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544301DialogEnable1After getting rid of all the Corrupted in the area, you spot someone familiar in the data you have picked up.
655301LivThis is... the girl who was looking for her sister. Based on the timestamp, this happened not long after she hung up the phone...1
766301LivI wonder if she did find her sister... Should I replay the record?1
141313301DialogEnableWith the sound of tires screeching, a raggedy jeep brakes abruptly in front of the ruins. The researcher called Angel jumps out of it with three Constructs.
1716163011Construct AThe road has been destroyed. We have to go on foot, but...1
181717301As the four of them approach their destination, each begins to show different signs of infection.
191818301Construct BThe Punishing Virus concentration here is getting dangerously high. Are you sure she's here?2
2221213011AngelYou can turn around if you're scared.1
232222301AngelI know my sister is here for a fact, just like how she always found me when we played hide-and-seek as kids. Our blood has bonded us.1
242323301She injects herself with a serum, then runs forward without looking back.
282727301A female Construct walks out of the ruins' shadows and calmly gazes at Angel.
292828301AngelSister! I found you!1
302929301LiadrinActually, I found you. But he's right, you should turn around.2
313030301AngelYes, I should go back, and so should you.1
323131301LiadrinI chose this, Angel. You shouldn't interfere.2
333232301AngelI just want to be with you, Sister!1
343333301LiadrinBe with me...2
353434301LiadrinAngel, when I fought as a Construct, I witnessed terrible deaths over and over again.2
363535301LiadrinAt this rate, you'll lose me sooner or later.2
373636301LiadrinThe only way to save me from the threat of the Punishing Virus is doing what Gabriel the angel told me to do.2
393838301AngelIf there is a shortcut, then why are we still fighting against the virus?!1
414141301AngelSister... Did you come to that conclusion after being wounded?1
434343301AngelI've always wanted to apologize... You gave up your future so that I could remain a researcher...1
444444301Liadrin...Only I was compatible with the copolymers. It wasn't your fault.2
454545301AngelBut... But if I also gave up my position, then we could've just survived as humans!1
464646301LiadrinDon't be silly. You only agreed to do research with me because that was the safest option.2
474747301LiadrinBut ever since I became a Construct, you can't stay focused on your job. It's only a matter of time before you're fired.2
484848301LiadrinYou know very well what it means to lose that job now.2
495050301AngelDid you conceal your injuries from me because you were worried about me?1
505151301There is a sudden movement in the shadows of the ruins, but no one besides Liadrin has sensed it at all.
515252301LiadrinAngel, you have to leave now.2
525353301AngelWhy? I won't leave without you. Come with me!1
535454301AngelWe've been together since we were born. You're my only family left in this world!1
545555301LiadrinIt's too dangerous here. Go, go with them!2
555656301AngelNo! Sister... I always did what you told me to do... but this time...1
565757301Angel's voice is shaking. Tears rush out of her eyes uncontrollably. She tosses her gun and throws herself at Liadrin.
575858301AngelJust let me follow my heart for once... Sister!1
585959301Liadrin tries to push away Angel, who is holding onto her arm, but in a split second—
616262301Angel's body falls backward while her hand is still tightly clasping Liadrin's arm.
636464301The other three Constructs react immediately to this horrifying scene. They hold up their weapons and fire fiercely at Gabriel, but all of them are incapacitated after just a few seconds.
6566663011GabrielLooks like the material is here.1
666767301LiadrinWhat did you say?!2
676868301GabrielI knew I was right about you. You have the gift. All you need is a little extra help.1
697070301Angel focuses away from the excruciating pain. She presses hard against her severed wrist and wipes off the blood splashed into her eyes.
707171301But when she opens her eyes again, everything is still covered in red—the Punishing Virus is gushing out from Gabriel's hand. It then transforms into a bright red electric current and wraps itself around Liadrin like a bloody worm.
737475301GabrielWatch this closely.1
747576301Gabriel hurls a broken slate at the immobilized researcher, crushing her ribs loudly before she realizes what is happening.
757677301Angel shakily stretches out her intact hand toward Liadrin.
767778301Angel...Sister... I just want to... be with you...
777879301AngelWithout you... I...
798081301Her unfinished words disappear into the wind. The stretched out hand heavily drops on the ground.
818283301GabrielVery good. You'll do well as one of us.1
858687301Liadrin's wailing echoes painfully over the ruins but does not bring her any comfort. The living creatures around the area regard it merely as shrieking winds.
868788301RImgBg1DisableStill being corroded by the Punishing Virus, she raises her weapon and uses all of her strength to strike the Ascendant whom she thought was an angel—
8889903011AniZhuanchangBeginAfter that, Liadrin's projection vanishes.