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5443011RosettaThere's a lot I want to tell you about surviving out here on the snowfields, but today it'll have to wait...1
655302I'm guessing you like surviving out here?6Anything else we should be doing?7
7668301RosettaYeah. I like survival, since luck isn't as much of a factor. Card games, though, I like them for their gameplay.1
877301RosettaYeah, environmental surveying. This mission requires us to go conduct fieldwork.1
988301RosettaAnyways, engineering wants us to set up our equipment on the designated coordinates.1
1099302What's all this equipment?10What else?11
11101012301RosettaThey're for surveying... I don't quite understand the technical details. They just need us to help set them up.1
121111301RosettaThey'll handle the rest remotely. We just need to help with installing them.1
131212301The equipment Rosetta brought resembles various tripods with a camera terminal on top. It appears to also have basic AI functionality.
141313301RosettaStretch it out and put it somewhere stable on the snow. Then the AI will latch this device to the ground.1
151414301RosettaThe engineers want at least some data soon. So, we need to set everything up before sundown—Oh, huh...?1
161515302What's the matter?16
171616301RosettaIt's gone...1
191818301RosettaThe activation module... It's gone.1
212020301RosettaLooks like I lost it, but where could it have gone? Did I lose it on the plane... or on the way here?1
222121301RosettaI equipment-checked with the engineering staff through a checklist. I highly doubt that we've forgotten to bring it over... We must've lost it on the way here.1
232222301RosettaBut that covers too wide of an area. We'll have to spend an hour or two just searching...1
242323302Better get started then...24Can you have someone send another over?25
25242426301RosettaYeah... You're right, Commandant. No choice.1
262525301RosettaI'll have to write some reports for Babylonia... But this is the safest bet.1
272626301RosettaI thought we could complete this mission without a hitch, but I guess today's not my lucky day...1
302929301With that, Rosetta sighs. She picks up a pebble on the ground and tosses it into the ocean.
313030301The pebble skips on the water—once, twice... all the way up to seven times, before plunging into the sea.
323131301Rosetta notices your gaze and blushes before returning to her normal self.
3433333011RosettaSome Forest Guards do this to forget about bad things... I figured I'd give it a shot.1
353434301RosettaAnyway, let's get moving...1
363535301???Rotten figgins... Who's throwing rocks into the water?!
403938301Massive streams of bubbles fizzle near the shore, eventually breaking into a splash, revealing the silhouette of a massive, red-eyed figure.
424140302...An enemy?41No! Not the yeti!42
43424143301Bionic BearSo, you chucked that rock, aye?! Alright, have at it then, I'm gonna crush you!1
444342301Bionic BearYeti your bear butt! I'm a bear, jellyface! Bionic bear, aye?!1
4645443011RosettaWait... Why would there be a bionic bear in the ocean?1
4948463011Bionic BearWell, yeah? Cuz' I was swimming, aye?! What's the deal with you throwing rocks into the sea?! Summoning some watery tart for a golden rock?1
504947302She was just blowing off steam.48It wasn't intentional.48
5251493011RosettaI'm sorry.1
5453513011Bionic BearOh...1
555452301Rosetta's simple and direct apology catches the bear off-guard. He visibly deflates, the rage nowhere to be seen. He asks you what it was all about.
565553301Bionic BearAh, alright. So you lost some module thingamajig?1
5857553011RosettaYeah, so I was just skipping rocks to take my mind off it. I didn't think it'd hit you. I'm sorry.1
605957301Bionic BearOh, um, well, 's alright, I'll let it slide. Can't blame no bear for gettin' mad when you get a rock to the head outta nowhere, though. Sorry 'bout that.1
616058301Bionic BearSo yeah, anyhow. You trying to turn them three-legs on?1
626159302Think you can help?60Have you seen our lost module?61
63626062301Bionic BearYa, I can help, alright.1
646361301Bionic BearNope. But I can help you get it set up.1
6867653011Bionic BearJust plug me right in, aye? I can turn 'em on. There's a control terminal on me back as well.1
7069673011RosettaI never knew bionic bears could do this...1
7271693011Bionic BearYeah, yeah—bionics can do a lot more than you Constructs... What's that human's name?1
737270302(Tell the bear your name)71I'm a Construct, too.72
74737173301Bionic Bear【kuroname】, aye? Alright, just do what I say.1
757472301Bionic BearIf you're the punchline, I give that a two outta ten... Just grab the cable and plug it to my back!1
797876301With the help of the bear, you successfully activate the equipment, and Rosetta sighs in relief.
8180783011Bionic BearHah, cake. Done and done.1
838280301Bionic BearThem folks' been talking about helping you humans out—figured I'd lend a paw. But don't go redistributin' sedimentary wealth into the sea again, Forest Guard!1
8584823011RosettaI'll try my best not to.1
8786843011AniZhuanchangBegin1Bionic BearYou'll TRY?!1