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433301DialogEnableThe team approaches the previously collapsed entrance. However, to their surprise, it remains open as if welcoming everyone.
6553011ChromeBased on our previous expedition, it's unlikely that agent Luna is in here. Our top priority should be cleaning up any Red Tide we come across.1
766301ChromeAs for Vonnegut, we don't have much intel, but according to Gabriel, there's likely another agent nearby. This is a stealth mission. Avoid direct confrontation with them at all costs.1
10993011LuciaThat's our safest bet.2
1211113011KamuiWe also don't know if the figure who jumped in before the smoke cleared is still down there.1
131212301KamuiThink it was Cinderelik or the other agent?1
1514143011ChromeNo, Vonnegut said there was another intruder.1
161515301LuciaThen who could it have been?2
171616301ChromeWhen we were looking for the entrance, there was someone following us just out of our line of sight.1
181717301ChromeWe couldn't see who it was, but based on their behavior and footsteps having traces of Punishing Virus, I suspect it was an Ascendant. Not to mention, they were familiar with the area.1
202121302Was it Luna or Alpha?22
2223233011KamuiDidn't Vonnegut say he didn't know where Luna was? Maybe it was Alpha.1
242626301ChromeBut I'm not sure if he was misleading us.1
252727301LuciaIf he really doesn't know where Luna is, it's highly likely that Alpha is nearby.2
262828301LuciaLooks like we're going into the lion's den. We'd better formulate a plan of action.2
272929301ChromeGood idea. When I was collecting personnel data, Camu mentioned that there was an unexplored area.1
283030301ChromeApparently, it's filled with the Red Tide and has a high Punishing concentration. Before we left, Camu said he wanted to go check it out on his own.1
293131301ChromeSince Cerberus has their area covered, I think this is our best route forward.1
303232301Chrome points to the dotted line drawn on the terminal.
313333301ChromeThis will allow us to traverse the entire undeployed area in the shortest distance.1
323434302Alright, stick to the plan.35
333535302Lucia, lead the way.36
363838301AniZhuanchangBeginFollowing Lucia, the team fumbles their way through the dimly lit waterway as they deploy the polyfurnaces given to them by Asimov...
384040301AniZhuanchangEndAfter reaching 65% coverage, the team has only come across Hetero-Creatures lurking in the depths. There is no sign of Ascendants.
4042423011Lucia...This seems way too easy.1
424444301No Vonnegut. No Cinderelik. No sign of anyone.
434545301If they have not already left, then they must be observing the team from the shadows.
444646301Either way, something does not feel right.
454747301Chrome suddenly raises his fist, signaling the group to stop.
4749493011ChromeWhile we've been deploying the polyfurnaces, I've noticed that the Red Tide has been flowing in one direction through the pipes.1
5052523011LuciaI noticed that, too.2
5254543011WanshiIs it flowing toward the greenhouse?2
5557573011LuciaYou mean the Red Tide is concentrated in the greenhouse?2
565858301ChromeI'm not sure. We didn't see any sign of this as we passed it.1
575959301ChromeMaybe there's a secret room.1
6063633011Chrome puts his hand to the side of his head, pondering the question for a moment.
616464301ChromeIt's highly likely. Let's go back and check out the greenhouse since we aren't picking up any interference.1
626565301ChromeMaybe we can find a clue.1
636666301LuciaAlright. We need to make sure there aren't any unknown Red Tide storage areas.2
656868301Seeing Lucia's serious expression, you cannot help feeling some nostalgia.
666969301She no longer looks lost. After the recent events these past few days and gaining control over her M.I.N.D., the disturbance in her memory from transferring into Plume had gradually disappeared.
677070302AniZhuanchangBeginLet's go then.71
697272301AniZhuanchangEndThe group cautiously sneaks into the greenhouse. Aside from a small number of Hetero-Creatures, the room remains as it was before.
707373301Lucia motions to Chrome, signaling for the group to split up and search for clues.
7275753011KamuiHey, why is there a person lying on the floor?1
747777301In the corner of the dark greenhouse, a Construct is curled up behind a withering plant. He appears to be unconscious.
7679793011Captain PercyErsi! That's Ersi!1
7982823011WanshiHis M.I.N.D. went into shock, knocking him unconscious. His mobility mods show varying degrees of damage.2
808383301WanshiLuckily, it appears that the Hetero-Creature didn't discover him hiding in the corner.2
818484301WanshiI'll give him some emergency treatment. Continue searching for clues.2
828585301Captain PercyTh-thank you!1
848787301Leaving Ersi to Wanshi, the others turn around and continue searching.
858888301Under the specialized temperature control lights for cultivated plants, there are some rare green plants growing here.
8790903011ChromeCareful, don't touch these plants. Especially the red part.1
889191301Chrome reminds you quietly, seeing the plants catch your eye.
899292301ChromeThey contain the Punishing Virus.1
909393302Why is something like that here?94Plants with the Punishing Virus?94
919494301ChromeI don't know how it works, but the Punishing Virus has begun to evolve biologically. There might also be another possibility...1
929595301He takes out a sample kit and protective gloves to collect a sample.
939696301ChromeWe were in a hurry last time. Now's a good time to take a sample for Asimov.1
949797301Right at that moment, Wanshi finally manages to resuscitate the injured Construct.
9699993011Captain PercyErsi!1
991021023011ErsiCaptain... Where's... the commandant?2
100103103301Captain PercyI'm sorry... He's still missing.1
101104104301ErsiIt's all my fault... If my intel hadn't misled the commandant, he wouldn't have gone to such a dangerous place alone.2
102105105301ErsiI thought I could find him, but I got trapped in this damn hornets nest...2
1041071073011LuciaDon't worry. We'll get you out of here when we locate the other Construct.1
105108108301LuciaCan you wait here?1
106109109301ErsiUm, alright...2
107110110301He nods weakly.
108111111301LuciaLet's keep searching.1
1111141143011KamuiI've looked everywhere, but I couldn't find any switch you can flip and open up a door.1
1141171173011Wanshi...Why would there be that kind of a switch in a rundown waterway like this?2
1171201203011Chrome stands in the middle of the greenhouse, scanning his surroundings.
118121121301ChromeThat red tree.1
1211251253011LuciaYou think it's a marker?2
123127127301LuciaLet's check out the tree then.2
124128128302Stay alert. No sleeping on the job.129Okay.135
128132132302Eh—I mean, be careful, you know.133
132136136301Lucia nods, walks up to the tree, checks it carefully, and discovers that it can be moved along with the box next to it.
133137137301After moving the box, you discover a narrow passage in the floor.
135139139301AniZhuanchangBegin1ChromeBingo. Let's check it out.1
139143143301AniZhuanchangEndAs soon as the team squeezes out of the narrow passage, you are surprised and momentarily speechless at the strange scene before you.
140144144301The dim light from the sky nourishes the surrounding red trees, and root-like pipes coil around them, revealing a peaceful but strange atmosphere.
1431481473011Everyone looks up to where Kamui is pointing. An indescribable giant hangs from the root-like pipes in the collapsed cave. Its body undulates as if breathing while it syphons nutrients from the Red Tide delivered through a pipe.
1461511503011WanshiThis Hetero-Creature is like a heart.2
147152152301ChromeIs it circulating the Red Tide rather than accumulating it?1
148153153301WanshiYou're partially right. By the way it's absorbing nutrients and then excreting them, I'd say it's more like digesting it.2
149154154301WanshiIs that why they haven't evacuated this place?2
150155155301ChromePossibly. Seems like we found out why the Red Tide is accumulating here.1
1521571573011LuciaCommandant, we don't know its specific composition. But since this is our enemy's primary objective, destroying it should be our top priority.2
1541591593011WanshiI'm sensing abnormally high Punishing concentration. I think its incubating something... But it's not fully developed yet.2
155160160301WanshiI agree with Lucia. We'd better destroy it, then collect samples for experts to analyze.2
1571621623011LuciaBut before we do, we should secure an escape route. Someone should be guarding the door.2
158163163301LuciaWe don't know who we're up against. If they cut off our escape route, we'll drown in the Red Tide meant to feed this monstrosity.2
1601651653011KamuiIsn't that why Asimov gave us those... Er, what are these gizmos called again?1
161166166302Polyfurnaces.167The bane of our existence...168
162167167171301KamuiOh, right. Can't we just shove 'em up there and get the hell out? That way, we kill two birds with one stone!1
164169169301KamuiHahaha! Got that right! Deploying these things is a real pain in the ***!1
165170170301KamuiCan't we just shove 'em up there and get the hell out? That way, we kill two birds with one stone!1
166171171301LuciaThat should work, but stick them in where?2
168173173301The team looks at the monstrosity hanging in the air. It is suspended in deep stasis, unaware of the intruders standing at the entrance to the cave.
169174174301Suddenly, a sound comes from behind everyone.
170175175301??Wow, what the hell is that? I think I'm going to puke...
171176176301Everyone turns to see a Construct enter from behind.
1731781783011Captain PercyReyna! What are you doing here?!2
1761811813011ReynaI was almost just killed by Hetero-Creature, that is, until a Construct saved me out of nowhere.1
177182182301ReynaBut she left right after she saved me. I was looking for a way out when I ran into Ersi up there.1
1791841843011ChromeNow that the three of you are here, hurry up and get Ersi out of here.1
180185185301Captain PercyWe haven't finished deploying the polyfurnaces. Let me finish helping you.2
1821871873011ReynaWhat's that? You're on a mission?1
183188188301Captain PercyReyna, escort Ersi back to safety.2
184189189301ReynaHuh? I never come along for the ride!1
1861911913011LuciaDid you run into any other enemies aside from Hetero-Creatures?2
187192192301ReynaI ran into an Ascendant with white hair, but she didn't seem interested in me. She ran off somewhere in a hurry.1
188193193301ReynaOh, yeah. Ersi said he ran into a girl with half a wing. But she left after knocking him unconscious.1
189194194301LuciaWas that just dumb luck? Or has the agent that Chrome mentioned already left?2
1911961963011Captain PercyAnyways, let me do my part.2
1931981983011ChromeIn that case, guard the entrance with Wanshi. Let us know if there's any danger ASAP.1
194199199301ChromeLucia and I will try to destroy the Hetero-Creature in the middle.1
195200200301ChromeReyna, do as your captain orders. Take Ersi out of here.1
1972022023011ReynaBut, I'll get lost!1
198203203301Captain PercyThen stand guard at the entrance with us. We'll evacuate once the mission is over.2
1992042043011AniZhuanchangBeginReynaYes, Captain!1