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433301DialogEnableCity 043 Conservation Area Basement, 03:00 a.m.
544301Nearly five hours have passed since Liv and others set out. All refugees still able to move freely have been evacuated.
655301They have walked for five hours, but they still have not managed to evacuate the conservation area in City 043 due to the overall speed of the crowd.
777301There are only a few dozen people left in the enclosed basement. All the Constructs stationed in the conservation area are on the surface, leaving the refugees anxiously waiting for news from Gray Raven.
888301Vanessa sits alone in the dark room, monitoring the trajectory of the Hetero-Creatures on a large number of holo-screens and sending the intel to Babylonia with no response.
999301Following that, she recalculates the tactical deployment of Constructs in the conservation area and the best evacuation route for Gray Raven based on the enemy's new trajectory.
101010301After completing her work, she stands up from the screens and walks up to the sick bed nearby.
1212123011Vanessa...Hah, Chief.1
131313301She smiles mockingly, then sits beside the bed.
141414301VanessaIf you knew your recklessness would have this outcome, would you still have done what you did?1
151515301Vanessa gently strokes your ear as if waiting for an answer.
161717301She gives herself a smile of self-mockery, then slowly moves her fingers down your ear and puts her hand firmly on your throat.
181919301VanessaI'm sure you'd be disgusted right now seeing yourself like this.1
192020301VanessaSo weak and fragile that you can't even push my hand away.1
202121301VanessaLike a candle in the wind... All for just a couple of puppets? What do you think the instructor who praised you so highly would say now seeing you like this?1
212222301She leans down and whispers softly into your ear. Her fragrant aroma seems at odds with the musty smell of the basement.
232424301VanessaHe'd definitely take back what he said, 【kuroname】. A fool like you can't even protect yourself.1
242525301Vanessa quietly looks at your closed eyes. Your malnourished face from having battled illness for so long looks even more lifeless under the dim lights.
262727301VanessaDisgusting... Even if you were awake, the people who've only seen your face plastered on the screens after the Atlantis incident wouldn't even recognize you.1
272828301Even though her mockery falls on deaf ears, she still continues her senseless behavior.
293030301VanessaRegardless, I wasn't wrong.1
303131301VanessaBefore this disaster happened, I saw you as a rival that must be defeated... a futile illusion.1
323333301VanessaHmph. But now, what a joke.1
333434301VanessaYou know, 【kuroname】? I could kill you right now.1
343535301Her grip on your throat suddenly tightens, then relaxes. She smiles and covers your pallid skin with her warm palm.
363737301Vanessa...But what's the point?1
373838301VanessaBefore you went into a coma, I looked at your selfless naivety with contempt.1
383939301VanessaI figured you'd quickly lose in battle and realize that your starry-eyed view of the world didn't conform to reality.1
394040301VanessaThis wasn't exactly quick, but maybe now you'll see the world for what it really is.1
404141301Your neck remains ice-cold despite her warm palm. She lifts a finger and checks your pulse.
414242301VanessaSuch a simple battle nearly cost you your life, Chief... What exactly distracted you?1
424343301VanessaOr did I waste my time focusing on you so much? You don't deserve to be chief, let alone a role model and a goal for others.1
434444301She slowly gets up, then looks at a holo-screen and a fold-up mirror next to it.
444545301VanessaThe Hetero-Creatures will be here in three hours. If Gray Raven isn't back by then, you're a goner.1
454646301VanessaBambinata and I can get out of here whenever we want.1
464747301She combs her hair in the reflection of the mirror again, but the look in her eyes doesn't match the delicate gesture. Her gaze is wandering and vacant.
474848301VanessaI know this isn't exactly what a commandant should do.1
484949301VanessaF.O.S. College teaches us to always fight the enemy and protect as many people as we can.1
495050301The lonely murmur echoes throughout the empty room. As before, no one responds.
505151301VanessaBut the battlefield isn't so merciful. Not everyone can be saved. No matter who you are, Chief.1
515252301VanessaAs long as people die, their reputation, rights... or those ridiculous bonds are just dust in the wind.1
525353301VanessaYou get nothing, and the people you protected will soon forget you.1
535454301Vanessa walks to the simple square table full of holo-screens, but leaves a mote of attention to you laying behind her.
545555301She turns around once more and looks at the unchanged bed.
565757301Vanessa【kuroname】, you stupid and naive piece of trash. You're only respected by so many people because they're lost in their own ideals.1
575858301AniZhuanchangBeginVanessaNow you have no one to count on. Let me tell you how to maximize the value of survivors.1
606161301AniZhuanchangEnd04:30 a.m.
616262301An hour and a half before the Hetero-Creatures enter the conservation area, Commandant Vanessa and the four Constructs stationed in the conservation area have all gone to the surface to prepare for combat.
626363301In the enclosed basement, Commandant 【kuroname】, 41 soldiers with minor wounds and mobility issues, and the 4 critically wounded patients, Nagayuki, Kanata, Lindsey, and Cali still remain.
636464301Aside from them, there is another surprising refugee.
6667673011Boy B...1
676868301Boy BWhat are you lookin' at? Never seen anyone fall on stairs before?!1
686969301Stanley...No, it's not that.2
697070301The boy should've evacuated with the first group, but he sneaked into the warehouse on the 3rd floor underground, and accidentally slipped on the stairs, hitting his head and spraining his ankle.
707171301He had been unconscious for over an hour, completely out of sight. Despite being woken up by Matches, he had missed the opportunity to leave with the first group of refugees.
717272301Boy BWhy's your dog going into the warehouse at a time like this?!1
727373301Stanley...Matches probably just smelled someone in here. What about you? What were you doing here?2
737474301Boy BI was just checking to see if that mutt had gone into the warehouse!1
747575301Stanley...Even if that meant not making it out with the others on time?2
757676301Boy BI was just going to take a peek!1
767777301He rubs the back of his head and his sprained ankle.
777878301Boy BYou don't believe me, do you?1
798080301StanleyWhy are you being so defensive?2
808181301Boy BBecause your mutt ate all of my cans! My friend gave me those before he died. He risked everything to get his hands on those... but your dumb mutt ate them!1
818282301Being reminded of the past, the boy chokes back tears.
828383301StanleyI already told you! Matches didn't do anything!2
8687873011Boy BWho cares what you say?! I only believe what I saw!1
878888301Boy BI wouldn't have gone in there if that stupid conservation was safe!1
899191301Boy B(Sniffles) I thought... I could use those cans to find my big bro...1
909292301The boy falls onto an empty sick bed and starts to cry.
929494301Stanley...You have a big brother?2
939595301Boy BYeah... He's the best big bro in the whole entire world...1
949696301The boy sobs and takes out a shabby journal from his jacket pocket. Half of the pages had fallen out, and the rest are barely clinging on with layers of tape.
959797301Boy BHe'd tell me stories every day and draw me whatever I wanted...1
969898301He gently rubs the few remaining pages, which are covered with an assortment of vivid drawings.
979999301Roasted chicken, new clothes, an entire house, a bed, a soccer ball, a garden... and even a kind-looking woman.
98100100301Below the pictures, there's the same phrase repeated over and over.
99101101301Boy BCan you read?1
100102102301StanleyA bit. How bout you?2
101103103301Boy BThat's nice. My mom taught us a bit before she died, but Bro and I forgot.1
102104104301He tries to stop crying and sniffling, then points to the writing beside the kind woman.
103105105301Boy BBro said we can write our wishes in it and Mommy will make our wishes come true up in Heaven.1
104106106301Boy BLook. Mom told us to just write this beside each picture, and Mom will hear our wishes.1
105107107301Stanley looks to where the boy is pointing, but discovers that it isn't some magical spell.
106109109301Boy BWhat?1
107111111301Boy BWhat'd you say?1
108112112301Stanley opens his mouth to explain the meaning of the dense handwriting but lowers his head silently as if noticing something.
1101141143011StanleyN-nothing. I just zoned out there for a second is all.2
111115115301Boy BHmph... I've never shown this to anyone, and you just get distracted.1
112116116301StanleySorry... Anyway, why are you showing me this?2
113117117301Boy BBecause... You saved me?1
114118118301He awkwardly covers his face with a blanket and curls up.
115119119301Boy BForget it. What's the point of telling someone without any family? Anyway, your dog only found me because he was trying to steal food.1
116120120301StanleyMatches didn't...!2
117121121301Boy BShut up!1
118122122301Boy B...I know already!1
119123123301Boy B...I've been watching you for the past few days. I... know it now.1
120124124301Perhaps, he was beginning to sense the truth. At least, that's how Stanley interprets his response.
121125125301He knows he wrongly accused Stanley, but can't admit his mistake and doesn't apologize.
122126126301Boy BGo to sleep!1
123127127301Anxiously rolling over in bed, he winces in pain from the injuries on his head and ankle.
126130130301Stanley stops speaking. He looks up into the basement and imagines what was happening outside the window.
127131131301But right as he wants to lie down on the empty bed and get some rest, he hears a heart-rending cry from the other side of the basement.
128132132301?NOOOOOO! Don't go! LINDSEY!!!
129133133301In this sad cry, another person wandering in the twilight falls into the cold embrace of eternal night.
1301341343011AniZhuanchangBeginHow much longer... until daybreak?