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Id EventId NeedDecoration StepId NextStepId Type StageId StepRewardItemId StepRewardItemCount StoryId OptionDesc[1] OptionDownDesc[1] OptionIcon[1] OptionType[1] OptionItemId[1] OptionItemCount[1] OptionNextStepId[1] OptionNeedDecoration[1] OptionDesc[2] OptionDownDesc[2] OptionIcon[2] OptionType[2] OptionItemId[2] OptionItemCount[2] OptionNextStepId[2] OptionNeedDecoration[2] OptionDesc[3] OptionDownDesc[3] OptionIcon[3] OptionType[3] OptionItemId[3] OptionItemCount[3] OptionNextStepId[3] OptionNeedDecoration[3] OptionDesc[4] OptionDownDesc[4] OptionIcon[4] OptionType[4] OptionItemId[4] OptionItemCount[4] OptionNextStepId[4] OptionNeedDecoration[4] Title TitleContent RoleIcon RoleName RoleContent EventDesc ConfirmContent BgAsset
1 101 10101 2 Find a place to rest 3 10102 Place to Sleep Something Mysterious Is About to Happen Night falls. Humidity rises from the ground. And the air feels cold. The entire forest seems to be deprived of light. Strange shadows bend their bodies into different shapes, silently dissolving into the darkness. Howls of wolves and bears seem to be coming from a distance. There is still a long way to go. And it seems you have to find a place for the night before you can move on after the sun rises and lights the way. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
2 101 10102 2 On the huge tree with a spider web 3 10103 On the short tree that is easier to climb 3 10104 Place to Sleep Something Mysterious Is About to Happen You think for a moment and decide to stay here for the night. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
3 101 10103 1 Place to Sleep Something Mysterious Is About to Happen You fall into a deep sleep. The three spiders on the web are weaving your dream. You dream of fire, crying, endless fields of flowers, a hovering dragon, a girl standing on a balcony up high... And now you wake up in the morning sunlight. The road ahead feels just as unpredictable as the dream you had. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
4 101 10104 5 30061911 Place to Sleep Something Mysterious Is About to Happen You grab the lowest branch of the tree, but the tree suddenly starts to shake violently right when you begin to climb... Prepare for Battle Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
5 102 10201 2 Go ahead 3 10202 Campfire A white-gray smoke rises above the forest. You decide to go in the direction of the smoke. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
6 102 10202 2 Go through the ashes 3 10203 Stay and wait 3 10204 Move on 3 10205 Campfire There are only campfire remnants and ashes. There are no people or other living beings around. Looking at the remnants and ashes, you... Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
7 102 10203 4 96110 1 Campfire You pick up a branch and start to go through the remnants and ashes. There are some burnt bones that you can't tell their original shape. You move away a broken bone and find a bright gem in the ashes. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
8 102 10204 5 30061910 Campfire You sit down by the extinguished campfire, hoping someone will come back here. Time passes through the branches of the trees and casts a spell that gently closes your eyes. And the moment you open your eyes, sparks are flying out from the campfire... Prepare for Battle Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
9 102 10205 1 Campfire You move forward carefully in the opposite direction from where you came from and away from the campfire, but there is still no traces of other people. Fortunately, you come across a bush full of winter strawberries. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
10 103 10301 2 Follow the guidance of the feather 3 10302 Follow the direction of the sunrise 3 10303 Flower and Feather You wander around in the forest. You listen to the sound of the wind. You travel after sunrise and rest after sunset. You gargle with the sweet stream water and eat the fruits on the trees. Gradually, you master the survival skills in the forest but also lose your way. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
11 103 10302 1 Flower and Feather You pick up a feather dropped from some kind of gray bird and figure out the direction to go through divination. Following the guidance of the feather, you arrive at the source of the water. You move forward along the stream. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
12 103 10303 1 Flower and Feather Based on some shallow knowledge that appears in your mind, you decide to determine a direction to go. You walk slowly in the direction of the sunrise. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
13 104 10401 2 Hand out the gem Item %s required 2 96110 1 10402 I can be a helper on board 3 10406 Be honest and ask for help 3 10407 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor This is not a toy ship bound for Debussy's Joyous Island. After a brief talk, you tell the sailor that you want to join their voyage to the distant kingdom. The sailor's description of the city capital is exactly what you remember about Naples. However, you search all your pockets and can't find any money. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
14 104 10402 10403 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor You... The sailor looks at you. He says something, but it doesn't answer your question. He agrees to let you get on the ship but refuses to take the gem. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
15 104 10403 10404 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Where did you get this? The sailor looks at you. He says something, but it doesn't answer your question. He agrees to let you get on the ship but refuses to take the gem. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
16 104 10404 10405 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Do you know a traveler with purple eyes? The sailor looks at you. He says something, but it doesn't answer your question. He agrees to let you get on the ship but refuses to take the gem. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
17 104 10405 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Nothing... Forget it. The sailor looks at you. He says something, but it doesn't answer your question. He agrees to let you get on the ship but refuses to take the gem. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
18 104 10406 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The sailor gives you a glance with a faint smile without saying anything. He allows you to get on board but doesn't respond to your proposal. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
19 104 10407 10408 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The sailor looks at you as if he recalls a distant memory. He allows you to board without saying anything. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
20 104 10408 10409 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Have you seen a dragon before? The sailor looks at you as if he recalls a distant memory. He allows you to board without saying anything. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
21 104 10409 10410 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor We haven't seen a dragon for a very long time. The sailor looks at you as if he recalls a distant memory. He allows you to board without saying anything. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
22 104 10410 10411 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor 'The dragon comes with the pipe music.' The sailor looks at you as if he recalls a distant memory. He allows you to board without saying anything. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
23 104 10411 10412 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor But at the very beginning, the dragon came without warning. The sailor looks at you as if he recalls a distant memory. He allows you to board without saying anything. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
24 104 10412 10413 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The only thing we knew was it always targeted at a crowd. The sailor looks at you as if he recalls a distant memory. He allows you to board without saying anything. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
25 104 10413 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor It would bring the crowd from the ground and let them fall from above. It attacked villages and people, destroying everything in its sight. The sailor looks at you as if he recalls a distant memory. He allows you to board without saying anything. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
26 105 10501 2 Head to the cabin 3 10502 Walk around on the deck 3 10503 I want to have a walk around 3 10504 On the Ship Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor You get on the ship. The sailor who guides you asks you where you want to go. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
27 105 10502 6 ZX02404BA On the Ship
28 105 10503 6 ZX02405BA On the Ship
29 105 10504 1 On the Ship I want to have a walk around Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
30 107 10701 2 Nod to the sailor 3 10702 Return to the cabin to rest 3 10707 Sailor Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The sun goes down under the horizon. It starts to get dark on the ship. The sailor on duty tonight is a tall man with sallow skin, who walks with a slight limp. You notice that he is one of the sailors whom you met when boarding. He is always quiet during the day and tends to open up during the night. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
31 107 10702 2 Talk about the dragon 3 10703 Talk about the sailor 3 10704 Sailor Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor He stands on the deck far from the cabin while staring at it. He waves at you and only begins to talk when you get close. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
32 107 10703 10705 6 ZX02407BA Sailor Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor
33 107 10704 10705 6 ZX02408BA Sailor Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor
34 107 10705 10706 1 Sailor Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor I guess I'm old. Start to talk on and on about unrelated stuff. You don't wanna listen to this, do you? The sailor smiles, which softens his face. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
35 107 10706 1 Sailor Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor It's late. Let's call it a night. The sailor smiles, which softens his face. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
36 107 10707 1 Sailor Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor You say goodbye to the sailor. The gentle wind from the sea makes you sleepy. You go back to the cabin and have a long dream. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
37 108 10801 2 Where am I? 3 10802 Castaway You open your eyes and see a clear sky. There is a smell of the sea in the air. You have a fuzzy memory of being thrown up by the waves while screaming for help. The last thing you saw was the dragon holding its head high and two huge claws coming at you. You dodged and held tight to the small boat under your chest to keep yourself from drowning. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
38 108 10802 2 Walk around 3 10803 Castaway Under your body is soft sand. You sit up slowly. What meets your eyes is the calm sea. The waves are lapping at your feet. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
39 108 10803 2 Sunbathe on the beach 3 10804 Look for the living being 3 10805 Castaway You take a walk around. Although there are still a lot of things to find out, you're pretty sure that you're on an island. Is this an uninhabited island? Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
40 108 10804 1 Castaway The sunshine is perfect. Your clothes were dried before you're fully awake. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
41 108 10805 5 30061932 Castaway You see something moving and go after the figure. Is it Caliban or Friday? You decide to find out. Prepare for Battle Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
42 201 20101 2 Find a place to rest 3 20102 Place to Sleep Something Mysterious Is About to Happen Night falls. Humidity rises from the ground. And the air feels cold. The entire forest seems to be deprived of light. Strange shadows bend their bodies into different shapes, silently dissolving into the darkness. Howls of wolves and bears seem to be coming from a distance. There is still a long way to go. And it seems you have to find a place for the night before you can move on after the sun rises and lights the way. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
43 201 20102 2 On the huge tree with a spider web 3 20103 On the short tree that is easier to climb 3 20104 Place to Sleep Something Mysterious Is About to Happen You think for a moment and decide to stay here for the night. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
44 201 20103 1 Place to Sleep Something Mysterious Is About to Happen You fall into a deep sleep. The three spiders on the web are weaving your dream. You dream of fire, crying, endless fields of flowers, a hovering dragon, a girl standing on a balcony up high... And now you wake up in the morning sunlight. The road ahead feels just as unpredictable as the dream you had. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
45 201 20104 5 30061911 Place to Sleep Something Mysterious Is About to Happen You grab the lowest branch of the tree, but the tree suddenly starts to shake violently right when you begin to climb... Prepare for Battle Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
46 202 20201 2 Go ahead 3 20202 Campfire A white-gray smoke rises above the forest. You decide to go in the direction of the smoke. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
47 202 20202 2 Go through the ashes 3 20203 Stay and wait 3 20204 Move on 3 20205 Campfire There are only campfire remnants and ashes. There are no people or other living beings around. Looking at the remnants and ashes, you... Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
48 202 20203 4 96110 1 Campfire You pick up a branch and start to go through the remnants and ashes. There are some burnt bones that you can't tell their original shape. You move away a broken bone and find a bright gem in the ashes. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
49 202 20204 5 30061910 Campfire You sit down by the extinguished campfire, hoping someone will come back here. Time passes through the branches of the trees and casts a spell that gently closes your eyes. And the moment you open your eyes, sparks are flying out from the campfire... Prepare for Battle Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
50 202 20205 1 Campfire You move forward carefully in the opposite direction from where you came from and away from the campfire, but there is still no traces of other people. Fortunately, you come across a bush full of winter strawberries. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
51 203 20301 2 Follow the guidance of the buds 3 20304 Follow the direction of the sunrise 3 20303 Follow the guidance of the feather 3 20302 Flower and Feather A New Option Emerges You wander around in the forest. You listen to the sound of the wind. You travel after sunrise and rest after sunset. You gargle with the sweet stream water and eat the fruits on the trees. Gradually, you master the survival skills in the forest but also lose your way. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
52 203 20302 1 Flower and Feather You pick up a feather dropped from some kind of gray bird and figure out the direction to go through divination. Following the guidance of the feather, you arrive at the source of the water. You move forward along the stream. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
53 203 20303 1 Flower and Feather Based on some shallow knowledge that appears in your mind, you decide to determine a direction to go. You walk slowly in the direction of the sunrise. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
54 203 20304 20305 1 Flower and Feather You notice that there are some small buds surrounded by long sword-shaped leaves in the grass on the ground. Fragile and beautiful, they stretch forward as if they are guiding you somewhere. You move forward in the direction they point. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
55 203 20305 6 ZX02404BB Flower and Feather
56 204 20401 2 Hand out the gem Item %s required 2 96110 1 20402 I can be a helper on board 3 20406 Be honest and ask for help 3 20407 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor This is not a toy ship bound for Debussy's Joyous Island. After a brief talk, you tell the sailor that you want to join their voyage to the distant kingdom. The sailor's description of the city capital is exactly what you remember about Naples. However, you search all your pockets and can't find any money. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
57 204 20402 20403 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor You... The sailor looks at you. He says something, but it doesn't answer your question. He agrees to let you get on the ship but refuses to take the gem. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
58 204 20403 20404 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Where did you get this? The sailor looks at you. He says something, but it doesn't answer your question. He agrees to let you get on the ship but refuses to take the gem. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
59 204 20404 20405 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Do you know a traveler with purple eyes? The sailor looks at you. He says something, but it doesn't answer your question. He agrees to let you get on the ship but refuses to take the gem. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
60 204 20405 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Nothing... Forget it. The sailor looks at you. He says something, but it doesn't answer your question. He agrees to let you get on the ship but refuses to take the gem. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
61 204 20406 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The sailor gives you a glance with a faint smile without saying anything. He allows you to get on board but doesn't respond to your proposal. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
62 204 20407 20408 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The sailor looks at you as if he recalls a distant memory. He allows you to board without saying anything. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
63 204 20408 20409 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Have you seen a dragon before? The sailor looks at you as if he recalls a distant memory. He allows you to board without saying anything. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
64 204 20409 20410 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor We haven't seen a dragon for a very long time. The sailor looks at you as if he recalls a distant memory. He allows you to board without saying anything. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
65 204 20410 20411 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor 'The dragon comes with the pipe music.' The sailor looks at you as if he recalls a distant memory. He allows you to board without saying anything. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
66 204 20411 20412 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor But at the very beginning, the dragon came without warning. The sailor looks at you as if he recalls a distant memory. He allows you to board without saying anything. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
67 204 20412 20413 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The only thing we knew was it always targeted at a crowd. The sailor looks at you as if he recalls a distant memory. He allows you to board without saying anything. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
68 204 20413 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor It would bring the crowd from the ground and let them fall from above. It attacked villages and people, destroying everything in its sight. The sailor looks at you as if he recalls a distant memory. He allows you to board without saying anything. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
69 205 20501 2 Head to the cabin 3 20502 Walk around on the deck 3 20503 I want to have a walk around 3 20504 On the Ship Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor You get on the ship. The sailor who guides you asks you where you want to go. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
70 205 20502 6 ZX02405BB On the Ship
71 205 20503 6 ZX02406BB On the Ship
72 205 20504 1 On the Ship I want to have a walk around Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
73 207 20701 2 I want to enjoy the breeze 3 20705 Nod to the sailor 3 20702 Return to the cabin to rest 3 20706 Sailor A New Option Emerges Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The sun goes down under the horizon. It starts to get dark on the ship. The sailor on duty tonight is a tall man with sallow skin, who walks with a slight limp. You notice that he is one of the sailors whom you met when boarding. He is always quiet during the day and tends to open up during the night. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
74 207 20702 2 Talk about the dragon 3 20703 Talk about the sailor 3 20704 Sailor Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor He stands on the deck far from the cabin while staring at it. He waves at you and only begins to talk when you get close. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
75 207 20703 20707 6 ZX02409BB Sailor Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor
76 207 20704 20707 6 ZX02410BB Sailor Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor
77 207 20705 6 ZX02408BB Sailor Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor
78 207 20706 1 Sailor Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor You say goodbye to the sailor. The gentle wind from the sea makes you sleepy. You go back to the cabin and fall into a dreamless sleep. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
79 207 20707 20708 1 Sailor Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor I guess I'm old. Start to talk on and on about unrelated stuff. You don't wanna listen to this, do you? The sailor smiles, which softens his face. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
80 207 20708 1 Sailor Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor It's late. Let's call it a night. The sailor smiles, which softens his face. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
81 208 20801 2 Where am I? 3 20802 Castaway You open your eyes and see a clear sky. There is a smell of the sea in the air. You have a fuzzy memory of being thrown up by the waves while screaming for help. The last thing you saw was the dragon holding its head high and two huge claws coming at you. You dodged and held tight to the small boat under your chest to keep yourself from drowning. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
82 208 20802 2 Walk around 3 20803 Castaway Under your body is soft sand. You sit up slowly. What meets your eyes is the calm sea. The waves are lapping at your feet. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
83 208 20803 2 Sunbathe on the beach 3 20804 Look for the living being 3 20805 Walk along the coast 3 20806 Castaway A New Option Emerges You take a walk around. Although there are still a lot of things to find out, you're pretty sure that you're on an island. Is this an uninhabited island? Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
84 208 20804 1 Castaway The sunshine is perfect. Your clothes were dried before you're fully awake. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
85 208 20805 5 30061932 Castaway You see something moving and go after the figure. Is it Caliban or Friday? You decide to find out. Start Battle Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
86 208 20806 6 ZX02412BB Castaway
87 210 21001 2 Introduce yourself 3 21002 Explain what happened 3 21003 I will only stay for a short time and will leave soon 3 21007 Village The appearance of the dragon has caused a disturbance in the village. The villagers pick up their tools and weapons and rush to the venue only to find you slowly climbing down from the roof. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
88 210 21002 1 Village Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/PinminNormal01.png Farmer Outsiders are not welcome here. You explain everything, but the villagers don't seem convinced. They still stand in your way like an iron wall. Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
89 210 21003 21004 1 Village Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Young Person A Are you with the piper? You explain everything and the villagers begin to whisper to each other. They look at you in an unfriendly way. Someone throws a stone at you. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
90 210 21004 21005 1 Village Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanmingirlNormal02.png Young Person B You said you followed the dragon here? You explain everything and the villagers begin to whisper to each other. They look at you in an unfriendly way. Someone throws a stone at you. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
91 210 21005 21006 1 Village Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/ShihuangzhenanNormal01.png Middle-aged Person A Disaster! Disaster! The disaster has come to our village! You explain everything and the villagers begin to whisper to each other. They look at you in an unfriendly way. Someone throws a stone at you. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
92 210 21006 5 30061887 Village Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/KaliegrandNomal02.png Middle-aged Person B Get out! Get out! You explain everything and the villagers begin to whisper to each other. They look at you in an unfriendly way. Someone throws a stone at you. Prepare for Battle Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
93 210 21007 1 Village I will only stay for a short time and will leave soon Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
94 211 21101 21102 1 Village Entrance Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman May! May! You wander around the village entrance, having no clue what to do or where to go next. The cries of a desperate woman attract your attention. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
95 211 21102 2 Ignore 3 21103 Approach and ask if she is all right. 3 21104 Village Entrance Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman Where are you, May? You wander around the village entrance, having no clue what to do or where to go next. The cries of a desperate woman attract your attention. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
96 211 21103 1 Village Entrance Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman (Sobs) The woman was one of those who wanted to drive you out of the village. You leave as you don't want to get into trouble. Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
97 211 21104 21105 1 Village Entrance Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman May is gone... My May is gone. You go up to her and ask her if she needs any help. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
98 211 21105 21106 1 Village Entrance Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman I searched the whole village but still couldn't find him! You go up to her and ask her if she needs any help. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
99 211 21106 21107 1 Village Entrance Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman No one dares to go outside the village. They say there's a dragon and a monster out there... You go up to her and ask her if she needs any help. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
100 211 21107 21108 1 Village Entrance Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman Could it be that May was enchanted by the strange pipe music and headed for the dragon's lair? You go up to her and ask her if she needs any help. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
101 211 21108 2 Tell her you will help her find May 3 21109 Tell her you have to leave for something more important 3 21112 Village Entrance Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman It's all my fault! You go up to her and ask her if she needs any help. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
102 211 21109 2 Sneak into the village to look for clues 3 21110 Look for the "Dragon's Lair" mentioned by the woman later 3 21111 Village Entrance Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman Where to start? Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
103 211 21110 5 30061887 Village Entrance Sneak into the village to look for clues Prepare for Battle Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
104 211 21111 6 ZX02415BB Village Entrance
105 211 21112 1 Village Entrance Tell her you have to leave for something more important Leave
106 213 21301 2 Go have a look 3 21302 Walk by 3 21313 The Lost One You walk on the wasteland. It is where the dragon's lair locates according to the legend. Many who came are forever buried here. This deserted graveyard extends forward into the darkness on the horizon. Under your feet are stones of different sizes. A noise comes from ahead... Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
107 213 21302 2 Stop him 3 21303 Save him 3 21307 Leave 3 21314 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy I'm not afraid of you! You see a little boy confronting a monster. He picks up a stone and is about to throw it at the monster. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
108 213 21303 21304 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy Are you... Are you a champion? You stop the boy and lead him to safety. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
109 213 21304 21305 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy Are you here to kill the dragon as well? You stop the boy and lead him to safety. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
110 213 21305 21306 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy Me? You stop the boy and lead him to safety. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
111 213 21306 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy I'm a champion too! You stop the boy and lead him to safety. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
112 213 21307 21308 5 30061888 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy I'm not afraid of you! Save him Prepare for Battle Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
113 213 21308 21309 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy That was awesome! After winning the battle Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
114 213 21309 21310 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy Are you a true champion? Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
115 213 21310 21311 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy Mom said the piper was bad. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
116 213 21311 21312 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy I want to prove her wrong. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
117 213 21312 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy How could a bad person play such a beautiful tune? Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
118 213 21313 1 The Lost One Walk by Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
119 213 21314 1 The Lost One Leave Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
120 301 30101 2 Go find out 3 30102 Leave 3 30103 Deep in the Forest Something Mysterious Is About to Happen There is a dark forest ahead. The color of the branches doesn't seem to change no matter how the sunlight changes. You take a closer look at it. The trees are also grotesque in shape. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
121 301 30102 2 Observe 3 30104 Go up to say hello 3 30105 Leave 3 30106 Deep in the Forest Something Mysterious Is About to Happen Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/AilaNormal02.png Through the shadow of the leaves, you see a witch in the form of a beautiful girl singing a strange song among the tall flowering bush supported by magic. However, you can't hear anything as the voice is swallowed up by the shadow of the leaves. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
122 301 30103 1 Deep in the Forest Something Mysterious Is About to Happen Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/AilaNormal02.png Leave Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
123 301 30104 1 Deep in the Forest Something Mysterious Is About to Happen Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png The witch reveals her old face and shouts at you, trying to scare you off. But you don't look away. Seeing this, the witch stops what she's doing. She gives you a glance and then disappears with the flowers. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
124 301 30105 4 96109 1 Deep in the Forest Something Mysterious Is About to Happen Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png The witch reveals her old face, which doesn't seem to scare you. Your reaction has won the witch's respect. She restores her youthful appearance, gives you a glance, and then disappears with the flowers, leaving a silver bell behind. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
125 301 30106 1 Deep in the Forest Something Mysterious Is About to Happen Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Leave Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
126 302 30201 2 Go ahead 3 30202 Campfire A white-gray smoke rises above the forest. You decide to go in the direction of the smoke. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
127 302 30202 2 Go through the ashes 3 30203 Stay and wait 3 30204 Move on 3 30205 Campfire There are only campfire remnants and ashes. There are no people or other living beings around. Looking at the remnants and ashes, you... Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
128 302 30203 4 96110 1 Campfire You pick up a branch and start to go through the remnants and ashes. There are some burnt bones that you can't tell their original shape. You move away a broken bone and find a bright gem in the ashes. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
129 302 30204 5 30061910 Campfire You sit down by the extinguished campfire, hoping someone will come back here. Time passes through the branches of the trees and casts a spell that gently closes your eyes. And the moment you open your eyes, sparks are flying out from the campfire... Prepare for Battle Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
130 302 30205 1 Campfire You move forward carefully in the opposite direction from where you came from and away from the campfire, but there is still no traces of other people. Fortunately, you come across a bush full of winter strawberries. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
131 303 30301 2 Follow the guidance of the buds 3 30304 Follow the direction of the sunrise 3 30303 Follow the guidance of the feather 3 30302 Flower and Feather You wander around in the forest. You listen to the sound of the wind. You travel after sunrise and rest after sunset. You gargle with the sweet stream water and eat the fruits on the trees. Gradually, you master the survival skills in the forest but also lose your way. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
132 303 30302 1 Flower and Feather You pick up a feather dropped from some kind of gray bird and figure out the direction to go through divination. Following the guidance of the feather, you arrive at the source of the water. You move forward along the stream. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
133 303 30303 1 Flower and Feather Based on some shallow knowledge that appears in your mind, you decide to determine a direction to go. You walk slowly in the direction of the sunrise. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
134 303 30304 30305 1 Flower and Feather You notice that there are some small buds surrounded by long sword-shaped leaves in the grass on the ground. Fragile and beautiful, they stretch forward as if they are guiding you somewhere. You move forward in the direction they point. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
135 303 30305 6 ZX02404BC Flower and Feather
136 304 30401 2 Hand out the gem Item %s required 2 96110 1 30402 I can be a helper on board 3 30406 Be honest and ask for help 3 30407 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor This is not a toy ship bound for Debussy's Joyous Island. After a brief talk, you tell the sailor that you want to join their voyage to the distant kingdom. The sailor's description of the city capital is exactly what you remember about Naples. However, you search all your pockets and can't find any money. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
137 304 30402 30403 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor You... The sailor looks at you. He says something, but it doesn't answer your question. He agrees to let you get on the ship but refuses to take the gem. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
138 304 30403 30404 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Where did you get this? The sailor looks at you. He says something, but it doesn't answer your question. He agrees to let you get on the ship but refuses to take the gem. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
139 304 30404 30405 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Do you know a traveler with purple eyes? The sailor looks at you. He says something, but it doesn't answer your question. He agrees to let you get on the ship but refuses to take the gem. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
140 304 30405 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Nothing... Forget it. The sailor looks at you. He says something, but it doesn't answer your question. He agrees to let you get on the ship but refuses to take the gem. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
141 304 30406 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The sailor gives you a glance with a faint smile without saying anything. He allows you to get on board but doesn't respond to your proposal. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
142 304 30407 30408 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The sailor looks at you as if he recalls a distant memory. He allows you to board without saying anything. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
143 304 30408 30409 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Have you seen a dragon before? The sailor looks at you as if he recalls a distant memory. He allows you to board in the end. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
144 304 30409 30410 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor We haven't seen a dragon for a very long time. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
145 304 30410 30411 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor 'The dragon comes with the pipe music.' Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
146 304 30411 30412 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor But at the very beginning, the dragon came without warning. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
147 304 30412 30413 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The only thing we knew was it always targeted at a crowd. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
148 304 30413 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor It would bring the crowd from the ground and let them fall from above. It attacked villages and people, destroying everything in its sight. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
149 314 31401 2 Head to the cabin 3 31402 Walk around on the deck 3 31403 I want to have a walk around 3 31404 On the Ship Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor You get on the ship. The sailor who guides you asks you where you want to go. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
150 314 31402 6 ZX02405BC On the Ship
151 314 31403 6 ZX02406BC On the Ship
152 314 31404 1 On the Ship I want to have a walk around Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
153 305 30501 2 I want to enjoy the breeze 3 30505 Nod to the sailor 3 30502 Return to the cabin to rest 3 30506 Sailor Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The sun goes down under the horizon. It starts to get dark on the ship. The sailor on duty tonight is a tall man with sallow skin, who walks with a slight limp. You notice that he is one of the sailors whom you met when boarding. He is always quiet during the day and tends to open up during the night. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
154 305 30502 2 Talk about the dragon 3 30503 Talk about the sailor 3 30504 Sailor Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor He stands on the deck far from the cabin while staring at it. He waves at you and only begins to talk when you get close. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
155 305 30503 30507 6 ZX02409BC Sailor Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor
156 305 30504 30507 6 ZX02410BC Sailor Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor
157 305 30505 6 ZX02408BC Sailor Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor
158 305 30506 1 Sailor Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor You say goodbye to the sailor. The gentle wind from the sea makes you sleepy. You go back to the cabin and fall into a dreamless sleep. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
159 305 30507 30508 1 Sailor Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor I guess I'm old. Start to talk on and on about unrelated stuff. You don't wanna listen to this, do you? The sailor smiles, which softens his face. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
160 305 30508 1 Sailor Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor It's late. Let's call it a night. The sailor smiles, which softens his face. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
161 306 30601 2 The dragon 3 30602 The sailor 3 30602 I'm not interested 3 30604 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Where was I? The sea is calm. You dream about the storytelling sailor almost every night, who tells stories about the past that is different from today, about the song of returning home, and about the disaster brought by the dragon. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
162 306 30602 2 Tell me more 3 30605 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor I guess I'm old. Start to talk on and on about the past. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
163 306 30604 1 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor You say goodbye to the sailor. The gentle wind from the sea makes you sleepy. You go back to the cabin and have a long dream. Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
164 306 30605 30607 6 ZX02411BC Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor
165 306 30607 2 Tell me more about the traveler Item %s required 1 96110 1 30608 I want to have some rest back at my cabin 3 30609 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Shall we call it a night? Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
166 306 30608 6 ZX02412BC Story Time
167 306 30609 1 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor You say goodbye to the sailor. The gentle wind from the sea makes you sleepy. You go back to the cabin and have a long dream. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
168 307 30701 2 Where am I? 3 30702 Castaway You open your eyes and see a clear sky. There is a smell of the sea in the air. You have a fuzzy memory of being thrown up by the waves while screaming for help. The last thing you saw was the dragon holding its head high and two huge claws coming at you. You dodged and held tight to the small boat under your chest to keep yourself from drowning. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
169 307 30702 2 Walk around 3 30703 Castaway Under your body is soft sand. You sit up slowly. What meets your eyes is the calm sea. The waves are lapping at your feet. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
170 307 30703 2 Sunbathe on the beach 3 30704 Look for the living being 3 30705 Walk along the coast 3 30706 Castaway You take a walk around. Although there are still a lot of things to find out, you're pretty sure that you're on an island. Is this an uninhabited island? Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
171 307 30704 1 Castaway The sunshine is perfect. Your clothes were dried before you're fully awake. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
172 307 30705 5 30061932 Castaway You see something moving and go after the figure. Is it Caliban or Friday? You decide to find out. Start Battle Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
173 307 30706 6 ZX02413BC Castaway
174 308 30801 2 Introduce yourself 3 30802 Explain what happened 3 30803 I will only stay for a short time and will leave soon 3 30807 Village The appearance of the dragon has caused a disturbance in the village. The villagers pick up their tools and weapons and rush to the venue only to find you slowly climbing down from the roof. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
175 308 30802 1 Village Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/PinminNormal01.png Farmer Outsiders are not welcome here. You explain everything, but the villagers don't seem convinced. They still stand in your way like an iron wall. Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
176 308 30803 30804 1 Village Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Young Person A Are you with the piper? You explain everything and the villagers begin to whisper to each other. They look at you in an unfriendly way. Someone throws a stone at you. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
177 308 30804 30805 1 Village Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanmingirlNormal02.png Young Person B You said you followed the dragon here? You explain everything and the villagers begin to whisper to each other. They look at you in an unfriendly way. Someone throws a stone at you. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
178 308 30805 30806 1 Village Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/ShihuangzhenanNormal01.png Middle-aged Person A Disaster! Disaster! The disaster has come to our village! You explain everything and the villagers begin to whisper to each other. They look at you in an unfriendly way. Someone throws a stone at you. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
179 308 30806 5 30061887 Village Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/KaliegrandNomal02.png Middle-aged Person B Get out! Get out! You explain everything and the villagers begin to whisper to each other. They look at you in an unfriendly way. Someone throws a stone at you. Prepare for Battle Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
180 308 30807 1 Village I will only stay for a short time and will leave soon Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
181 309 30901 30902 1 Village Entrance Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman May! May! You wander around the village entrance, having no clue what to do or where to go next. The cries of a desperate woman attract your attention. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
182 309 30902 2 Ignore 3 30903 Approach and ask if she is all right. 3 30904 Village Entrance Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman Where are you, May? You wander around the village entrance, having no clue what to do or where to go next. The cries of a desperate woman attract your attention. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
183 309 30903 1 Village Entrance Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman (Sobs) The woman was one of those who wanted to drive you out of the village. You leave as you don't want to get into trouble. Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
184 309 30904 30905 1 Village Entrance Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman May is gone... My May is gone. You go up to her and ask her if she needs any help. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
185 309 30905 30906 1 Village Entrance Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman I searched the whole village but still couldn't find him! You go up to her and ask her if she needs any help. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
186 309 30906 30907 1 Village Entrance Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman No one dares to go outside the village. They say there's a dragon and a monster out there... You go up to her and ask her if she needs any help. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
187 309 30907 30908 1 Village Entrance Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman Could it be that May was enchanted by the strange pipe music and headed for the dragon's lair? You go up to her and ask her if she needs any help. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
188 309 30908 2 Tell her you will help her find May 3 30909 Tell her you have to leave for something more important 3 30912 Village Entrance Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman It's all my fault! You go up to her and ask her if she needs any help. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
189 309 30909 2 Sneak into the village to look for clues 3 30910 Look for the "Dragon's Lair" mentioned by the woman later 3 30911 Village Entrance Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman Where to start? Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
190 309 30910 5 30061887 Village Entrance Sneak into the village to look for clues Prepare for Battle Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
191 309 30911 6 ZX02416BC Village Entrance
192 309 30912 1 Village Entrance Tell her you have to leave for something more important Leave
193 310 31001 2 Go have a look 3 31002 Walk by 3 31013 The Lost One You walk on the wasteland. It is where the dragon's lair locates according to the legend. Many who came are forever buried here. This deserted graveyard extends forward into the darkness on the horizon. Under your feet are stones of different sizes. A noise comes from ahead... Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
194 310 31002 2 Stop him 3 31003 Save him 3 31007 Leave 3 31014 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy I'm not afraid of you! You see a little boy confronting a monster. He picks up a stone and is about to throw it at the monster. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
195 310 31003 31004 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy Are you... Are you a champion? You stop the boy and lead him to safety. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
196 310 31004 31005 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy Are you here to kill the dragon as well? You stop the boy and lead him to safety. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
197 310 31005 31006 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy Me? You stop the boy and lead him to safety. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
198 310 31006 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy I'm a champion too! You stop the boy and lead him to safety. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
199 310 31007 31008 5 30061888 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy I'm not afraid of you! Save him Prepare for Battle Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
200 310 31008 31009 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy That was awesome! After winning the battle Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
201 310 31009 31010 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy Are you a true champion? Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
202 310 31010 31011 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy Mom said the piper was bad. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
203 310 31011 31012 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy I want to prove her wrong. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
204 310 31012 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy How could a bad person play such a beautiful tune? Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
205 310 31013 1 The Lost One Walk by Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
206 310 31014 1 The Lost One Leave Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
207 311 31101 2 Tell the woman where you saw the boy 3 31102 Take the boy you saved to the woman 3 31104 Woman Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman You walk to the village. The woman is still wandering around the village entrance anxiously. You speed up your pace... Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
208 311 31102 31103 1 Woman Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman Thank you! You're a good person! The woman bows to you and immediately runs back to the village. You follow her. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
209 311 31103 1 Woman Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman We have to find May... Honey... Honey... I have news about May! Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
210 311 31104 31105 1 Woman Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman (Sobs) The woman raises her hand, but instead of swinging her slap, she bursts into tears. She bends over and hugs the boy tightly while repeating his name over and over again as if she could draw strength from this. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
211 311 31105 31106 1 Woman Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman May... May... My May... Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
212 311 31106 31107 1 Woman Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman As long as you're fine... Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
213 311 31107 31108 1 Woman Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png May I'm fine! Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
214 311 31108 31109 1 Woman Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png May The true champion saved me! Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
215 311 31109 2 I'm looking for the dragon 3 31111 I'm not a champion 3 31110 Woman Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman Are you a champion? The woman gets up after she finally calms down. She holds the shoulders of the child, and together they bow to you. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
216 311 31110 1 Woman Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman I'm not a champion Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
217 311 31111 31112 1 Woman Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman Please don't go any further! You start talking to the woman. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
218 311 31112 31113 1 Woman Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman The kingdom capital sent an army to the dragon's lair days ago and no one has returned. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
219 311 31113 2 I've made up my mind. 3 31114 I'll gather more info before taking any action. 3 31117 Woman Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman I heard the princess of the kingdom was missing a long time ago. I think either she was caught by the dragon or she was killed by the evil piper! Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
220 311 31114 31115 1 Woman Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman Slaying a dragon is no joke. The woman falls silent for a moment. Instead of stopping you, she hopes you can go back to the village with her first. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
221 311 31115 31116 1 Woman Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman Are you going to go unarmed? Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
222 311 31116 4 96112 1 Woman Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman Follow me. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
223 311 31117 31118 1 Woman Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman That's great, young one! You follow the woman into the village. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
224 311 31118 1 Woman Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Woman Don't be silly and look for the dragon! Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
225 312 31201 2 Nod to admit Item %s required 2 96112 1 31202 Tell him that it was not a big deal 3 31204 Blacksmith Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/KaliegrandNomal02.png Blacksmith Are you the outsider who saved May? This time no villagers are yelling at you. Following the woman, you arrive at a shabby blacksmith shop. Inside it, various farm tools are scattered around on the ground. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
226 312 31202 31203 4 96105 1 Blacksmith Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/KaliegrandNomal02.png Blacksmith They say you're a champion. There seems to be a smile across the blacksmith's face. He pulls out an old iron sword out of nowhere and hands it to you. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
227 312 31203 1 Blacksmith Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/KaliegrandNomal02.png Blacksmith A champion has to have a sword. There seems to be a smile across the blacksmith's face. He pulls out an old iron sword out of nowhere and hands it to you. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
228 312 31204 1 Blacksmith Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/KaliegrandNomal02.png Blacksmith The blacksmith nods and gets back to his work at hand. Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
229 313 31301 2 Help the army 3 31302 Pursue the dragon 3 31303 City Gate Severely injured, the dragon flies away. You follow the dragon to the city gate. It has already been broken. People are running around for life. The soldiers of the army are defending the gate and the people behind it against the monster with their bodies. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg
230 313 31302 4 96107 1 City Gate Item Obtained Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg
231 313 31303 1 City Gate Pursue the dragon Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg
232 315 31501 31502 1 Balcony The city capital is filled with fire and smoke. The dragon spread its invisible wings of death and flies toward the castle. People are running around crying and screaming. Nothing has changed. All you can hear are screams. You run in the opposite direction from the crowd... Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg
233 315 31502 2 Go help 3 31503 Go directly to the balcony 3 31504 Balcony You look up and see the balcony where the girl stands in your dream. The dragon is hovering above the balcony. You break into the palace. It is occupied by the monster. Someone is screaming! Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg
234 315 31503 5 30061889 Balcony Go help Prepare for Battle Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg
235 315 31504 1 Balcony Go directly to the balcony Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg
236 401 40101 2 Go find out 3 40102 Leave 3 40103 Deep in the Forest Something Mysterious Is About to Happen There is a dark forest ahead. The color of the branches doesn't seem to change no matter how the sunlight changes. You take a closer look at it. The trees are also grotesque in shape. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
237 401 40102 2 Observe 3 40104 Go up to say hello 3 40105 Leave 3 40106 Deep in the Forest Something Mysterious Is About to Happen Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/AilaNormal02.png Through the shadow of the leaves, you see a witch in the form of a beautiful girl singing a strange song among the tall flowering bush supported by magic. However, you can't hear anything as the voice is swallowed up by the shadow of the leaves. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
238 401 40103 1 Deep in the Forest Something Mysterious Is About to Happen Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/AilaNormal02.png Leave Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
239 401 40104 1 Deep in the Forest Something Mysterious Is About to Happen Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png The witch reveals her old face and shouts at you, trying to scare you off. But you don't look away. Seeing this, the witch stops what she's doing. She gives you a glance and then disappears with the flowers. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
240 401 40105 4 96109 1 Deep in the Forest Something Mysterious Is About to Happen Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png The witch reveals her old face, which doesn't seem to scare you. Your reaction has won the witch's respect. She restores her youthful appearance, gives you a glance, and then disappears with the flowers, leaving a silver bell behind. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
241 401 40106 1 Deep in the Forest Something Mysterious Is About to Happen Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Leave Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
242 402 40201 2 The magic that makes the flowers bloom Item %s required 1 96109 1 40202 The way to slay the dragon Item %s required 2 96105 1 40203 The magic that kills any living being 3 40209 Magic You stay where the witch appeared and ask her sincerely for help. You want her to teach you... Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
243 402 40202 6 ZX02417BD Magic Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
244 402 40203 40204 1 Magic Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/AilaNormal02.png Witch You already have a sword. The witch slowly emerges from the other end of the forest like the morning mist as if she has heard your request. She stares at you, and it feels like she can see your soul through your body. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
245 402 40204 40205 1 Magic Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/AilaNormal02.png Witch It has already taken the shape of the champion's sword. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
246 402 40205 40206 1 Magic Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/AilaNormal02.png Witch I will enchant it, granting it the power to break the spiral, slay the dragon, and save the world. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
247 402 40206 40207 1 Magic Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/AilaNormal02.png Witch I will refine it with the blessing of the iris, the crystal of the ashes of the girl trapped in endless reincarnation, along with her singing and memories. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
248 402 40207 40208 1 Magic Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/AilaNormal02.png Witch I still lack the "singing." Go bring it to me. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
249 402 40208 1 Magic Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/AilaNormal02.png Witch And I will make you a real champion's sword. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
250 402 40209 1 Magic Your voice is drowned by the sound of the wind. Night falls, but the witch still doesn't respond. Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
251 403 40301 2 Follow the guidance of the buds 3 40304 Follow the direction of the sunrise 3 40303 Follow the guidance of the feather 3 40302 Flower and Feather You wander around in the forest. You listen to the sound of the wind. You travel after sunrise and rest after sunset. You gargle with the sweet stream water and eat the fruits on the trees. Gradually, you master the survival skills in the forest but also lose your way. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
252 403 40302 1 Flower and Feather You pick up a feather dropped from some kind of gray bird and figure out the direction to go through divination. Following the guidance of the feather, you arrive at the source of the water. You move forward along the stream. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
253 403 40303 1 Flower and Feather Based on some shallow knowledge that appears in your mind, you decide to determine a direction to go. You walk slowly in the direction of the sunrise. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
254 403 40304 40305 1 Flower and Feather You notice that there are some small buds surrounded by long sword-shaped leaves in the grass on the ground. Fragile and beautiful, they stretch forward as if they are guiding you somewhere. You move forward in the direction they point. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
255 403 40305 6 ZX02404BD Flower and Feather
256 404 40401 2 Hand out the gem Item %s required 2 96110 1 40402 I can be a helper on board 3 40406 Be honest and ask for help 3 40407 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor This is not a toy ship bound for Debussy's Joyous Island. After a brief talk, you tell the sailor that you want to join their voyage to the distant kingdom. The sailor's description of the city capital is exactly what you remember about Naples. However, you search all your pockets and can't find any money. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
257 404 40402 40403 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor You... The sailor looks at you. He says something, but it doesn't answer your question. He agrees to let you get on the ship but refuses to take the gem. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
258 404 40403 40404 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Where did you get this? The sailor looks at you. He says something, but it doesn't answer your question. He agrees to let you get on the ship but refuses to take the gem. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
259 404 40404 40405 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Do you know a traveler with purple eyes? The sailor looks at you. He says something, but it doesn't answer your question. He agrees to let you get on the ship but refuses to take the gem. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
260 404 40405 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Nothing... Forget it. The sailor looks at you. He says something, but it doesn't answer your question. He agrees to let you get on the ship but refuses to take the gem. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
261 404 40406 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The sailor gives you a glance with a faint smile without saying anything. He allows you to get on board but doesn't respond to your proposal. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
262 404 40407 40408 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The sailor looks at you as if he recalls a distant memory. He allows you to board without saying anything. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
263 404 40408 40409 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Have you seen a dragon before? The sailor looks at you as if he recalls a distant memory. He allows you to board in the end. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
264 404 40409 40410 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor We haven't seen a dragon for a very long time. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
265 404 40410 40411 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor 'The dragon comes with the pipe music.' Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
266 404 40411 40412 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor But at the very beginning, the dragon came without warning. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
267 404 40412 40413 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The only thing we knew was it always targeted at a crowd. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
268 404 40413 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor It would bring the crowd from the ground and let them fall from above. It attacked villages and people, destroying everything in its sight. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
269 406 40601 2 The dragon 3 40602 The sailor 3 40602 I'm not interested 3 40604 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Where was I? The sea is calm. You dream about the storytelling sailor almost every night, who tells stories about the past that is different from today, about the song of returning home, and about the disaster brought by the dragon. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
270 406 40602 2 Tell me more 3 40605 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor I guess I'm old. Start to talk on and on about the past. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
271 406 40604 1 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor You say goodbye to the sailor. The gentle wind from the sea makes you sleepy. You go back to the cabin and have a long dream. Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
272 406 40605 40607 6 ZX02411BD Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor
273 406 40607 2 Tell me more about the traveler Item %s required 2 96110 1 40608 I want to have some rest back at my cabin 3 40609 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Shall we call it a night? Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
274 406 40608 40610 6 ZX02412BD Story Time
275 406 40609 1 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor You say goodbye to the sailor. The gentle wind from the sea makes you sleepy. You go back to the cabin and have a long dream. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
276 406 40610 2 Ask the sailor if he still remember the tune of "The Song of Siren" 3 40611 Ask the sailor to teach you sing the original "The Song of Siren" 3 40614 Story Time A New Option Emerges Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
277 406 40611 40612 1 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor So you are interested about the song we sing on the sea? Ask the sailor if he still remember the tune of "The Song of Siren" Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
278 406 40612 40613 1 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The song about returning home you heard the sailors singing the other night is a variation of The Song of Siren. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
279 406 40613 1 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The song has been passed on, connecting us together. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
280 406 40614 40615 1 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Haha, of course. Ask the sailor to teach you sing the original "The Song of Siren" Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
281 406 40615 4 96113 1 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The song about returning home you heard the sailors singing the other night is a variation of The Song of Siren. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
282 407 40701 2 Where am I? 3 40702 Castaway You open your eyes and see a clear sky. There is a smell of the sea in the air. You have a fuzzy memory of being thrown up by the waves while screaming for help. The last thing you saw was the dragon holding its head high and two huge claws coming at you. You dodged and held tight to the small boat under your chest to keep yourself from drowning. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
283 407 40702 2 Walk around 3 40703 Castaway Under your body is soft sand. You sit up slowly. What meets your eyes is the calm sea. The waves are lapping at your feet. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
284 407 40703 2 Sunbathe on the beach 3 40704 Look for the living being 3 40705 Walk along the coast 3 40706 Castaway You take a walk around. Although there are still a lot of things to find out, you're pretty sure that you're on an island. Is this an uninhabited island? Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
285 407 40704 1 Castaway The sunshine is perfect. Your clothes were dried before you're fully awake. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
286 407 40705 5 30061932 Castaway You see something moving and go after the figure. Is it Caliban or Friday? You decide to find out. Start Battle Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
287 407 40706 6 ZX02413BD Castaway
288 408 40801 2 Introduce yourself 3 40802 Explain what happened 3 40803 I will only stay for a short time and will leave soon 3 40807 Village The appearance of the dragon has caused a disturbance in the village. The villagers pick up their tools and weapons and rush to the venue only to find you slowly climbing down from the roof. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
289 408 40802 1 Village Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/PinminNormal01.png Farmer Outsiders are not welcome here. You explain everything, but the villagers don't seem convinced. They still stand in your way like an iron wall. Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
290 408 40803 40804 1 Village Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Young Person A Are you with the piper? You explain everything and the villagers begin to whisper to each other. They look at you in an unfriendly way. Someone throws a stone at you. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
291 408 40804 40805 1 Village Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanmingirlNormal02.png Young Person B You said you followed the dragon here? You explain everything and the villagers begin to whisper to each other. They look at you in an unfriendly way. Someone throws a stone at you. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
292 408 40805 40806 1 Village Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/ShihuangzhenanNormal01.png Middle-aged Person A Disaster! Disaster! The disaster has come to our village! You explain everything and the villagers begin to whisper to each other. They look at you in an unfriendly way. Someone throws a stone at you. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
293 408 40806 5 30061887 Village Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/KaliegrandNomal02.png Middle-aged Person B Get out! Get out! You explain everything and the villagers begin to whisper to each other. They look at you in an unfriendly way. Someone throws a stone at you. Prepare for Battle Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
294 408 40807 1 Village I will only stay for a short time and will leave soon Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
295 410 41001 2 Go have a look 3 41002 Walk by 3 41013 The Lost One You walk on the wasteland. It is where the dragon's lair locates according to the legend. Many who came are forever buried here. This deserted graveyard extends forward into the darkness on the horizon. Under your feet are stones of different sizes. A noise comes from ahead... Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
296 410 41002 2 Stop him 3 41003 Save him 3 41007 Leave 3 41014 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy I'm not afraid of you! You see a little boy confronting a monster. He picks up a stone and is about to throw it at the monster. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
297 410 41003 41004 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy Are you... Are you a champion? You stop the boy and lead him to safety. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
298 410 41004 41005 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy Are you here to kill the dragon as well? You stop the boy and lead him to safety. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
299 410 41005 41006 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy Me? You stop the boy and lead him to safety. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
300 410 41006 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy I'm a champion too! You stop the boy and lead him to safety. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
301 410 41007 41008 5 30061888 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy I'm not afraid of you! Save him Prepare for Battle Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
302 410 41008 41009 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy That was awesome! After winning the battle Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
303 410 41009 41010 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy Are you a true champion? Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
304 410 41010 41011 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy Mom said the piper was bad. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
305 410 41011 41012 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy I want to prove her wrong. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
306 410 41012 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy How could a bad person play such a beautiful tune? Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
307 410 41013 1 The Lost One Walk by Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
308 410 41014 1 The Lost One Leave Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
309 413 41301 2 Help the army 3 41302 Pursue the dragon 3 41303 City Gate Severely injured, the dragon flies away. You follow the dragon to the city gate. It has already been broken. People are running around for life. The soldiers of the army are defending the gate and the people behind it against the monster with their bodies. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg
310 413 41302 4 96107 1 City Gate Item Obtained Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg
311 413 41303 1 City Gate Pursue the dragon Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg
312 415 41501 41502 1 Balcony The city capital is filled with fire and smoke. The dragon spread its invisible wings of death and flies toward the castle. People are running around crying and screaming. Nothing has changed. All you can hear are screams. You run in the opposite direction from the crowd... Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg
313 415 41502 2 Distract the monster Item %s required 2 96107 1 41505 Go help 3 41503 Go directly to the balcony 3 41504 Balcony A New Option Emerges You look up and see the balcony where the girl stands in your dream. The dragon is hovering above the balcony. You break into the palace. It is occupied by the monster. Someone is screaming! Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg
314 415 41503 5 30061889 Balcony Go help Prepare for Battle Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg
315 415 41504 1 Balcony Go directly to the balcony Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg
316 415 41505 6 ZX02418BD
317 501 50101 2 Go find out 3 50102 Leave 3 50103 Deep in the Forest Something Mysterious Is About to Happen There is a dark forest ahead. The color of the branches doesn't seem to change no matter how the sunlight changes. You take a closer look at it. The trees are also grotesque in shape. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
318 501 50102 2 Observe 3 50104 Go up to say hello 3 50105 Leave 3 50106 Deep in the Forest Something Mysterious Is About to Happen Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/AilaNormal02.png Through the shadow of the leaves, you see a witch in the form of a beautiful girl singing a strange song among the tall flowering bush supported by magic. However, you can't hear anything as the voice is swallowed up by the shadow of the leaves. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
319 501 50103 1 Deep in the Forest Something Mysterious Is About to Happen Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/AilaNormal02.png Leave Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
320 501 50104 1 Deep in the Forest Something Mysterious Is About to Happen Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png The witch reveals her old face and shouts at you, trying to scare you off. But you don't look away. Seeing this, the witch stops what she's doing. She gives you a glance and then disappears with the flowers. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
321 501 50105 4 96109 1 Deep in the Forest Something Mysterious Is About to Happen Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png The witch reveals her old face, which doesn't seem to scare you. Your reaction has won the witch's respect. She restores her youthful appearance, gives you a glance, and then disappears with the flowers, leaving a silver bell behind. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
322 501 50106 1 Deep in the Forest Something Mysterious Is About to Happen Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongFunvNormal02.png Leave Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
323 502 50201 2 The magic that makes the flowers bloom Item %s required 1 96109 1 50202 The way to slay the dragon Item %s required 2 96105 1 50203 The magic that kills any living being 3 50209 Magic You stay where the witch appeared and ask her sincerely for help. You want her to teach you... Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
324 502 50202 6 ZX02417BE Magic Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
325 502 50203 50204 1 Magic Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/AilaNormal02.png Witch You already have a sword. The witch slowly emerges from the other end of the forest like the morning mist as if she has heard your request. She stares at you, and it feels like she can see your soul through your body. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
326 502 50204 50205 1 Magic Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/AilaNormal02.png Witch It has already taken the shape of the champion's sword. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
327 502 50205 50206 1 Magic Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/AilaNormal02.png Witch I will enchant it, granting it the power to break the spiral, slay the dragon, and save the world. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
328 502 50206 50207 1 Magic Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/AilaNormal02.png Witch I will refine it with the blessing of the iris, the crystal of the ashes of the girl trapped in endless reincarnation, along with her singing and memories. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
329 502 50207 50208 1 Magic Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/AilaNormal02.png Witch I still lack the "singing." Go bring it to me. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
330 502 50208 1 Magic Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/AilaNormal02.png Witch And I will make you a real champion's sword. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
331 502 50209 1 Magic Your voice is drowned by the sound of the wind. Night falls, but the witch still doesn't respond. Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
332 503 50301 2 Follow the guidance of the buds 3 50304 Follow the direction of the sunrise 3 50303 Follow the guidance of the feather 3 50302 Flower and Feather You wander around in the forest. You listen to the sound of the wind. You travel after sunrise and rest after sunset. You gargle with the sweet stream water and eat the fruits on the trees. Gradually, you master the survival skills in the forest but also lose your way. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
333 503 50302 1 Flower and Feather You pick up a feather dropped from some kind of gray bird and figure out the direction to go through divination. Following the guidance of the feather, you arrive at the source of the water. You move forward along the stream. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
334 503 50303 1 Flower and Feather Based on some shallow knowledge that appears in your mind, you decide to determine a direction to go. You walk slowly in the direction of the sunrise. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
335 503 50304 50305 1 Flower and Feather You notice that there are some small buds surrounded by long sword-shaped leaves in the grass on the ground. Fragile and beautiful, they stretch forward as if they are guiding you somewhere. You move forward in the direction they point. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory536.jpg
336 503 50305 6 ZX02404BE Flower and Feather
337 504 50401 2 Hand out the gem Item %s required 2 96110 1 50402 I can be a helper on board 3 50406 Be honest and ask for help 3 50407 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor This is not a toy ship bound for Debussy's Joyous Island. After a brief talk, you tell the sailor that you want to join their voyage to the distant kingdom. The sailor's description of the city capital is exactly what you remember about Naples. However, you search all your pockets and can't find any money. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
338 504 50402 50403 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor You... The sailor looks at you. He says something, but it doesn't answer your question. He agrees to let you get on the ship but refuses to take the gem. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
339 504 50403 50404 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Where did you get this? The sailor looks at you. He says something, but it doesn't answer your question. He agrees to let you get on the ship but refuses to take the gem. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
340 504 50404 50405 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Do you know a traveler with purple eyes? The sailor looks at you. He says something, but it doesn't answer your question. He agrees to let you get on the ship but refuses to take the gem. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
341 504 50405 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Nothing... Forget it. The sailor looks at you. He says something, but it doesn't answer your question. He agrees to let you get on the ship but refuses to take the gem. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
342 504 50406 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The sailor gives you a glance with a faint smile without saying anything. He allows you to get on board but doesn't respond to your proposal. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
343 504 50407 50408 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The sailor looks at you as if he recalls a distant memory. He allows you to board without saying anything. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
344 504 50408 50409 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Have you seen a dragon before? The sailor looks at you as if he recalls a distant memory. He allows you to board in the end. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
345 504 50409 50410 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor We haven't seen a dragon for a very long time. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
346 504 50410 50411 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor 'The dragon comes with the pipe music.' Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
347 504 50411 50412 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor But at the very beginning, the dragon came without warning. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
348 504 50412 50413 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The only thing we knew was it always targeted at a crowd. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
349 504 50413 1 Board Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor It would bring the crowd from the ground and let them fall from above. It attacked villages and people, destroying everything in its sight. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory537.jpg
350 506 50601 2 The dragon 3 50602 The sailor 3 50602 I'm not interested 3 50604 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Where was I? The sea is calm. You dream about the storytelling sailor almost every night, who tells stories about the past that is different from today, about the song of returning home, and about the disaster brought by the dragon. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
351 506 50602 2 Tell me more 3 50605 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor I guess I'm old. Start to talk on and on about the past. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
352 506 50604 1 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor You say goodbye to the sailor. The gentle wind from the sea makes you sleepy. You go back to the cabin and have a long dream. Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
353 506 50605 50607 6 ZX02411BE Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor
354 506 50607 2 Tell me more about the traveler Item %s required 2 96110 1 50608 I want to have some rest back at my cabin 3 50609 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Shall we call it a night? Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
355 506 50608 50610 6 ZX02412BE Story Time
356 506 50609 1 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor You say goodbye to the sailor. The gentle wind from the sea makes you sleepy. You go back to the cabin and have a long dream. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
357 506 50610 2 Ask the sailor if he still remember the tune of "The Song of Siren" 3 50611 Ask the sailor to teach you sing the original "The Song of Siren" 3 50614 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
358 506 50611 50612 1 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor So you are interested about the song we sing on the sea? Ask the sailor if he still remember the tune of "The Song of Siren" Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
359 506 50612 50613 1 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The song about returning home you heard the sailors singing the other night is a variation of The Song of Siren. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
360 506 50613 1 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The song has been passed on, connecting us together. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
361 506 50614 50615 1 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor Haha, of course. Ask the sailor to teach you sing the original "The Song of Siren" Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
362 506 50615 4 96113 1 Story Time Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/YufunanNormal01.png Sailor The song about returning home you heard the sailors singing the other night is a variation of The Song of Siren. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory548.jpg
363 507 50701 2 Where am I? 3 50702 Castaway You open your eyes and see a clear sky. There is a smell of the sea in the air. You have a fuzzy memory of being thrown up by the waves while screaming for help. The last thing you saw was the dragon holding its head high and two huge claws coming at you. You dodged and held tight to the small boat under your chest to keep yourself from drowning. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
364 507 50702 2 Walk around 3 50703 Castaway Under your body is soft sand. You sit up slowly. What meets your eyes is the calm sea. The waves are lapping at your feet. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
365 507 50703 2 Sunbathe on the beach 3 50704 Look for the living being 3 50705 Walk along the coast 3 50706 Castaway You take a walk around. Although there are still a lot of things to find out, you're pretty sure that you're on an island. Is this an uninhabited island? Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
366 507 50704 1 Castaway The sunshine is perfect. Your clothes were dried before you're fully awake. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
367 507 50705 5 30061932 Castaway You see something moving and go after the figure. Is it Caliban or Friday? You decide to find out. Start Battle Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory533.jpg
368 507 50706 6 ZX02413BE Castaway
369 508 50801 2 Introduce yourself 3 50802 Explain what happened 3 50803 I will only stay for a short time and will leave soon 3 50807 Village The appearance of the dragon has caused a disturbance in the village. The villagers pick up their tools and weapons and rush to the venue only to find you slowly climbing down from the roof. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
370 508 50802 1 Village Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/PinminNormal01.png Farmer Outsiders are not welcome here. You explain everything, but the villagers don't seem convinced. They still stand in your way like an iron wall. Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
371 508 50803 50804 1 Village Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Young Person A Are you with the piper? You explain everything and the villagers begin to whisper to each other. They look at you in an unfriendly way. Someone throws a stone at you. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
372 508 50804 50805 1 Village Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanmingirlNormal02.png Young Person B You said you followed the dragon here? You explain everything and the villagers begin to whisper to each other. They look at you in an unfriendly way. Someone throws a stone at you. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
373 508 50805 50806 1 Village Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/ShihuangzhenanNormal01.png Middle-aged Person A Disaster! Disaster! The disaster has come to our village! You explain everything and the villagers begin to whisper to each other. They look at you in an unfriendly way. Someone throws a stone at you. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
374 508 50806 5 30061887 Village Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/KaliegrandNomal02.png Middle-aged Person B Get out! Get out! You explain everything and the villagers begin to whisper to each other. They look at you in an unfriendly way. Someone throws a stone at you. Prepare for Battle Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
375 508 50807 1 Village I will only stay for a short time and will leave soon Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory530.jpg
376 510 51001 2 Go have a look 3 51002 Walk by 3 51013 The Lost One You walk on the wasteland. It is where the dragon's lair locates according to the legend. Many who came are forever buried here. This deserted graveyard extends forward into the darkness on the horizon. Under your feet are stones of different sizes. A noise comes from ahead... Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
377 510 51002 2 Stop him 3 51003 Save him 3 51007 Leave 3 51014 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy I'm not afraid of you! You see a little boy confronting a monster. He picks up a stone and is about to throw it at the monster. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
378 510 51003 51004 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy Are you... Are you a champion? You stop the boy and lead him to safety. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
379 510 51004 51005 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy Are you here to kill the dragon as well? You stop the boy and lead him to safety. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
380 510 51005 51006 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy Me? You stop the boy and lead him to safety. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
381 510 51006 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy I'm a champion too! You stop the boy and lead him to safety. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
382 510 51007 51008 5 30061888 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy I'm not afraid of you! Save him Prepare for Battle Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
383 510 51008 51009 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy That was awesome! After winning the battle Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
384 510 51009 51010 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy Are you a true champion? Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
385 510 51010 51011 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy Mom said the piper was bad. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
386 510 51011 51012 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy I want to prove her wrong. Talk Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
387 510 51012 1 The Lost One Assets/Product/Texture/Image/RoleStory/TongyongNanminboyNormal02.png Little Boy How could a bad person play such a beautiful tune? Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
388 510 51013 1 The Lost One Walk by Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
389 510 51014 1 The Lost One Leave Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory534.jpg
390 513 51301 2 Help the army 3 51302 Pursue the dragon 3 51303 City Gate Severely injured, the dragon flies away. You follow the dragon to the city gate. It has already been broken. People are running around for life. The soldiers of the army are defending the gate and the people behind it against the monster with their bodies. Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg
391 513 51302 4 96107 1 City Gate Item Obtained Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg
392 513 51303 1 City Gate Pursue the dragon Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg
393 515 51501 51502 1 Balcony The city capital is filled with fire and smoke. The dragon spread its invisible wings of death and flies toward the castle. People are running around crying and screaming. Nothing has changed. All you can hear are screams. You run in the opposite direction from the crowd... Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg
394 515 51502 2 Distract the monster Item %s required 2 96107 1 51505 Go help 3 51503 Go directly to the balcony 3 51504 Balcony You look up and see the balcony where the girl stands in your dream. The dragon is hovering above the balcony. You break into the palace. It is occupied by the monster. Someone is screaming! Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg
395 515 51503 5 30061889 Balcony Go help Prepare for Battle Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg
396 515 51504 1 Balcony Go directly to the balcony Leave Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg
397 515 51505 6 ZX02418BE Balcony Distract the monster Next Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory531.jpg