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433301DialogEnableZero-point energy was once the ultimate vision of the future from the people in the Golden Age. Everyone knew about it. Everyone was staring at it.
544301However, the development of zero-point energy was always a mystery. The only foundation of all its research was that it existed. Even experts in the energy sector could only start with trial and error.
655301After countless failures, almost all researchers in the laboratory have lost patience, their spirits broken. Frustration fills every corner of the room.
766301Only one small figure stands before everyone else, boldly but carefully forming different solutions, hoping to recreate what happened to the Atlantis reactor as recorded in the Omega File.
9883011KareninaRight... The number of virtual particles detected is normal, which means it's probably the conditions for the output not being able to sustain... ****! It's still not working!1
1110103011YarhaKarenina... Still looking energetic, are we?1
1312123011TeddyI'm glad you're used to it... It pisses me off every time I see her all energized while I'm dead tired.1
151414301TeddyBut I suppose a fool who won't quit is the only one who deserves to witness success firsthand.1
161515301Teddy dusts off the dirt from her clothes, having been resting on the floor, and stretches before standing up and operating on the terminal.
1817173011KareninaHey, you there! Go get a reading of the pressure inside the vacuum chamber and bring me another metal pipe. I smashed the last one...1
2019193011Kurono Researcher...1
2221213011TeddyHa! That lady there doesn't care who you are once she's in work mode.1
242323301That Kurono Researcher takes a look at Yarha. Although Yarha's role as research director is only nominal, the researchers still technically answer to him.
2625253011YarhaWe're all after the same thing here. Do as Karenina says.1
282727301Unlike its mysterious and elitist image, scientific researches are boring and fruitless 80% of the time. The celebrated successes are the results of tens of thousands of repeated experiments.
292828301Karenina's grandfather had been doing all kinds of ridiculous experiments since she was young. Occasionally—most of the time, they ended in failure.
302929301But sometimes—very, very rarely—after an alarming explosion, she would find Kalon covered in soot, grinning and showing his perfect white teeth, walking out the door with a piece of coal in his hands.
313030301AniZhuanchangBeginThe young Karenina would carefully hold her grandfather's hands, wiping off the topmost layer of dirt to reveal the glistening diamond hiding inside.
343333301AniZhuanchangEnd1KareninaS-stop! Stop! STOP! Nobody moves!1
353434301Having started working again for who-knows-how-long, the researchers are all startled by Karenina's sudden shout, stopping their work immediately.
373636301Karenina is staring at a pencil on her desk until it slowly floats in the air. Even with only one-sixth of Earth's gravity, a pencil would not have levitated on the lunar surface out of nowhere.
383737301KareninaTeddy, take this down! This is it!1
4039393011TeddyAlright, alright. I'm recording it...1
4241413011YarhaWhat is this, Karenina?1
4443433011KareninaI hooked up the zero-point reactor with the original engine as its most susceptive detector.1
454444301The zero-point reactor in the lunar base was created as the power source for Babylonia, driving the space-traveling gravitational wave engine.
474646301KareninaThis engine was designed for zero-point energy and zero-point energy only. Other energy sources wouldn't work, so it was left here with the reactor.1
484747301KareninaBut that also means it will turn on with the slightest hint of zero-point energy—like this.1
5454543011YarhaD-does... does that mean we've succeeded?!1
565656301KareninaAlthough the engine can only run at 50% of what it can theoretically do this way, without a doubt—the zero-point reactor has restarted.1
606060301All the researchers cannot help but cheer. Whether they are from Kurono or the Engineering Force, everyone floating is high-fiving and celebrating with the people around them.
616161301Perhaps only now, laughing freely in the absence of gravity, can these people ignore each other's beliefs and factions to enjoy this technological breakthrough as scientific researchers.
636363301AniZhuanchangBegin1Teddy cannot help but grin, either. But her smile quickly fades, as she knows there is a bigger question awaiting them after the zero-point reactor restarts.
696969301AniZhuanchangEnd1CollinsFinally... Liszt, do I look alright? Should I put on something decent?1
707070301LisztYou're fine.2
727272301Despite Liszt's answer, Collins still straightens up his tie and cuffs patiently.
7575753011YarhaCollins, the Mega-Omega Weapon has been connected to a zero-point energy source.2
767676301CollinsKaren, is the zero-point reactor running properly?1
777777301Karenina watches the Omega Weapon glowing blue upon receiving zero-point energy. Right now, it is only in standby mode.
8080803011KareninaHmph. More proper than any of you...2
818181301CollinsHaha! That's good enough for me. By the way, didn't you refuse to work with us originally?1
828282301KareninaThe Cosmos Technician Union might be neutral, but it doesn't mean we're planning to work with Kurono.2
838383301Cosmos Technician Union's neutrality is part of why the Parliament has chosen Karenina to help Kurono after they agreed to work together.
848484301KareninaWe're helping you restart the zero-point reactor only because we need it to produce the Omega Weapon the surface desperately needs right now. Don't overthink it.2
858585301CollinsBut Hetero-Creatures and Corrupted won't sit and wait for the Omega Weapon to attack. Humanity needs a more decisive breakthrough to turn things around.1
878787301Collins sends a file to Karenina's terminal. It is the latest project the Parliament and Kurono have agreed to work on together.
898989301KareninaA new specialized frame... In that case, the Omega Weapon can indeed be fully utilized. The base model is made from the data of an agent...2
919191301Karenina glances at the sleeping Luna. Lit by the soft, blue light, Luna's youthful face is the furthest thing Karenina would associate with what Luna is—an agent, the highest form of Ascendant.
929292301CollinsEven though the model we built from Luna's data performed better than regular Constructs, it couldn't achieve what the new specialized frame would require to absorb the Punishing Virus.1
949494301Karenina****! No wonder you gave me that model. You were looking for more data, weren't you?2
959595301CollinsHa! You can think what you want. I just want you to understand that even the smallest treasure we take from that treasure trove is enough to make such an impact...1
969696301Collins gives Karenina a pat on her shoulder, revealing his usual malicious grin.
979797301CollinsAs a researcher yourself, aren't you curious about what other secrets are hidden in that trove?1
999999301AniZhuanchangBeginCollins nods at Yarha, and the energy pulse device connected to Luna begins to work, injecting her with energy.
104104104301AniZhuanchangEndThe pale Ascendant slowly opens her eyes under everyone's watchful gaze. People have their hands on their weapons—even knowing that the Omega Weapon is there, they are still frightened by Luna.
109109109301Collins looks at Luna expectantly, hoping she will react, but Luna just looks at everyone there calmly and remains silent.
110110110301CollinsLuna, that's your name, isn't it... Do you remember me?
112112112301AniZhuanchangBeginCollinsI witnessed your birth on that day, transforming from that lowly Corrupted to the saintly, angelic being you are. I've been hoping to meet you again ever since.
115115115301AniZhuanchangEnd1Luna is still expressionless, but her gaze seems to have shifted slightly.
116116116301LunaYou... are the one who turned me into a Corrupted?1
1181181183011CollinsOf course not. It was an unfortunate accident that you got infected. Or... a necessary sacrifice.1
119119119301CollinsEven though Dr. Kalon had greatly increased the success rate of the Construct technology, it was still flawed...1
122124124301Luna tries to connect to the Ascension-Network to no avail, as she expected. She has probably been deemed a threat to the network after her actions in City 075...
123125125301But the Punishing Virus within her has not overtaken her and turned her into a Corrupted, which means she is still an Ascendant for some reason, which surprises her.
124126126301LunaPerhaps you're hoping to obtain something from me, humans... but I'm sorry to tell you that I'm no different to your Constructs right now. All I have left is the power to draw in the Punishing Virus.1
125127127301Luna raises her bounded right hand slightly. A dark, scarlet light flashes in her palm... causing all the soldiers to raise their weapons.
126128128301LunaThere is no Punishing Virus here...1
127129129301Luna is astounded to find that there is almost no Punishing Virus in the atmosphere except for what is inside her.
1291311313011LisztDon't be rash. We're on the Moon right now... there is no virus for you Ascendants to absorb. And if you try to run, the Mega-Omega Weapon behind you will activate and destroy all viruses and you in one sweep.1
131133133301AniZhuanchangBegin1LunaI don't plan to run... The person you call Luna is dead. There's no place for me to return to.1
134136136301AniZhuanchangEndLuna glimpses at the Omega Weapon behind her, not showing much interest before closing her eyes again.
138140140301LunaHumans... are already capable of making something like that...1
139141141301LunaBut it's pointless. Humanity's end is destined.1
140142142301At City 075, Luna chose to oppose the Ascension-Network, siding with her sister and the human her sister trusted despite being humanity's enemy... And now, Luna has nowhere to return as an outcast.
141143143301LunaBut struggle all you want like that person, humans...1
1421441443011AniZhuanchangBeginLuna's final words might be uncaring, but it does not sound hostile at all. If anything, there seems to be the faintest hint of hope.