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433301DialogEnableYou walk on the deck.
544301Surprisingly, there are many children on this ship.
766301Little people run around and chase each other. They are having fun, and the sailors don't scold them or stop them from playing. But when a child does run past an adult like the wind, the adult will grab the child by the shoulder and tell them to watch themselves.
877301The laughter of these children is loud and clear. They are like young seagulls, hovering freely in the sky that is the deck, which has been washed and polished enough for you to see their reflections in it. Their little feet tread on the floor and into small puddles of water to cause tiny splashes.
1110103011Child AHuh-ha!1
121111301Child BRargh—!2
141313301They play and laugh, making use of various objects they can find. The branches become their swords, a hanging bed sheet symbolizing the mist, and the flying dust being a dragon's breath.
151515301As the children play, they add more flavors to their epic adventures and stories. And as they are tucked into bed, the happy endings of fairytales put them to sleep. The ancient calamity has no power here. It cannot haunt these children in their dreams.
161616301How lucky they are.
171717301When the last ray of sunlight disappears into the horizon, the captain gives his command as the helmsman steers the ship and sailors hoist the flag. The anchor has been pulled back on the deck.
1818183011AniZhuanchangBeginWith the aid of the dioptra, the ship slowly sails along the shore.