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544301DialogEnableSystemPlease stand by for reinforcement.
766301The sound of explosions, the screams of the Corrupted... all sorts of sounds fill your mind. Your gun-holding arm has gone numb as you struggle against the Corrupted pouncing on you like demons crawling out of hell.
877301Once again, you are standing on the battlefield on your own.
988301SystemControl center dispatching reinforcements for mission H24-65. Supporting: 【kuroname】. Corrupted signals fast approaching in the quarantine zone. Please be aware.
1099301Only this time, you are the person being rescued.
111010301This is not uncommon on the battlefield, and you may be a little exhausted by it.
121111301SystemThe nearest reinforcement will arrive in 6 minutes.
131212301???Wanshi of Strike Hawk has arrived on site.
141313301You hear a familiar voice from behind. Looking back in surprise, you find Wanshi speaking to the comms.
1615153011WanshiCan you still get in touch with the Gray Ravens?1
171616302Yeah, they're on their way here.17
181717301WanshiLet's go up.1
191818302Were you nearby this time as well?
201919301WanshiNot at all.1
222121301Wanshi loads his rifle again. He walks against the wall toward the top of the building as he talks to you, and there is not a sense of fatigue in his voice.
232222301AniZhuanchangBeginWanshiIt has been a long... long time since I last worked overtime.1
272626301AniZhuanchangEndA breeze blows past Wanshi, mixing with the chilliness of the distant waves. The impurities in the air narrow his field of view, focusing and magnifying the details he would normally ignore.
282727301The burning golden dust floats in the air, the sparkling light flickering in Wanshi's eyes like a pearlescent fish scale—his whole body is working, yet even his eyelashes are still. A perfect and precise creation.
292828301His rifle seems to be the key that unlocks Wanshi. He becomes so different with it. One cannot help but imagine what he would be like when holding a scalpel.
343434301The bullet seems to have pierced through the white and green target at the Babylonia shooting range, breaking the boundary between the man and monster, before hitting a mechanical brain, creating ripples in the air.
383838301Wanshi... 37. All clear.1
404040301The last of the Corrupted on the rooftop falls in the sound of its shriek and his tactical pistol. All is quiet.
414141301You glance at the terminal, and the last flickering signal of the Corrupted within the safe area is also gone.
434343301You instantly feel a sense of relief. The once ordinary task feels no less mundane now because of Wanshi's presence.
444444301The afternoon breeze blows gently your way with the scent of battles, scattering the foul smoke and the chaotic sounds around you.
4646463011WanshiStay still. Your arm needs to be treated.1
474747301Your arm was cut by a broken steel bar during the fight. It is getting a little exhausting to keep getting hurt in the arm.
484848301Wanshi gently holds your arm while you lean back to let him work. He has the magic around him—maybe all doctors do—that makes you feel relaxed you are with him, that you are willing to show him your wounds.
494949301Wanshi goes into a completely different state while treating you. It is a similar kind of focus to when he holds his rifle, but with a slight difference.
505050301You can almost glimpse into his past, deep as the ocean, through his calm expression and steady motions.
535353302What?54More Corrupted?54
545454301WanshiNot the number of kills I've had. It's... the number of lives I've saved.1
555555302That's a lot more than I expected.56
565656301WanshiIt used to be the surgeries. And then it became the scout missions. Right now, it is you.1
575757302I'm not dying that easily.58
585858301WanshiEmotions taking over my commonsense, I guess.1
595959301WanshiNo matter how many times I've practiced... I still can't get rid of the distractions from my emotions.1
606060302I get it.61It's not uncommon.61
616161301WanshiThat's true...1
626262301Wanshi puts the medical devices back before immediately lying down sideways, closing his eyes. Words in his mouth turn into murmurs as if he is dreaming.
646464301WanshiBut this time, it's not quite... the same...1
656565302Sleepy again?66Stop falling asleep on the battlefield!66
676767301WanshiThe Corrupted in the quarantine zone, all cleared...1
686868301WanshiReinforcement arriving in twelve minutes...1
696969302Wanshi, you're a good doctor.70
707070301Wanshi...I'm not interested in fighting for humanity's fate.1
727272301WanshiI just... want to heal those who matter to me.1
737373302...I see.74
767676301It seems like he has not heard your last line at all, as Wanshi's frame has fully entered rest mode.
808080301He is sleeping indeed. There is no response even when you pat him on the face with your numb hand.
818181301You watch his eyelids gradually closing, and despite your bewilderment at how he can doze off here and now, you feel a little bit of tenderness. You cannot help but lean against the rugged wall and slowly relax.
828282301Perhaps it is because of the anesthetic, or maybe the words of Wanshi were too convincing. Drowsiness soon sweeps over you alongside a sense of relief......It feels somewhat familiar.
838383302But... this is the first time that Wanshi...84 deep asleep before me...85
858585301RImgBg1DisableThe sound of wind keeps whirling around, but for this moment, you feel calm.
909090301DialogEnableEverything is gray in your vision. Then the light slowly draws the silhouettes before you.
919191301You vaguely recognize that it is your dorm. When you turn your head, you can see the bed next to you is piled with colorful gifts and fruit baskets.
9393933011KamuiC-Capt! The commandant is awake!1
949494301An earsplitting scream follows immediately, and a face gets so close to you that it is all you can see.
959595302Hi, Kamui.96Where's Wanshi?99
979797301KamuiThank goodness!1
989898302Where's Wanshi?99
999999301KamuiI'm sorry, but unfortunately, Wanshi passed away during the mission earlier...1
100100100302???101Right. I'm not buying that.101
102102102301Suddenly, a hand reaches out from the pile of gifts and throws an apple at Kamui.
1041041043011WanshiStop talking nonsense.1
1061061063011KamuiWaah! The dead returns!1
107107107301Kamui jumps up and catches the apple with a nimble move before taking a bite like it is the most natural thing.
108108108302Why are you all in my room?109
109109109301KamuiWhen Lucia and the others found you, you two were sleeping together! (Chews)1
111111111301KamuiSo thanks to Wanshi, the Captain and I can also come to visit you, Commandant.1
112112112301KamuiBut it's great to see that Wanshi is also getting along with the others!1
113113113302Speaking of which, why is Wanshi in my bed?114
114114114301KamuiWanshi said your bed is more comfortable. Let me give it a try as well!1
1171171173011Wanshi...Ouch, Kamui... get off me...1
118118118301ChromeThat's enough. The Gray Ravens should be back soon. Let's leave the commandant alone.2
119119119301WanshiThe place was peaceful and quiet before Kamui came in. So please get out, Kamui.1
120120120301Chrome...I'm sorry, Commandant. That's not how Wanshi is usually like.2
121121121302It's alright.122Bring it on!128Let me join the jenga!133
122122122301ChromeThis is the commandant's room, after all...2
1251251253011KamuiHere I come!1
1271271271383011Wanshi...That's enough.1
1301301303011KamuiGot it!1
1321321321383011WanshiToo much... get down... phew...1
139139139301AniZhuanchangBeginWanshi does not bother to resist at all, as it seems like he is about to fall asleep again. Pressed against Kamui's heavily armored frame, Wanshi's serene expression distorts, and you burst into laughter.
141141141301AniZhuanchangEnd...I'm not interested in fighting for humanity's fate.
143143143301I just... want to heal those who matter to me.
144144144301...I see.
145145145301But whether it's fighting or healing...
1461461463011AniZhuanchangBeginYou've done an excellent job.