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544301DialogEnable1LeeSo, Commandant, what brings you to the workshop?1
655302Remember that tiny robot you gave me...?6O-oh, nothing. I was just looking around...7
7668301LeeIs something wrong?1
877301LeeDid that tiny robot break?1
988301LeeNot surprised. After all, it was assembled out of recycled Corrupted parts dating back to the last century...1
1099301LeeIt's about at the end of its life expectancy anyway.1
111010301LeeDid you bring it? I'll run some tests on it.1
121111302I got it right here.12
141313301LeeI've replaced some of the scrapped parts. But the core chip is too old, and the workshop doesn't have any spares.1
151414302Do we have to go kill more Corrupted?15What should we do?16
16151517301LeeWe can't get this type of chip from dismantling Corrupted. However...1
171616301LeeIf you really can't go without it...1
181717301LeeI know where we can buy one.1
191818302Awesome!19I'll go get one right now!20
20191921301LeeDon't get your hopes up just yet. Do you know what kind of chip?1
212020301LeeWait a second. You know what kind of chip to buy?1
222121302Um...22Can't you just go with me?22
232222301LeeConstructs can only leave if we're on a mission. You'll need to submit an application to your superior if you want me to go with you. Are you sure?1
242323302If that's what it takes for you to go with me.24I don't have any other choice.24
2524243011AniZhuanchangBeginLee...Alright, let's go.1