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433301DialogEnableThe witch doesn't always become friends with the princess in every story.
544301That is especially true at the beginning of a story, where the witch and the princess are still young.
655301AniZhuanchangBeginThe little witch wears a big cloak and a big hat. The adult witch tells her to always sneak around and never take off her hat or her cloak while she is in a great hall. She will have more respect from others if they mistake her for a midget or a dwarf.
877301AniZhuanchangEndSo, by the time she has passed through the maze-like hallways and the red palace to arrive at the magnificent council chamber with the adult witch, the little witch's legs are already trembling.
988301She sees the king sitting on his adorned throne. As he opens his mouth and speaks, the little witch doesn't understand what he says except that he wants the adult witch to give her blessing to the little princess.
1099301The little princess is fourteen years old, only a little older than the little witch.
111010301AniZhuanchangBeginThe little witch remembers. The adult witch once told her that a witch must never let another person know her age. Yes, she needs to keep this information a secret.
121111301AniZhuanchangEndThe king goes on and on. Bored, the little witch draws strange patterns with her magic on the red carpet in the palace. At last, the king raises his hand and invites the two witches to another room to continue their conversation. Nearly losing her balance, she almost trips and falls on her face.
131212301AniZhuanchangBeginThe little witch thinks it's a pity that she didn't fall to the floor. So, she tries to cast a thousand shapeshifting magic and eventually sneaks away, leaving only her cloak and hat in place like a scarecrow to keep the birds away.
151414301AniZhuanchangEndThe girl hides in the shadow of a lantern hanging high up in the air. Slowly, she wanders around this maze-like castle. There are many things here that cannot be found in the forest. They are big, tall, and square, beautiful but without a soul.
161515301The little witch steps on the shadow of guards and servants to go outside. She doesn't dare stray too far because she doesn't know when the witch and the king will finish their conversation. But she doesn't want to stay close to the center of that palace either because that place is devoid of souls.
171616301Many people grow their physical bodies while their souls shrink.
181717301She searches for the light of souls. As she looks in the direction of the courtyard, she discovers the light and pleasant smells of souls all come from a few puppet dolls.
191818301The puppet dolls mumble and walk. Fascinated, the little witch looks at them for a long while until she finally realizes there is a pair of small hands hidden behind the dolls to manipulate them.
2120203011The light of souls comes from this person, who is small, soft, and about the same age as she is.
222121301This beautiful girl has a pair of purple eyes as beautiful as gems. And there are many strange, funny stories in her head.
242323301They talk about the stars in the sky, the ocean they have never seen, the forest where the little witch lives, and the little secrets of that castle. They talk about everything.
252424301AniZhuanchangBeginShe knows she is the princess, and the princess knows she is a witch. They continue to talk about more things. The princess manipulates her puppet dolls to talk, and the witch brings those dolls to life. Together, they start a show in this little courtyard.
262525301AniZhuanchangEndFor many days after that, the little witch always sneaks out to the same courtyard. No one knows the little witch and the little princess have become friends.
2827273011The Little WitchDo you want to learn magic?1
3029293011The Little PrincessYes, I do... I want to learn magic that can make flowers blossom.1
373636301This is meaningless.
4039393011The Little WitchWhen you have told me all your stories, I'll go learn that magic and teach you.1
474646301This is meaningless.
484747301AniZhuanchangBeginThe adult witch reprimands the little witch because that type of magic is meaningless.
504949301AniZhuanchangEndThe ritual of giving blessings to the princess ends several days later. The witches return to their forest.
515050301After that, the little witch has always been studying the meaningless magic.
555454301In the year when the evil dragon appears, she finally succeeds.
5655553011AniZhuanchangBeginBut the real flowers in this world no longer blossom. And the princess is nowhere to be found.