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433301DialogEnableCompared with the fading ruins, the residential areas hiding within them still more or less retain their past facade.
544301Situated between highrises, they have avoided the Punishing Virus in their small pockets.
655301Without fire and blades, the only thing that has passed through here is time.
8773011LuciaI'm getting results from the scans... There seem to be five anomalies around here.1
111010301LeeWe are the anomalies... I checked the scanner again. The module that separates friends from foes is apparently broken.2
141313301LivThere's no sign of Corrupted passing through here, so why...1
161515301ConstructSigh. Who knows how the conservation area got marked by that wave of Corrupted? All the surrounding areas have been torn apart like here, except for the last defense underground.2
181717301LeeThat is why we were sent here as reinforcement... Commandant, we have to set up the scouting devices on the rooftops next.1
201919301LuciaPlease don't stay too far away, even if there are no signs of enemies nearby.2
212020301The Engineering Force member assigned to help you and the Gray Ravens proceed with their duties.
232222301There is nothing you can do right now, so you decide to find a vantage point where you can observe the surroundings.
252424301AniZhuanchangBeginSo you walk along the road between the remaining buildings until one of them catches your attention.
272627301DialogEnableIt appears to be the least tattered building from the outside, sitting in a secluded corner.
282728301AniZhuanchangBeginEntering the main hall, you find it looking exactly as you expected—
302931301DialogEnableNot a chaotic wreckage but a quiet decay.
313032301As if silently stepping into the end, you feel forgotten by the world like the dust that has gathered within.
323133301The rich colors of the past still linger on the flaking walls...
353436301The dust gathered on the handle of the door to the room beside you has been wiped away.
363537301The handle has been turned, so it is not a Corrupted.
373638301Your index finger lies on the grip of your pistol as your other hand reaches for the door handle.
383739302AniZhuanchangBegin(Open the door)40
464547301You smell the scent of greenery. Following where the wind comes from, you see the sky.
474648301RImgBg1DisableSlowLooking from here, you see trees swaying in the light.
504951301DialogEnableCracked walls, climbing vines, scattered paper, and old notebooks.
515052301The bright sunlight floods the room, soaking into the glistening white hair.
525153301RImgBg1DisableSlowA small breeze moves the ends, bringing the hair to the drifting petals.
565556301DialogEnableThe silver-white figure leans on a chair, her eyes closed.
575657301It all seems to be a small corner of a larger world, perfectly preserved in stillness.
585758301This preposterous absurdity ought to feel distasteful, but it feels serene instead with her presence.
595859301And yet, she does not react to your approach in the open. It seems that she has entered eternal sleep.
605960301Wanting to be sure, you arrive by her side. In the silence, even your breath seems capable of stirring up a canvas, creating a ripple...
616062302(Reach out)63
626163301Your fingertips touch her icy shoulder. Her calm face twists.
646365301A pair of pale golden eyes meet yours.
656466301AniZhuanchangBeginThe moment you are impressed by how clear they are—
706971301DialogEnable1She tightly grasps your arm before you can react.
717072301And her other hand presses against your neck.
737274301Her function still works perfectly. She avoided the anomaly scanner only because she was sleeping.
747375301But you have never seen Constructs who would let their guard down this much while resting. She had no awareness of her surroundings as if she had shut her system down.
757476302(Try to reach for your pistol)77
767577301Her grip tightens. You cannot be certain that you can take her down in one shot even if you are Bob Munden incarnated.
787779301Her delicate face remains unblemished like an exhibit carefully prepared.
797880301At this distance, even the smallest flinch cannot fool the visual module of a Construct who is engaged in battle.
807981301But she has not killed you outright, which means...
818082301With great difficulty, you gesture toward the patch on your arm, indicating that you come from Babylonia and not a Scavenger looting for parts.
828183302Sorry for interrupting your sleep.84
868587301The young lady releases her hands, leaning back in her seat.
888789301Your brief quarrel and her hostility seem to have melted from the sunlight. What remains now is only a lady conversing with a stranger.
898890301Judging from her clothing, you believe she is a Construct from the conservation area nearby.
909092302The kind that you don't wake up from, perhaps.93Not really...93
919193301The lady stops asking and picks up a piece of paper.
929294301HaicmaImprovement required...1
939395301HaicmaLacking detailed explanation on the different stages...1
949496301She murmurs as if reflecting on the results of an experiment.
959597302Excuse me... What are you doing?98
9798100301She gathers all the paper, stacking them nicely on the table.
9899101301You have learned of something like this from the staff in Star of Life. After becoming Constructs for a while, some people may feel some kind of unease.
99100102301It is not caused physically—not a hardware issue, per se. It comes from the cognitive dissonance one feels after losing their flesh and blood, their way of life completely upended.
100101103301Unable to adjust mentally, some of them find it difficult to accept their new identities. Mimicking past behaviors is a sign of that.
101102104301Apparently, the lady before you is planning exactly that.
102103105302Can I ask you what these are?106
103105107301HaicmaBut their information seems to have been filtered. The records are not complete, and their details are lacking. More of a summary, I think.1
104106108301HaicmaTherefore, it's been difficult to recreate them. There are too many unpredictable variables.1
105107109301Diaries are not bookkeeping. It is hard to demand too many details from them...
106108110301But if she wants to experience the life before becoming a Construct, is there not a more direct way laid out before her than imitating these records?
107109111302What about writing a diary?112
109111113301HaicmaWriting... a diary?1
110112114301Unlike the data stored in her electronic components, human memories always fade away.
111113115301Which is why humans need to select and record the important parts. It is an act to counter their innate flaw.
112114116302You want to experience what it feels like to be human again, right?117
114116118301HaicmaAgain? Right.1
116118120301HaicmaMy calculation suggests that this proposal has a higher chance of success.1
117119121301Instead of forcing herself to repeat what cannot be recreated from those diaries, she should perhaps try to choose the memories worth preserving and record them herself.
118120122301She can reflect on and analyze them during this process. After all, recording facts is not the only purpose to write a diary.
119121123301Opening her notebook again, she seems to be about to put the idea into action.
120122124301But before that, you should probably do something about a Construct acting alone outside the conservation area...
122124126301LuciaCommandant, where are you?
123125127301Lucia's voice appears from the comms, interrupting your train of thought.
127129131301DialogEnableYou quickly leave the room...
131133135302What's wrong?136
132134136301LuciaThe devices are deployed. The new scouting team is reporting an unusual presence of uninfected mechanoids.1
133135137301LuciaThe temporary command center on the surface has ordered us to investigate.1
138140142301After confirming where you will meet, you return to the room, only to find the silver figure gone, along with her paper and notebooks.
139141143301With her gone, time moves again in the room as if your encounter was just a fantasy, a memory displayed by the abandoned house.
1401421443011AniZhuanchangBeginBut she is a Construct from the nearby conservation area. Chances are you will meet again.