior holding a banner spear. Which would you choose?Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory416.jpg
47561161162321111Solved PuzzleTake down the scepterStrange roomYou feel your resolve strengthenedYou give it a moment's thought before taking the prize, a scepter. You don't know who solved the puzzle, but you thank them in your heart.Take the relicAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory416.jpg
48571161163321121Solved PuzzleTaken down the banner spearStrange roomYou feel more agile nowYou give it a moment's thought before taking the prize, a banner spear. You don't know who solved the puzzle, but you thank them in your heart.Take the relicAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory416.jpg
495811711712Accept his chattelsAccept the chattels300011711FailureAn adventurer who has passedDeep in the FortressEven the air has grown heavyAn adventurer from long ago lies dead in the depths of the fortress. He leaves one last line of warning in blood as it runs dry—at the deepest end of the fortress, a Guardian stands watch by the entrance to the sea since the beginning of time. His final wish is for a successor to take his place and seek the truth that lies buried at the bottom of this world.Inherited willAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory408.jpg
505911711723311FailureInherit his willDeep in the FortressKeep movingYou give the adventurer a proper burial, etch his resolution to your heart, carefully pack his belongings and continue your journey with new motivation.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory408.jpg
516111811823311ArmoryYou decide to...ArmoryAn armory sealed long ago.You decide to open this Artifact box. It might help you on the battlefield.Open the boxAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory411.jpg
5262118118331961203ArmoryYou decide to...ArmoryAn armory sealed long ago.You decide to rummage the place for leftover Biomimetic Blood in case of emergency.Collect Biomimetic BloodAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory411.jpg
5363118118431961198ArmoryYou decide to...ArmoryAn armory sealed long ago.One can never have too much money. Gathering Tinbread Cookies seems like an intelligent choice.Collect Tinbread CookiesAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory411.jpg
5464119119111921Heed the adviceYou meet a survivor.Deep in the FortressDanger inches closer.Deep inside the fortress, in a safe house without patrolling robots, someone is here before you. A man with ragged clothes slumps by the wall with an empty and hopeless expression, as if he has lost his purpose.ContinueAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory409.jpg
5565119119211931Heed the adviceYou meet a survivor.Deep in the FortressDanger inches closer.When he realizes that you're a newcomer, he begins to recount to you the history of this fortress. It is part of the remains of a major battle in the Mythical Age and carries traces of advanced ancient technology. Countless secrets are hidden behind secure mechanisms while lost intelligent machines wander the empty halls.ContinueAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory409.jpg
566611911932Obtain more Tinbread Cookies5 Tinbread Cookies300011931Recruit more companionsRecruit companion300011932Heed the adviceYou meet a survivor.Deep in the FortressDanger inches closer.He came here on the church's wishes to uncover secrets buried in this fortress, but the expedition was hit with many perils from which he is the lone survivor. He no longer has the strength to go further into the fortress but stays to provide relentless seekers after him with supplies to help them on their quest.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory409.jpg
5767119119431961199Heed the adviceAccept his helpDeep in the FortressDanger inches closer.You accept a few Tinbread Cookies the man took from his stash and head toward the depths of the fortress.Collect suppliesAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory409.jpg
586811911953490011Heed the adviceAccept his helpDeep in the FortressDanger inches closer.The man gives you information on the other adventurers in the fortress that will help you expand your team.Recruit companionAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory409.jpg
59701201202321011Jewel HunterYou reach a deal with the jewel hunter.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyonggongzuorenyuanNormal01.pngJewel HunterThank you. Thank you very much. It was a pleasure doing business with you.You reach a good deal with the man in black and take the Red Teardrop Pendant.Take the PendantAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory405.jpg
60711201203321021Jewel HunterYou reach a deal with the jewel hunter.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyonggongzuorenyuanNormal01.pngJewel HunterThank you. Thank you very much. It was a pleasure doing business with you.You reach a good deal with the man in black and take the Blue Teardrop Pendant.Take the PendantAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory405.jpg
617212012043210111021Jewel HunterYou reach a deal with the jewel hunter.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyonggongzuorenyuanNormal01.pngJewel HunterThank you. Thank you very much. It was a pleasure doing business with you.You reach a good deal with the man in black and take the Red and the Blue Teardrop Pendant.Take the PendantAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory405.jpg
627312012051Jewel HunterYou don't have anything to offer.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyonggongzuorenyuanNormal01.pngJewel HunterNothing...? That's unfortunate... Well, I'll be on my way, then...You state that you don't have any treasure to offer for this deal and the jewel hunter leaves in disappointment.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory405.jpg
637412012062Agree to the tradeProceed with the trade1296112061Decline the tradeTurn him down300012062Jewel HunterThe jewel hunter's eyes glimmer.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyonggongzuorenyuanNormal01.pngJewel HunterWait... This... I will offer you everything I have for this!The man shows immense interest in your ring and states that he is willing to trade all of his gems (Red and Blue Teardrop Pendant) for your Merlin's Jewel.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory405.jpg
647512012072Agree to the tradeProceed with the trade1296112071Decline the tradeTurn him down300012072Jewel HunterThe jewel hunter is trying to change your mind.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyonggongzuorenyuanNormal01.pngJewel HunterStill no? What if I add one more? I swear this is all the gems I have!He frantically stops you as he sees that you are not pleased with his offer and declares that he can add in another Yellow Teardrop Pendant.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory405.jpg
6576120120832101110211031Jewel HunterThe jewel hunter is delighted.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyonggongzuorenyuanNormal01.pngJewel HunterGreat. Wonderful. I'm glad you are up for the deal. Thank you very much.The man in black reached a deal with you even though he is a little reluctant.Take the PendantAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory405.jpg
667712012091Jewel HunterThe jewel hunter breaks into a bawl.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyonggongzuorenyuanNormal01.pngJewel HunterNo, wait... Please give it another thought... Wait... Please...You decide to turn down the man's solicitation and keep the gem.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory405.jpg
678212212212Confront it (Enter a difficult battle)300012211Avoid it300012212ExecutionerYou notice danger approaching from afar.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/WuzangNormal01.pngAl Grey Von the Executioner...Searching...Creations from the ancient civilization wander the halls of the fortress. Wielding its heavy greatsword, an intelligent machine with self-consciousness will cut down every intruder.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory417.jpg
68831221222570031ExecutionerYou decide to start a challenge.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/WuzangNormal01.pngAl Grey Von the Executioner...Unidentified device approaching... Ready for battle...Such a dangerous machine should not be left unchecked. It's time to put it to an end.Prepare for battle!Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory417.jpg
698412212231ExecutionerYou decide to avoid the fight.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/WuzangNormal01.pngAl Grey Von the Executioner...Searching... No sign of life detected...Best to avoid a machine as dangerous as this.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory417.jpg
708512312312Use 3 Biomimetic Blood to treat himHeal him1196120312311Dismiss and leaveLeave quickly300012312Warrior Who SurvivedYou found a dying warrior.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/ShibingNormal01.pngWounded WarriorPlease... help me...A badly wounded soldier lies motionless in a room at the end of the tunnel. Judging from his state and attire, he must be part of the religious expedition and will not last long if he does not get treated in time.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory516.jpg
718612312322Encourage him to join youProceed to recruitment300012321He goes back to the ground for recovery.Let him go back300012322Warrior Who SurvivedYou saved him.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/ShibingNormal01.pngWounded WarriorThank you for saving my life. I will tell you what happened earlier.You patch up the lucky survivor and stop his bleeding. As his condition stabilizes, he begins to tell you his story. His expedition was wiped out during a battle with the Guardian, leaving him wandering alone in the tunnel. He searched continuously for a way to the core of the fortress, but to no avail. He advises you to abandon your quest because the other side of the deep sea is not what a mortal can bear.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory516.jpg
728712312331Warrior Who SurvivedThere's nothing you can do.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/ShibingNormal01.pngWounded WarriorI understand that you don't have extra supplies. Go. Don't worry about me.The horrible state that the warrior is in shakes you to the core, but sadly, without any extra supplies, there's nothing you can do for him but leave.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory516.jpg
738812312343490021Warrior Who SurvivedYou chose him.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/ShibingNormal01.pngWounded WarriorThank you for having faith in me. I will fight 'til my last breath.You gather that an experienced warrior can provide you with a wealth of knowledge down the road and attempt once more to persuade him to follow you into the sea. He agrees without hesitation.Recruit companionAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory516.jpg
748912312353321Warrior Who SurvivedYou chose the supplies.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/ShibingNormal01.pngWounded WarriorYou should choose an item from the box if you insist on going. It'll come in handy.You thank the warrior for his advice but tell him that you will not stop here. He hands you all of his equipment, hoping that it will turn the odds in your favor.Open the boxAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory516.jpg
759012412412Medical supplies obtainedBiomimetic Blood obtained300012411Disassemble this robotDisassemble it300012412Final TreatmentYou meet a medic bot.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/BoerpuNormal04.pngMed Bot MK-1Hi... Do you... require... m-medical attention.A commercial medic bot from the last century wanders up and down the tunnel. It seems to still be carrying a few sets of medical supplies. You can also disassemble and see what you can find.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory570.jpg
7691124124231961203Final TreatmentYou accept its treatment.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/BoerpuNormal04.pngMed Bot MK-1B-b-b-bat-battery... low. Shutting... down.As the medic bot takes out medical supplies, it uses up the last bit of its power.Accept suppliesAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory570.jpg
779212412433311Final TreatmentYou disassemble the robot.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/BoerpuNormal04.pngMed Bot MK-1...After spending quite some time taking the robot apart, you discover its storage space.Open the storage spaceAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory570.jpg
789312512512Pick up the invitation letterProceed to recruitment300012511Discarded RoundtableYou barge in somewhere you don't belong.Roundtable LobbyIntense and heavy atmosphereYou accidentally open a secret door in the tunnel and enter a completely different world. An elegant roundtable stands in the middle of the majestic, solemn room. This is a place every outlier dreams of for their beginning and end. On the table, the final invitation awaits.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory529.jpg
799412512523490011Discarded RoundtableYou depart from where you don't belong.Roundtable LobbyIntense and heavy atmosphereNeither you nor I have ever been alone, Curse Queller—reads the line on the letter.Recruit companionAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory529.jpg
80961261262319611912Burnt-Out CampfireYou take the supplies.Abandoned CampgroundYou feel a trace of warmth.You respect the intention of the writer and take the supplies, but leave the Artifacts for whoever might come next.Accept suppliesAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory568.jpg
819712612633311Burnt-Out CampfireYou take an Artifact.Abandoned CampgroundYou feel a trace of warmth.You respect the intention of the writer and take an Artifact, but leave the supplies for whoever might come next.Select ArtifactsAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory568.jpg
829812712712Take the Biomimetic Blood offered as a sacrificeBiomimetic Blood obtained300012711Take the blade offered a as sacrificeRelic obtained300012712Crumbled Religious MonumentYou discover some mysterious ruins.Mysterious RuinsMysterious and SomberA crumbling monument stands alone deep inside the tunnel, the letters on it illegible from years of corrosion. Those who would pray to it have long been lost to time, and all that remains is a few relics hidden away in this lightless corner.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory571.jpg
8399127127231961205Crumbled Religious MonumentYou take the offerings at the altar.Mysterious RuinsIt's time to leave.You take the Biomimetic Blood that was there as an offering as a gift from thousand years past.Accept suppliesAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory571.jpg
841001271273321081Crumbled Religious MonumentYou take the blade from the altar.Mysterious RuinsIt's time to leave.You take the blade that was there as an offering. Works of bladesmiths from eons ago must be unlike those from the present. Surely this blade will have its unique uses.Select RelicAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory571.jpg
8510112812812Accept BrandingCurse obtained300012811Refuse and leaveLeave quickly300012812The Brand of VoidYou discover a bizarre palace.Bizarre PalaceA Statue of the Devil stands erectAt the end of a tunnel that's different from the one leading to the bottom of the ocean is a battered Statue of the Devil. In the Devil's hand is a branding iron, burning eternally as it awaits its next victim who will inherit the Forbidden Brand.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory425.jpg
86102128128232941The Brand of VoidYou accept branding.Bizarre PalaceThe statue turns crimson red.You extend your left arm to let the ancient curse course into your body. The indelible marks that will follow you to your grave burn in your body without a moment's rest. You struggle your way out as you hold in the pain.Absorb the BrandAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory425.jpg
8710312812831The Brand of VoidYou refuse to be branded.Bizarre PalaceIt is unwise to stay here for long.Cradle stops you in your tracks. This curse is much more than what someone like you can bear.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory425.jpg
8810412912912Use 3 bottles of Biomimetic Blood to forcefully take the gem.Consume Biomimetic Blood1196120312911Embed Merlin's Jewel into your right eyeEmbed the Gem2296112912Leave without doing anythingLeave quickly300012913Statue of the CrownedYou observed the Statue.Statue of the CrownedStands unwaveringAt the very end of a long and bleak tunnel, a statue of someone about to be crowned stands firm in front of you. Embedded in its left eye is a diamond emitting bright, violet shimmers, while the right eye looks strangely empty. After a closer look, you are certain that there are hidden mechanisms.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory579.jpg
89105129129232981Statue of the CrownedYou destroyed the statueStatue of the CrownedStands unwaveringYou smash through the statue's secret mechanisms with brute force, damaging the gem in the process.Remove the GemAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory579.jpg
9010612912931Statue of the CrownedExitStatue of the CrownedStands unwaveringYou are not interested in the statue and decide to carry on with your journey.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory579.jpg
9110712912942Retrieve Merlin's JewelRetrieve the gem300012941Take the Amethyst of the Indigo WavesGem obtained1296112942Statue of the CrownedA hidden compartment of the statue pops outStatue of the CrownedA crackling noise is coming out of the hidden compartment.After a few low rumbles, a hidden compartment on the statue pops out. You figure out the mechanisms in the statue and realize that you need to choose between the gem embedded in the right and left eye sockets.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory579.jpg
9210812912951Statue of the CrownedA hidden compartment of the statue pops back inStatue of the CrownedA crackling noise is coming out of the hidden compartment.There is something about this gem that speaks to you and you decide to keep it.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory579.jpg
93109129129632971Statue of the CrownedA hidden compartment of the statue pops back inStatue of the CrownedA crackling noise is coming out of the hidden compartment.The glimmering purple gem is more to your liking and you decide to take it.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory579.jpg
9411313113112Place 10 Tinbread Cookies on the altar.Consume Tinbread Cookies11961191013111You are not interested in these altars.Leave quickly300013112Crimson AltarYou discover a strange altar.Blood-red AltarIt demands an offering.A mahogany altar sits quietly in the corner of the aquarium, its surfaces a relief showing various legendary crimson creatures. The bottom of the altar is rigged with hidden mechanisms and requires a sacrifice to activate.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory625.jpg
9511413113123321Crimson AltarYou present it with an offering.Blood-red AltarIt is satisfied.You lay a few coins onto the altar and the mechanism on the bottom pops open, showing sacrifices that were hidden out of your sight earlier.Accept the sacrificesAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory625.jpg
9611513113131Crimson AltarExitBlood-red AltarIt is empty.You ignore this eerie altar and turn to leave.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory625.jpg
9711613213212Use 3 bottles of Biomimetic Blood to complete the paintingConsume Biomimetic Blood1196120313211Leave silentlyLeave quickly300013212Another starry skyYou notice a starry sky that is missing a piece.Starry WallShe is incomplete.In an open space inside the aquarium, giant murals fill the entire dome. Luminous star clusters gleam in a tranquil night sky, but the giant painting seems to be missing a piece.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory590.jpg
981171321322321181Another starry skyRefill with Biomimetic BloodStarry WallShe is complete.As you finish filling the missing part of the sky with Biomimetic Blood instead of paint, all the stars on the screen explode in rainbow colors. The sky cracks in half before the remains of a meteor fall from it. It is a product not of the civilizations of this world.Relic obtainedAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory590.jpg
9911813213231Another starry skyExitStarry WallShe is wailing.You don't feel qualified to participate in the restoration of such a masterpiece and leave silently.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory590.jpg
10011913313312Take the remaining Tinbread CookiesTinbread Cookies obtained300013311Take the last invitation letterProceed to recruitment300013312Crimson SaintYou discover a mysterious hall.Mysterious HallEerily silent and desolateDeep in the aquarium is a tiny hall built by believers of an ancient forbidden faith to worship the crimson creatures. Inside the abandoned hall, a girl in a deep crimson robe rests motionlessly on a chair. This is where the last successor of this forbidden faith took her last breath.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory622.jpg
101120133133231961199Crimson SaintInheritance obtainedMysterious HallEerily silent and desolateThe church left behind a considerable amount of wealth. Though it is not rightfully yours, you can probably put it to better use.Accept the Tinbread CookiesAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory622.jpg
10212113313333490011Crimson SaintTake the secret scriptureMysterious HallEerily silent and desolateYou take the scripture left by the church that contains a thorough map of the deep sea. The aquarium has a lot more passages than you thought and footsteps of the Roundtable echo through the walls. Perhaps you will be lucky enough to find survivors of the Crimson Corrosion.Proceed to recruitmentAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory622.jpg
10312213413412Clean up the battlefieldSearch for Artifacts300013411Scan your surroundingsLook for your companions300013412Remnants of GunfireYou discover a historic battlefield.A historic battlefieldScarred and wastedAt the end of a narrow passage is a vast expanse of space. It looks to be a historic battle site littered with countless remains of crimson creatures and bits of machines piled into heaps. Thousands of years have not washed away any signs of the ghastly, bleak devastation.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory341.jpg
10412313413423311Remnants of GunfireYou cleaned up the battlefield.A historic battlefieldScarred and wastedYou explore the remnants of this battle. The sky has been silent for thousands of dawns and dusks, but many of the supplies are still usable.Choose ArtifactsAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory341.jpg
10512413413433490011Remnants of GunfireYou try to search for traces of others.A historic battlefieldScarred and wastedYou explore the area around the ancient battlefield. You meet a few adventurers from the Ancient Roundtable who have set up camp near the ruins, but after decades of wandering, they are happy to join your cause.Recruit companionAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory341.jpg
106126135135231961204Dusty MemoriesThere is nothing you can do.Hall of RemainsFilled with despairUnfortunately, you failed to find a way into the remains, as if it were trying to reject the visits of those after its time. You search for supplies around the remains and leave disappointed.Collect suppliesAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory610.jpg
10712713613612Accept the giftAccept the gift300013611Before the journey ends...She returns.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/V130mlnNormal05.pngCradleCurse Queller... your journey's end is within your reach... Please accept my gift...The long, arduous journey is coming to an end and the girl's duty will end with it, but she still wishes to be of service to you while it lasts.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory624.jpg
10812813613623311Before the journey ends...She leaves for a short while.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/V130mlnNormal04.pngCradleThank you... Curse Queller...No matter where you end up, she will be there to witness your destiny.Accept the giftAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory624.jpg
10912913713712Be ready and leave no regretsLook carefully300013711Approaching TideWith determination in your eyesSomber TunnelWater that hits the curtains over and over sounds like the rise and fall of the waves.The end of your journey is near as the low rumbles of the tide get louder. You check your equipment to make sure you are ready for what's to come.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory623.jpg
11013013713723490011Approaching TideYou are ready.Somber TunnelWater that hits the curtains over and over sounds like the rise and fall of the waves.You clear out the entire perimeter, taking anything that might be of use for what's coming.Recruit companionAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory623.jpg
11113113813812Accept BrandingBlessing obtained300013811Refuse and leaveLeave300013812The Brand of InfinityYou discover a sacred palace.Pristine PalaceA Statue of the Angle stands erectAt an eerie corner of the ocean bottom, you discover a sacred palace, where an ivory white angle stands in the center. With a branding iron that burns eternally in its hand, it's ready to bless the next believer with its divine prayers.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory506.jpg
112132138138232951The Brand of InfinityYou accept branding.Pristine PalaceThe statue turns pure white.You extend your right arm to let the ancient blessing trickle into your body. Golden marks that shine eternally purify every inch of your body. You enjoy feeling as light as air as you gently float out.Absorb the BrandAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory506.jpg
11313313813831The Brand of InfinityYou refuse to be branded.Pristine PalaceIt's time to leave.Cradle stops you in your tracks. This blessing may not be what it seems.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory506.jpg
11413413913912Help him escape (Enter a difficult battle)Enter the Challenge300013911Avoid itLeave300013912Seduced by the AbyssYou notice danger approaching from afar.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/KamuNomal01.pngGrey...Who did this...In the deep depths of the sea, wails of the lost can be heard not far away. Ghosts of war roaming the shore of the abyss yearn to be freed.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory626.jpg
1151351391392570051Seduced by the AbyssYou decide to start a challenge.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/KamuNomal01.pngGreyYou... It's you... It's gotta be you!You can't bear to leave him to suffer alone and decides to set him free.Prepare for battle!Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory626.jpg
11613613913931Seduced by the AbyssYou decide to avoid the fight.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/KamuNomal01.pngGreyI want to go back home... my real home...Such agonizing wails must spell danger. Better make a detour.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory626.jpg
117137140140114021Ocean GuardianThe Ocean Guardian glares at you from atop a watch tower.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/LamiyaNormal01.pngEntrance to the SeaYou arrive at the end of the fortress where the underwater tunnel begins. The Guardian has been waiting for you.Face herAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory399.jpg
118138140140214031Ocean GuardianThe Ocean Guardian raises its spear.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/LamiyaNormal01.pngOcean GuardianGuardian of the Ocean. Gatekeeper of Forbiddance.The unfortunate soul destined to be trapped by ignorance.ContinueAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory399.jpg
119139140140314041Ocean GuardianThe Ocean Guardian gives a warning.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/LamiyaNormal01.pngOcean GuardianGuardian of the Ocean. Gatekeeper of Forbiddance.Your wishful thinking must be quenched.ContinueAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory399.jpg
120140140140414051Ocean GuardianThe Ocean Guardian leaps down from its towering lookout as the sky churns and dims.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/V130mlnNormal06.pngCradleGuide...ContinueAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory398.jpg
1211411401405530081Ocean GuardianThe Ocean Guardian prepares for battle.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/V130mlnNormal03.pngCradleGuideThe only way through is to defeat her.Prepare for battle!Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory398.jpg
122142141141114121After ClashThe Tree Guardian has been defeated.Entrance to the SeaOpening slowlyThe last trace of the Guardian fades as the entrance to the ocean depths opens.ContinueAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory398.jpg
12314314114122Enter the tunnel (Continue with journey)Continue Joruney300014121Look around (Future choice)Look around300014122After ClashThe entrance to the sea is opening up slowly.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/V130mlnNormal04.pngCradleGuideLet's go. We're now one step closer to our goal.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory398.jpg
12414414114132Pick up the dagger (Future choice)Pick up the dagger300014131Leave the dagger as is (Continue with journey)Leave the dagger as is300014132After ClashSomething is flickeringEntrance to the SeaNor too far away on the groundYou carefully scan your surroundings and notice that an exquisite dagger sits where the Guardian last took her breath.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory398.jpg
12514514114141After ClashTunnel EntranceEntrance to the SeaThe entrance to the sea is now completely open.You shake off any second thoughts and enter the underwater tunnel with Cradle.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory398.jpg
126146141141532931After ClashYou pick it up.Entrance to the SeaYou walk over.You recall the words of the Guardian. She seems to hold an intense animosity toward Cradle. You pick up the dagger and head down the underwater tunnel as you contemplate these thoughts.Pick up the daggerAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory398.jpg
12714714114161After ClashYou ignore it.Entrance to the SeaThe entrance to the sea is now completely open.You pick up the dagger without a second thought and enter the tunnel with Cradle.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory398.jpg
128148142142114221Cursed WavesThe ending is about to begin.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/V130mlnNormal02.pngCradleA girl who guides Curse QuellersYou have arrived at the bottom of the deep ocean, the origin of the world. A spot of eerie light shines bright. You know all too well that it is the source of all evils of the world, the instigator of the sound of the tide.ContinueAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory627.jpg
12914914214222Follow Cradle's instructionsObey300014221Reject CradleDecline2293114222But I have not learned the truth of this world.Inquire the truth2294114223Cursed WavesThe ending is about to begin.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/V130mlnNormal01.pngCradleA girl who guides Curse QuellersShattered lights and shadows gather into a bouquet—the cycle of doom is at its end... Touch it, for our duty ends here.ContinueAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory627.jpg
1301501421423550071Cursed WavesThe ending is about to begin.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/V130mlnNormal01.pngCradleA girl who guides Curse QuellersYou do as Cradle says and touch the ball of light with your hand. It is clear that this will be the last battle.Prepare for battle!Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory627.jpg
131151142142414251Cursed WavesThe ending is about to begin.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/V130mlnNormal01.pngCradleA girl who guides Curse QuellersWhy was she entrusted with this duty? What is the truth of the sound of the tide? After a long and arduous journey, you have received no answer. Suspicion bubbles in your heart. It is time to take your destiny back into your hands.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory627.jpg
1321521421425550072Cursed WavesLet's begin.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/V130mlnNormal02.pngCradleYou... Why...?You thrust your dagger into Cradle. Her blood drips from the sheath... and flows a distance before changing, evolving, and turning into another shape.Prepare for battle!Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory627.jpg
13315314214262I don't think so.Continue2295114261Think again.Reselect300014262Cursed WavesThe ending is about to begin.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/V130mlnNormal06.pngCradleA girl who guides Curse QuellersThe truth of the world...? There is no truth, only meaningless struggles.ContinueAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory627.jpg
13415414214272Keep moving onContinue300014271Cursed WavesThe ending is about to begin.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/V130mlnNormal05.pngCradleYour arms... why are they flickering.The burning sensation on your arms is telling a different story. You now know very well that Cradle did not tell the truth and you have acquired the qualifications to go further and deeper.Keep moving onAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory627.jpg
13515914414412Explore after drinking 2 bottles of Biomimetic BloodUse Biomimetic Blood1196120214411Stay put without doing anythingTry to wake up300014412Dream of MistShould you continue forward?You are surrounded by mist....Hit by unusual fatigue, you end your travels early. You find somewhere to rest up for the day and fall deeply asleep. When you next open your eyes, you are deep in a mist and feel nauseous. If nothing is done you will be unable to move.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory439.jpg
1361601441442144831961203Dream of MistShould you continue forward?Withered Tree...You find a large withered tree—from whose rotten core is oozing silver-white liquid.Collect Biomimetic BloodAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory446.jpg
13716114414431448319611910Dream of MistShould you continue forward?Tattered Shed...You walk into a tattered shed. It is empty except for the few coins left in a box.Collect coinsAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory352.jpg
138162144144414483321Dream of MistShould you continue forward?Bloody Hill...You arrive at a hill that has witnessed harrowing battles. Among the whitened bones scattered across the field, you find some items that can still be of use.Collect ArtifactsAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory346.jpg
139163144144514483490021Dream of MistShould you continue forward?Cracked Tombstone...You stop in front of a tombstone cracked in half with the top missing. The writing on it seems to state the location of friends of the deceased.Recruit companionAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory359.png
140164144144631961206Dream of MistIt's time to wake up.You are swallowed by mist.It's time to wake up.You make it through the mist only to find yourself deep within more. One slip and you are in a pool of Biomimetic Blood. You jolt awake before realizing that it was only a nightmare and that all your empty bottles have been filled with Biomimetic Blood...Wake upAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png
141165144144714481Dream of MistShould you continue forward?Mist is still thick...You are unable to find anything useful for the mist is too thick.Not your lucky day.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory439.jpg
14216614414482Explore after drinking 2 bottles of Biomimetic BloodUse Biomimetic Blood1196120214411Stay put without doing anythingTry to wake up300014412Dream of MistShould you continue forward?Mist is still thick...The mist has yet to disperse, but it looks like you can continue forward.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory439.jpg
14316714414491Dream of MistTime to continue your journey.Mist dispersesIt's time to wake up.Violent winds pick up and disperse the mist. You realize you're back where you were resting earlier and it was all a bizarre dream.Wake upAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png
14416814514512Drop 7 Tinbread CookiesConsume Tinbread Cookies1196119714511Not worth it. Time to goLeave300014512Sharky BoxShould you continue forward?Odd Storage Box...It might be waiting for Tinbread Cookies...A shark-shaped box is left on the side of the road. It is a mechanism made with ancient technologies. With its mouth wide open, the shark seems to take coins in exchange for supplies.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory627.jpg
14516914514521458319611910Sharky BoxShould you continue forward?Odd Storage BoxRumbling noisesYou drop some coins into the box and close it. To your surprise, the shark spits out more coins.Collect coinsAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory627.jpg
1461701451453145831961203Sharky BoxShould you continue forward?Odd Storage BoxRumbling noisesYou drop some coins into the box and close it. To your surprise, the shark spits out bottles of Biomimetic Blood.Collect Biomimetic BloodAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory627.jpg
147171145145414583321Sharky BoxShould you continue forward?Odd Storage BoxLoud rumbling noisesYou drop some coins into the box and close it. After some violent trembles, the shark spits out a few Artifacts.Collect ArtifactsAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory627.jpg
148172145145514583490021Sharky BoxShould you continue forward?Odd Storage BoxLoud rumbling noisesYou drop some coins into the box and close it. After some violent trembles, the shark spits out an invitation letter.Recruit companionAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory627.jpg
1491731451456319611920Sharky BoxShould you continue forward?Odd Storage BoxIt's time to wake up.You drop some coins into the box and close it. The shark spits out a pile of Tinbread Cookies but moves no more. You leave in disappointment.Lucky!Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory627.jpg
150174145145714581Sharky BoxShould you continue forward?Odd Storage BoxIt's time to wake up.You drop some coins into the box and close it but nothing comes out of the shark's mouth...Darn!Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory627.jpg
15117514514582Drop 7 more Tinbread CookiesConsume Tinbread Cookies1196119714511Not worth it. Time to goLeave300014512Sharky BoxShould you continue forward?Odd Storage BoxIt's time to wake up.Looks like you can drop more coins into this box.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory627.jpg
15217614514591Sharky BoxShould you continue forward?Odd Storage BoxIt's time to wake up.You put down the weird box and leave.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory627.jpg
153177146146114621After ClashThe Tree Guardian has been defeated.Entrance to the SeaOpening slowlyThe last trace of the Guardian fades as the entrance to the ocean depths opens.ContinueAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory398.jpg
15417814614622Enter the tunnel (Continue with journey)Continue Joruney300014621After ClashThe entrance to the sea is opening up slowly.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/V130mlnNormal04.pngCradleGuideLet's go. We're now one step closer to our goal.Made up your mindAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory398.jpg
15517914614631After ClashTunnel EntranceEntrance to the SeaThe entrance to the sea is now completely open.You shake off any second thoughts and enter the underwater tunnel with Cradle.Continue JoruneyAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory398.jpg
156180147147114721Cursed WavesThe ending is about to begin.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/V130mlnNormal02.pngCradleGuideYou have arrived at the bottom of the deep ocean, the origin of the world. A spot of eerie light shines bright. You know all too well that it is the source of all evils of the world, the instigator of the sound of the tide.ContinueAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory627.jpg
15718114714722Follow Cradle's instructionsObey300014721Cursed WavesThe ending is about to begin.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/V130mlnNormal01.pngCradleGuideShattered lights and shadows gather into a bouquet—the cycle of doom is at its end... Touch it, for our duty ends here.ContinueAssets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory627.jpg
1581821471473550071Cursed WavesThe ending is about to begin.Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/V130mlnNormal01.pngCradleGuideYou do as Cradle says and touch the ball of light with your hand. It is clear that this will be the last battle.Prepare for battle!Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory627.jpg