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433301DialogEnableIt has been several hours since the twins left the main battlefield of the Pulia Forest Park Ruins.
544301The large transport craft mentioned in the transmission finally appears in the form of the burning carcass of a plane, crash-landing before the teams that retrieved the sample of the Hetero-Hive Mother.
655301Eventually, the different teams could only manage to save the pilot, and they begin their retreat on foot.
766301But they see the same thing regardless of where they go: a crumbled CPF tower, farms burned down, and the lingering stench in the air like the smell of white phosphorous burning through flesh.
877301These disasters from the Punishing Virus have never left Earth. More and more people join the retreating forces; they abandon the well-constructed defense lines and conservation areas, moving the frontline back.
988301To live, people are giving up on the rebuilt houses, the unwieldy weapons, and the stored rations. Everything they built is now given up for survival; all they can do now is search for survivors.
141314301Numb, Liv drags an injured survivor forward.
151415301Even though her frame is almost entirely spent in the previous fight, Liv is still pushing herself to go forward.
171617301Every step she is taking stresses her frame. The feeling of pain spreads from her feet to her entire body, but that does not stop her from moving forward.
181718301LivHow many has there been...1
212021301After settling 【kuroname】 and the rest, Liv returns to the front of the rescue line.
222123301Her mind is way too foggy to know how many times she has performed first-aid and moved the wounded.
232224301Wounded SurvivorI... need water...
242325301The survivor makes a plea. His voice was weak, but resolute in his last request. Hearing that, Liv immediately takes him to one of the last few water supply points within the ruins.
252426301But the water at the supply point is already murky and stained. The survivor on her shoulders never got to take a sip of water from his homeland before he passes.
262527301They were talking just a second ago. Now, they are a life apart.
272628301In the blink of an eye, a life passes away next to Liv, quietly.
282729301Even with all the treatment she can do, Liv still cannot save this life from the call of death.
313032301Ever since she has become a medic, Liv has been in the company of death. She should be used to the fact that she cannot save everyone by now.
323133301But, regrettably, she can still remember every name on the casualty list and the desperation she felt as they passed. In the face of death, Liv cannot become accustomed to it.
333234301The wounded cannot wait. Liv adjusts her emotions before she continues searching in the ruins like a machine.
343335301At least she will not miss the next one.
353436301AniZhuanchangBeginLivI must... move forward...1
383739301AniZhuanchangEndLiv knows that as long as the Punishing Virus is ravaging Earth, no one can afford to stop to grieve.
393840301AniZhuanchangBeginIs the eternal solitude of death the only cure for this depressing reality?
434244301AniZhuanchangEnd1Sharp machine parts are sanding down Liv's artificial skin, revealing the mechanical skeleton underneath. The constant act of moving the wounded has her hands sparking.
444345301Another crumbled wall has been moved. Liv wipes away the dust covering the face of the injured buried underneath, finding a small Construct, her short, white hair darkened from the fire, stained with vital fluid and blood.
5150523011GirlI... I want to go home...1
5453553011LivThat's alright. Don't be afraid... I'm taking you home...2
555456301Seeing the girl's face, Liv remembers a past memory.
565557301In the memory, Liv was lowering her voice to comfort the girl before her, as Liv was the last one facing the massive Corrupted that destroyed the city.
575658301LivStay quiet. I'll count to three, and you run toward the hill, okay?2
585759301The girl looked at Liv and nodded.
605961301In that distant past, the army was also retreating like they are now, giving up on the districts one after another.
616062301During that retreat, Liv saved the little girl that was at a similar age to when Liv enlisted, adorned with silver hair like her.
6665673011As she sees the girl who got turned into a Construct and got injured on the battlefield of despair, Liv begins to feel a sense of familiarity. A question rises in her mind.
676668301Did I really save her...?
686769301The last time she saw the girl, she was alive, direct in her expressions and fear.
696870301This time, she is another chilling Construct like her, having trekked through countless battlefields.
706971301Having saved her from a hopeless battlefield, Liv has delivered her to countless wars to confront death.
717072301What will she think when she is about to die? Will she want to go home like she once did?
727173301If death is inevitable, should they not suffer as little as possible?
737274301Can I really save everyone...? Does anything that I do mean anything?
747375301Is this really salvation in this ocean of pain?
7675773011LivIt's not just her...1
777678301LivHans... Simon... Lucia... Lee... and 【kuroname】...1
787779301Everyone has fulfilled their duties as soldiers to their dying breath.
797880301But now, so much is lost.
807981301A breeze blows past the battlefield, sending a bag of hydrangea seeds from the little girl's arms to Liv.
818082301What flower will blossom, and what fruit will they bear when the seeds are planted?
828183301No one will know. The farmers are gone. The farms are lost.
838284301That bag is damaged by the fire of war, the seeds soaked in blood and fuel.
848385301Liv looks at the hills of remains before her.
858486301She knows this scene exists not only here.
878688301The cities and defense lines lost all look the same in the transmissions.
888790301AniZhuanchangBeginHumanity is once again connected: Akdilek, the Forsaken, ARU, and the countless Scavengers... not by hope, but by the desperation that the Punishing Virus has brought.
939294301AniZhuanchangEndLivCan we really fix this now...?1
959496301There is a higher mountain after this one.
969597301Another battlefield after this war is over.
979698301As long as the Punishing Virus exists on Earth, nothing will be fixed.
989799301It is a Sisyphean struggle, where momentary calmness is easily shattered the next moment.
99981003011AniZhuanchangBeginHow will humanity break this endless cycle?