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433301DialogEnableYarha is adjusting the data on his terminal in the dimly lit Construct Laboratory. Projected before him in the holo-screen is a white-colored Construct slowly taking shape.
544301Ever since he took the assignment to design the new specialized frame, Yarha has had to stay in this room.
655301Even with how focused Yarha is, the slightest breeze or movement around him makes him double-check his surroundings before returning to his work.
8773011YarhaPhew... It's alright... Just dropped a pen.1
988301He is clearly scared of the girl in the center of the laboratory—the Ascendant Luna.
1099301Although he does not know much about Ascendants, even the mad scientists of Kurono consider them to be extremely dangerous.
111010301For no particular reason, he recalls the other white Construct who startled him in the past during the first test.
121111301YarhaDammit... I really should stay away from anything white next time.1
131212301His gaze lands on the unfinished white Construct in his terminal, and he sighs.
141313301YarhaSigh. I guess I'll leave Kurono after completing this frame...1
201919301Right as Yarha is about to dive back into his work, he is startled by a greeting from behind, so much so that it makes him toss his terminal away involuntarily.
212020301Luckily, the flying terminal gently lands on the ground, and Yarha is reminded of the Moon's lower gravity.
2524243011Seeing his terminal is still intact, Yarha finally has time to check who greeted him—and finds Karenina standing there.
262525301YarhaKarenina... Why are you here?1
272626301Karenina picks up the terminal for Yarha, and she notices the frame on the screen.
282727301KareninaHey, is this the design for the new specialized frame...?2
292828301YarhaYeah. It's not too different from what we planned. With the data we got from this agent, the frame can absorb the Punishing Virus in a larger area before eliminating it with the Omega Weapon inside.1
302929301KareninaI thought you people from Kurono would have kept this secret.2
313030301YarhaGiven that the guards let you in, it means Collins is fine with whatever you do.1
323131301KareninaHmph, it seems so. After all, he needs us to maintain this Omega Weapon... but there doesn't seem to be a reason to turn it on.2
333232301Ever since Luna woke up, she has not put up any resistance despite her indifference, providing Yarha with the data he needs for the new specialized frame.
353434301YarhaNo! No, no! There are still plenty of reasons! Please make sure it's working properly, Karenina...1
363535301All his fear is the fear of the unknown. No one knows when the gentle girl before them will turn into a bloodthirsty monster.
383737301KareninaSeriously... Why did you take this job if you're so afraid?2
393838301YarhaBecause the person using this frame is someone I knew. I want to do my absolute best for her—right, you might know her too.1
403939301Yarha opens up the list of testers for the new specialized frame... and the first and only person on it is none other than Liv of Gray Raven.
424141301KareninaLiv?! I thought the Gray Ravens were still on the surface! Why would she...2
434242301YarhaThey're trying to get Liv and her commandant back to Babylonia so that they can perform adaptation on her while treating that commandant. Liv will need to connect to her commandant when she switches her frame.1
454444301KareninaBut if Commandant doesn't wake up in time...2
464545301Karenina remembers from previous files that without a commandant with high adaptability to stabilize the M.I.N.D. of the new specialized frame...
474646301YarhaThe user of the new specialized frame will suffer from unknown M.I.N.D. illnesses and die in three hours at the latest.1
484747301KareninaLiv... Does she know about that?2
494848301Yarha nods solemnly, answering Karenina's question.
505050301Yarha takes out a small bullet shell from his pocket. Once a symbol of his cowardice, it now gives him courage.
525252301YarhaSo I'm going to do my best to help. After all, it's rare to work on something righteous like this in Kurono.1
545454301Yarha scratches his head as he closes his terminal before leaving Karenina behind, telling her he needs to submit some reports to Data Analytics.
565858301Humanity is simply facing an impossible choice. If it were not Liv, it would have been Lucia, Bianca, the Gray Raven Commandant... or even Karenina herself.
575959301Still, Karenina cannot help but think that this sacrifice is her fault... or the fault of the entire humankind. They are weak—they have been weak, so they need to sacrifice someone in exchange for hope.
596161301???Humans have always been like this. There has never been progress without sacrifice.
616363301Karenina almost forgets that there is still a frightening presence in this laboratory.
6365653011She looks up at the speaking Luna. Enveloped in dim blue light, the girl in white looks ethereal.
646666301LunaCountless humans stand at the crossroad of choice, sacrificing the fated few, surviving due to the science built upon absolute rationality.1
6668683011KareninaYou... are also one of the few sacrificed in the name of science, aren't you?1
676969301Karenina remembers what Collins said. Luna only became a Corrupted because the Construct technology back then was flawed—and Karenina's grandfather was the one responsible for the theories on Construct Tech.
6971713011LunaIt doesn't matter to me anymore. Like what that man said, I was simply... unfortunate.1
707272301Perhaps Luna does not care about what will happen to her anymore. Be it an unjust fate or the consequences of her actions—Luna cannot go back and choose another path.
717373301LunaBut what does that mean to you? The culmination of absolute rationality is now in the palm of your hand... Can it bring hope without requiring sacrifices...?1
7375753011When Karenina was very young, living in the slums where hunger and death stained the air, she also tried to be a well-mannered child and fit in with others.
747676301No matter how hard she tried, however, it always ended in a fight.
757777301AniZhuanchangBeginKarenina used to wonder about the similarities between her and science, if its developments and her constant brawls were simply a curse of destruction, destroying nature, the earth, and eventually, themselves.
828484301AniZhuanchangEnd1KalonKaren! Look, it's a full moon tonight! It's been exactly 29 days and 12 hours since the last one...1
838585301KareninaNo, it's 29 days, 12 hours, and 43 minutes! You got so mad when I didn't remember the exact time, Grandpa.2
848686301KalonIs it? Haha, I've forgotten. But it's no matter—Karen can remember what I forgot, can't you?1
858787301KalonRight, let me tell you about the stories with the Moon and the rabbits before I forgot... Once, there was a bunch of happy rabbits...1
868888301KareninaGrandpa, why aren't you mad... I had a fight with someone again today.2
878989301KalonIs fighting other people fun for you, Karen?1
889090301KareninaFighting... It hurts where I got hit, and my fist hurts when I punch, but I can't hold back even knowing that... They say I only know how to fight and destroy, and I'm just as mad as you.2
899191301KalonHow boring! Let's look at the Moon instead. That's way more interesting...1
909292301KalonAlright, pop quiz! Do you know how the Moon was formed, Karen?1
919393301KareninaThe Moon... Wasn't it always there?2
959898301AniZhuanchangEndKareninaSo the land we're standing on was once connected to the Moon up there?
969999301KalonHaha, you got that right! There would be no Moon without destruction. Isn't that something? So destruction itself isn't inherently a bad thing, you see!
97100100301KalonAnd it's not just the Moon! A theory says that the universe was just a lifeless singularity before it exploded and created everything beautiful! So the greatest power of all is actually explosions, haha!
98101101301KareninaOh... I see.
99102102301KalonAlright, onto the next question!
100103103301AniZhuanchangBeginKareninaHold on, Grandpa! I'm not ready...
106110110301Karenina smiles, meeting Luna's gaze.
107111111301KareninaPerhaps we aren't strong enough yet, and our best researchers are as naive as the children who wonder about the Moon.1
108112112301KareninaBut the knowledge we amass is not for nothing. One day, we will transform science's destructive power into a new hope.1
1101141143011Luna cannot help but smile. This is the first time she feels human to Karenina.
111115115301Luna...Unwilling to give up hope... You're as stubborn as my sister.1
1131171173011KareninaLucia and the others are still fighting on the surface... Hmph, I'm not going to lose to them!1
1141181183011AniZhuanchangBeginThe warrior's battle is coming to an end, but the engineer's fight is just about to start.