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Id Name Icon Desc Type TrenchType FightEventIds[1] NeedEnergy PrePluginId ItemId
1011 Focus Logic Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon1.png Consists of passive skills that enhance DMG and increase durability. Suits those who prefer a single type of weapon. 1 1 2270160 96141
1012 Parallel Logic Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon2.png Parallel Logic allows Trailblazer to equip two weapon modules at the same time. Suits those who prefer a flexible combat style. 1 1 2270161 96142
1021 Starfall Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon3.png Each skill cast accumulates 1 stack of energy. Once there are 6 stacks, Starfall can be cast to pull in enemy units in a large area, dealing 3500% Physical DMG in total. Dodging and the 3rd/6th hit of Basic Attack can also accumulate energy stacks. 1 2 2270150 96143
1022 Fist Barrage Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon4.png Tap the Signature button to consume 100 Signature Energy, charge for a brief moment, then unleash multiple rapid strikes against the target in front, dealing 3500% Physical DMG in total. 1 2 2270149 96144
1023 Wide-Area Strike Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon5.png After equipping this module, the Base DMG of Energy Weapon Mode will increase by 50% while the Basic Attacks in this mode attack 25% slower. Casting this skill actively will consume 30 Signature Energy to activate the Charge Mode for 5s, during which tapping the Signature button again will unleash a wide-area strike that deals 2000% Physical DMG. Every Signal Orb pinged during the Charge Mode will further increase DMG by 5%. 1 2 2270151 96145
1024 Star Slasher Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon6.png After equipping this module, Basic Attacks generate 4 more Signature Energy. Every 5m of Lightblade length will increase DMG by 20%. Casting this skill actively will consume 100 Energy to deal 2700% Physical DMG to the enemies in front within the length of the Lightblade. 1 2 2270152 96146
1031 Fistblade Weapon Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon7.png A weapon module that prioritizes melee attacks. In Fistblade Mode, Trailblazer will use 3 skills with cooldowns. 1 3 2270111 96147
1032 Energy Weapon Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon8.png A weapon module that utilizes an energy cannon and lightblade. In Energy Weapon Mode, Trailblazer will use 3 different Signal Orb skills. 1 3 2270112 96148
2011 Energy Search Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon9.png Every 30s, the aerial support will scan the coordinates of Trailblazer and drop a maintenance crate. Picking up the crate will replace the damaged parts, restore 25 Module Stability and temporarily heal 25% of max HP. 2 1 2270116 1 1011 96150
2012 Exergonic Weapon Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon10.png When Focus Energy is full, the next skill's DMG multiplier increases by 100% and will drain all Focus Energy once cast. 2 1 2270113 1 1011 96149
2021 Weapon Restructuring Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon11.png Allows Trailblazer to equip two weapon modules and switch between them at any time. Each switch will drain all Focus Energy. Upon switching from Fistblade to Energy Weapon, every 10 Focus Energy will generate a random Signal Orb; upon switching from Energy to Fistblade Weapon, every 20 Focus Energy will reduce the cooldown of all skills by 1s. 2 1 2270119 1 1012 96151
2022 Energy Search Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon9.png Every 30s, the aerial support will scan the coordinates of Trailblazer and drop a maintenance crate. Picking up the crate will replace the damaged parts, restore 25 Module Stability and temporarily heal 25% of max HP. 2 1 2270122 1 1012 96152
2031 Block Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon13.png When this skill is ready, tap a Red Orb to channel a beam that strikes the target for 700% Physical DMG and Blocks incoming attacks for a brief moment. 6s cooldown. Successful Blocks will interrupt the enemy's attack and knocks it back. 2 3 2270125 1 1031 96153
2032 Bullet Punch Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon14.png When this skill is ready, tap a Blue Orb to charge for a short duration and dash toward the target, dealing 900% Physical DMG. 8s cooldown. 2 3 2270129 1 1031 96154
2033 Rising Punch Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon15.png When this skill is ready, tap a Yellow Orb to leap into the air using Anti-gravity Energy, knocking the target in front up with the Fistblade and dealing 1200% Physical DMG. 10s cooldown. 2 3 2270133 1 1031 96155
2041 Spinning Lightblade Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon16.png Charges toward the enemy and attacks with the Lightblade, dealing 390%/780%/1170% Physical DMG based on the number of orbs pinged. 2 3 2270137 1 1032 96156
2042 Lightblade Sprint Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon17.png Slashes the enemy with the Lightblade, dealing 680%/1360%/2040% Physical DMG based on the number of orbs pinged. 2 3 2270141 1 1032 96157
2043 Cluster Missiles Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon18.png Opens the chest missile pod to launch 12 seeking missiles that strike the enemy, dealing 510%/1020%/1530% Physical DMG based on the number of orbs pinged. 2 3 2270145 1 1032 96158
3011 Heated Plunder Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon21.png After eliminating an enemy, Energy Modules will drop randomly. Looting these modules will restore a small amount of Module Stability, but due to their poor compatibility, each module has a 30% chance to break upon entering the battle. 3 1 2270117 2011 96161
3012 Rotating Combustion Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon22.png When any module is damaged, tap this button to change into a backup frame and detonate the original frame for 3000% AOE Physical DMG. 200s cooldown. Airdrops no longer restore Module Stability and HP, but provide spare parts instead. Each airdrop picked up will reduce the cooldown of this skill by 20s. 3 1 2270118 2011 96162
3021 Focus Level Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon19.png Focus Energy's limit increases by 100% and its DMG Bonus limit increases by 100%. Each combo landed will increase Extra DMG Bonus by 1%, up to 100%. Every skill or Basic Attack cast will restore 1 additional Signature Energy. 3 1 2270114 2012 96159
3022 Efficient Focus Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon20.png Focus Energy charges 50% faster. Each time a skill or Basic Attack hits a target, there is a 30% chance to reduce its cooldown by 1s or gain 1 Signal Orb. 3 1 2270115 2012 96160
3031 Weapon Engine Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon25.png 3-Pings also make Trailblazer invincible for 1s. Casting this skill will also cast Blue Orb 1-Ping and benefit from the connected circuit effect. 3 1 2270120 2021 96163
3032 Aerial Execution Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon26.png When both Signature Energy and Focus Energy are full, activating Trailblazer's Energy Weapon Mode will consume all Signature Energy and Focus Energy to make it airborne. While airborne, Trailblazer can shoot bullets that deal 250% DMG each. When Trailblazer lands again, it will cast Star Slasher. 3 1 2270121 2021 96164
3041 Overheat Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon23.png Enters the Overload Mode. In this mode, Module Stability decreases faster, skill cooldown decreases by 30%, orbs recover 50% faster, and every module damaged increases Trailblazer's DMG by 20%. When there is only one module functioning, skills have no cooldown and 8 Signal Orbs are generated every second. 3 1 2270123 2022 96165
3042 Evocation Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon22.png When any module is damaged, tap this button to change into a backup frame and detonate the original frame for 3000% AOE Physical DMG. 200s cooldown. Airdrops no longer restore Module Stability and HP, but provide spare parts instead. Each airdrop picked up will reduce the cooldown of this skill by 20s. 3 1 2270124 2022 96166
3051 Blast Reaction Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon27.png After a successful Block, Trailblazer will return some incoming DMG back to the attacker, then leaps into the air and slams down, dealing 500% Physical DMG in a small area. The next skill has a 30% chance to immediately execute the enemy unit. (Invalid against Boss enemies.) 3 3 2270126 2031 96167
3052 Veteran Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon28.png A successful Block will fully restore Dodge Gauge and make Dodging no longer consume Dodge Gauge within 8s. The next skill's DMG increases by 100%. 3 3 2270127 2031 96168
3053 Hand of Annihilation Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon29.png Block is replaced with Snap Shockwave that annihilates all missile attacks in a large area, knocks back all enemy units and recovers 40 Signature Energy (with a bonus 2 Signature Energy from each missile annihilated). Cooldown increases by 6s. 3 3 2270128 2031 96169
3061 Penetrating Punch Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon30.png After charging for a brief moment, dashes toward the target and deals 1200% Physical DMG to all the enemies in a straight line with the Laser Cannon on the arm. Casting this skill has a 30% chance to reset its cooldown. 3 3 2270130 2032 96170
3062 Evading Stance Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon31.png Tapping a Blue Orb after Dodging will remove the charge time and reduce the skill cooldown by 2s. 3 3 2270131 2032 96171
3063 Suction Punch Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon32.png Press and hold the Blue Orb to charge for 3s, then pull in enemy units within 6m. Cooldown increases by 8s. Recovers 20 Signature Energy. 3 3 2270132 2032 96172
3071 Rising Power Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon33.png Hitting a target with less than 30% HP will knock it away and eliminate it directly. (Invalid against Boss enemies.) 3 3 2270134 2033 96173
3072 Rising Slam Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon34.png Hitting a Rising Punch has a 30% chance to trigger a slamming attack, dealing 750% Physical DMG. After casting this skill, restores 2 Signature Energy per second for 5s. 3 3 2270135 2033 96174
3073 Consecutive Punches Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon35.png Hitting a Rising Punch has a 30% chance to trigger an aerial combo, dealing 750% Physical DMG in total. Cooldown increases by 6s. Restores 40 Signature Energy. 3 3 2270136 2033 96175
3082 Quick Charge Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon36.png Casting Red Orb 3-Pings repeatedly within 5s will increase the DMG of Red Orb 3-Pings by 50% and allow it to be cast faster. This effect stacks up to 3 times. 3 3 2270139 2041 96177
3083 Helium Flash Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon37.png When a Red Orb 3-Ping is glowing, press and hold Basic Attack at the right time to trigger a Helium Flash, consuming all Red Orbs to increase Extra DMG by 60% for every additional Red Orb consumed. 3 3 2270140 2041 96178
3092 Energy Recycling Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon38.png Pinging a Yellow Orb will consume all available Yellow Orbs instead. Each Yellow Orb pinged deals 680% Physical DMG and increases Extra DMG Bonus by 20% for 3s. This duration is reset each time a Yellow Orb is pinged. 3 3 2270143 2042 96180
3093 Extended Lightblade Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon39.png Each Yellow Orb 3-Ping increases the length of Lightblade by 5m, up to 15m. 3 3 2270144 2042 96181
3102 Guided Missile Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon40.png Pinging a Blue Orb will consume all available Blue Orbs to deal 510% Physical DMG for each orb pinged and summon missile support for 3s (stackable), launching guided missiles at the enemy every 1.5s. 3 3 2270147 2043 96183
3103 Heat Unleashed Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBrilliantwalk/UiBrilliantwalkIcon41.png Blue 3-Pings will consume all Focus Energy. Every 100 Focus Energy will increase the Lightblade by 10m, up to 15m. Also launches missiles to the enemy unit. 3 3 2270148 2043 96184