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433301DialogEnableOn the spacious Kowloong observation deck, a beautiful Female Construct is playing the guqin, an eastern string instrument. The music sounds melodious but cold.
544301You have been invited here, but you are unsure of Qu's intent.
7663011QuOh, you're here.1
988301QuWhy do you look so surprised?1
1099302What exactly did your message mean?10
111111302What for?12
121212301Qu stands up quietly and walks to the center of the observation deck.
131313301QuDo you remember this place?1
141414301This is where the decisive battle was fought in the Kowloong war—where you fought Qu .
151515302How could I forget?16
161616301QuHow nice...1
171717302What are you talking about?!18
181818301Qu laughs grimly and approaches you.
191919301QuNow, your niceness is slowly destroying Qu and driving her to misfortune!1
202020302Qu... No! Who are you?!21
212222301QuLady Qu knows that as long as you exist, she will deviate more and more from the Path of Glory. So, she has sent me to kill you.1
222424302You must be...!25
242727301The Female Construct tightens her grip on your throat.
252828302If she... wants to kill me...29
262929302Then... let her do it...30
273030301The Female Construct bursts out laughing.
283131301Female ConstructHahaha! You are right, but no matter. She will understand! Now, die!1
293232301Just as the Female Construct is about to crush your throat, a long blade cuts off her hands.
303333301Female ConstructAAAAGGHHH!
313434301A stern figure appears before the Female Construct.
323535301Female ConstructL-Lady Qu!1
3437373011QuI should have noticed... You were also bound by the past. Just like me.1
3639393011Female ConstructYou are betraying our wish!1
3841413011QuNo... Someone told me that maybe we should be more trusting of humanity—more trusting of my partner.1
394242301Qu looks down at you on the ground. Compared to the teachings of her past, she now wishes to follow her own heart.
404343301QuI no longer need your teachings. I am the Kowloong Supreme. I won't follow anyone's orders any longer.1
414444301QuNow leave before I change my mind.1
424545301The Female Construct glares at Qu resentfully before jumping off the observation deck.
444746301After ensuring that the threat is gone, she hugs you tightly.
464947301QuYou're still breathing, Commandant. But why did...1
475048301QuI put you in danger... Am I destined to be alone...?1
485149301QuI thought my power was unlimited as the Supreme. But now I realize just how powerless I truly am.1
495250301Qu strokes your face and desperately clenches her teeth to stop from crying.
505351301QuI can't do anything except be by your side.1
515452302That's... more than enough...53
525553301You brush Qu's cheek to wipe away her tears. Qu is startled to see that you've finally regained consciousness.
535654302We may have conflicting ideas... But we're still looking for a way... to understand each other.55
545755302Just being... by each other... makes us more than partners.56
555856301AniZhuanchangBeginQuIndeed... Even if countless obstacles stand in our way and we never understand each other, we...1
586159301AniZhuanchangEnd???Commandant... You're... awake...
596260301???Commandant... Commandant!
646765301DialogEnable1LivYou're finally awake! Lucia, Lee, the commandant's awake!1
6770683011LuciaCommandant... Thank goodness...1
6972703011LeeLooks like you have mild hypoxia... What's with the mark on your neck?1
717472301You shake your head. You have no intention of telling anyone about what happened between you and Qu.
727573301AniZhuanchangBeginYou already knew what Qu was planning on doing from that night onward.
747776301AniZhuanchangEndQuWe might not understand each other, but...
757877301QuBut I believe that one day you and I will be on the same path...
7679783011AniZhuanchangBeginQuWhen that day comes, we will become partners—not in name, but in truth.