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766301DialogEnable1AsimovGo to this address tomorrow.1
877301AsimovI'll do a simple test on you first to determine the coordination and synchronization rate between your M.I.N.D. and the specialized frame.1
988301AniZhuanchangBeginAsimovAny request you have on the frame, you can tell me then.1
151414301AniZhuanchangEnd1Chrome arrives at the address Asimov sent him, reaching the classified laboratory of the Science Council.
161515301This is the first time Chrome is here. Constructs rarely have the chance to step inside the Science Council unless specifically requested by a mission.
171616301Opening the door, Chrome finds someone he has not expected.
191818301ChromeYou are...1
201919301???Have you forgotten already? I was in charge of the operation that turned you into a Construct.
212020301ChromeYes... Of course I remember. I'm just surprised that you remember me.1
222121301???I remember the name of everyone I've turned into Construct.
232222301???Not to mention that you were one of my proudest works.
242323301???You're here for Asimov, aren't you? I remember him mentioning a visitor. I'm afraid he's still buried in work with the other technicians of the council.
252525301???So I'm doing his meet-and-greet for him until he's done with that.
262626301ChromeI'm here to submit this.1
272727301Chrome hands him the digital document he has been holding on to since the moment he left John's office.
282828301???This... is about the specialized frame.
292929301???A very detailed proposal... and very ambitious.
303030301???Is this your father's request?
313131301ChromeNo, it is mine.1
323232301???Oh? Is that so...
333333301The researcher raises his brows, astonished, before flipping through the proposal.
343434301???Hmm... Still a Tank-type Construct, but with a focus on advances instead of defenses, unlike your current one.
353535301???Removing the artificial skin on the legs... Improving the cooling system, focusing on short burst capabilities, and maintaining high-speed movement... Is that really a good idea?
363737301ChromeI have explained to my father that the abilities and direction of the new frame, as well as everything related, will be determined by me.1
373838301ChromeCompared to non-essential aesthetics, we should focus more on optimization that benefits me on the battlefield.1
383939301???You might have guessed it, but I still have to explain to you what is so special about this specialized frame.
394040301???It's difficult just to adapt to it. The specialized frame will be a stressful burden to your M.I.N.D.
404141301???Even if the adaptation works, it will still take a long time of adjustment before you can properly use the frame.
414242301???It'll take a long time, and the process is extremely painful... No less than the operation that turned you into a Construct.
424343301???There is barely any research on this frame. With nothing to reference, we have no idea what problem will surface in the future.
434444301ChromeI will work with you on the adjustment.1
444545301ChromeI won't be as impulsive as I was.1
454646301???Your eyes, they're different.
474848301???They're different from how they were when you were first operated.
484949301???Back then, you were like a child abandoned by his parents, desperate to prove his worth.
495050301???You were only accepting what was happening to you, even when they were consequences of your choice.
505151301???You even accepted the specialized Inver-Device right out of the gate without inquiring what it does.
515252301ChromeIs... is that so?1
525353301Chrome is about to say something else when the door to the laboratory opens with a bang.
535454301???Oh, it's over? Here's the person you've been waiting for.
545555301Asimov enters with a serious expression. His hair looks even messier than usual as if it has been ravaged in a fit of frustration.
555656301Finding Chrome next to the researcher, Asimov pauses for a second before reverting to his usual calmness.
5859593011AsimovMade up your mind?2
596060301ChromeI did.1
606161301Asimov takes over the file from the researcher, reading through it with furrowed brows.
616262301Asimov...Pretty much what I expected.2
626363301ChromeWill it work?1
636464301AsimovThe optimizations will work. The problem is still the specialized part of the specialized frame.2
646565301AsimovYou already know the theories and the risks of the project.2
656666301ChromeI do.1
666767301ChromeI'm here, which means I'm ready for the price.1
676868301AsimovI'm afraid it isn't that simple... There will be many unexpected complications.2
686969301AsimovAnyway, let's start with a virtual connection. The frame is still a prototype, but we'll see how much your M.I.N.D. deviates for now.2
697070301AsimovI'll get the equipment ready. Wait here.2
727373301With that, Asimov goes back through the door, mumbling to himself.
737474301???I'll leave you to it, then.
747575301???The adaptation and the adjustment of the new frame will be done by Asimov in the future. Remember to cooperate, yeah?
767777301???What? Do you want me to do it?
777878301???Unfortunately for you, I'm sick of this life here already. I'm turning into a Construct tomorrow! You'll soon find my name on the list of deployment.
787979301???...I'm kidding. I can't do it because the only person who knows the ins and outs of the specialized frame is the Chief Technician.
798080301???Plus... I did my test long ago. I'll never become a Construct.
808181301???So I'm staying right where I am until the end of the war or the end of my life.
818282301???Don't think that it's made my job easier. I'm still plenty busy right now.
828383301???After all, we're getting volunteer applications outside of the usual Construct program sometimes.
838484301???Perhaps... something is changing.
848585301???Regardless, I believe that you are the planet's future.
868787301Looking at the blue planet outside the window, the researcher subtly smiles.
878888301If there are sparks, then there are those who light them.
888989301AniZhuanchangBeginEven today, someone still believes that Constructs, born from bloodshed and sacrifices, are humanity's future.
929393301AniZhuanchangEnd1AsimovThe connection device is calibrated. Are you ready?1
939494301ChromePlease begin.2
949595301Following Asimov's instructions, Chrome connects the connection cable to the back of his neck.
959696301AsimovI have to remind you that even if this is just a virtual connection, it might still affect your M.I.N.D. stability.1
969797301AsimovDon't get careless. Eject if anything happens.1
979898301AniZhuanchangBeginIn the next second, Chrome falls into a data stream.
100101101301AniZhuanchangEndHis M.I.N.D. stability hovers around the threshold in the virtual connection. Any fluctuation will result in deviation.
101102102301Chrome keeps his eyes closed until the impact and dizziness from the first connection pass before slowly opening his eyes.
102103103301He is standing in a space constructed from erroneous data. Alarms glowing in red float in the air all over the place.
103105105301Just like puzzle pieces trying to randomly match with one another or a yarn ball all tangled up, all kinds of information jumble together here.
104106106301There are disorderly memories, echoing raves, and nightmares yet to show up.
105107107301What a waste of time.
106108108301I'm disappointed in you.
107109109301What can good grades and being a Chief do if he fails the connection test? He'll never be a commandant.
108110110301They're no longer deployable.
110112112301For a moment, the massive amount of information overwhelms Chrome's senses. Like opening Pandora's box, unignorable emotions from his fragmented memories flood over him.
111113113301The pain starts to eat away at his brain and takes over his mind.
112114114301AsimovThe adaptation rate is too low—your M.I.N.D. is overloading! You're showing signs of deviation already. I'm disconnecting you in five seconds!
113115115301Holding his trembling hand, Chrome gives a wry smile.
114116116301If this is what happens on a virtual connection, it is quite possible that he will immediately deviate before he can adapt to the new frame at this state.
115117117301Chrome...This doesn't look good.
116118118301Chrome frowns, trying to stabilize and sort the chaotic data in his M.I.N.D. to no effect.
117119119301Chrome...Is this the problem that a specialized frame faces?
118120120301AniZhuanchangBeginChromeThis will be a difficult battle.
120122122301AniZhuanchangEndHaving disconnected from the virtual connection, Chrome opens his eyes.
121123123301Asimov is standing in front of a screen, going over the data from the connection with furrowed brows.
1241261263011ChromeHow is it, Asimov?2
125127127301AsimovExpectedly bad.1
126128128301AsimovAs I expected, the adaptation will come with a lot of problems.1
127129129301AsimovFully adapting to the frame will take a very long time of adjustment.1
128130130301AsimovI'd be lying if I say the adjustment process is easy.1
129131131301AsimovAre you ready for it?1
130132132301Without hesitation, Chrome nods.
1321341343011AniZhuanchangBeginChromeI was ready long before I stepped through the door.2