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544301DialogEnable1DirectorWhy are you all banged up?1
877301The director wants to scold Changyu, but all he can muster up is a sigh.
10993011ChangyuI just had a run-in with some thugs... No big deal.1
121111301Changyu replies and looks around the theater. Laoyu is sitting at a table off to the side with Yusheng, who he had not seen for some time.
1413133011Changyu...Yusheng! Where have you been all this time?1
151414301Changyu perks up with a smile, surprised at the sight of seeing a familiar face after so long.
161515301YushengI had some family matters to attend to, so...
171616301Yusheng rubs his fingers. His once immaculate white hands are now wrapped in bandages.
181717301YushengYou're back just in time. I wanted to bid you all farewell.
201919301ChangyuFarewell? Where are you going?1
212020301YushengDidn't you hear what Lady Qu said? The Corrupted are coming. I'm going to fight on the frontline.
222121301ChangyuWhy? I saw some people walking towards the port. Shouldn't we pack up and board the ship together?1
232222301Hearing Changyu's response, Yusheng shakes his head.
242323301YushengAfter listening to the whole speech in the plaza, I choose to believe in Lady Qu.
252525301YushengIt's my own decision. Lady Qu left the choice to each of us.
262626301YushengThe ship is not suitable for my sick wife. Staying in the city to participate in the Tabula Akasha is more suitable for us.
272727301ChangyuTabula Akasha? What's that? Forget it. It doesn't matter. So, why are you going to the frontline? What about your wife?1
282828301YushengShe's waiting for the Tabula Akasha to begin, but that's going to take some time.
292929301ChangyuSo you...1
303030301YushengYes. Someone has to do it, just like Lady Qu and the others.
313131301ChangyuDirector, try talking some sense into Yusheng.1
3535353011ChangyuWhat are you doing, Director? Why are you just standing there...? Are you also planning...1
3737373011Director...Yes. I made my own choice as well... I don't want to board the ship and run away. Nor do I want to join the Tabula Akasha. I'm staying here in the theater.1
383838301DirectorI can't do something like abandoning my body and living in some machine.1
393939301DirectorAll I can do is stay with the theater left to me by my ancestors.1
4141413011Changyu...In that case, I'll stay here too!1
4343433011DirectorQuit kidding around! Go upstairs and pack your things. Laoyu, go take Changyu to the port.1
444444301LaoyuO-of course.
454545301DirectorYou're still young. You shouldn't give up your life like the rest of us.1
4747473011ChangyuI'm old enough to fight!1
5050503011DirectorNow's not the time to act up!2
515151301ChangyuIf you're staying to fight, then count me in! After the war is over, we can continue running the theater. I just finished repairing the props we'll need...1
525252301DirectorChangyu, if you really have grown up, then quit being so naive!2
545454301DirectorI didn't have the heart to say it, but I sold the theater a long time ago. That's why Yusheng was able to take his wife to see a doctor.2
555555301DirectorBut who could've imagined something like this would happen before she was cured.2
565656301DirectorYou are just a child. You can't possibly understand the cruelties of war—we might not survive. This is the last time we'll ever see each other.2
575757301DirectorAs the director, I appreciate your dedication to the theater... But some things in this world can't be paid back.2
585858301DirectorWe are just a footnote in the history of Kowloong. We are constantly pushed forward by the flow of time.2
616161301ChangyuI just don't want to lose everyone. I want things to go back to normal. You always treat me like a child and make decisions for me. But have you really asked what I think?!1
626262301DirectorThis is for your own good.2
636363301ChangyuYes, I know. It's for my own good. I know I've only ever been a child in your eyes.1
646464301ChangyuBut I'm still a member of the Kowloong Theater!1
656565301ChangyuWhy didn't you tell me anything? I can help!1
666666301Changyu begins to shake with anger, but his eyes remain firm with conviction.
707070301A sudden explosion outside the theater interrupts their conversation. Hearing this, Yusheng gets up from his seat.
717171301YushengWe're out of time... I need to get going. Care to see me off?
7474743011Director & Changyu...12
7676763011AniZhuanchangBeginThe room falls silent. Yusheng smiles and walks toward the gate of the theater as Changyu and the others follow him out.