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433301DialogEnableIn the dark room, Vanessa is stirring her porridge in her cup with an exquisite coffee spoon. Commandant 【kuroname】 is lying on the bed next to her, still unconscious.
9883011VanessaWhat's wrong? Surprised I'm eating porridge from a cup?2
1099301VanessaI know it's not exactly my style, but I like to make the best of things when a situation is out of my control.2
121111301VanessaI'm sure you've realized by now. Babylonia's cut off aid.2
151414301Liv had obviously been too busy taking care of everyone to realize this fact.
171616301VanessaSince the last rescue operation failed, if you ask them about their next operation or their change in tactics, they always give a vague response.2
181717301VanessaThey're also not providing regular contact. Whenever I contact them, they just give the same response.2
191818301VanessaLucia also got the same response, too.2
2322223011Lucia, Liv & Lee...123
2625253011VanessaIt's nothing too unusual. They've just postponed support operations to this area for the time being.1
272626301VanessaThey've done this in the past. It's just the first time I've experienced it.1
3130303011Lucia, Liv & Lee...123
3433333011VanessaGuess your indifference means you've all been mentally prepared for this?1
3635353011LuciaLooks like we're on our own for now.1
3837373011VanessaYeah, it's unrealistic to expect to be rescued under these circumstances. I'd do the same if I were in charge. It's the only logical solution.1
393838301VanessaAside from that, there's some good news and bad news.1
403939301VanessaThe good news is, even though Babylonia has cut off support, they haven't blocked my access to GPS intel.1
414040301VanessaThe bad news is, based on this GPS intel, the Unidentified Twins have entered City 042.1
4645453011VanessaWhat are you guys gonna do?2
4847473011LuciaOur location is dangerous. With our numbers, we'll suffer losses if we run into any hostile encounters.1
494848301LuciaI want to disperse the 164 people gathered into several teams, which is more conducive to action.1
5150503011LivWe've had some more refugees join over the past few days. We now have 172 people and a dog, but that doesn't include us and the commandant.2
525151301LuciaWe're already at 172 people?1
5453533011LeeDecentralization is definitely conducive to dealing with emergencies, but it'll take more time to retreat. We'd better get ready immediately.2
555454301LeeOn the way, we also need to deal with three problems: high Punishing concentration, lack of food and energy, and Hetero-Creature attacks.2
565555301LuciaProtective gear can protect us against the Punishing concentration. We don't have enough for everyone, but we can move them in waves.1
575656301LuciaThe second problem is difficult to solve. All we can do is move slowly.1
585757301LuciaAs for the third problem... we'll just have to defend it with everyone.1
6059593011LivWhere can we move everyone?2
6160603011LuciaTo safe zones adjacent to City 043—Cities 046, 044, and 045.1
626161301LuciaWe just came from City 045. Their conservation area is already full after taking in refugees from City 044.1
636262301LuciaAnd personnel from City 046 were evacuated after their CPF was damaged, so it's been vacant for some time.1
646363301LuciaThe CPF has since been repaired, but it's quite the distance from here. Not to mention... The people living there aren't exactly accepting of outsiders.1
656464301LuciaNo, that's an understatement, and it'll lead to inaccurate danger assessment. They're a group of armed Scavengers that'll attack and rob outsiders.1
666565301LuciaCity 044 is completely empty, but the CPF still hasn't been repaired. Hetero-Creatures have swarmed the perimeter, so they may converge into the Red Tide at any moment.1
676666301LivLooks like there isn't any ideal location.2
7069693011VanessaAre you going to find a place for them to live and work in peace? Is the next step to investigate whether the soil is suitable for agriculture?1
717070301She gracefully eats a spoonful of her porridge, then laughs sardonically.
737272301VanessaJust find a refuge for them to hold out for the time being.1
747373301VanessaWait for the twins to leave City 043, then return and repair the damaged buildings.1
757474301VanessaThe world will be used up no matter how big it is, as long as they keep treading toward the unknown.1
767575301VanessaIf 【kuroname】 was conscious right now, I'm sure the commandant would resort to the same guerilla tactics.1
7877773011LeeYou think you know 【kuroname】?1
797878301Vanessa sets down her spoon and just laughs coldly at Lee.
8281813011LivLet's temporarily divide the crowd into three groups for evacuation.2
838282301LivThose who can move freely will wear protective gear and follow the safety route we'll plan to bypass the potential battle zone where the Red Tide may converge and proceed to City 044.2
848383301LivTwo Constructs will act as guards. While en route, the refugees should refrain from removing their protective gear. They will return once safe living conditions are confirmed in City 044.2
8685853011LuciaUnderstood. We'll have some of the wounded take supplies to City 045. While I searched the area, I found a warehouse with a small filtering device. The conditions are poor, but people can survive there with some simple protection.2
878686301LeeFor the third team, we'll take the commandant, Vanessa, Bambinata, and the rest of the wounded to City 046. Regardless of how hostile they are to outsiders, they can't do much against Constructs.1
9089893011VanessaThat sure was quick. I expect nothing less from the Chief.1
919090301VanessaThis may solve the problems caused by the threat of insufficient materials and the twins, but that doesn't cover everything. Don't you know?1
9594943011LuciaConstructs need to protect the refugees from Hetero-Creatures while in transit.2
969595301LivSome of the wounded will need to be transported out.1
979696301LeeHumans will need protective gear, but we don't have enough for each person. That means the group going to City 046 will be unprotected.3
10099993011VanessaCorrect. But there's one more thing... We can't avoid casualties along the way.1
101100100301VanessaI hope you have seen your fair share of hardship and cruelty, Gray Raven. Don't disrupt the team with the illusion of saving everyone.1
1031021023011LeeWhat do you mean?1
1051041043011VanessaSeems like you guys have been spending too much time trying to rescue people out there. You don't know how many people will actually be able to keep up. I'm sure Liv can enlighten you.1
1081071073011LivWe can't take the wounded all at once. They also can't move quickly in the state that they're in, and our vehicles don't have the capacity for everyone.1
109108108301LuciaAre you planning to leave people behind if we run out of time?2
1121111113011VanessaExactly. But only if time is of the essence. I don't want people's lives to be sacrificed in vain, but I don't want to risk the success of the mission.1
113112112301VanessaAnd I don't want this to be a point of contention between us.1
1171161163011Lucia, Liv & Lee...123
1201191193011VanessaAnything that you're not happy about? Or are you still expecting 【kuroname】 to regain consciousness and come up with some big-brained solution that won't require anyone to be sacrificed?1
121120120301VanessaIf not, I'll be the active commandant here. This is the only way we can save the most lives.1
122121121301VanessaIf worst comes to worst, who do you think is most likely to encounter danger? Me and Bambinata? Those refugees who still have the strength to run? Or that comatose commandant of yours?1
124124124301VanessaNo point in asking you...1
1271271273011Lucia...Let's plan our next step.2
128128128301LivI still think it's necessary to evacuate the critically injured to City 045 and 046 first.1
1311311313011VanessaYou're right. If we have time, they should go first. If the healthy refugees leave first, they may be left here for good.1
132132132301VanessaLooks like you've become well acquainted with the inferiority of humans.1
1341341343011LivThis doesn't make them inferior. Everyone just wants to live, so we need to plan.1
1361361363011VanessaWhatever you say...1
137137137301VanessaThe twins haven't made it to City 043 yet, but...1
1411411413011LivI've detected a large horde of Hetero-Creatures from the north, 130 klicks!2
144144144301LivThey're headed right for us. ETA 8 hours.2
146146146301VanessaHow many?1
147147147301LivRoughly over a hundred. Can we hold them off?2
1501501503011LuciaNo, Liv. If they've already grouped up, there are more than a hundred.1
151151151301LuciaI saw something similar in City 044. There's bound to be more beyond your detection range.1
152152152301LuciaThere may be ten or even a hundred times more than that. If they find out where we're hiding, we won't be able to defend against such a large horde.1
1551551553011Vanessa sneers to herself and eats the porridge in her cup, which had gone cold.
156156156301VanessaLooks like we won't hold out until morning, so we should evacuate immediately.2
157157157301LuciaUnderstood. But I hope we proceed according to the plan. Evacuate the wounded first, then the other Construct Soldiers will escort those who can walk in an orderly manner, so that they can receive help from other stranded elite teams as soon as possible.1
158158158301VanessaSome of the wounded can leave on the transport vehicles. After all, your commandant only needs one seat.2
159159159301VanessaBut I advise you to give up on the latter. Strike Hawk and Cerberus are in the same situation as us.2
160160160301VanessaThere'll be more survivors in a base with doctors, but the team won't be able to transfer the influx of wounded.2
161161161301VanessaIf none of the wounded had survived, this wouldn't be an issue.2
1631631633011LivPlease don't say something like that...!1
164164164301VanessaAs I said, there are going to be sacrifices along the way. You don't expect the Hetero-Creatures to wait for you to take your time evacuating everyone, do you?2
165165165301Unwilling to accept such a dire consequence, they have no choice but to accept the reality that they cannot change the status quo.
166166166301VanessaHow many vehicles are left?2
1681681683011LeeIncluding the vehicles we recovered over the past few days from the destroyed conservation areas, we have three left.1
169169169301AniZhuanchangBeginVanessaHurry up and get your commandant into protective gear.2
172172172301AniZhuanchangEndLeaving the room where Vanessa and the commandant are located to begin preparations, they are met with an unexpected scene outside.
173173173301People have already packed their scarce bags of luggage. As Gray Raven exits the room, the refugees look at them coldly.
1751751753011Liv...Where's everyone going?1
1781781783011Refugee LeaderWe're going to the Forsaken's base.2
179179179301LivThere's no way you can make it there on foot.1
180181181301Liv...Why are you leaving all of a sudden?1
181182182301Refugee LeaderI know you won't tell us the truth. Seeing you all sneak around like that, I took advantage of the noise outside to eavesdrop on your conversation.2
1831841843011LuciaWhat did you hear?1
184185185301Refugee LeaderBabylonia has stopped sending aid. I heard that Construct say it.2
185186186301He points at Lee's terminal as if stating the obvious.
1881891893011Construct SoldierWe were just going over possible scenarios with the others... I didn't think anyone had the nerve to eavesdrop on us.1
1901911913011Refugee LeaderDoesn't matter. I knew it was only a matter of time.1
191192192301Refugee LeaderThere've been numerous incidents in the neighboring conservation areas. And since Babylonia has hung us out to dry and those damn twins are wandering around City 041 again, we don't want to stay here and await death.1
1931941943011QuinaThe three vehicles are up and running and we've got the protective gear, Boss. Let's go.1
1951961963011LivPlease don't take the vehicles! We need them to evacuate the critically wounded!1
197198198301Refugee 5What are we supposed to do then? Not like we can make it there on foot.
198199199301Refugee 6Won't you be better off with the wounded when we're gone? You'll have more room, and it'll be quieter.
2002012013011Liv(Seems like they don't know about the Hetero-Creatures and the twins headed right for us...)1
2022032033011LeeThree vehicles can't hold 172 people. How are you going to deal with Corrupted and Hetero-Creatures if you get attacked? Outnumber them?1
203204204301The crowd falls silent for a moment before whispering amongst each other.
2062072073011Refugee LeaderThat's why we need to leave before they swarm us.2
207208208301Refugee LeaderScavengers like us have our own ways of operating. Leave the rest to us.2
2092102103011LivPlease, don't!1
211212212301LivEverything we've done is to ensure as many people can survive as possible!1
212213213301Liv hesitates for a few seconds, but decides that it's best to inform everyone of the current situation to avert confusion.
213214214301The refugees had always believed they had the right to know what was happening. A time like this requires everyone to work together to solve the problem.
214215215301What would happen if they made a decision without knowing the danger? Liv can't even bear the thought of it.
215216216301LivPlease, listen. I just detected a horde of Hetero-Creatures approaching from the north. They'll be here in eight hours. Also, the twins already left City 041 and have made it to City 042. We need to evacuate with the wounded immediately.1
216217217301LivIf you take the vehicles, we won't be able to evacuate the wounded on foot! If the Hetero-Creatures break through our defenses, they'll enter the basement and kill the wounded!1
217218218301Hearing this, the whole basement becomes speechless.
218219219301Refugee Leader...2
219220220301The middle-aged leader looks around the crowd in silence. He contemplates for a few seconds, then turns to face Liv.
220221221301Refugee LeaderWe'll take your word for it considering you've taken care of us and the wounded all this time.2
221222222301Saying this, he pauses for several more seconds. After hearing no objection, he continues to speak.
222223223301Refugee LeaderSince you're willing to be so honest, I'll make concessions to the Constructs and wounded.2
223224224301The crowd erupts in outcry, led by the shrill voices of several refugees.
225226226301Refugee 3Leave the wounded here! Not like they'll survive much longer if we take them anyway!
226227227301Refugee 8I don't wanna die here!!
227228228301Refugee 8There's no way I can walk all the way there!
228229229301The refugee leader remains silent among the crowd's protest until several others strong-arm their way in front of him.
229230230301Refuge 9Boss...!
2312322323011Refugee LeaderWhat's wrong? You're not wounded. You've just been hungry for a few days, and now you can't walk?1
232233233301Refuge 9No way! Besides, she said those monsters will be here in eight hours. How can we run past those monsters?! And if they don't come, what about those wandering outside?!
233234234301Refugee LeaderWe're armed and there's a lot of us. We can handle ourselves as long as there aren't too many.1
234235235301Refugee Leader...1
235236236301Refugee LeaderHe's right, Doctor. We wanted to take the vehicles because our people are too exhausted to walk.1
236237237301Refugee LeaderGiven the emergency, we should give priority to the wounded that can't walk, but we weren't just going to drive away carelessly.1
237238238301Refugee LeaderIf someone falls along the way, they'll slow the rest of us down. We'll be sitting ducks if we get attacked.1
2392402403011LuciaI understand. Are you at least willing to leave any vehicles?1
2412422423011Refugee LeaderHow about this...1
242243243301He raises his voice over the crowd's discussion.
243244244301Refugee LeaderWe'll take the smallest vehicle to carry everyone's luggage and for people to rest when needed. The other two are rescue vehicles, so they're more suitable for transporting the wounded.1
244245245301Refugee LeaderThat way, we can guarantee our safety to a certain extent while also not disregarding the lives of others.1
245246246301The crowd gradually falls silent, but concerns still remain.
246247247301Refuge 10But those Hetero-Creatures will be here in 8 hours! There's no way we can outrun them on foot!
247248248301Refugee LeaderEven if we take all three vehicles, there isn't enough space for everyone. You think you'll be one of the lucky ones who get a ride?1
248249249301Refuge 10Then what should we do, Boss?
249250250301Refugee LeaderCalm down. We need to come up with a plan.1
250251251301Refugee LeaderWhere were you planning on taking us and the wounded?1
2532542543011LivGiven the current situation, it will be best for the healthy refugees to go to City 044.2
254255255301LivThere are still issues with the CPF and the Punishing concentration is high, but there won't be any issues along the planned route if everyone wears protective gear.2
255256256301LivOnce City 043 is safe, you can come back.2
256257257301Refugee LeaderSeems reasonable. It's the nearest city with a direct road and minimal Corrupted wandering around there.1
257258258301He deliberately raises his voice as if speaking to the crowd behind him.
258259259301Refugee LeaderBut if everyone going wears protective gear, there won't be enough for the wounded.1
2602612613011LeeThere's also a warehouse at City 045 with a small filtration device. I'm not sure it's strong enough to guarantee safety, but anyone with normal-level protective gear should do just fine there.2
2622632633011LivCorrect. That's where we'll take some of the wounded.2
263264264301LivWe'll take the rest of the wounded to the conservation area in City 046. They should still have enough room to take us in.2
264265265301Refugee LeaderCity 046... Those crazy bastards are just as dangerous as Corrupted. But you're right, there's not much they can do against Constructs.1
2672682683011VanessaThen it's settled.1
268269269301She slowly walks out of the room. It is as if she had been listening the whole time. Together with her is Bambinata, who now resembles an old doll.
269270270301VanessaWe should hurry.1
2722732733011Refugee LeaderWait, we're not finished here.2
273274274301Refugee LeaderGoing there on foot is going to take a while. As close as City 044 is, we might not even be able to cross City 043's borders in 8 hours.2
274275275301Refugee LeaderI accept that the doctor genuinely wants us to leave the vehicles here to save the wounded, but I'm not so sure about you...2
275276276301Refugee LeaderYou're standing in as the temporary commandant here, right? I don't know what their commandant is normally like, but I have an idea based on the others in Gray Raven. But you...2
276277277301He forces a sneer.
277278278301Refugee LeaderPeople like you put human lives on one side of the scale and your own personal interests on the other. We've only been stuck here together for a month, but I know your type.2
278279279301Refugee LeaderIf you evacuate with the wounded, who's to say you won't abandon them and guarantee your own safety?2
279280280301VanessaHmph... I'm just trying to save the most lives.1
280281281301VanessaGiven our current situation, we don't have enough time and materials to save everyone. Sacrifices will have to be made.1
281282282301Refugee LeaderWhat about that wounded deadweight?2
282283283301VanessaHuman lives aren't equal. If you had to choose between a cracked jewel or some pebble in a muddy ditch, which would you choose?1
283285285301Sensing a fight about to break out between both sides, Liv wants to rush forward and say something, but she's stopped by Lee before she can do anything.
284287287301Refugee LeaderThe three cars outside are ours. If you want the two rescue vehicles, you have to listen to us. Try and take them by violence, one shot from my gun here and they'll be gone. Are you sure you want that?2
286289289301VanessaWell, then. What is it?1
287290290301Refugee LeaderLet our people and the wounded retreat first, and you and other Constructs stay here to stop the incoming attack.2
288291291301Refugee LeaderIn any case, two cars aren't enough for everyone, They'll take the wounded and then come back for us. We won't have made it far at this point.2
289292292301VanessaYou want them to come back?1
290293293301Refugee LeaderThat's right. I'm sure the doctor and her team will be able to escort the wounded and return safely.2
291294294301Refugee LeaderOnce everyone has retreated safely, you and that unconscious commandant of yours can leave.2
293296296301VanessaI can have the other Constructs escort you and leave together.1
294297297301Refugee LeaderI don't trust you. You'll just call them off whenever you get the chance. Slow as we are with all the wounded, we'll be targeted even before we make it out of City 043.2
295298298301VanessaAs opposed to me ordering them to pick me up first when you hand over the vehicles?1
296299299301Refugee LeaderWe'll have our eyes on you. You'll leave only when all the wounded have been evacuated first.2
297300300301Vanessa...Hmph. Even if Gray Raven chooses to listen to you, I can leave with my puppet any time I want.1
298301301301Refugee LeaderBut that'd be a death sentence going out there on foot just the two of you.2
300304304301VanessaFine. I'll take up the rear. Quit wasting time and get out of here.1
304308308301LuciaAre you sure about that?2
3073113113011VanessaGet back here ASAP. Otherwise, it's going to be our funerals.1
308312312301VanessaOne more thing. You... What's your name?1
309313313301She points to the Construct beside her and beckons.
3123163163011Female ConstructMy name's Sandra, Commandant Vanessa.2
313317317301VanessaSandra, go be one of their drivers. I'm sure there are going to be plenty of surprises along the way given how many Corrupted and Hetero-Creatures are coming this way.1
317321321301AniZhuanchangBegin1Lucia...Let's get going, Liv.2
319323323301AniZhuanchangEndLuciaI'll leave the evacuation plan up to you. You are more clear on the situation with the wounded.2
320324324301LivYou got it.1
321325325301LivWe'll evacuate the critically wounded and some of the less severely wounded first. It's going to be difficult to take that many people all at once given how big the stretchers are.1
322326326301Liv opens her medical log and quickly examines the list of wounded. The log hasn't been updated recently, but the current situation is clearly printed in Liv's mind.
323327327301LivThe eight critically wounded, Nagayuki, Kanata, and Lindsey need to stay behind for the time being.1
324328328301LivThe first two need Vanessa to maintain stable M.I.N.D.s, while Lindsey's wounds can't withstand the crowded and bumpy vehicles, so she needs to be carried away separately on a stretcher with stabilizers once all the other Construct Soldiers have gathered.1
325329329301LuciaThe one the commandant used?2
326330330301LivWell, the commandant doesn't need it now.1
327331331301LivAs for Mr. Cali, I don't know if he'll agree to go.1
328332332301LuciaThe old man who wasn't eating after being diagnosed with cancer? Let me ask him.2
3323363363011LeeEven if he doesn't agree to go, we still need space for four more people. These people alone will take up two cars. At most, they can take the little girl with them.3
333337337301LivThey can make do in the crowded vehicle if we get there fast enough.1
334338338301LuciaLet's make some supports between stretchers so we can put them close together without being cramped.2
335339339301LeeGood idea, but there's still only enough room for four stretchers. We can only fit a few more sitting down.3
336340340301LivI'll leave it to you then, Lee.1
3413453453011He nods and makes his way to the warehouse.
342346346301LivAs for the second vehicle...1
343347347301She thumbs through the records on her terminal and makes a new list.
344348348301LivThey don't need stretchers, but even then, they need to be separated due to their wounds.1
345349349301LivEven if some people lie under the seats or sit on the legs of those who aren't injured, we can't squeeze them in.1
346350350301LivNot to mention, our vehicles haven't been modified. So they can't be overloaded, right?1
348352352301LuciaHow many more people do we need to take?2
349353353301LivWe still have 47 wounded... No... Counting the new arrivals over the past few days... That makes 62 people, but the second car can only carry 17. With 4 people in the first car, that means we can only take 21 people in a single trip.1
350354354301LuciaThat's fine. There's still some hope if we can make another trip.2
351355355301LivBut there are still several other critically injured and our commandant that need to go on the next trip.1
352356356301LuciaThat means there's no time for hesitation. We'll need to make a third trip.2
353357357301LivYeah... Let's call everyone.1
356360360301Lucia walks to the basement. After a short time, some wounded refugees limp out following her.
359363363301Since Fantine's name is on the first list, she steps out of the crowd and greets Liv with a smile.
360364364301FantineThank you, Liv, but I want to give up my spot.1
361365365301She looks at the crowd and rubs her belly.
362366366301FantineIt's too crowded for me. And, I haven't decided if I want to bring my child into this cruel world... I need some time to think.1
363367367301FantineAfter you leave, the wounded here also need to be looked after. My medical knowledge obviously doesn't compare to yours, but I can still help.1
364368368301FantineCan you take the child I brought with me instead? The wound on his back is still serious, and he needs some room.1
368372372301FantineOh, and Shrek wants to speak with you.1
3713753753011Shrek(Clears throat)3
372376376301He greets Liv, pretending to be relaxed.
373377377301ShrekLet me go with you. I'll sit on the roof so I don't take up any space. Besides, if any of the wounded sit up there, they'll most likely fall down. Right?3
3753793793011LivAre you sure? It's dangerous up there.2
376380380301ShrekDon't worry. I'll hold on tight.3
377381381301ShrekYou said you want to evacuate to a warehouse in City 045, but is there a doctor there to take care of them? Or are you going to stay there with them?3
379383383301LivNo. That's what I've been worried about.2
380384384301ShrekSo, someone should be there to look after them, right? I'm no doctor, but I've learned a thing or two about first aid recently.3
383387387301ShrekGot that right. A friend of mine made me realize how important it is.3
384388388301ShrekIf you don't trust me, I can have the Forsaken send a doctor over.3
385389389301ShrekThat way, I can continue on my way and deliver the serum. They can't possibly refuse... Right?3
387391391301Liv...Okay. Thank you.2
3903943943011LuciaGood idea. We should also try to get support from Watanabe.1
391395395301LuciaIf only the commandant was still conscious...1
3943983983011LeeWe could use the commandant to pull some strings?2
395399399301Having finished assembling the stretchers, Lee appears behind the three of them with a frowning face.
396400400301LuciaI know what you're worried about, but Babylonia cut off communication. Who knows, maybe we'll end up joining the Forsaken...1
397401401301She looks up at the dim sky, suddenly getting lost in a memory.
398402402301LuciaI understand why they made this decision, and I don't think it was out of greed or malice, but we're on our own now.1
399403403301LuciaI'm used to that by now.1
4034074073011ShrekYou guys talk things over. Want me to go get the wounded?1
406410410301Feeling the gravity of their words, he waves and quickly runs back to the basement.
4084124123011LuciaOh, Liv. Cali said he's not going with the others.1
410414414301AniZhuanchangBegin1Liv...Really? I understand.1
413417417301AniZhuanchangEndOver ten minutes later, thanks to everyone's efforts, the first group is already in position.
414418418301People are crowded together, but not so cramped that the wounded are crushed.
4164204203011LuciaEverything's ready. Let's go.1
417421421301LuciaI'll deal with the Hetero-Creatures along the way. Liv, take care of the wounded. Lee and Sandra, the other Construct, take care of the driving.1
4194234233011Lee nods and furrows his eyebrows anxiously.
422426426301He starts the engine, causing the siren on the rescue vehicle and an alarm from the dashboard speakers to blare.
423427427301ALERT: Vehicle overloaded. Please drive safely and in accordance with the law.
427431431301The anxiety in Lee's inner brow increases noticeably. He quickly unscrews the cover of the speaker and adeptly cuts the alarm's circuit, silencing the noise.
4294334333011AniZhuanchangBeginLeeLet's get going.1