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433301DialogEnableIn this light gold room with a lofty roof, bookshelves line both sides with various data panels and texts in chronological order. The half-suspended display monitor shows the current position of its occupants.
544301Flags of previous Kowloong dynasties hang on the wall at the end of the bookshelf. Some have faded with time. Others that show burns from the flames of war hang from the top of the dome.
655301This is the archives of the Kowloong Chamber of Commerce. It is a symbol of history and glory. It stands in the corner of the KCC as a witness to the footprints of humanity's ancestors.
8773011VillierWhat exactly do we want from this data?1
1110103011QuTo understand history. To reflect over history.2
121111301VillierIs this history? All I see is historians eulogizing the victors and denouncing the losers.1
131212301VillierYou saw the battle during the merging of the KCC, right? Our ancestors were praised as those who sought justice, while members of the opposition were labeled as stubborn conservatives of a bygone era.1
141313301VillierWhy? Because history is written by the victors. So the losers are always wrong.1
151414301VillierKowloong disintegrated their society, wiped out their history, and imposed what Kowloong thought of as truth on those uncivilized humans.1
161515301VillierPff, anyone with half a brain can see the error in their ways.1
171616301QuHowever, the efforts of the winners have been recorded in the annals of history. It is an indisputable fact that they were finally able to unify Kowloong, making it more stable.2
181717301VillierIsn't this just consequentialism?1
191818301VillierLook here.1
212020301Villier says, gently swiping his data panel to transfer a large quantity of encrypted data onto Qu's data panel.
2423233011QuWhat are these?2
252424301VillierI checked the global data records.1
262525301QuLooks like there's some discrepancy with what was recorded in historical texts.2
272727301QuA natural disaster shouldn't have caused such destruction. It was the Golden Age, after all.2
282828301VillierWell, in reality, he sacrificed his life to stop the proliferation of destruction.1
292929301VillierHumans don't care about the truth. They only want a target to project their anger and resentment. That way, they can play the victim.1
303030301VillierMost people choose the path of least resistance.1
313131301VillierThe few who remember cracked under years of pressure. Unsteady alliances dissolve. As for the truth, it is long buried under the comforts of society. Seeking gain and avoiding loss—that is human nature.1
323232301QuFaced with this fact, he still chose to sacrifice himself.2
333333301VillierTherefore, he is foolish for not thinking rationally. Had he mobilized public relations and enacted tougher measure to win the support of others, it could've been a different story.1
343434301Villier...When can humanity be perfect like machines?1
353535301VillierWinners, losers—they all only know to fight for whatever they believe in.1
363636301VillierWhat an arrogant and ignorant existence.1
373737301QuIs that so?2
383838301VillierThat's all I see from this pile of data. It's hideous.1
393939301QuIf they were given a second chance, do you think they would make the same choices?2
404040301VillierI think so. Humanity doesn't understand how to correct their course. Otherwise, history wouldn't be doomed to repeat itself.1
414141301QuWhat if it were you?2
444444301Hearing this, Villier is at a momentary loss for words before smiling bitterly.
4646463011VillierI don't want to admit it, but I'd stick firmly to my beliefs. Sometimes, my similarities with humanity sickens me.1
484848301Villier shakes his head and walks to the end of the archives. Qu keeps searching through the data in front of her.
525252301Qu stares at the holographic image before her of the Pulao Crew returning victoriously. He is laughing and patting a comrade on the shoulder.
5454543011QuThis looks... pleasant.1
565656301The next picture is of a medic kneeling beside a wounded soldier. She puts the injured man's hand on her forehead as she weeps. The soldier's abdomen is splayed open. He clearly does not have much time left.
5858583011QuThis picture is... sorrowful.1
606060301Qu's hand stops on the last picture, which is of a Baxia soldier smiling as he walks toward a burn pile.1
6262623011QuTrying even if you know you're wrong. Fighting even if you're doomed to fail.1
636363301QuIs this humanity?1
646464301AniZhuanchangBeginQuI don't understand...1
676767301AniZhuanchangEndGuardLord Yin, you made it.
696968301YinIndeed. Those two are still inside?1
707069301GuardCorrect. The family has arranged for them to stay here until after the history exam next week.
717170301GuardI'm afraid the exam is merely just a formality. Here's the video from the previous exam.
727271301The bodyguard hands a control panel to Yin, which displays Qu and Villier methodically answering each of the questions posed by the Suanni scholars.
737372301After the test, the Suanni scholars leave the archives and happily praise Qu and Villier.
747473301Senior OfficialLord Yin, we can't keep this up much longer.
757574301Junior OfficialYes, of course. More members of the Kowloong Crew support them. When the election comes around, I'm afraid...
767675301Before the official could finish speaking, Yin puts his hand to the man's head in the shape of a pistol.
777776301YinShh... Do you hear that?1
787877301Junior OfficialW-what?
797978301YinThe Ode of Time.1
808079301YinAs time goes on, Kowloong continues to expand. Generations of dynasties come and go.1
818180301YinThere are miracles and disasters, redemption and tyranny, inspirational history and tormenting lament.1
828281301Yin speaks as he walks toward the official. The official gradually steps back until he reaches the corridor wall with nowhere to retreat.
838382301YinThese are all watershed moments in the river of time.1
848483301YinPredecessors will eventually become lost to history and be trampled by generations to come. Is that what you were trying to say?1
858584301Junior OfficialNo, no, no. My humblest apologies, I misspoke. I beg your forgiveness.
868685301Yin(Chuckles) Our family taught us that history is inevitable.1
878786301YinBut the family has some unspoken agreements.1
898987301YinYou do not need to give up what you possess so easily.1
919188301Yin lowers his hand and smiles as he pats the official's cheek. The official cannot help but tremble in fear.
929289301YinHeh, lucky you. I'm not carrying a weapon today.1
939390301Yin turns to leave after speaking, and the official finally breathes a sigh of relief, then collapses against the wall.
949491301But just then, Yin sticks out his left hand in the shape of a gun and points it at the official. He mouths—
979793301A bullet penetrates the official's skull and splatters blood and brain matter all over the relief on the corridor wall.
999994301The guard holsters his silenced pistol and pulls out cleaning supplies to clear the scene.
10010095301The senior official bows his head in silence and follows behind Yin.
10110196301Yin looks at the closed door to the archives, sneers coldly, then turns away.
10210297301YinThose two monsters...1
10310398301YinHmph. Don't restrain ourselves and use whatever means necessary. Isn't that what we were taught?1
104104993011AniZhuanchangBeginSenior OfficialU-understood.