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433301DialogEnableBabylonia Gray Raven Lounge
6553011KamuiCommandant—Ah, Liv and Lee, you're here too. Great! Let's all play a game together!1
766301As usual, Kamui strolls cheerily and breezily into the Gray Raven Lounge, greeting the preoccupants.
10993011LivA game?2
111010301KamuiYep! I got my hands on this thing over here!1
121212302Could this be...13This looks a little like those types of...13
141414301KamuiThat's right! It's what they call a game cartridge in the Golden Age! You don't really see 'em anymore!1
151515301KamuiLooks fun, yeah?1
1717173011LeeNot at all. I don't really care if you play games in your leisure, but don't drag us into it. Would be one hell of a joke if my first disciplinary action since joining Babylonia came from playing games with you.2
181818301LeeYou know that to us Constructs, we have no need for entertainment.2
191919301KamuiBut Commandant said you, Karen, and the others played card games before! Isn't that entertainment?!1
202020301LeeThose were pure mechanical and probabilistic calculations. There's nothing wrong with that.2
212121301KamuiOh yeah? Games CAN also just be interactive virtual spaces. AND, game design involves a lot of pure mechanical and probabilistic calculations that's all the heat in the Golden Age. Shouldn't that be right up your alley?1
232323301KamuiAnd, and, this game is super fun! Even Lucia said so!1
242424302Lucia plays games?25
252525301KamuiI saw her by herself so I asked, and she said yes super quick! That threw me for a loop, Lucia is just so affable now!1
262626301KamuiBut halfway through the game, she said she had to do personal training and scooted off.1
282828301KamuiSo I came over to play with you guys! This game is more fun with more people!1
292929301LeeDon't you have anything else to do? Say... combat training? Liv and I are busy.2
313131301KamuiBut you've already reassembled your gun eight times while I'm talking, and Liv is just staring at the lounge walls. And, Commandant, you're just back from the last mission, right?1
323232301KamuiHumans! Especially humans after a long day of work! Need some proper entertainment to relax!1
333333301KamuiConstructs don't get tired like humans, but prolonged and intense battles can cause bad data to clump up in our M.I.N.D.s! At times like these, it's good to wind down!1
343434301LeeWhat you say should make a lot of sense, but suddenly, not so much when it's coming out of your mouth. Sorry, but playing games just sounds like stuffing junk files into my M.I.N.D.2
353535301KamuiCommandant! Help me convince the guy!1
363636302I'll deal with the disciplinary actions, if there are any.37Let's all play some games and chill!37
373737301Lee sighs. He gives off an I-knew-you'd-say-this face.
383838301LeeI knew you'd say that, but Kamui is a member of Strike Hawk. It's not good to spoil him too much.2
393939302So it's okay to spoil my own members?40Yeah! Got it!42
41414143301LeeThat's not what I meant... Never mind.2
424242301LeeI don't think you got even a fraction of it.2
434343301Despite Lee's dismissive words, he seems to have acquiesced.
444444301KamuiWa-wa-weewa! Lee is actually so nice today!1
454545301LeeLooks like you're dying to part with your vocal module.2
494949302Liv, join us too!50
505050301LivWell... If you say so, Commandant...1
535353301Kamui gives a cheer and quickly powers up a game console he brought in from who knows where. He then shoves the game controllers into the hands of the trio.
545454301After setting up the device, Kamui stares at the screen and begins to skillfully navigate through the menus.
5656563011KamuiYou can scan and upload your appearance in this game! I'll help you guys import your data. Lee, don't forget to use a cooler-looking one! Oh, Liv, which frame's appearance do you want to use?1
5858583011LivLet me think... I'll use my Luminance frame.1
6060603011KamuiOh, right, right, Commandant, you gotta put this on.1
616161301Kamui comes close and hands over a device.
626262301KamuiI borrowed this deep-dive VR headset from the Virtual Center. Commandant, you can't image virtual avatars like us Construct, so it's easier for you to use this instead.1
6464643011LeeIf I recall, Constructs have to fill out an application form and go through a lot of trouble to borrow from Babylonia. You sure went out of your way, huh.1
6666663011KamuiBecause I want to play games with Commandant! Are you ready, Commandant?1
6767673011AniZhuanchangBeginAnd so, you put on the VR device according to Kamui's instructions...