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211601000012No.001Yuan Ye is the prototype of the Combat Unit Booster project. Its modularized appearance mimics traits of cloven-hooved mammals.\nAsimov claimed that the personal taste of its designer, Leonie of the WGAA, was reflected in the final product.\nOnce enough combat data is collected, it develops a combat form that uses high-speed ram and combo hits to interrupt the enemy's channeling and assist the Constructs.999999
321601000022No.002Yuan Ye reacts to fluttering fabrics. Experiments show that it responds to short-wavelength colors particularly well, a feature likely designed for detecting the Corrupted. Taunting this unit with colored fabrics is thereby forbidden.\n\nMaintenance tips: keep the unit in hibernation when not in combat. External modules are under development. Unauthorized modification is not allowed. That should be all for now.1000001
431601000032No.003Additional maintenance tips: keep it in hibernation. I repeat, keep it in hibernation. As a prototype, it needs further adjustments. Excessive operations and modifications may break the unit, so stop playing with it.\n\nSecond warning: I'll say this one last time. No unauthorized modification is allowed! Don't ask!\n\nThird warning: Never mind... Just restore it to the default setup for combat.1000003
541602000012No.001Noctua is one of the first high-precision Support Units developed by Babylonia to enhance the connection between Constructs. Its looks and behavior patterns reflect the characteristics of owls. It can provide a wide range of support in battle by triggering the radioactive structure mounted on the wings. The multi-directional camera is also helpful for reconnaissance and investigation.1000000
651602000022No.002Noctua is extremely sensitive to hot environments due to an issue with its cooling system during the early development stages. In addition to constantly chasing and harassing researchers who possess coolants, Noctua will continuously flap its wings in an attempt to extinguish any open flames it encounters. However, the airflow it creates will more likely fan the flames. This issue has been partially resolved in later adjustments, but Noctua tends to continue such behavior when not connected to a Construct. Be sure to keep Noctua from open flames when it is not attached to any Constructs.1000002
761602000032No.003To keep up with its frequent activities, the Noctua unit comes with highly effective self-repairing components. When transformed, it often spins its head around in order to mend and lubricate its joints. As a result, Noctua often serves as the children's plaything on Babylonia. The WGAA encourages it and expresses interest in developing more CUBs with similar features, while the Science Council refuses to comment.1000004
871603000012No.001Toniris, one of the first batch of high-precision bionic units developed for CUB experiment projects, shows a high degree of compatibility with Bianca: Veritas.\nIts prototype was a bionic bird made in the Golden Age to protect the environment, whose main feature was to detect climate and environmental changes. With the Science Council's modification, Toniris is capable of more detailed detection. The particle devices on its wings can also produce a large amount of electrical power.1000005
9111603000021Background IIToniris also represents the rainbow after the thunderstorm.\nIts sliver wings bring the thunder as well as the rainbow.\nAfter a flash storm, the bionic crane stops at the rainbow and caresses its tail feathers, seemingly claiming the rainbow to be its creation.
10131604000022No.002Compared with other CUBs, Frost Oath has a stronger sense of individuality. Unlike Rosetta, who is rational and restrained, Frost Oath is more wild and unrestrained. It shows stronger enthusiasm in the open wilderness, such as snowfields or woodlands. Frost Oath has a strong sense of identity and belonging to the group, showing no mercy to enemies that violate its territory. It is bound by duty to guard its companions.1000009
11141604000032No.003Based on the individual wishes of Rosetta and Frost Oath, Rosetta can quickly return to the battlefield in her centaur form. Although the effectiveness isn't what it once as, the cognitive load brought by this state has been drastically reduced. Echoing one of the design concepts of CUB, Frost Oath is not a disposable weapon but a long-term companion on the battlefield.1000010
12151604000011Background IFrost Oath was named by Rosetta at Asimov's suggestion.
13161604000021Background IIThe appearance of Frost Oath means that the Forest Guard have claimed this land as their own, forming an area of defense that no enemy can penetrate.
14171605000012No.001Seeshell, originally an outdated C7 Probe from Babylonia, frequently used in ocean exploration and climate observation. Its capability is recognized after multiple CUB experiments, and it is now active in the field as a CUB.\nWhen transformed, Seeshell's four cannons can provide substantial support fire. The two fisheye lenses by its sides also offer a comprehensive view of the battlefield. By syncing those data to Constructs and the commandant in real time, Seeshell is valuable for evaluating the battle.1000011
15231606000011Background IThe flames on Nitor's body change with its mood. They also get hotter as it continues to engage in battle.
16251607000012No.001Lingya was originally a common geological exploration robot in Babylonia with Frame ID A-19. It was later modified by the Engineering Force and put into use on the battlefield. It features an in-built generator that can affect the surrounding electromagnetic field while providing support in battle. It can also be used in geological explorations.\nDon't be surprised if Lingya remains on the battlefield after the battle. It is working on another task.1000017
17261607000022No.002It has always been an important subject of study for the Engineering Force to have a grasp of the lodes and geological changes on Earth. Some areas have a special magnetic field where it is hard for Levi-Detectors to work. To explore these areas, the Engineering Force opted to use a design with an in-built generator to eliminate the negative effects of magnetic field.\nTo solve the movement and energy consumption issues of the generator, the Engineering Force added other designs to it. A few iterations later, the frame looks more and more like an animal from the antelope subfamily.1000018
18271607000032No.003Maybe it was because of Lingya's magnetic field interference feature, it seemed to show an attachment to the magnetic field on Earth during geological explorations.\nJust like the original geological exploration robot, Lingya was usually sent to carry out geological exploration tasks in mountains that were hard for humans and other robots to reach.\nWhen Lingya stands alone on the top of a mountain and feels pulled by the magnetic field, is it also using its wired central unit to analyze the entire look of this planet?1000019
19281608000012No.001Boreas, an eagle-shaped Combat Unit Booster developed by the Science Council with bionic technology based on Cosmos Industries' military scout aircraft with the aircraft's core technology recycled. After multiple combats and adjustments, it has become highly compatible with Chrome: Glory. It is now ready to be used on the battlefield as the first CUB fully compatible with specialized frames.1000020
20291608000022No.002Boreas features a scout module that can fast analyze and mark the weak points of enemies. With its external optical camouflage unit that can make it perfectly blend in with the surroundings, it is capable of scouting and firing correction over a long period of time and provides intel to support the operations of the scouts. Boreas stays hidden up high most of the time and will only come down when Chrome signals it to do so. It will flap its wings to land quietly on his shoulder and touch his fingertip with its beak.1000021
21311608000011Background IA mechanical eagle flaps its broad wings and flies past the battlefield, gathering all the image intel and data of the enemies before they notice.
22331609000012No.001Thorny is a mass-produced machine formerly used by the Engineering Force. Some of its traits shown during the digging operation caught the attention of the staff and it was permitted to be modified into a CUB.\nThe spikes added during the development process have granted it the ability to defend itself against the enemies and made it look more like how it looks right now.1000023
23401610000021Background IIWe don't know whether it is due to its original program, but Jet Jaeger loves to stand by in dark, narrow places.
24421611000022No.002Moonhopper's long ears are a pair of enhanced long-distance signal interaction devices that further strengthen control and communication stability in space missions. Therefore, they were definitely not designed to be cute or for patting. The reason for its rabbit-like appearance is that in certain myths and folktales, rabbits and the Moon have always been linked together. They are a perfect match in every human's heart.1000030
25441611000011Background IMoonhopper has a bad temper. If it stomps its feet, stay away!\nFortunately, it doesn't bite...
26451611000021Background IISupposedly, the position of a rabbit's ears can be used to determine its mood. However, that doesn't apply to Moonhopper. It's never been in a bad mood.
27461612000012No.001CUB Shimmer was originally designed by Kurono to be a mass-produced carrier that can carry the aero foot pedals made for individual combats. However, the model, after being made bigger, showed poor stability and lift efficiency in the environment with gravity, which made it unsuitable to be pushed into mass production. Only the original small prototype was kept and modified by the Science Council into a specialized CUB with high-speed assault ability and strong firepower which can move freely after firing a shot.1000032
28471612000022No.002Shimmer's coating is extremely sound-proof and wave-proof, allowing it to fly at a high speed and approach the enemy almost without being noticed. It loves to creep on people and scare them out of a sudden. However, whenever it tries to play the same trick on Bianca, it will always be caught red-handed and touched gently by her, which of course doesn't stop it from doing this for it has already become a secret game between them.1000033
29481612000032No.003At first, Bianca thought the CUB would increase the chance of being exposed in the mission, after all, as a member of the Purifying Force, she always needs to sneak into somewhere alone. But during her last meeting with Chiko, the Vice-Captain of the Purifying Force, Chiko wanted her to accept the council's advice. Maybe it was because of Chiko's suggestion. Maybe she had some kind of hunch long ago... Shimmer was eventually produced. It has become Bianca's exclusive CUB companion after she switched to Stigmata.1000034
30491612000011Background IAlthough it looks a bit intimidating in its extended form, Shimmer is actually very lively and gentle before its owner. Its mood is shown clearly on its display panel.
31501612000021Background IIThe project owner in charge of the development of CUB Shimmer would like to remind every user to keep it busy, otherwise, they might suffer from unwanted loss of property and personal injury, and the developers will not be held responsible if any of the abovementioned situations appends.