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544301DialogEnable1NanamiLook, there's something strange on this machine.1
777301NanamiHe seems to be carrying a bag...1
9993011SniperI don't think you should eat food from unknown source, Nanami.1
101010301Sniper-PK43 tries to stop Nanami as she takes out an unknown object from the backpack and puts it in her mouth.
121212301NanamiMunch munch... Hmm, it tastes a little weird...1
1414143011SniperI told you not to eat it.1
161616301NanamiBut it tastes like human food indeed! I should take some for Commandant.1
181818301SniperI'm starting to worry for that human.1
2020203011NanamiLet's go this way!1
212121301NanamiCorrupted will never bring food with them. Maybe this mechanoid went out for this bag of food, but it never made it back... Other humans could be waiting for it to go home.1
222222301The black backpack has become ragged from battle. Nanami puts its dirty fabric next to her face.
242424301Nanami...I can feel someone's thoughts in this.1
2626263011SniperIn human words, you are just being superstitious.1
2828283011NanamiEnough already! You've just kept roasting me!1
3030303011SniperThe human who made me was quite lonely, so he configured me to be rather talkative.1
323232301AniZhuanchangBegin1NanamiAnyway, I can smell something fishy. Let's investigate!1
353535301AniZhuanchangEndNanami and Sniper-PK43 continue to search around and find more clues on the snow nearby.
363636301They find some children's toys and candy wraps buried not too deep in the snow.
373737301Tracing them, Nanami controls Power to lift up the roof of a collapsed building. They see a short, dark staircase.
404040301NanamiYou can't come in, Power!1
414141301Nanami parks Power. The stairs are so narrow that she and Sniper-PK43 cannot walk side by side. There is a door at the end of the stairs.
4343433011SniperAre we just going in like this?1
4546463011NanamiHello there? It's Nanami. I'm not a bad guy. I'm coming in if I don't hear any answer.1
474848301SniperNobody is answering. Just go in.1
505151301AniZhuanchangBeginThere is a lock on the door, but Nanami easily opens it. She pushes the door open and steps inside.
535454301AniZhuanchangEnd1NanamiThis place looks like an underground nursery...1
545555301The poorly lit room has just the basic facilities, including several steel beds. It is cramped and dark, but quite clean.
555656301NanamiSomeone must have cleaned here not long ago.1
585959301NanamiHello—? Is—anybody—in?1
606161301Nanami starts to sing a strange song and wanders around the room.
6263633011SniperIf there is anybody around, you would have scared them away.1
636464301Sniper follows Nanami into the room and activates the thermal imager. The room isn't very big, and he soon discovers a few weak heat sources in the corner.
646565301SniperNanami, I found something...1
6869693011NanamiHide-and-seek? Nanami's—the—best! Eek!1
707171301Nanami walks behind a steel bed and suddenly jumps up, patting herself on the chest.
717272301NanamiThat was scary... I almost broke my new clothes!1
7374743011Sniper...Right in front of you.1
757676301Sniper-PK43 quickly walks up and finds a mechanoid with the looks of a female human. She has collapsed to the ground, holding a rusty kitchen knife in her hands and looking at Nanami and Sniper-PK43 with fear in her eyes.
767777301Sniper-PK43 quickly searches for the mechanoid in his database, but the database is never updated, nor it is connected to the network. All he can find is a robot nanny produced in the Golden Age with a similar model number.
7980803011NanamiPhew... It's okay, don't be scared. Nanami isn't angry.1
828383301Nanami bends over and reaches out for the stranger mechanoid. Worried that she may alert the mechanoid, she just gently pats on her head.
848585301It actually seems to work. Still shivering, the mechanoid gradually puts down the knife. She keeps looking between Nanami and Sniper-PK43.
868787301PanelActor2Shake1Stranger MechanoidWho... are you...2
878888301NanamiMy name is Nanami, and this is Snipey behind me. I'm looking for a human. Have you seen any humans nearby?1
888989301Stranger Mechanoid...Hu-man?2
899090301Stranger MechanoidRight... my child... Can you also help him...?2
909191301NanamiHuh, is there a child around? Why am I not seeing any?1
919494301Stranger MechanoidI hid him away. It's too cold out there, let alone the Corrupted... I had to do it to protect him.2
929595301Stranger MechanoidMaria was supposed to go out and find food for him... But she never came back on that day. I couldn't just leave him alone... He kept telling me he was cold. I must stay with him...2
939696301NanamiIs this yours?1
949797301Nanami takes out the backpack she found on the Corrupted earlier and shows it to the mechanoid.
959898301Stranger MechanoidRight... This is it! Maria left with this bag! Where is she? Where is food?2
97100100301NanamiYour friend Maria had left... But there is food inside this backpack! Maria worked very hard for it... You can have it back now.1
99102102301The stranger mechanoid's knife drops to the ground. She takes the backpack with trembling hands and digs out the remaining food.
100103103301NanamiUm, I accidentally took a bite of that... But it should be fine!1
101104104301Stranger MechanoidT-thank... Thank you.2
102105105301The mechanoid gets back on her feet. She looks as if she is going to cry, but mechanoids have no tears.
103106106301NanamiYou're welcome... Can you take us to your child now?1
104107107301Stranger MechanoidSure. He is probably still napping... We don't have much food left. If you hadn't come, I would have gone out to look for food myself.2
107110110301The mechanoid wipes her hand on her apron like a real housewife before taking Nanami and Sniper-PK43 to a corner of the room, where she has built a small tent from fabrics and branches. She carefully lifts open the yellowed fabric, revealing the interior.
108111111301There is a cot with someone who seems significantly larger than the cot curled up inside, covered by a large, thick military-green coat.
112115115301Before Sniper-PK43 speaks, Nanami has gently lifted up the fabric on the face.
113116116301But what they are seeing has completely shocked them.
116119119301Nanami's hand shakes after seeing the human corpse under. The scarf and coat both slide away, exposing a male body strangely curled up inside the cot.
117120120301NanamiWhat's... this...1
1191221223011Stranger MechanoidShh. He's sleeping.1
1211241243011NanamiThis... is not a kid!1
122125125301Nanami turns to the mechanoid in shock. She has but a loving look on her face.
125128128301Sniper-PK43 immediately activates his attack mode, which he has not used for a long time. He points his gun at the stranger mechanoid. Her face is no different from that of a female human, which makes it even more horrifying.
127130130301PanelActor1Shake1SniperWhat have you done? Did you kill him?1
1301331333011Stranger MechanoidWhat are you talking about... He's all good, isn't he? I can still detect his life signals...2
131134134301A twisted confusion climbs up the mechanoid's face. She removes the coat on the cot, revealing a few nestlings lying quietly in the cold, dead body's arms.
132135135301Stranger MechanoidHis heart is still beating. He told me that he felt very cold not long ago... So I found him lots of warm clothing...2
135139139301Stranger MechanoidI... don't know...2
1391441443011Stranger MechanoidWhat did I do...? He arrived on a very dark night... I heard him knocking on the door. I had not seen a human for so long... He was badly injured, so Maria and I had been taking care of him...1
140145145301Stranger MechanoidWhat happened after? I was able to take good care of kids. I could have taken care of him. But the next evening, he suddenly said he was cold, but his body temperature was very high.1
141146146301Stranger MechanoidI could not find medicine anywhere... He said he was getting sleepy, so I hugged him for the night. But his heart stopped beating the next morning.1
142147147301The mechanoid stares at her hands, completely lost.
143148148301Stranger MechanoidWhat have I done...? I want him to come back. Why couldn't I take care of him? I was supposed to help him. He was so young and fragile.1
144150150301Stranger MechanoidI didn't know what to do. I put him in my arms and waited at the window. I lost track of time. Without him, I lost my purpose.1
145151151301Stranger MechanoidBut I once again detected life signals in his body...1
146152152301It could be a bird lost in the snow storm. Exhausted, it accidentally broke into the nursery and landed on the warm fabrics covering the body. It made a nest.
147153153301Stranger MechanoidI feel confused...1
148155155301Stranger MechanoidWhat have I done...? Why...? What's this feeling...?1
1501571573011Sniper...So this is what happened.1
151158158301His maker did not die after falling off the building, but managed to get here. This dark, cramped nursery witnessed the human's final moment.
154161161301Nanami wipes the tears away from her cheeks.
155162162301NanamiI see...1
156163163301Nanami moves closer to the mechanoid on the ground. This time, she puts her hand on the mechanoid's shoulder, gently patting her.
160167167301The silver-haired girl picks up a gravel from the ground and draws on the wall.
1621691693011SniperWhat are you doing?1
165172172301Nanami does not answer but keeps drawing. Moments later, there is a pattern made up of incomprehensible symbols on the wall.
1671741743011SniperWhat is this?1
169176176301The mechanoid also raises her head, looking at the drawing in confusion.
1721791793011NanamiIt shows how the human turns into a bird and flies away.1
173180180301Nanami holds the mechanoid's hands, wiping away her invisible tears.
174181181301NanamiHe was worried about you, so he turned into a bird and came back to check on you... That's why you should stop locking yourself up here.1
175182182301Stranger MechanoidBut what should I do...?2
176183183301NanamiDo what you want to do.1
177184184301Stranger MechanoidThere's nothing that I want to do. My only duty is to take care of these children.2
178185185301NanamiNo... Touch your heart.1
179186186301Nanami grabs the mechanoid's hand and puts it on her chest.
181188188301NanamiI feel sorrow here... Just like how you are feeling sad right now, you will be able to feel happiness, excitement, and affection. There must be something in the world that is worth seeking for you, just like how you cherished that human.1
183191191301AniZhuanchangBeginNanamiGo look for it. Set yourself free.1
186194194301AniZhuanchangEndBirds are chirping in the quiet basement. The female mechanoid begins to sing a song.
1871951953011Stranger MechanoidOver the shifting desert plains... Across mountains all in flames...1
188196196301AniZhuanchangBeginStranger MechanoidThrough howling winds and driving rains... To be by your side.1
192200200301AniZhuanchangEndThe snow quietly gets heavy again. The pale sky shatters into pieces that fiercely fall to the ground, covering everything.
193201201301Nanami stands in the snow. The mech's bulky body is right under her feet, but she still feels incredibly small in the vast, overwhelming environment. She listens again but cannot hear any more heart beats.
194202202301Only wind is howling around them.
1982062063011SniperWe found him indeed no matter what.1
200208208301Nanami jumps off the mech and brings up a recorder. Before they left the nursery, the mechanoid gave it to her and told her that the human had been carrying it with him. She looks Sniper-PK43 calmly in the eyes.
2022102103011NanamiThere should be some information stored inside... Do you want to hear it?1
205213213301Sniper-PK43 does not object. Nanami presses the play button.
207215215301MessageUm... This is Ozaki speaking.
208216216301It's a young, male voice.
210218218301MessageAh... Um, it's been... (Static)... 21 days since... (Static) squad arrived at... site. I'm trying to keep some journals.
211219219301The message can only be heard intermittently as his voice is significantly distorted by the static noise.
212220220301Message...The wide spread of extreme cold weather has brought an unprecedented winter all over the globe... Fortunately, the adverse weather and environment also seem to cause a reduction in Punishing infection... Mankind is still looking for hope.
214222222301The first message has ended. The screen of the recorder shows there is 12:37:21 remaining.
216224224301AniZhuanchangBeginNanami presses the button again.
221229229301AniZhuanchangEndMessageDay 26. Nothing happened. There was no trace of Corrupted. I found a... (Static)... At the end of the street. Not sure if I can fix it or not.
222230230301Sniper-PK43 realizes it hasn't been long before he appeared in the human's message.
223231231301AniZhuanchangBeginOut of nowhere, a wave of infinite melancholy has taken him as he tries to match the exhausted voice in the recorder to the voice stored in his database.
225233233301AniZhuanchangEndMessageDay 35.
226234234301MessageI saw a building collapse today. Perhaps the concrete underwent some chemical reaction due to the temperature change. I was... (Static)... patrolling aimlessly when I heard the sound of glass shattering. Not long after that, a window wall snapped and dropped vertically onto the pavement.
227235235301MessageAfterward, there was like a gentle push from a pair of invisible hands, and the building fell like a domino. I was terrified. It was so difficult to run wearing a protective suit. Shards spattered everywhere, carried by a gust of wind. Fortunately, I was safe.
228236236301AniZhuanchangBeginMessageI suddenly wondered how long it took the people who lived there to build this towering structure. Nature reclaimed it in but a second. Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.
230238238301AniZhuanchangEndMessageI found a nursery from the Golden Age today. You could tell that kids used to sleep and rest here. Now it's empty. I tried to find some supplies for Hank, but had no luck. Still, I found something else...
231239239301MessageThe windows were broken, but the room wasn't without its dwellers. I saw two nests on the windowsill. There seemed to be birds landing there. They brought food and fur, leaving behind bones and feathers. The room still felt slightly alive.
233241241301The birds are chirping loudly.
234242242301AniZhuanchangBeginMessageAlright, good birdie. I will come back again. Maybe next time I'll bring some leftover soup from the cans.
236244244301AniZhuanchangEndMessageThanks to Zavier, I managed to fix that bulky machine.
237245245301MessageFor some personal reasons... I asked Zavier to install a personality simulation program on it. The way it speaks now kinda reminds me of Nana. Haha... Not entirely though. Well, I'll just pretend that Nana's with me.
238246246301MessageI plan to put it on the east side of our site, so it can watch out for wandering Corrupted for us.
239247247301AniZhuanchangBeginMessageHank's situation is getting worse day by day. Maybe he should return to Babylonia, at least Star of Life can take care of him up there.
241249249301AniZhuanchangEndMessageHank didn't make it. I'm sad. Really sad.
242250250301AniZhuanchangBeginMessageZavier wants to leave too. What about the refugees here? What will they do? Rumor has it that Punishing creatures are already getting used to the climate. The war is getting more intense at the frontline. Perhaps I should also apply to be relocated to the area most impacted by the extreme cold weather.
247255255301AniZhuanchangEndThere is a lengthy gap in between filled with random, intermittent static noise. Nanami fast-forwards the message, then pauses and rewinds it when she hears some almost incomprehensible, hoarse sound. It's a few lines of lyrics.
248256256301MessageAcross the oceans, across the seas...
249257257301MessageOver forests of blackened trees...
250258258301MessageValleys so still we dare not breathe...
251259259301AniZhuanchangBeginMessageTo be by your side...
253261261301Message...Earlier on, I got a message from the frontline. My senior died in battle, and the body was not taken back to Babylonia, but left on Earth forever.
254262262301MessageI have seen how a civilization collapses over the days on Earth.
255263263301MessageBirds are migrating. Wild animals start to appear in the abandoned cities. They are slowly getting used to these environments, despite the real culprit being us. The disaster left by humankind has turned into a scab on the earth while nature is repairing everything... Humans once thought they had control over nature, but it was just a naive fantasy.
256265265301MessageBut as the technology develops, scientists in the council have calculated that such radio waves will turn into but noises forever after traveling 2 light years. If their calculation is correct, our message cannot even reach the nearest nova in the Solar System.
257266266301MessageTen thousand years later, what can prove that we once lived on this planet and created a great civilization? Steel will rust, concrete will shatter, and books will decay.
258267267301Message【kuroname】 once told me that there were always two sides to every story.
259268268301MessageLife is more elastic than we think. One day, I may be no longer able to fight, but hope still lives on. All things will rise and fall, including mankind. The path of life shall continue even when I'm gone.
261270270301MessageBabylonia has made the decision to evacuate Earth as it is no longer fit for humans to live. But I decided to stay. I decided to expand the path of life on this planet.
262271271301Message—I leave no trace of wings in the air, but I am glad I have had my flight.
263272272301AniZhuanchangBeginTime remaining: 00:00:00.
264273273301AniZhuanchangEndThe recording has ended, leaving only the static noise behind that silently marks the end of a fairy tale.
266275275301The setting sun is reduced to a purple semi-circle on the edge of the city crawling on the frozen plain.
267276276301The sky is getting dark. Something has pulled Nanami down with ease, shattering her fantasy with cold reality.
269278278301She mumbles the name that only appeared once in the message. Sniper-PK43 cannot see her face and is unable to detect her mood.
2712802803011SniperI have gathered all available information. Thank you, Nanami.1
272281281301SniperWe are already free. Without humans, we have no more purpose. She was right.1
273282282301The machine who has been traveling with her now turns away.
2752842843011NanamiWhere are you going?1
276285285301Nanami tries to grab him. Two of them stand at the intersection, face to face. The snowstorm howls between them like an icy gorge.
2782872873011SniperI have already found the ending of my maker. There is no other human related to me in this world. Our cooperation can terminate now.1
2802892893011NanamiAre you leaving me here?1
282291291301SniperI'm going back to my watch.1
284293293301NanamiWhy would you still do that...1
2862952953011SniperWe cannot change anything. Humans are gone.1
287296296301SniperThe only thing I can do now...1
288297297301SniperIs to carry on the orders that humans set for me.1
289298298301SniperIf there is something you still want to do, you will have to do it yourself.1
2913003003011NanamiI-if that's true... Even...1
292301301301The girl wipes her eyes and raises her head. Looking in her eyes, Sniper-PK43 realizes that she knows his entire life story, but he has no idea about hers.
294303303301NanamiThere's still something I can do.1
296305305301Sniper...I hope your story is a good one.1
2993083083011AniZhuanchangBeginSniper-PK43 no longer replies. He turns away and walks toward the distant horizon.