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433301DialogEnableThe White King has not been able to move all this time, while the Black Bishop on E7 will get checkmate in two moves.
544301The two players can both see where the game is going.
8773011JohnWe both know how this ends, don't we?2
988301JohnI've lost.2
1099301JohnIf you had sacrificed your pawns, this would have ended even quicker.2
111010301JohnYou're a Construct. I think you could have calculated how best to make your moves.2
121111301ChromeBut that wouldn't be my judgment.1
131212301ChromeTo machines, this is simply deduction and calculation based on objective facts, with no emotions and moral considerations involved.1
141313301ChromeBut I am no machine.1
151414301ChromeI make my own assessment of the situation, and I make my own choices based on my judgment.1
161515301JohnDo you think I'll agree with you just because you've won a game of chess?2
171616301ChromeI believe... there is no meaningless victory.1
181717301His father has never told him what happens after becoming a Smith.
191818301Or, perhaps, his father has told him about the end of a Smith's journey from the very beginning.
201919301Become a Smith, then find the next Smith to inherit everything. An endless cycle.
212020301ChromeBut I'm not trying to become a Smith.1
222121301ChromeI'm going to surpass it.1
232323301Not abandoning his past. Not denying it, either.
242424301Langston Smith, Chief of class, Construct, Strike Hawk Captain—
262727301ChromeThe war will be over one day.1
272828301ChromeWhen that happens, Constructs and humans will share the world we reclaim together.1
283030301ChromeI still can't give you a concrete answer right now, but I will build the bridge that leads us there.1
293131301ChromeTherefore... this is what I choose in the end.1
303232301ChromeI've never considered undoing my identity as a Construct. Not now, not ever.1
323434301JohnYou will face unimaginable difficulties and hurdles.2
333535301JohnThe path you are taking will take you to an endless pit. It will devour you until there is nothing left.2
343636301JohnYour fight will not stop even when you leave the battlefield. Do you understand what it means?2
353737301ChromeYou taught me that a Smith does not fear hardship. We excel in them.1
363838301ChromeAnd Chrome from Strike Hawk does not enter a fight without proper preparations.1
373939301ChromeI'm your son, Dad.1
394141301JohnThe specialized frame Asimov is working on has only worked on a Construct on Gray Raven so far.2
404242301JohnTo adapt to that frame, that Construct paid a hefty price.2
414343301JohnIf you can adapt to this specialized frame with no complications, I'll approve of your choice. I'll stop interfering with your decisions after that as well.2
424444301JohnBut if you can't even take on a new frame, then every word you just said is hollow.2
434545301ChromeI understand. I do not plan to fail.1
444646301ChromeI will use this frame to demonstrate my determination and what I can achieve.1
464848301After a while, John moves his eyes from Chrome's resolute expression back to the paused game on the chessboard.
474949301Like how Chrome picked up the projection of a piece before, John picks up the Queen on A8 and moves it to H8.
485050301Completely out of the way of the Black Bishop.
495151301With no more threats, the Black side will easily take the game.
505252301There is an extra hint of surprise in the way Chrome looks at John. He shifts his eyes back to the board, concealing his feelings.
515353301He lifts his hand and moves the chess piece. Black Bishop moves to H8.
545656301Chrome stands up from his chair and bows to the man sitting opposite him.
5658583011ChromeThank you for your lesson, Dad.1
5860603011John stares at the ended game for a long time, lost in thought.
5961613011AniZhuanchangBeginFor a second there, his tensed shoulders seem to have slightly relaxed.