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6553011TechnicianConsciousness upload at 60%.2
766301Nikola stands stoically by a technician in a white labcoat as he frantically rattles off reading after reading.
877301TechnicianSir, are you sure about this? This is in violation of...2
9883011NikolaWe're simply reclaiming what is lost. In our current predicament, we cannot allow news of the incident to propagate.3
1099301TechnicianBut if we set this precedent, every Construct that follows...2
111010301NikolaThen we'll make sure this is the last. Continue the upload!3
131212301At Nikola's insistence, the technician returns to reporting readings. As she interfaces with the terminal in front of her, her eyes linger on the figure behind the pane of transparent crystal.
141313301In her hibernation, the young girl in black and red is curled up like a newborn baby. Countless wires trail from every point along her spine. More machine than human, she is unaware of the soul she is about to receive, or the person to which it used to belong.
161515301The whispered apology escapes even the notice of Nikola. Afterwards, the technician grits her teeth and throws herself back into the procedure.
171616301NikolaThe procedure is also worth documenting. Sisters... both capable of becoming Ascendant... She may hold the key to the Punishing Virus.3
181717301Technician90%, sir. Your authentication is required.2
191818301NikolaI authenticate, Level A, to proceed with activation of the new Construct, codename: Lotus.3
201919301Technician100%, we have activation.2
212020301Klaxons blare as the Construct activates. Tremors run through the girl's body as her veins are filled with vital fluids.
222121301AniZhuanchangBeginNikolaMankind needs you back in the fight, Lucia.3
252424301AniZhuanchangEndBy the time I became aware, I was already in the hall.
262525301All around me are Military-grade Constructs like myself, living weapons built for the singular purpose of reclaiming Earth.
272626301Parts of my memory data were blurry, likely already fragmented. The only data I recalled with any clarity was the combat training I have endured since becoming a military-use Construct.
282727301Afterwards, Gestalt ran its evaluation of me, moving me from place to place, station to station, until I was finally assigned to a squad and sent into battle.
292828301My name is Lucia... member of Gray Raven.
302929301Gray Raven. I never understood the name. Maybe I do have memories of how it came to be, but it's nothing I want to remember.
313030301Commandant AHey, did you find a suitable team?
323131301Uniformed groups pass me by. I know them to be commandants, here to conduct the pairing tests. Us Constructs are also here to decide our futures.
333232301Commandant BA few of the teams look decent, but their organization falls a bit short of my expectations.
343333301Commandant AA bit short? We take what we can get, man. HQ's M.O. is balanced capabilities across the teams. We exist to fill in the missing piece in the center.
353434301Commandant BI get that. I just want a little more assurance. We are stepping into a battlefield, after all.
363535301Commandant AHeh... erring on the side of caution, are you? I guess scouting for a few more rounds won't hurt.
373636301People keep passing us by. Occasionally, though, people also leave.
3938383011ConstructWe've been paying attention to your service record. It is our honor to serve as your team.1
403939301Relaxed CommandantNah, the honor's mine. I just picked the best team for my tactics.
414040301Relaxed CommandantThe system does show that Suzaku has one more female Construct. Is she absent?
424141301ConstructTifa is a little shy. My apologies, Commandant. I will have her apologize to you directly.1
434242301Relaxed CommandantI have a better idea.
444343301ConstructA better idea...?1
454444301Relaxed CommandantPopping by your HQ, of course. Tifa should be there, right?
464545301ConstructUh, th-that might not be the best idea.1
474646301Relaxed CommandantIt's now team regulations to spook misbehaving kids a little. Suzaku, fall out!
484747301ConstructWait... No. Understood. Fall out, Suzaku!1
494848301Commandant AThat's the loon from B Section, isn't it. Guy never got the notice to not run in the hallways...
5150503011No recruitment process is the same. Somehow, the squads do not show unease, nor nervousness for the battles to come. Instead...
525151301They show complex, multi-faceted joy on their faces.
535252301Disquieted, hollow, I was at odds with the room. I held no purpose, no expectations.
545353301I was a shell. Beneath everyone's notice, I retreated against a wall. The white lights beat down on me like the noonday sun, and I felt I couldn't breathe.
555454301Commandant CWhat's up with that one...
565555301Commandant DHuh, our top gun's really here. And here I thought they were putting together a prima-donna squad for 'em.
575656301All eyes were suddenly on the intruder, as if the very wind had changed directions and blown to the entrant's way.
585757301Top gun. My receptors picked up the term tossed around in hushed conversation. Why someone like that, first among the commandants, find a team to match here?
595858301DialogDisableBut I did not look, because I knew it had nothing to do with me. I just had to do exactly what I did the day before: stand there, in my spot, and wait for the hour to strike the same mark as it had before.
626162301DialogEnableLuciaWhy... am I even here...
636263301I bit my lip to stop the words, one hand on the wrist of the other, trying to keep myself from shaking.
646364301Shaking... such a human facsimile for a mechanical body.
656465301The people upstairs said that it was proof our minds were still human. For me, it inspired no humanity, only terror. If I could, I would...
666566301???Gray Raven.
686768301I looked up at the mention of the name. In front of me stood a commandant, uniformed just like all the others, but somehow... different.
727172301AniZhuanchangEnd1After skimming through Gray Raven's data logs, that person gazed at me.
737273301???Are you alone?
757576301But the person did not press me for an answer, but instead, stood quietly in front of me, waiting.
777778301LuciaIt's just me.1
787879301Fear and anticipation mixed with unrecognized emotion, translating into syllables that fell like bricks from my mouth. In their wake, there came a few seconds of silence.
797980301???What a coincidence. I'm by my lonesome too. What's your name?
8182833011AniZhuanchangBegin—【kuroname】, the name I will learn to treasure above all others.