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766301The aftermath of the explosion launches rubble into the air as the last remaining Corrupted signals flashing on the terminal are completely annihilated.
988301SystemAll Corrupted signals in Zone C are gone. Joint eradication mission complete.
1099301SystemCalculating casualties. ETE for the transport craft is twenty minutes. Remain in position and await extraction.
131212301DialogDisable1LuciaThe transport craft has arrived. Commandant, how's your situation?1
141313302Return according to plan.14
151414302I'll return with the other commandants.15
161515301DialogEnableLuciaUnderstood. See you soon, Commandant.1
171616302Thanks for your work.17See you soon.17
201919301After terminating the comm link, your nerves finally relax a bit. You lean against the wall and sigh gently. The fatigue accumulated from battle begins to surface.
212020301Several other commandants participating in this mission also return to the temporary headquarters one after another to confirm the mission with their own team through their respective comm links.
262525301Suddenly, everyone's terminal rings at the same time.
272626301SystemEmergency alert.
282727301SystemA commandant performing a mission in Zone C has issued an emergency support request. Construct, Model No. BPH-22, has reached critical M.I.N.D. deviation. She is in urgent need of a commandant connection.
292828301SystemRepeat. Model No. BPH-22...
302929302(That designation is...)
3433333011Commandant AA Construct has gone haywire?1
353434301Commandant BHow could this happen at a time like this...? What about the acting commandant?2
363535301Commandant CThat model number sounds familiar. Is it that white Construct from Cerberus...? What's she called...3
373737301Commandant BRemote links? But once a connection is severed, that'll overload the Construct and take forever to re-calibrate. No wonder they're asking for emergency ground support.2
383838301Commandant COnce, I was on a recovery mission in the same area as Cerberus. Their way of fighting...3
393939301The commandant with short brown hair shakes his head and shrugs as if remembering something he didn't want to recall.
404141302...That's No. 21.42
414242301Commandant C...Seems like a nightmare to control. Connecting with a remote link runs a huge risk of overloading their M.I.N.D.3
424343301Commandant BI still have some work to finish. I can't sever my link with my team members just yet.2
434444301AniZhuanchangBeginThe alert on your tactical terminal continues to ring. You suddenly recall your last link with No. 21.
474848301AniZhuanchangEndAniZhuanchangBeginBroken and wounded. Jaw trembling. Gray pupils, fierce and alert.
535454302AniZhuanchangEndLeave it to me. I'm free now.55
545555301DialogEnableAniZhuanchangBegin1Without any hesitation, you send a signal to confirm support and immediately proceed to No. 21's position marked on the map.
575858301AniZhuanchangEndDespite not bringing a remote connection device on the mission, you reach the distance required to establish a proximity connection as fast as your exoskeleton allows.
585959301No. 21's is vibrantly displayed nearby on your terminal.
6061613011Amid the flurry of dust and smoke, you see a white figure with a murderous glare in her eyes.
616262301As if throwing fatigue and emotions into the wind, the Construct commands her Co-Bot to relentless attack the already indistinguishable remains of Corrupted.
626363301You can tell at a glance that the Construct is beyond reasoning with. If she doesn't calm down soon, she may overload her M.I.N.D. due to being unable to control her power.
636464302(Approach)65(Attempt to connect)65
646565301You put the tranquilizer gun back into your tactical belt, raising your hands as you slowly approach No. 21.
656666301Aware that someone is approaching, No. 21 tenses her frame like a wounded little beast and roars menacingly.
666767302I'm not your enemy.68
676868301No. 21Mission... Destroy... Death...1
686969302Your mission is over.70
697070301No. 21Over...?1
707171302There aren't any Corrupted signals nearby.72
727373301After quite some time, it seems that No. 21 regains some semblance of clarity amidst the chaos, then robotically halts her struggle.
737474301She slowly looks at the scattered remains of the Corrupted, then looks back at you.
757676301DialogDisableNo. 21...【kuroname】?1
767777302It's me.78
777878302If you keep this up, you'll overload your M.I.N.D.79
787979302I want to establish a M.I.N.D. connection with you.80
798080301DialogEnableNo. 21...1
808181301She doesn't seem to be as confused, nor does she show a strong opposition to the proposal.
838484301SystemLink established.
848585302(Calibrating M.I.N.D.)86
868787301SystemM.I.N.D. stability for Construct BPH-22 has returned to normal.
878888301While you send a report to Command, No. 21 stands there silently as if someone had pressed pause. The sharp and drastic contrast from her previous frenzy seems incomprehensible.
888989301The wind and heartbeat in your ears begin to stabilize.
909191301SystemThreat removal confirmed by Command. ETE for the transport craft is twenty minutes. Remain in position and await extraction.
929393301DialogDisableHot wind carrying dust and smoke from the battle blows through No. 21's hair. While waiting for the transport craft, you both are surrounded by a peculiar silence.
939494302Why did you...95
949595302Lose control back there?96
969797301DialogEnable1No. 21When I got here, the ground was already covered with bodies.1
979898301No. 21I thought that the captain and Noctis might be among them...1
989999301No. 21And... that's when I saw them... The captain and Noctis... were there, too.1
99100100301No. 21But now I know that it wasn't real. My vision module was confused.1
100101101301No. 21I just wanted to finish the mission. But when I was fighting... I lost control.1
101102102301No. 21Until you got here, 【kuroname】.1
104105105301She answers quickly, and then, as if noticing something, she sniffs quietly and kneels down.
106107107301Following her gaze, you see a broken nameplate among the pile of Corrupted remains. You can barely recognize that it belongs to Babylonia's Task Force.
107108108302Is this...109
1091101103011No. 21It doesn't belong to the captain or Noctis.1
110111111301No. 21...Smells human.1
111112112302Does the nameplate belong to a human?113
112113113301No. 21 shakes her head.
113114114301No. 21It belongs to a Construct, but I don't smell any sign of life.1
116117117301Even though you know that sacrifice is inevitable for soldiers, you are still overcome with grief.
117118118301No matter how many times you experience it, you still can't get used to such things, nor should you.
118119119302AniZhuanchangBegin(Close eyes)120
120121121301AniZhuanchangEndNo. 21What are you doing?
121122122302We will mourn the soldiers who died on the battlefield.
122123123301No. 21Mourn...
123124124301No. 21But even if we do, they won't know.
124125125301DialogDisableNo. 21Why would you do it?
125126126302It's a way for us to say farewell.127They've given up their lives so that we can live.127
126127127302AniZhuanchangBeginWe must carry on their will to fight.128
128129129302AniZhuanchangEndThat's one of the reasons we continue to fight.130
130132132301DialogDisableNo. 21All I know is war.1
131133133302Thinking of Vera and Noctis lying on the ground...134
132134134302How did you feel?135
133135135301DialogEnableNo. 21Sad... Out of control...1
134136136301No. 21I don't want to think about it.1
135137137301No. 21I can't let that happen. So, I must fight.1
136138138302Whoever this nameplate belonged to thought so as well.139
138140140301A gust of wind lifts the dust off the ground. The roar of the approaching transport craft can be heard nearby in the sky.
139141141301No. 21 looks at a nameplate buried in vital fluid and dirt. She felt the impulse to do something though she couldn't tell where it came from.
140142142301Perhaps it was from the commandant's words and emotions, both of which were foreign to her, that had been shared over the link.
141143143301Perhaps it was human instinct that made it seem so important.
1421441443011AniZhuanchangBeginShe picks up the broken nameplate, then boards the transport craft.