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677301CollinsYou really have wronged me. You know, I never liked to break the rules. It's just that... sometimes the cost of breaking the rules is too low.1
788301Knowing she will never win the argument with this man, Rebecca diverts her attention to the other two in the meeting room.
91010301RebeccaLiszt, the executive meeting of the World Government will commence in half an hour. You will be participating as a councilman from the Diplomatic Court. Have you got the topic ready?2
101111301Liszt nods and hands over the document to Collins.
1213133011LisztIt was ready long ago. We also managed to invite the CEO of Norman Mining Corp to join the Parliament as a citizen representative.1
141515301Rebecca casts a glance at the man brought by Liszt, only to be made speechless by his fancy, inappropriate clothing and accessories. When he notices Rebecca, he even throws her a wink.
1617173011CollinsIf we can nail the timing, this meeting would be a good opportunity for us to bring up the research on Ascendants. I'm sure they will understand me when they see the new possibility of human evolution.1
171818301Collins flips through the outline and snaps his fingers at Rebecca.
192020301RebeccaCollins and I will prepare the files about Ascendant research. I'll leave the Parliament to you, Liszt.2
2122223011NormanDon't forget me, Ms. Rebecca. I'll do my best too.1
232424301RebeccaI'll leave it to both of you then...2
2627273011CollinsHold on... Liszt, I may be getting too old, but can you elaborate what the heck this abstract outline of yours is all about?1
272828301Collins suddenly speaks behind Rebecca. Unlike most of the time, his voice is filled with threat and anger.
282929301LisztI'll suggest in the meeting that we install the restarted zero-point reactor and engine on Babylonia, so it can fulfill its role as an interstellar colony ship and take humans away from the Earth...2
293030301Before Liszt can finish, Collins slams the outline toward him. Liszt lets the paper hit his face without dodging.
303131301CollinsAre you going to betray me?!1
313232301Collins knows the value of this proposal too well. It would be highly convincing and feasible if it is ever brought up in the meeting.
323333301With a poker face, Liszt picks up the papers on the floor and reorganizes them.
343535301LisztYou hold a higher position than me in Kurono, but technically speaking, I am not your subordinate. My job is to assist you, not to take orders from you. So I don't think this is a betrayal.2
353636301LisztYour obsession with the Ascendants has exceeded the organization's budget on a single project. The research on Ascendants will be indefinitely postponed until the risks are re-evaluated.2
373838301RImgBg1ShakeCollins grabs Liszt by his collar and presses him against the wall.
394040301CollinsWhen did you start planning all this...?1
404242301LisztNo matter what... I must protect Babylonia and choose the best path for humanity.2
414343301AniZhuanchangBeginCollins stares at Liszt. For the first time, he realizes this calm, unemotional man is just another maniac like himself.
464848301AniZhuanchangEndThe Punishing Virus concentration keeps rising as more Corrupted have gathered.
485050301Karenina****! Can't waste more time with them here... I must lead them outside!1
5153533011CorruptedRargh! Rargh—!1
5355553011KareninaBut first, I need to survive...1
5658583011The nearest Corrupted raises its arms and pounces at Karenina but suddenly gets frozen in the air.
575959301Karenina is alerted by the Corrupted's strange action. She jumps back and holds up her weapon.
656767301RImgBg1ShakeBut the Corrupted never attacks... or cannot attack, to be precise. It is held up in the air for a few seconds, then suddenly gets slammed into the wall of the reactor room, leaving a crack in the wall.
6769693011Shocked, Karenina looks at the ground under her feet and sees a ripple-like effect on it. But she knows it isn't an illusion, nor is the ground really turning soft. The gravitational waves have distorted the light nearby.
687070301The Corrupted touched by the gravitational waves are either slammed into the ground or launched upward into space. Some are even torn apart mid-air by opposing gravitational forces.
757777301Karenina immediately leaps back, trying to get out of the impacted area. The pencil in her chest accidentally falls out. The moment it touches the gravitational waves, it is shredded into wood dust in a split second.
767878301KareninaThe zero-point engine...!1
777979301Karenina can only think of one possible explanation: at least one control center linking to the reactor array has been infected by the Punishing Virus, pumping more than the required energy into the zero-point engine and causing out-of-control gravitational impact.
788080301If the zero-point engine continues to run like this...
798181301KareninaThe Punishing Virus will be the last thing I need to worry about. The entire lunar base could be destroyed...1
808282301The zero-point reactor itself has been reinforced and buried deep underground. Everything around it will probably be wiped out... After all, this miraculous engine is capable of sending the entire Babylonia across space.
818383301AniZhuanchangBeginKareninaThis must be stopped!1
868888301AniZhuanchangEndThis must be stopped...
878989301We prepared for the worst, but the situation still deteriorated faster than everyone could anticipate...
889090301We tried our best to stop the Kurono researchers, but they still decided to put the Inver-Device into mass production without fully testing its reliability.
899191301How ironic. The guns they pointed at us never worked—bullets were not any scarier than the Punishing Virus.
909292301There were only 5 of us left in the lab long before that. Without machines, we had to stay close to the Punishing Virus.
919393301A lot of people were infected multiple times as they were exposed to the Punishing Virus for a prolonged period. Even Dr. Kalon had his brain infected... Many more died in agony long ago due to severe decay in their bodies.
929494301Our broken bodies were not the reason why we still did not give up. The guns that pointed at us were not scarier than the Punishing Virus itself.
9496963011Kurono OfficerSorry, but I must bring hope back to the Earth even if I have to take it with force... There's no time to waste.1
969999301The most disgusting guy in Kurono forced us to assist him with the mass production of the Inver-Device.
97101101301After Kurono received the first batch of Inver-Device, we finally made an Inver-Device that could run stably...
98102102301But it was all too late, whether to those who died on the operating table or to us...
99103103301Everything we ever feared eventually happened.
100104104301The production was extremely rushed, and we inevitably had to rely on some machines. Even the most cutting-edge equipment could not detect the traces of the virus leaked, which contaminated the machines and spread out.
101105105301The rate of the spread was limited due to the low number of machines on site, but when we realized it, some Construct models had already turned into Corrupted.
102106106301AniZhuanchangBeginThey began to hunt us down. We were only unarmed researchers with no means to protect ourselves...
104108108301AniZhuanchangEndEveryone else died... In the end, only Dr. Kalon and I barely made it to the place where the zero-point reactor was located. He had been unstable due to the after-effect of his brain infection.
1061101103011KalonLook! Earth! It's Earth!1
107111111301Right, one of the reasons I came here was to open the outer space shield and let the negative pressure blow all the remaining Punishing Virus into space. We could see the beautiful earth here.
108112112302Stay inside the life pod, Doctor. Don't leave it...113
110114114301I stuffed Dr. Kalon and our research documents inside the only operating life pod and sent it to space. If he was lucky, perhaps a cargo ship would pick up the signal and rescue him.
111115115301But I must stay, for there was one last thing for me to do. I have to turn off the zero-point reactor array that was still running.
112116116301The system had no control program. I had to get to the core to shut it down... Just like Dr. Kalon said, I could only think of this stupidest method.
113117117301Perhaps we were too used to the convenience brought by machines. Even just walking to the core seemed to claim my remaining life—but maybe it was just my body's natural reaction, given that oxygen was almost running out.
114118118301But just as I expected, the Corrupted are still functioning even after all the viruses were expunged.
115119119301They have all followed me into the reactor core, trying to tear me apart at every moment.
118122122301But that also gave me the perfect opportunity to lock them all here. Once I turn off the last core, this place will be completely shut and probably never open again. The reactor's beautiful blue hue is no more to be seen.
119123123301There's no time to write down the incident report, so I'm using this antique device from my personal collection... I know this recording will probably never be found.
120124124301But if someone ever uncovers this piece of history, it means humanity has not gone extinct from this disaster. The fire of science we lit up is still burning somewhere.
121125125301—In that case, please tell me... Tell me your story about the future of humanity.