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2BeMentorLvLevel when becoming mentor80
3GraduateLvLevel of student at graduation80
4BeStudentLvLevel of student when collaboration started20
5MaxStudentCountMentor's student limit3
6JudgeFailPassTimeNo. of minutes AFK before marking as fail4320
7TickPunishTimeNo. of minutes banned from becoming a student or teacher again after terminating collaboration720
8CompleteTaskCountStudent's weekly mission limit6
9SysReleaseTaskCountNo. of missions posted by the system5
10GetTaskCountNo. of missions available for student per day3
11ChangeTaskCountMentor's daily mission swap limit9
12MaxApplyCountMessage limit on application list6
13ApplyTimeoutRequest message storage limit (minutes)1440
14MaxRecommendCountNo. of recommendations displayed6
15ApplyCdMentor stops receiving request from this player for x minutes after a request is rejected (an error message will display if x is set to 0)5
16MaxRecommendRecordCountMax recommendation stored in server100
17StudentRefuseApplyIntervalStudent stops receiving request from this player for x minutes after a request is rejected (an error message will display if x is set to 0)5
18RecommendIntervalTimeCooldown of recommendation list refresh (minutes). E.g. If a player has tapped for N times in a row, and each two taps are less than X minutes apart. Used for both recommendation list and search functions1
19MaxContinuousClickCountMax tapping counter when retrieving a recommendation list10
20MaxContinuousClickIntervalTimeInterval between two taps of retrieving recommendation list (seconds)10
21MaxDailyApplyMax requests sent per day100
22KickTeacherMailIdMail ID sent to mentor upon termination60004
23KickStudentMailIdMail ID when terminating a student60003
24AnnouncementMaxLengthAnnouncement length limit20
25AddMentorTeacherMailIdMail ID sent to mentor upon collaboration is formed60002
26AddMentorStudentMailIdMail ID sent to the student upon collaboration is formed60001
27MentorChatMaxCountMax number of messages between mentor and student saved (latest)50
28GraduateRewardIdGraduation rewards (reward list ID)40750
29GraduateStudentRetainDayNo. of days available for mentor to collect mission rewards after a student graduates7
30GraduateMailIdMail ID if student has incomplete growth mission at graduation (mission will be automatically completed and rewards are sent via mail)60007
31NormalLabelMaxCountMax customized tags that can be selected2
32TimeLabelMaxCountMax time tags that can be selected1
33MentorChangeTaskDisplayCountNo. of missions displayed when mentor opens mission swap page5
34MentorGiveEquipCountNo. of Memories given in one mission2
35MentorGiveEquipMaxLevelMax Memory level that can be gifted1
36MentorGiveEquipMaxStarMax Memory rank that can be gifted5
37StudentWeeklyResetSendEquipMailIdMail ID if student has not collected the Memories sent by mentor at weekly reset60005
38GraduateStudentCountDisplay limit of graduates on mentorship list4
39GraduateTaskMailIdMail ID if student has uncollected challenge mission rewards upon graduation60006
40FirstMentorMailIdMail ID of first batch of Instructor mails60008
41FirstMentorRewardDeadlineNo. of days after 0:00, Nov 26 to stop sending Instructor mails29
42MonthlyStudentCountMonthly student limit6
43GraduateCollectionIdMentor Reward Display Graduation Collectible ID13000800
44AutoGraduateLvLevel at Automatic Graduation83
45MessageBoardMaxLenCharacter limit of a message100
46ActivationCountLimiting value of Daily Activity100
47ActivationItemIdDisplayed gift ID for the instructor who reaches the activity96006
48ActivationRewardIdActual reward ID for the instructor sends to the student40802
49ActivationRewardCountHow many gifts can the instructor send when the activity is reached3
50GiftMailIdEmail ID for the gift sent to the Instructor60010
51GuidePlayerSearchCDSearch Cooldown3