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666301Someone is knocking on the door to the bedroom in the dead of night... albeit very gently as if trying not to startle the people inside the room.
777301Not getting any response, a girl with black hair pokes her head from behind the door.
999301Not expecting to get discovered, the girl looks at her mother, her large eyes blinking.
1111113011LuciaDid I wake you, Mom...?1
121212301Lucia's mother simply smiles and waves at her.
141414301MotherCome on in. Look at you all sneaky, like you're about to steal some snacks.
151515301Embarrassed, Lucia walks in with a picture book in her hands.
161616301MotherDo you want a bedtime story? Come on, then.
171717301Lucia nods eagerly before quickly walking toward her mother, only to stop halfway through.
181818301MotherHm? What's wrong? My Lucia is getting shy...
191919301Lucia shakes her head and points at her mother's growing belly—her mother is pregnant.
2121213011LuciaDad said the baby inside you is very fragile. I don't want to get too close...1
222222301MotherThat's alright. Maybe the baby wants a story too.
242424301Lucia smiles again, carefully approaching her mother and handing her the book.
252525301Seeing how funny Lucia looks, being both scared and curious, Lucia's mother grabs her daughter's hand and places it on her belly.
262626301The gentle movement inside her mother can be felt with her hand. For the first time, the young Lucia truly feels the existence of life.
272727301LuciaMom! Something's moving! It's moving!1
282828301Her mother smiles, holding up the picture book before frowning.
292929301MotherAh? The story with the Moon and the rabbits again? Haven't you heard it enough times from your dad already?
303030301LuciaB-but the baby hasn't heard it before!1
313131301Lucia's mother pats Lucia on her head, recalling how Lucia was once a fragile life inside her not too long ago. Now, here her daughter is, starting a life of her own in this world.
323333301LuciaDoes the Moon have a name too?1
333434301MotherIt does. People always name the things that are important to them. Do you like that name, Lucia?
343535301Luna... Luna... Lucia recites the name silently over and over again.
353636301MotherYou're going to be a sister, whether the baby's a girl or a boy... You have to protect them and be their role model, okay? You have to walk on the right path and be a good person.
394141301AniZhuanchangEndLuciaLuna, stay here. I'll protect you.1
4143433011LuciaI'll never leave you, no matter what you've become...1
434545301AniZhuanchangBegin1LuciaI'll still stand with Commandant and Gray Raven—I will find the answer I am looking for. So, Luna...1
474949301AniZhuanchangEndLuna slowly opens her eyes. She thinks she just had a dream, but she does not remember what it was about—it has been a very long time since she last dreamt.
485050301Now awake, she finds herself still inside this dimly lit laboratory. As her memories return, she remembers that she is but a walking dead imprisoned on the Moon.
495151301Someone is moving... She has gotten used to the many technicians being around her and doing all kinds of tests and experiments, but there is only one person today.
5153533011KareninaHey there...1
525454301Finding Luna waking up, Karenina casually greets the caged girl before returning to her work.
535555301She is going through the power nodes of the Mega-Omega Weapon one by one, inspecting them and taking out the specialized parts from within, replacing them with regular components.
545656301Noticing Luna's gaze, Karenina shakes the tools in her hands.
555757301KareninaI'm swapping them with regular parts, so the Kurono people can still repair the Omega Weapon even when they don't know how it works... Won't affect its structure and power, though, so don't even think about escaping.1
5961613011KareninaI'm going to try to conceal as much of the Omega Weapon's technology and data as possible in case the Kurono people find out about them in the future. Not that I think this can keep them away for long.1
6163633011LunaAnd I thought you were working together... It is human nature to be mistrustful, I suppose.1
6365653011KareninaEven trusting those madmen once is too much for me... I don't want anything to do with them in the future.1
656767301Karenina hesitates for a second before deciding to continue.
666868301KareninaThe fight on the surface is over for now, and my job here is done. I'll be back on Babylonia tomorrow.1
676969301Luna takes a look at Karenina, seemingly unsurprised. She has guessed so from what Karenina said.
6971713011LunaIs that so... Given how relaxed you look, I reckon the humans have survived another calamity.1
7173733011KareninaThey have indeed—sorry to disappoint you. The new specialized frame we built with the information we got from you made it in time. Liv tore through the battlefield with a ray of light, saving everyone on the surface...1
727474301Karenina bites her lips without realizing it, chuckling wryly.
737575301KareninaStill, it was a Pyrrhic victory... More people are killed by the Hetero-Creatures, and more homes flooded by the Red Tide.1
747676301KareninaRegardless, we have kept a spark to fight back at the very least... The power that we created—that science created—has saved everyone for once.1
757777301KareninaThe Task Force took the largest hit, but everyone has survived, even the Gray Ravens, who were the most injured...1
7779793011LunaGray Raven...1
788080301That is the team that Lucia, her other sister in Babylonia, and the commandant who dragged her from the Polyphage belong to.
798181301LunaLucia is still alive, and she saved a lot of people.1
808282301Luna knows more than anyone how weak humans are, so she is even more surprised to witness their strength time and time again.
818383301LunaEven after all the despairs she's been through, Lucia is still fighting for hope...1
8385853011KareninaOf course she is.1
848686301Karenina fixes the last component before stretching her arms.
868888301KareninaLucia is strong. I know it better than most as her true rival... As long as someone believes in her, she will stand and defy any kind of fate.1
878989301KareninaI'm impressed by her... but I also want to surpass and defeat her. Perhaps I couldn't do it before, but—much like humanity's battle with the Punishing Virus—no one loses forever.1
889090301Ungrounded confidence and unfounded convictions... Luna would have easily torn apart Karenina's fantasy with the calculations she got from the Ascension-Network.
899191301But Luna is just an empty shell of conflicts now. She has no direction, no beliefs, and no future... And yet, she still has a yearning.
909292301Had the girl named Luna not been born into this world... Lucia would not have gotten hurt protecting her sister. She would have had a different future.
919393301Karenina watches Luna silently and speaks softly as if she has read Luna's thoughts.
929494301KareninaInformation regarding agents is highly classified, whether in Kurono or Babylonia... Your existence will never be known, I suppose. No one will know what has happened here. Not even Lucia.1
949797301Luna smiles gently without realizing it as if what she just said was the best news she could have hoped for.
9699993011KareninaI don't think I'll see you again, but still. See you.1
981011013011Luna...See you.1
100103103301The laboratory returns to silence after Karenina is gone. Luna closes her eyes once again—perhaps time would pass more quickly in her dreams, thought the undying agent.