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544301DialogEnable1AsimovYou're on time for once. Looks like you've had some time to reflect, huh?1
655301AsimovSo do you know why I called you here?1
766302Yep, pretty much...7Babel Tower?7
877301AsimovGood. Spares me the effort to explain.1
999302Yep. Been there, done that.10
101010301AsimovAnyway, just relax. I want the combat data to be as accurate as possible. You'll ruin it if you take it too much to heart.1
111111301AsimovOh, just one little new thing before the test.1
121212302What new thing?13
131313301AsimovWe've expanded the combat squad options this time. You can change your roster according to the fights.1
141414301AsimovI'm sure you'll find it beneficial.1
151515301AsimovAfter all, if memory serves me right, you've frequently commanded temporary squads to carry out combat missions to great success.1
161616302Oh, I just got lucky...17
171717301AsimovOh, and don't forget, you can adjust the overall combat intensity according to your own needs.1
181818301AsimovBut I'm sure you'll be able to handle the hardest difficulty. Want me to set the default to the hardest?1
191919302Just let me customize inside!20
202020301AsimovAlright then. Any battle intensity works, I'll be able to collect more data comprehensively.1
212121301AsimovWell, I've told you everything you need to know. I'll tell you the rest inside the tower.1
222222301AsimovHopefully, you can provide more useful combat data to make all this overtime worthwhile.1
232323302Me too...24