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433301DialogEnableThe moon is hanging high above the city by the time your work to support the conservation area is over.
544301Defensive artillery runs silently at the city outskirt. Building repairs inside the conversation area are not over; people set up tents at the foot of the CPF, resting and dining by the sporadic campfire and the moonlight.
655301AniZhuanchangBeginYou can hear the conversation of two soldiers from a nearby tent. They have kept their voices low to avoid disturbing others' rest, but you still manage to hear them, having sat close by.
1099301AniZhuanchangEnd1Construct SoldierWhy aren't you sleeping?1
111010301Armed Scavenger...Can't sleep.2
121111301Construct SoldierSomething on your mind?1
131212301Armed Scavenger...2
141313301The Scavenger soldier sighs heavily after a long silence.
151414301Armed ScavengerSigh... It just feels unreal.2
161515301Armed ScavengerBefore you lot saved me and took me here, my friend and I were just wandering about.2
171616301Armed ScavengerThere was no tent, not to mention a bed, just in case some Corrupted showed up during our sleep and took us out. We had to rest back-to-back, guns in our hands, hidden in a hole somewhere.2
181717301Armed ScavengerNow there's a tent, and food, and Babylonia to keep us safe. We ain't relying on our junk equipment to protect ourselves no more.2
191818301Armed ScavengerThere's still a gun in my hand, but my friend couldn't last long enough to get help from Babylonia.2
201919301Construct SoldierI'm sorry.1
212020301Armed ScavengerThere's nothing to apologize for. Ol' Johnny and I both knew we'd die any moment. No despairin' without dreamin', that's how we Scavengers see it.2
222121301Armed ScavengerBut seeing the conservation area being rebuilt, hearing the news of other cities getting taken back, and receiving supplies from Babylonia—that's when I knew that the days of living in fear were over.2
232222301Armed ScavengerSafety and stability are back, and it all just feels so unreal.2
242323301Construct SoldierI understand.1
252424301Construct SoldierI used to be a soldier fighting on the frontline as well. Barely got rescued from underneath the grim reaper's scythe, and now I'm stationed way back here in the conservation area.1
262525301Construct SoldierThe cries of my company when they died still echo in my ears. I can still feel their broken limbs on my fingertips.1
272626301Construct SoldierEnemies with overwhelming power easily took down my squad. Despair had shattered my will to fight.1
282727301Construct SoldierThe last thing I saw before I blacked out was a raven-winged Ascendant.1
292828301Armed ScavengerBut you still survived.2
302929301Construct SoldierYeah. I found out afterward that a squad managed to defeat the Ascendant and held the defense line.1
313030301Armed ScavengerWho were they?2
323131301Construct SoldierGray Raven. That's what the report said.1
343333301Armed ScavengerAren't they the ones here earlier today...2
353434301Construct SoldierThat's right. They're still fighting on multiple battlefields, even to this day.1
363535301Construct SoldierIt's because of soldiers like them that I don't think humans are hopeless in this war.1
373636301Armed ScavengerI see... We were both crushed by despair, which is why the safety we're feeling now is so unreal, I guess.2
383737301Construct SoldierEnough with the cheesy stuff. We're alive, after all.1
393838301Construct SoldierAs long as we live, we have to carry on our companions' hopes and dreams and bring them to fruition.1
403939301Armed Scavenger...You're right.2
414040301Construct SoldierDon't you have some cards with you? If you can't sleep, how about a game?1
424141301Armed ScavengerSigh... Sure.2
434242301Construct Soldier...1
444343301Armed Scavenger...2
454444301Armed ScavengerDammit... I can't even hold my cards steady now...2
464545301The old, raspy voice of the Scavenger sounds shaken.
484747301Armed ScavengerI'm going to bed... We'll play next time.2
504949301Having said that, the Scavenger does not seem to have fallen asleep, given the rustling sound you hear from the tent.
515050301Construct SoldierRight, next time. Both of us.
525151301You hear quiet sobbing from the tent, and his weeping adorns the silent night.
535252301AniZhuanchangBeginYou stand up and walk far away.
565555301AniZhuanchangEndYou hear a lullaby, on and off, on your way. Following the sound, you see Liv sitting in a crowd next to a woman, humming along with her. The woman is teaching her how to sing the song.
575656301Between the two lies a familiar, kitten-like boy. The corner of his mouth is still dotted with crumbs of rations; Liv has covered him with a blanket, in case he catches a cold during the night.
585757301The woman teaches Liv as she watches carefully at the sleeping boy, gently rubbing away the crumbs by his mouth.
595858302Liv, what's the situation...59
605959301Liv gestures to you to be quiet. It seems that the boy has just fallen asleep.
616060301The woman carries a cup to you.
6362623011WomanThis is some soup that we made. I hope you won't mind.1
646363301You find yellow-tinted broth inside. Behind them is a pot with barely enough soup cooked, but she still fills your cup to the brim. The sweetness of corn perfumes the air.
656464302Did you plant this?65
666565301WomanYes. We planted them on the experimental farm inside the conservation area.1
676666301WomanAkdilek brought us excellent seeds for corn from other conservation areas, turning the impossible dream of growing crops possible.1
686767301You take the cup from the woman and take a sip.
696868301The initial bitterness turns to sweetness as the corn mixture passes your throat, its fragrance filling your mouth. As the woman has said, this is something impossible to dream of in the past, with the harsh environment on the surface.
706969301WomanThere's something I want to say to you ever since leaving the no man's land.1
727171301Looking at Liv and you, the woman is getting emotional. Her lips are trembling before eventually saying two words.
737272301WomanThank you.1
747373301WomanYou didn't mind how hostile we were when we first met, saving my grandson nonetheless and bringing us here to this conservation area.1
757474301WomanEven though we agreed with relocating here, we still didn't approve of everything Babylonia did when we first arrived.1
767575301WomanBut after living here, we start to realize something we didn't want to accept—that even though the World Government has abandoned us once, it doesn't mean that everyone there has given up those of us remaining on the surface.1
777676301WomanThe conservation areas built one after another are the best evidence.1
787777301WomanOld habits die hard, but we Scavengers have left the no man's land behind. Perhaps it's time we start anew.1
797878301After thanking you, the woman's words come out nonstop like a broken dam.
807979301WomanMy apologies. Someone my age should be able to remain calm despite the changes, but it turns out I'm still as sentimental as ever.1
828181301She wipes away the tears from the corner of her eyes, returning to her grandson's side, sitting down and caressing his cheek.
838282301Still, the gentle smile hung at the corner of her mouth cannot hide the sorrow underneath.
848383301They finally have food on their plates and a roof above their heads, but the only family they have left is each other.
858484301All her other relatives, much like the many families on the surface, have been lost during the war with the Punishing Virus.
868585301Liv reaches out and gently pats the woman on the back.
878686301The woman is no longer the defensive mother she once was, leaning her head on Liv's shoulders and drifting off to sleep.
888787301Seeing the woman and child by her side, Liv looks at you and nods, indicating that you can leave this area to her.
898888301AniZhuanchangBeginThe temperature begins to decrease as the night continues. People gather in their tents in groups, soundly asleep, accompanied by the moonlight and the lullaby.
929191301AniZhuanchangEndIt is midnight by the time you confirm all the recent mission logs.
989797301AniZhuanchangBegin1HassenGray Raven's main mission in the coming days will be to boost morale in each fighting region to establish people's hope for victory.1
103102102301AniZhuanchangEndJust like what the President said. Clearing Corrupted, scouting, transferring supplies—simple, cumbersome, and focused work has become the major theme of your recent days.
104103103301Conservation areas are being built one after another behind the frontlines. With the help of Akdilek, people are trading with each other. ARU is being steadily rebuilt. Lost bases in some areas are recovered by the Forsaken.
105104104301With each of your recent missions, you can see the surface is on track to being reclaimed.
106105105301You have also fulfilled your objectives perfectly, encouraging the men and women on the ground as the Parliament hopes.
1121111113011Construct SoldierYeah. I found out afterward that a squad managed to defeat the Ascendant and held the defense line.1
113112112301Armed ScavengerWho were they?2
114113113301Construct SoldierGray Raven. That's what the report said.1
115114114301Armed ScavengerAren't they the ones here earlier today...2
116115115301Construct SoldierThat's right. They're still fighting on multiple battlefields, even to this day.1
117116116301AniZhuanchangBeginConstruct SoldierIt's because of soldiers like them that I don't think humans are hopeless in this war.1
121120120301AniZhuanchangEndIt's great to have Gray Raven here.
122121121301There's hope if Gray Raven's with us.
123122122301AniZhuanchangBeginDon't give up. Gray Raven's coming.
126125125301AniZhuanchangEndSimilar phrases have been appearing around you. People's attention has also become another form of scrutiny, protecting as well as pressuring you.
127126126301The mission logs before you are both approvals and bounds of the Gray Raven.
1291281283011LuciaCommandant, you're still awake?1
130129129302Just signing off the recent logs.
131130130301Lucia, Liv, and Lee step inside the room one by one, interrupting your spiraling thoughts.
1351341343011Liv walks toward you with a steaming tea cup.
136135135302What is this?136Thanks.138
137136136301LivTea I made with the lavender I planted in the break room. Drinking it can relax your mind and relieve pressure.2
138137137302Thank you.138
139138138301You take the cup from her, and its warmth casts away the coldness on your fingertips after having swept through the mission logs.
140139139301LivCommandant, the pressure must have been building up inside you. What are you thinking? Talk to us about it.2
142141141302Just duties for soldiers.142
144143143301Lee shakes his head, seeing the logs on the desk.
1461451453011LeeThere are so much more to do, so many problems we can solve instead of staying in the back, safe and secured.1
147146146302You're right.147
1511501503011LuciaThe situation isn't officially steady yet. We can't let our guard down on those who took the commandant away in the first place.1
153152152301This name has been appearing around you more often lately.
159158158301AniZhuanchangBegin1NikolaIf you do anything out of the ordinary during this time, even the President can't protect you.1
163162162301AniZhuanchangEndPresident Hassen and the others have realized the danger you could encounter since back then.
164163163301Kurono's behavior was also quite suspicious when you were connecting to Cerberus.
165164164301Why would they withhold the coordinates of Luna's home from Cerberus in the first place? Why did they give them the wrong coordinates and task you to locate them?
166165165301That arrangement was not a mistake. It was a deliberate test.
167166166301And ignoring the underlying threat Kurono is presenting, hidden beneath the calm surface of Babylonia—
168167167301You have been discovering Dead Zones along the railway, and you have heard of stagnant Corrupted in multiple areas. All of them point to the fact that something is changing on the surface.
169168168301A threat is lingering around you, the dots waiting to be connected.
170169169302It's not over yet.170
171170170301Clearly, the Parliament wants to keep Gray Raven safely in the back and shape them into idols of hope. Sand down the sharp edges, and Gray Raven will become the tool to comfort the masses.
1721711713011AniZhuanchangBeginThis does not bode well to everyone on the team. The thought of breaking the stalemate is on the edge of all of your minds, and that is when your terminal rings.