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5443011BridgetHer wounds... Get her in the truck. We'll handle the rest.1
655301On your way back to the city, you run into the traveling Support Force agents. You follow their instructions and put Lucia in the transport truck.
111012301BridgetShe's in pretty bad shape. What on earth happened...?1
121113302The Ascendants happened.14Is she gonna be okay?17
131214301BridgetThe Ascendants...? Then you guys must be Gray Raven. It's incredible you made it here alive. Elite squad indeed.1
141315301LivBut we didn't even get anything done. Worse, we...2
15141618301BridgetJust the fact that you're all alive is something.1
161517301BridgetYes, as long as we can keep her M.I.N.D. alive. But she's not returning to the battlefield any time soon.1
171618301BridgetAnyway, first things first, we gotta bring her back to our base. You guys go ahead and return to battle.1
181719301With that, Bridget motions the driver to start the truck and hops on the back.
2120223011LeeLucia should be fine with the SF people. Now we need to figure out our next move...1
2423253011AylaThen from here on out, let me assist Gray Raven!2
252426301A cheerful voice from a scythe-wielding Construct dispels the gloom—Ayla. Like always, she is in that painterly frame of hers, looking out of place in a battlefield.
262527302What are you doing here, Ayla?28Assist...?29
27262830301AylaPresident Hassen issued a call to arms. I'm not a combatant, but I know I gotta be a part of this!2
282729301AylaI rushed over as soon as I learned what happened to Lucia. So let me help out, Commandant!2
292830301AylaAnd besides...2
302931301Ayla pauses and fishes through her decorative backpack, then displays a strangely shaped device.
323133301LeeWhat's this...?1
3534363011HassenGood, now we can talk. Gray Raven, how am I sounding?2
363537302Mr. President?38Why this device?40
373638301Hassen...You must be wondering why I'm speaking to you via Ayla's connection device.2
38373941301LeeMust be the scrambler waves from Kowloong. Not sure if it's effective against the Ascendants, but it sure messed up our comms systems.1
393840301HassenKowloong is broadcasting a scrambling signal. This is the only way I can contact you from outside the city.2
403941301HassenWe're already at work fixing the connection, but I'm afraid it's gonna take a while, so I had this comms device sent to you.2
414042301LeeYou have new orders for us, I take it?1
424143301HassenOriginally, several, yes. But there's been a change of plans. One of the Ascendants, Gabriel, launched a surprise assault, so now I need you to go there and stop him.2
434244301HassenOf course, I've sent other squads too. And let me repeat this—the Ascendants are after the Gestalt-grade terminal within the light wall.2
444345301HassenStop them at all costs. I'm counting on you.2
454446302Understood.47Can we really defeat the Ascendants?48
46454749301HassenGood. Now take Ayla with you and go.2
474648301HassenNot like we can just surrender. But you know that already, 【kuroname】.2
4948503011LivOh, and President Hassen!1
515052301LivWho was it that saved us on the bridge?1
5251533011AniZhuanchangBeginHassenThey... are the fruits of our labor.2