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544301DialogEnableBy the time the mourning crowd has departed, Babylonia has hung up the artificial night sky.
655301Liv's name is marked alongside many others within the code on the war memorial, allowing the visitors to learn about their stories.
766301The lives behind those names, both humans and Constructs, have used their bodies to mend the rifts caused by the war, paving a road for humanity's future.
877301The brightest day will eventually dusk, the river of time flowing toward a new night.
988301History of the world, then, goes back and forth between light and darkness. It had been this way, and it will be this way.
1099301Underneath the bright, artificial moonlight, all but three remain before the monument.
111010301They stare at the familiar name in silence, sharing neither tears nor words.
121111301If the human among them had not passed out before dawn due to having just recovered, they would have stayed there until noon and beyond.
131212301Heartbroken as they are, they will still visit tomorrow, even when their battles leave them no time to grieve.
141313301The girl will lie in the eternal winter with countless others, dreaming about what could be as what once was.
151414301There ends her journey. From then, it will be someone else's story.
171616301Becoming a name on the memorial. Building a future with her past.
181717301History never changes dramatically because of one person, but everyone can use their power to help lay the foundation of a future.
191818301If the future is filled with difficulties, perhaps it is easiest for her to depart at her most glorious moment, no longer having to suffer any pain.
212020301Her heart still worries for her companions.
222121301AniZhuanchangBeginThe algorithm responds to her question and extends the scene onward.
242323301AniZhuanchangEndA few days later, she sees a familiar figure.
252424301It is Lucia.
282727301Lucia places a sheep plush in front of the memorial before sitting down, as the place is empty at this late hour.
292828301LivYou look more like a wanderer than a soldier now. Is that how you are sometimes?
313131301LuciaLiv, this is the second time I lost a teammate unprepared.1
323232301LuciaI'm sorry, but the day you left... I was so angry. Not at you. I was angry at myself and those who withheld the truth...1
333333301LuciaI could tell that it was part of Project Winter. But I only heard the truth about it when I brought you back here.1
343434301LuciaBut what happened to you... I don't know a better way.1
353535301LuciaCommandant woke up a few days after you're gone... If you waited a little bit longer before coming for us, would you have lived?1
363636301Lucia shakes her head, answering herself.
373737301LuciaIf you had done that, we would lose Lee, Chrome, Changyu, and Sophia.1
383838301Lucia...And me.1
393939301LuciaThey were more injured than I was. I was the last one who could still move because they were guarding the way to me.1
404040301LuciaAnd... in the end, you helped us destroy the twins.1
414141301LuciaI've been thinking these past few days. If I could go back in time, what could I have done to protect you?1
424242301Lucia...But I can't think of anything that would save you.1
434343301LuciaNot unless I trade your life with others.1
444444301LuciaBut you wouldn't have wanted to see that.1
464646301LuciaLiv, do you know that Lee...1
474747301AniZhuanchangBeginLucia does not continue.
494949301AniZhuanchangEndA while after Lucia has left, another Construct stands before the war memorial.
525252301He greets her before falling into a long silence as if all he has to say is being said wordlessly.
535353301He only moves when the timer on his terminal rings, and he looks down, frowning.
545454301LeeI'm here to say goodbye.1
555555301He goes quiet again after that, considering for a moment. In the end, he chooses to leave those words unsaid.
585858301AniZhuanchangBeginAll he thinks and feels are distilled into a simple goodbye, drifting away into the light casting in the square.
606060301AniZhuanchangEndHe never returns after that.
616161301Has he disappeared, or is his path too far removed from what Liv can anticipate?
626262301Time passes day after day. Every time the commandant and Lucia come to visit together, Liv can see the marks time leaves on the commandant's body.
636363301Later, people begin to mention a snowstorm on the surface. It seems that a very difficult winter is coming.
646464301After that, the commandant's name is put next to Liv's at a memorial service.
656565301Then, their names are joined by Lucia's.
666666301Many winters later, a young female Construct stands before the monument, someone Liv does not recognize.
6868683011???Hello, Liv.1
696969301CosetteDo you remember me? I'm Cosette. You saved me when I was a baby.1
717171301CosetteThey told me that my parents thought I'd be a genius. That was why they risked their lives delivering me to you.1
727272301Liv...No. That wasn't...
737373301LivAll they wanted was for you to be happy...
747474301LivThey wanted to give you the choice to choose your future...
757575301But the young Construct cannot hear Liv. She continues.
767676301CosetteBut what have I achieved? I'm just a Support-type Construct that can't do anything well...1
777777301CosetteAll of you must be so disappointed if you were here.1
787878301LivOf course not... This is not what they wanted...
797979301CosetteWhat were my parents like? Why did they bring me into the world?1
808080301CosetteTell me, please...1
838383301Cosette has lost everyone she held dear this long winter. She no longer has anyone to talk to.
848484301The young Construct, all alone, talks before the monument, until her words turn into tears.
858585301As the Construct cries, the scenery around her slowly fades into a thick, white fog.
939393301This is as far as Liv's prediction can reach.
9595953011LivIs this the future I have been looking forward to?1
969696301It is easier to rest eternally in death than to bear all those sufferings and pains.
979797301LivBut I find it colorless and cold...1
999999301A more painful way, then?
100100100301If you have your answer...
1011011013011AniZhuanchangBeginI hope you would not regret this decision.