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433301DialogEnableThe time to return has arrived.
544301The transport craft from Babylonia has brought the Expedition Team their scheduled supplies. Meanwhile, Bianca, you, and a few members whose frames require urgent repairs will return to Babylonia with the aircraft.
655301The Expedition Team even planned to host a small farewell party for the two of you. Bianca shut down the idea as soon as she heard it, obviously.
766301While the members of the Expedition Team bid you farewell tearfully, Bianca quietly leaves to help move the supplies, perhaps motivated by the same feeling.
10993011Expedition Member ASob... I can't believe you're leaving so soon, 【kuroname】...1
111010301Expedition Member BWe'll miss you... I still want to listen to more adventures of yours in the Task Force...2
121111301Several members who have interacted with you come up and give you a big hug. Their warmth and kindness have not cooled down despite the years they have stayed in Antarctica.
1514143011Expedition CaptainStop crying, you lot.1
161515301Expedition CaptainAlthough it was brief, we've had a good time with you, 【kuroname】. You and Bianca have helped us tremendously.1
171616301Expedition CaptainI hope we'll see you again after you defeat the Punishing Virus!1
181717302You guys take care too.18We'll not let you down.18
191818301You have heard that the Expedition Captain was once a renowned human scientist too. He only became a Construct to be able to stay in Antarctica for an extended period of time.
201919301Your respect for the Expedition Team has only grown after your days with them.
212020301They may not be the active soldiers on the frontline or the researchers from the Science Council designing weapons against the Punishing Virus day and night...
222121301But they are also working tirelessly for the future you are all fighting for.
232222301Expedition CaptainBy the way, the photos you've taken need to be uploaded to the database of this research station.1
242323301Expedition CaptainBut you're free to make a copy if you want.1
252424301Expedition CaptainTake care, Gray Raven Commandant!1
262525301With that, the quiet and collected captain also pulls you in for a hug.
282727301After saying goodbye to the Constructs of the Expedition Team, you take your camera to a small terminal inside the station, ready to upload the photos.
292828301Looking at the photos scrolling past the monitor one by one, you begin to connect the different memories into a complete narrative.
302929301...Until you scroll to the photo you showed Bianca.
323131301You took the photo after applying for an additional expedition and tracked down the migrating penguins alone.
333232301You did not understand what your obsession with them was even when you pressed the shutter and immortalized the scene.
343333301That reason was something you could not figure out on your own.
353434301Not to mention that you would never know if the lone penguin Bianca and you saw that day did end up back with her flock—even your photo could not guarantee it.
363535301Your interpretation might not actually be what happened.
373636301Perhaps that was a scouting penguin returning to inform her companions of a safe route.
383737301Perhaps that was a penguin who walked too fast, and now she was trying to slow down and rejoin her flock.
393838301Perhaps that lone penguin was a stranger, barging into a group she did not belong.
403939301Bianca probably also noticed it, except she did not expose your shaky argument.
414040301But so what?
424141301Interpreting animal behaviors through a human lens is just wishful thinking.
434242301What you wish it represented reveals your own perspectives and concerns.
444343301What really matters is if you will act according to your answer, whatever it takes.
4645453011BiancaStill not done, Commandant?1
474646301Bianca pushes open the door and enters right then.
494848301BiancaDoublechecking the photos, are you? Let me help. The transport craft is waiting for us.1
504949302It's alright. I'm done.50
515050302Let's go.51
525151302We're going home.52
545353301BiancaOf course.1
565555301Smiling, she salutes you before spinning around smoothly, leading the way out.
585757301Unplugging the cable, you place the small memory drive inside the pocket on your chest.
595858301Then you place the camera on the desk, leaving it behind for the Expedition Team.
605959301Standing tall, you hurry and chase after Bianca.
616060301It is as if the figure ahead of you can sense what you are thinking...
6261613011AniZhuanchangBeginAnd she slows down.