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433301DialogEnableOpening her eyes after the brief memory, Alpha clenches her left fist.
6553011αHow many of my memories did you see in my M.I.N.D., Lucia?1
877301The mission from Ascnet, or the pitiful wish of those wishing to ascend, but reaching a dead end? Or could it even be those despicable traps by the humans?
988301But more than likely, she had only caught a few scattered fragments in a hurry.
1099301Besides that incident, which Lucia will surely recall, Alpha has other countless memories of nights when she was fed up with the senseless sacrifices.
1211113011α...But the killing did not stop at the living. Even the memories for those that have passed on, the hints of warmth they left behind, were brutally destroyed.1
141313301That is the only thing she cannot forgive.
1615153011???That was when it started, wasn't it?1
181717301Suddenly, Alpha hears a noise in her head. She shakes her head.
2019193011???You were gradually robbed of everything you had and ended up with nothing.1
212020301???But it was because of this that the Ascendants began their subsequent operations.1
222121301???—Heading to Kowloong to steal Huaxu was to topple the main culprit hiding in Eden's shadow.1
232222301???Although they each had their own reason for doing so...1
252424301The crackling noise echoes in her hearing module.
262525301As Luna said, the noise serves as a catalyst, constantly stirring up thoughts buried deep in the M.I.N.D. and amplifying ill will.
272626301Alpha knows that strong emotions are the basis of an Ascendant. Only with them can one obtain the energy of the Ascension-Network.
2928283011???Be the newest agent and gain the strength to keep advancing.1
3130303011αI don't need it.1
33322001301Alpha is not fully sure why she received the invitation from the Ascension-Network.
34332002301It could be due to a factor she possesses, or a combination of conditions, but whatever it is, it does not matter to her.
35342003301Because she will reject it anyway.
3736343011???You don't have anything left, no family, no comrades... How will you take on so many enemies by yourself? How will you save Luna?1
414038301Alpha does not respond. She ignores the agitating noise and makes for an area she has not searched. Even if it were swarming with enemies and there was not much hope, she would still continuing searching.
424139301Suddenly, a transport craft with the Babylonia insignia lands a distance away. The hatch opens and a person walks out.
4443413011αSuch concentration of the Punishing Virus... An Ascendant? No... he isn't connected to Ascnet. Why did he come here alone?1
464543301Once the transport craft departs, Alpha follows him, suspicious. She sees him approaching his comrades.
4847453011αAre they here for the remnants of the Red Tide or to search for Luna?1
494846301AniZhuanchangBeginShe dodged into the ruins to the side in order to continue observing the four.
515048301AniZhuanchangEnd1ChromeWho was that?1
5554523011KamuiWas someone running behind us?1
575654301Camu looks back, but the barren land is devoid of life.
5958563011WanshiLet's go check it out.1
6261613011ChromeThat figure ran off to the west, right in the direction of our target.2
6564643011CamuWe also need to check for any signs of the Red Tide. Leave it to me.1
6766663011ChromeThe terrain here is too difficult to differentiate, Camu. We can split up after we reach our target.1
717070301AniZhuanchangEnd1αThat's not the Gray Ravens...1
737272301From the shadows, Alpha watches the four from a distance and sees them holding a detector. It seems they are looking for something in this barren land.
7574743011α...They've found the remnants of the Red Tide below.1
777676301The sewers below used to be abandoned before they were taken over by the Red Tide.
787777301There was a simple reason for their abandonment—underground city 075 was spread out and the sewers fell into disrepair a long time ago, resulting in collapses every now and then.
797878301Many places like this, where people do not usually visit, exist in underground city 075.
807979301AniZhuanchangBeginBut to find Luna, Alpha has decided to search every nook and cranny.
838282301AniZhuanchangEndWhen Longinus descends, Alpha has just concluded her investigation of the surface. With her newly obtained clues, she returns underground to recommence her search.
848383301A violent shaking comes from the surface, and the intense heat can even be felt from the walls below.
888787301Although Alpha, who is trailing the Task Force, has anticipated what will happen, she cannot help grimacing when the tremors and searing heat hit.
898888301Just as she plans to continue trailing them, she hears the sound of waves in the distance.
9190903011αLooks like the humans didn't manage to completely get rid of the Red Tide.1
939292301She listens carefully for the direction of the gushing red tide, and realizes that it only lasted a moment before being drowned out by the shaking earth.
959494301αThe amount of Red Tide has decreased and it's coming from...1
979696301Figuring out that the sound is coming from unknown areas, Alpha quickly chases after it.
989797301Just as she is about to arrive at the spot, she finds the way forward blocked by a thick stone wall.
10099993011Roland?Oh? Does it interest you?1
101100100301Roland?I've told you before that the only thing behind this wall is the abandoned sewers that might collapse at any moment, no different from an agent who has lost their strength.1
103102102301Ignoring the noise in her M.I.N.D., Alpha conducts a quick search and finds a control panel to a secret door in the corner.
10510420043011αThis area was recently submerged by the Red Tide and shouldn't have been discovered by the humans.1
1081071073011???If the Red Tide has escaped to this place, it is likely that the agent and Gabriel are also here.2
109108108301???Who knows? Perhaps there might also be Ascendants under his command.2
110109109301???No matter how strong you are, you have no chance at taking on so many opponents at once.2
111110110301αIf Vonnegut and Gabriel are in there, Luna might be there too.1
112111111301AniZhuanchangBeginαBesides, unless there's a definite chance of victory, I'll avoid any battles with them.1
115114113301AniZhuanchangEndThe clamoring noise falls silent once more. Alpha pushes open the narrow secret door without hesitation and squeezes sideways into the sewers.
116115114301The red tide pools together on the uneven ground, and is now a watery liquid, a far cry from its previously viscous state. Even so, there is enough here to reach Alpha's ankles.
1181171163011αAs I thought.1
119118117301Alpha continues her exploration in silence, and she is soon met by Hetero-Creatures she has never seen.
120119118301αAre these...1
121120119301αGabriel's creations?1
1241231223011??Do you know Mr. Gabriel?2
125124123301A young girl she has never seen appears in the shadows, asking Alpha with a soft voice.
126125124301Her breathing is weak and she is one with the Hetero-Creature around her. Alpha has not even sensed her presence.
127126125301αIs he here?1
128127126301??Yes. It seems you're the person he mentioned.2
129128127301The girl does not seem to hold any ill will toward her.
130129128301αWho are you?1
131130129301CinderelikI'm Mr. Vonnegut's subordinate. My name is Cinderelik.2
133132131301What an unsurprising answer. Alpha walks toward the girl in the shadows to see her face more clearly.
1361351343011CinderelikDo you wish to destroy this place?2
137136135301αNo, I have no interest in senseless destruction.1
139138137301CinderelikThank you.2
141140139301She gave a slight bow to Alpha in greeting.
1421412006301CinderelikBut we can't let the humans learn of this place yet.2
1431422007301CinderelikI trust you. You're an Ascendant. I won't stand in your way.2
1441432008301CinderelikBut when you leave, I'll seal the exit.2
1451442009301CinderelikThis is the task Mr. Vonnegut has given me. I'm not to leave any entrances or exits open unless there are extraordinary circumstances. I beg your understanding.2
1461452010301α...As you wish.1
147146140301αIf you're here, does that mean the agent is here too?1
148147141301CinderelikNo, Mr. Vonnegut only comes here when necessary.2
149148142301Alpha appraises the girl in front of her, trying to figure out from her expression if she is lying.
150149143301But the girl's face remains unchanging and she could well be an answering machine. She does not reveal any additional information.
151150144301However, there seems to be an ember of insanity burning in the depths of her amber eyes, but it is hidden by a veneer of politeness, making it difficult to see.
152151145301Based on her experience, Alpha sees that there are similarities between this girl and Gabriel, but within this similarity are some essential differences.
153152146301αWhat do you do here?1
155154148301Cinderelik is not lying. Neither has she changed the topic. Rather, she has chosen to tell a half-truth.
156155149301α(Looks like she's the more troublesome type.)1
157156150301She does not ask any more questions. She passes Cinderelik, preparing to head into the darkness.
158157151301CinderelikWhere are you going?2
159158152301αTo find someone.1
160159153301CinderelikThere are some places you cannot go.2
161160154301αAnd if I insist?1
162161155301Cinderelik looks at Alpha without responding, but the answer has been made clear in the silence.
164163157301The goal now is to look for Luna. It is better to avoid unnecessary battles and find clues from places she can go.
165164158301But judging by her observation of Cinderelik's abilities, she would not have been a tough opponent.
166165159301α(How about forcing my way through and continuing to investigate the forbidden area?)1
168167161301Just as she was contemplating this, a figure leisurely sauntered over.
1721711653011???It's her.1
174173167301The noise recognizes the figure and speaks calmly, as if the approaching figure were insignificant.
1761751693011Alpha turns around to see a female slowly turning the corner. She keeps looking around her.
178177171301She sees Alpha in front of her and cheerfully greets her. In her hand is an unidentifiable iris.
179178172301Although Alpha does not sense any danger coming from her, she is still wary of the stranger.
180179173301???I was careless and got lost. Do you know where the exit is?
181180174301αWho are you? What are you doing here?1
182181175301???I was curious... and suddenly saw a narrow secret door over there.
183182176301Seeing that Alpha does not respond, she turns to look curiously at Cinderelik standing in the corner.
184183177301???Did I interrupt your conversation?
185184178301Seeing that Alpha does not respond, she tilts her head to look at Cinderelik standing in the corner.
186185179301The mundanity and normalcy of the words have left Alpha unable to answer. She glances at Cinderelik, who also does not seem to understand what is going on.
187186180301αLooks like you're not one of Vonnegut's Ascendants.1
188187181301???That's right. I'm like him, an agent called here by the glad tidings.
190189183301???But it seems he's taken care of everything here. There's nothing that requires my help.
191190184301αAn agent... What is your name?1
192191185301???Name? That's not an important piece of information.
193192186301She lowers her eyes and tucks the loose strands of hair behind her ears with her delicate fingers, smiling innocently.
194194188301The Merciful OneIf you require a name to call me by, you may call me that.
195195189301The Merciful OneIf neither of you knows where the exit is, I'll continue with my search. I apologize for interrupting your conversation.
197197191301She waves at the two while holding the iris and saunters off.
198198192301α(There is another agent here, so if I attack Cinderelik, it may attract her attention. I have greater priorities, so it's better to be cautious.)1
200200194301AniZhuanchangBeginAlpha does not stay any longer. She turns around and disappears down the sewers without looking back.
203203197301AniZhuanchangEndAlpha looks up from the flashback to see the squad having fun in the distance.
2052051993011α...How carefree of them.1
207208202301Constructs have the commandant's full respect, and the Gray Ravens are no longer just weapons for battle. In fact, there is even a sense of camaraderie between them.
208209203301If humans had aspired to peace and compassion like the Gray Ravens and the squad before her, perhaps this catastrophe would not have happened in the first place.
209210204301But those are purely hypothetical ideals. In reality, the Constructs are stuck in a quagmire and are forced to swallow the mud they are choking on.
210211205301Before they could even consider issues like equality and oppression, they had to first survive.
211212206301Those who pass the filtering understand that should a day come when the Punishing Virus is no longer a threat, the only beings left in this world will be Constructs.
2142152093011Luna?But the humans who are still flesh and blood, with their deep-seated prejudice, aren't able to even pass the preliminary filtering process by the Punishing Virus.1
215216210301???That's why no one has ever mentioned one of the sources of human evil—arrogance.2
217218212301AniZhuanchangBeginAlpha tightens her grip on her katana's hilt and tries to shut off the cacophony of noises that emerges successively in her M.I.N.D.
218219213301AniZhuanchangEndSuddenly, Chrome receives an anonymous encrypted message on his terminal.
2222232173011ChromeAny news on Luna?1
223224218301WanshiWho'd send a message like that?3
224225219301Chrome examines the meta-data for any possible clues, but it has been scrubbed clean.
225226220301ChromeThere's no way to trace the sender. Our top priority is to find the Red Tide. There's no time to waste.1
226227221301WanshiWe may not be able to trace it, but I'm sure you have a pretty good idea who sent it.3
228229223301Chrome furrows his eyebrows thinking about the current state of 【kuroname】.
229230224301Although he has speculated that it might be someone who is looking for Luna, it would be foolish to probe for information this way.
230231225301ChromeI think it's someone who is worried about Gray Raven.1
2332342283011αGray Raven?1
234235229301Alpha furrows her brows when she hears that name.
2372382323011???Are you worried about them?2
238240234301???Even though they've foiled your plans so many times?2
240242236301αI've stood in their way loads of times too.1
241243237301αThere is no need for resentment when opposing sides are in conflict, because they aren't set in stone.1
2462482423011KamuiGray Raven? What happened to them?2
247249243301ChromeI heard something from my father before we left.1
248250244301Chrome【kuroname】... not only violated military orders, but is also facing accusations of harboring an Ascendant.1
249251245301KamuiHarboring an Ascendant? How's that possible?2
2532552493011???Looks like that commandant is quite similar to a certain somebody, unable to resist the temptation of power.2
254256250301αChoosing to connect to an agent is a death sentence.1
255257251301???You seem to have forgotten that 【kuroname】 was even able to withstand the corruption in Huaxu's M.I.N.D. Of course the commandant would be able to withstand the issues that come with connecting to an agent.2
2612642012301ChromeYou know about that?1
2622652013301ChromeNo wonder you haven't gotten much sleep recently.1
2632662014301WanshiI just wanted to help treat 【kuroname】. After all, I still owe the commandant.3
2642672015301WanshiBut it didn't take me long to realize it wasn't that simple.3
2652682016301WanshiGray Raven still doesn't know the whole story.3
266269258301WanshiIf they did, they would rather have their memories checked than let 【kuroname】 be charged.3
267270259301ChromeTherein lies the problem.1
268271260301ChromeLucia, being closest to 【kuroname】 then, also lost consciousness toward the end. So there isn't any proof to exonerate 【kuroname】.1
269272261301ChromeUnless someone can find the target's whereabouts, they're going to be monitored indefinitely and prohibited from performing missions.1
2732762653011???Besides 【kuroname】, who else would know about Luna's whereabouts?2
274277266301αAt least this means Luna isn't in Babylonia.1
2792822713011KamuiThat reminds me. Hassen looked like he had something weighing on his mind this morning.2
280283272301Wanshi...There have been some other oddities as well.3
281284273301Seeing that Kamui wants to question Wanshi, Chrome sticks out his hand to end the conversation.
282285274301ChromeThis is not the place for chit-chat.1
283286275301ChromeOur top priority is the mission. Save it for when we're back in Babylonia.1
288291280301AniZhuanchangBegin1Kamui & WanshiRoger.23
292295284301AniZhuanchangEnd1αGray Raven...1
293296285301αSo that's why they weren't on this mission.1
294298287301αIf not...1
295299288301???Are you choosing to trust humans?2
296300289301Alpha is silent for a moment.
297301290301αI just don't want to ignore a possibility.1
298302291301αIf 【kuroname】 really doesn't know what happened to Luna and this was planned by the humans...1
299303292301αA commandant who can connect to agents will only endanger Ascendants and agents.1
300306295301αHope... Heh, those words were just a reminder not to be so naive.1
301307296301αWhether or not she's ever thought about this is not an issue. She will never allow Luna to co-exist.1
302308297301???But you believe she will save Luna.2
303309298301αBecause I know myself, and I'd never stand on the sidelines even if I didn't remember Luna.1
304310299301αAt the very least, I'd try to make contact once.1
305311300301αBesides, Gray Raven's mission was to destroy the Polyphage. If they hadn't pulled Luna out, they wouldn't have been able to complete their mission.1
307313302301The Strike Hawk squad started talking again and the noise fell silent once more.
3103163053011α...Looks like those carefree fellas have found the right passage.1
311317306301???You want to help them?2
312318307301αThere are places in the sewers I've never been to. I could wait for them to draw Cinderelik and Vonnegut's attention and sneak in.1
314320309301αIf they return alive, Babylonia will know what's happening here.1
315321310301αBabylonia will then turn their attention to him, making it more convenient for me to take action.1
317323312301Alpha dashes into the pervasive smoke, and her last sentence is lost in the wind.
3183243133011AniZhuanchangBegin...Lucia, no matter what choice 【kuroname】 makes or what the commandant has to face, you'll be pushed and shoved until you're standing on the 'starting point'.
319325312301Alpha dashes into the pervasive smoke, and her last sentence is lost in the wind.
3203263133011AniZhuanchangBegin...Lucia, no matter what choice 【kuroname】 makes or what the commandant has to face, you'll be pushed and shoved until you're standing on the 'starting point'.