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433301DialogEnableCeres, the goddess of fertility, I am the rainbow in the sky, and I am the envoy of the Queen of Heaven;
544301The Queen of Heaven, in the clouds, sent a message to ask you to leave your supple field where wheat, barley, rye, wild beans and peas flourish;
655301Thy turfy mountains, where live nibbling sheep, and flat meads thatch'd with stover, them to keep;
766301Thy banks with pioned and twilled brims, which spongy April at thy hest betrims;
877301To make cold nymphs chaste crowns; and thy broomgroves;
988301Whose shadow the dismissed bachelor loves;
1099301Being lass-lorn: thy pole-clipt vineyard; And thy sea-marge, sterile and rocky-hard, where thou thyself dost air; the queen o' the sky, whose watery arch and messenger am I;
111010301Bids thee leave these, and with her sovereign grace, here on this grass-plot, in this very place;
121111301To come and sport: her peacocks fly amain:
131212301Approach, rich Ceres, her to entertain.
141313301???In the last moment, the witch saves the piper and the champion slays the evil dragon.
151414301???Guided by the invisible thread of destiny, the childhood friends finally get to meet each other.
161515301???There, peonies and irises blossom on the lakeside.
171616301AniZhuanchangBegin???They tell each other about their past, how fate has brought them together, and how joyful it is to reunite.
212020301AylaYou are a genius.
232222301AylaYou've gotta be a genius!
242323301AylaI really, really, LOVE the story!
252424301AylaWhy don't you write it down? Just like how you adapted The Tempest, you can turn it into a play on stage.
262525301AylaI'm sure your original script will be one of the greatest. I can't wait to see it!
272626301Her heart is pounding, excited and exhilarated for the possibilities the future holds.
282727301SelenaI think this story still has a lot of room for improvement...
292828301Selena clenches her fists without anyone else noticing.
302929301It is a world pieced together by fragments of fantasies.
313030301She knows only a little about storywriting. And she isn't that experienced in this trade either. If she was to go freestyle right now, she would tell this fantasy story like singing a poem...
323131301Selena doesn't feel at ease at all.
333232301AylaBut I really enjoyed your stories.
343333301AylaThey are beautiful.
353434301AylaThey are all so beautiful that when you told me those stories, I could see the story happening in my mind. I am going to draw those scenes right now!
373636301Selena hesitates. What is it that she wants to say?
383737301Is the storyline too dull? Is her idea too naive or impractical? Or, is it that she was too obsessed with the romance and beauty that she couldn't control herself but put in too many fragments of thoughts and failed to make the sentences rhetorical enough?
393838301She has always known her own shortcomings.
403939301The words that were to come out of her mouth get intercepted halfway as Ayla reaches out to take Selena into her arms. Selena did not see this coming at all.
414040301Ayla...That's why I think your work is very impressive, Selena.
424141301Her body is warm to the touch. And her heartbeats are strong.
434242301Ayla...Will you let me design the stage and settings for this play?
444343301Her pink eyes show the purest, most sincere colors.
464545301SelenaThank you, Ayla.
474646301Her mind is racing.
484747301Yes, this is a naive fantasy. Yes, it is a mess. And yes, her story is unsophisticated and lacking flavor.
494848301But everything has to start somewhere.
504949301AniZhuanchangBeginShe wants to write it down. She wants to give it a try.
545353301AniZhuanchangEndBefore going out on the space station mission, Selena talked to Allen, the Chairman of the WGAA.
5655553011AllenYour opera once took Babylonia by storm and the WGAA thought highly of your career. There was no doubt you had real talent and skills.1
575656301AllenYou come from a wealthy family, and your future was incredibly bright. There was nothing compelling you to become a Construct.1
585757301AllenSo why did you become a Construct and join the Archaeological Team?1
595858301AllenDon't get me wrong, members of the Archaeological Team can continue to engage in their previous pursuits. It's just that there are archaeological tasks to be performed regularly and so the amount of time you can spend on operas is much less than before.1
605959301AllenI doubt you've given up the opera... You're not the fickle sort.1
626161301She ponders for a while but decides not to answer the question. Instead, she changes the subject.
636262301She starts talking about an original opera with Allen.
646767301Some people told her how valuable a writer's early books could be, some offered to publish that story, and some were amazed by the brilliant ideas behind her story and even wanted to read it whether it could be published or not.
656868301Selena turned them all down.
6770703011AllenWere you distressed by the recognition and attention that your work brought to you?1
687171301Selena shakes her head.
768080301AniZhuanchangEndThe soldier's words lash her and judge her.
778181301She was arrogant for portraying an era with which she was completely unfamiliar and taking the liberty to speculate how the people were struggling and feeling in that world. She had described a war filled with pain and sorrow as a story that was magnificent and glorious.
788282301How foolish that was. Shame, confusion, anxiety, and many other mixed feelings haunted her like ghosts, forcing her to face the crimes she had committed and blaming her for the awful plays.
798383301She could not be forgiven. She could not forgive herself.
808484301AniZhuanchangBeginShe was not going anywhere. Her work was not going anywhere.
838787301AniZhuanchangEndAniZhuanchangBegin1SelenaDuring that time, I noticed I couldn't write any stories at all. I was struggling to piece together a meaningful paragraph.1
869090301AniZhuanchangEndWords that come out of the tip of her pen are throwing questions and doubts at her.
879191301Is the story realistic enough? Is it accurate enough? Or, is it all just her imagination and speculation?
889292301How can she describe reality? Has she strayed away from the truth all along?
899393301AniZhuanchangBeginSelena turns around.
919595301AniZhuanchangEndShe finds the very first story she wrote. It was papers filled with fantasies.
9397973011SelenaI returned to the virtual exhibition center, where I first used my little robot to act out The Tempest.1
959999301The exhibition center had had its technologies renewed. It even had a new manager to look after things.
96100100301AniZhuanchangBeginThe holographic games centered around war are as popular as always. The more casual sections were replaced with exhibition stalls of that theme.
98102102301AniZhuanchangEndThat day, when Selena returned home, she made a choice.
1001041043011SelenaI sent an email to the new manager and requested to set up a stall for virtual plays.1
102106106301She didn't send the email as Selena, the famous playwright of Babylonia. Instead, she put an anonymous signature.
103107107301AniZhuanchangBeginJust like back when she was a young, inexperienced writer with no reputation or resource but a heartful of passion, she nervously waited for a chance to make herself seen.
105109109301AniZhuanchangEndAniZhuanchangBeginBut Selena's email was like a rock that sank to the bottom of the sea and caused no ripples.
106110110301AniZhuanchangEndAniZhuanchangBeginShe waited three more days and decided to send another email. This time, she attached her work and pleaded to tell the recipient about her dream and plan for the exhibition.
108112112301AniZhuanchangEndTwo days later, she finally received a reply. The manager refused her request and didn't even tell her why.
109113113301AniZhuanchangBeginAfter some hesitation and thought, she decided to have a talk with the manager face-to-face to plead once again.
111115115301AniZhuanchangEndSelena filed a request to the exhibition center's online system and asked to meet the new manager. She arrived early at the meeting room, but the manager never came until the center was almost about to close.
1131171173011SelenaThe manager didn't recognize me. That... calmed me somehow.1
115119119301The manager was impatient with Selena's persistence. He took the documents and files, which Selena carefully put together, only to take a quick glance at them.
116120120301Exhibition ManagerEvery stall in this exhibition center displays only the most valuable works. I don't know where you got the idea that you could request a stall for free, but... we simply cannot spare any stall for your work, not even the stalls in the corner.
117122122301Selena immediately said she would be willing to rent a stall and sign an insurance contract in case the stall was damaged in any way.
118123123301But the manager didn't take the offer.
119124124301Instead, he waved his hand, turned around, and turned on his communication device.
120125125301Selena kept a polite distance and waited patiently.
121126126301Selena was persistent and not about to give up anytime soon. The manager realized she would not let him be if they didn't draw a conclusion to this discussion.
122127127301So, he turned off his communication device and took a deep breath as if he was making a big decision.
123128128301Exhibition ManagerI cannot give you a stall of your own. You said your story is about a champion and an evil dragon, right? That theme is a cliche, but...
124129129301Exhibition Manager...At least it involves fighting. You have one day to use the exhibition stall. And you can pick one of our partners' gaming samples to create a package, so that you can show your play during the in-game loading screen.
125130130301Her heart was racing. After the manager left and she could no longer hear his footsteps, she placed her hand on her heart and crouched slowly.
126132132301It was probably because her blood was coursing faster, which gave more pressure to the blood veins. She felt a bit sad somehow. The suffocating feeling came rushing in just as quickly as it vanished. She breathed gently.
1281341343011SelenaI realized back then how lucky I was to build that makeshift stage and make the play happen.1
129135135301AniZhuanchangBeginI was also lucky to meet audiences that knew to appreciate the play and like-minded friends.
132138138301AniZhuanchangEndAfter that, it was a stressful preparation.
133139139301Selena didn't tell anyone about this and didn't share her feelings and thoughts with anyone either.
134140140301It was a 1-on-1 duel between her and herself only. She wouldn't let anyone help. Selena prepared alone and made sure to follow the guidelines given by the manager: breaking down the story, replacing unnecessary parts with interactive gaming content... She worked hard to mix the play with games.
135142142301If she forced her stories into the game, it would be too awkward and out of place. The players who came to enjoy the combat would likely lose their patience. But if she omitted too many parts of the story, the play would be confusing to the audience who had an interest in exploring the story.
136143143301Facing all these challenges, she wasn't planning to back down. She had something to show in its most original form. This was her only chance.
137144144301Introduction, connection, transition, and ending. The most important part was to bring an immersive experience to the audience and prevent them from distracting them.
138145145301An idea came to Selena's mind. What if she used the windows between battles to bring everyone a vintage, calming fantasia in the form of recitative?
139146146301AniZhuanchangBeginThat would fill the blank in this gaming sample with colors and hopefully make everything lively.
141148148301AniZhuanchangEndThen, on the exhibition day, she sent the software to the manager and arrived at the center early, waiting.
142149149301The staff started to get things ready in the exhibition center. This was the first time they demonstrated gaming samples. There were comment systems set up next to the exhibition stalls, so that the audience could leave their comments after experiencing something.
143150150301The moment the exhibition machine lit up, Selena felt like her heart was going to burst.
1451521523011AllenYou are very good at designing plays. I'm sure people liked your innovative work at that exhibition.1
147154154301Selena gives a very faint smile and shakes her head.
148155155301It didn't end well at all.
149156156301The combat was all about real-time experience. It was nothing like stories, which would take time to read. No one was patient enough to bear with the storytelling part.
150157157301The two things just weren't meant to be presented together.
151158158301AniZhuanchangBeginMost people didn't want to visit her stall. And for those who did, they got distracted by the other cooler, more awesome games pretty quickly.
153160160301AniZhuanchangEndThis is tedious.
154161161301What was that music in the beginning? That was annoying.
155162162301This is a failure.
156163163301This is a waste of time.
157164164301I like the thrilling combat, but what's the storytelling about?
159166166301I can see the designer put a lot of effort into it... but this is wrong.
160167167301What is this? I'm confused.
161168168301What is the singing part supposed to be? Touching?
162169169301AniZhuanchangBeginI can see that this is storytelling, but it is so out of place. I was hoping for a more immersive feeling.
165172172301Someone kicked the robot.
166173173301This is obsolete.
167174174301This is wrong.
168175175301This is a joke.
169176176301The romance isn't romantic enough. And the tragedy isn't tragic enough.
170177177301This isn't worth my time.
1721791793011SelenaThose were the comments I received.1
173180180301Selena...At first, I was in pain.1
175182182301It was like the sting of a needle.
176183183301Selena is stone-faced when she says it.
177184184301Sure, the audience was critical, but they were not just haters. The comments were genuine and honest.
178185185301So, after the exhibition was over, she asked the manager to get the data of the exhibition comment system. She collected the comments the audience left and reviewed every single one of them.
179186186301They were the genuine comments she was hoping for. It was hard but also the way it was meant to be.
180187187301Selena knew she had to look at things from an unbiased perspective. That was how she could really understand how the audience felt about her work and improve it accordingly.
181188188301AniZhuanchangBeginShe knew no matter how critical the comments were, they should be respected and valued. The comments were the truth she had always wanted to know.
184191191301AniZhuanchangEndAylaI'm sure your original script will be one of the greatest. I can't wait to see it!
185192192301Her heart is pounding, excited and exhilarated for the possibilities the future holds.
186193193301AniZhuanchangBeginSelenaI think this story still has a lot of room for improvement...
188195195301AniZhuanchangEndShe has always known her own shortcomings.
189196196301Has her arrogance ruined another one of her works?
190197197301Is she going too far weaving every romantic fantasy with such care and polishing every phrase so tirelessly?
191198198301In this battle within herself, she has lost all judgment.
192199199301The audience tried to guide her, but eventually, no one was there to point her in the right direction.
193200200301AniZhuanchangBeginHer verdict has been announced. But the thing she thought would be the evidence judges her once more.
196203203301AniZhuanchangEndSelena stands in front of the stall.
197204204301The character she controls dies countless times because of her poor mechanical skills.
198205205301But the champion doesn't choke on their blood. Instead, they fight to their last breath.
199206206301The melodies and tones turn into noisy, annoying music that echoes non-stop.
200207207301A question comes to her mind.
201208208301Had what happened in the exhibition center happened when she first started her career, would everything still be the same?
202209209301Hadn't she met Ayla and gotten inspired, would she continue to write more plays?
203210210301She ponders the question for a very long time.
204211211301There is no answer.
205212212301At that moment, she cannot find an absolute, clear answer.
206213213301Selena imports the data of her draft into Hamlet. She hasn't made any changes to it, but she has added some new endings.
212219219301AniZhuanchangBeginShe has decided to take the modification surgery and become a Construct.
214221221301AniZhuanchangEndThe life of an Archaeological Team Construct isn't as flamboyant as she thought. Quite the opposite, it is quite mundane.
215222222301But that all changed after this large-scale space station operation.
2172242243011SelenaMany things happened today.1
218225225301SelenaI have finished the last ending of that fantasy play.1
220227227301SelenaThe final touch for the new frame's M.I.N.D. adaptation is also done.1
221228228301Selena grins.
223230230301Ayla insisted on developing the new frame earlier and acted as the lead designer for its appearance.
224231231301She proposed many ideas, which were accepted and optimized.
225232232301In the space of M.I.N.D., Selena is looking at herself.
226233233301The frame she is using right now is suitable for an archaeological mission with a standard appearance.
227234234301The appearance of this new frame is more like a dress one would wear to a ball or a banquet. The entire set looks particularly fancy.
230237237301AylaI want to bring out the best Selena!
231238238301AniZhuanchangBeginThat's what Ayla wrote in her mail.
234241241301AniZhuanchangEnd1SelenaThe best me, huh...1
236243243301SelenaMany people, including myself in the past, thought I never doubted my own talents. They thought I had absolute confidence in myself.1
238245245301Even when she is lost, she still makes decisions and takes action.
239246246301She wants to try it and prove it. She wants a chance at redemption. And she is constantly moving forward.
240247247301AniZhuanchangBeginThe moment her new frame is configured, in the illusory space of M.I.N.D., Selena sees the beast in herself clearly as if looking in a mirror.
243250250301AniZhuanchangEnd1Is that the way she liked herself best?
244251251301It was as exquisite, delicate, innocent, and beautiful as the delightful music in a fantasy.
245252252301She was arrogant and a lucky person who lived in Eden. She had delusional dreams. Her sins. The beast within her.
246253253301But she never looked away from the fire that burned within her. She would bear all these burdens on her journey.
2502572573011SelenaI knew all too well the fantasy was an incomplete play.1
251258258301SelenaBut it still had some merits.1
253260260301Her arrogance doesn't come from her presumptuous attempt to portray reality.
254261261301She reflects on her naivety.
255262262301But she cannot blame it on her very first work.
256263263301She cannot blame it on herself in the past.
257264264301This is because she understands it better than anyone else that herself in the past tried to portray a fantasy world using her utmost genuine feelings.
258265265301Her arrogance is part of the reality.
259266266301Her naivety is part of the reality.
260267267301Treating naivety as a mistake and erasing it, refusing to admit her very first work, and refusing to accept who she once was, those are the real arrogance.
261268268301If her arrogance is a ferocious wolf, a lion, a leopard, a beast within her, and the sins she cannot leave behind, it is all the more reason why she must bear this burden and move on.
2632702703011SelenaI think no thought or action that can be called progress or improvement is built upon the elimination of something that came before.1
265272272301SelenaI really like that fantasy story.1
267274274301She likes the play, the way she tried to create stories, the incomplete fantasy story, all her wildest imaginations that she put into it, and how she gave it her all to perfect the story. She went all out and even more than that.
268275275301She knows there is still a very long way to go. She once doubted herself. She was once rejected. But despite all that...
269276276301...The path she treads leads her to where she is now, whether that path is a winding trail or an easy road. All that happened to her made her who she is.
270277277301She is naive and innocent but also constantly making progress. She made mistakes but also atonement. She was a human and then a Construct. She was a writer and then a fighter.
271278278301It is without doubt and undeniable that she is herself whether she likes it or not. The pieces of the past complete her. All the wrong and right decisions and all her behaviors and thoughts are part of Selena.
2742812813011SelenaAfter this operation is done, I am going to do two things.2
275282282301SelenaI will attend the next WGAA party with my new frame.2
276283283301SelenaAnd I will reimagine the original story in the most perfect way possible using Hamlet. It will include the new ending. I want everyone to see it.2
277284284301AllenAre you doing this to prove something or to get a new verdict?1
278285285301SelenaI'm doing this to express myself and relive the past.2
279286286301She is doing it to make progress and move on.
280287287301AllenEven if the audience is going to mistake your message?1
281288288301SelenaThere is no such thing, Allen.2
282289289301SelenaWhy did you name the play machine Hamlet?2
283290290301SelenaThere are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes.2
285292292301AllenThere are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes.1
286293293301Allen pauses.
288295295301AniZhuanchangBeginAllenLegend says the author said the exact same thing to comment on the feedback he received from the audience, but we don't know if that's true. The majority of scholars who study the art of the Golden Age believe that quote is made up by some commentators.1
293300300301AniZhuanchangEndIt is an ending about a reunion.
294301301301???...【kuroname】... 【kuroname】.
298305305302I'm awake.306I recorded that melody.306
299306306301Ayla looks at you nervously. One can only imagine how much anxiety she has gone through during this time.
300307307301You wonder if you went missing, would someone try to find you and hope for your return as desperately as Ayla wants to find her.
301308308301This thought in your mind quickly fades away like mist because there is a more important matter to attend to right now.
302309309302I'm sure that's the second half of the whale song.310I have recorded the message. We can use the machine to analyze it.312
303310310301Ayla...That means...1
304311311302That means Selena might still be alive.316
306313313301AniZhuanchangEndThe system's analysis proves your theory.
307314314301Ayla...That means...1
308315315302That means Selena might still be alive.316
309316316302AniZhuanchangBeginDo you remember what you said?317Do you remember I told you the side effect would be more severe than the Remote Connection Technology?318
312319319301AniZhuanchangEndAniZhuanchangBeginAylaI think the nature of this technology is similar to that of a remote connection as they both allow a commandant to synchronize with a Construct.1
314321321325301AniZhuanchangEndAylaThe theater play experience is, in fact, another type of emotional connection that allows more people to connect together. Connections no longer exist only among characters. The audience and creators can become part of it as well.1
315322322301AniZhuanchangEndAniZhuanchangBeginAylaI think the nature of this technology is similar to that of a remote connection as they both allow a commandant to synchronize with a Construct.1
317324324327301AniZhuanchangEndAylaThe theater play experience is, in fact, another type of emotional connection that allows more people to connect together. Connections no longer exist only among characters. The audience and creators can become part of it as well.1
318325325301AylaIt was... just a metaphor.1
319326326302What if they did use the same technology?329
320327327301Ayla...The Remote Connection Technology?1
321328328302What if they did use the same technology?329
322329329301AylaAre you suggesting Selena might have connected to you using Hamlet?1
323330330302That is a possibility.331Though there are many things that we haven't figured out yet.331
324331331301DialogDisableAylaIf Selena is still alive... If she is truly connected to you...1
325332332302That is only a possibility.333
326333333302But I don't want to give up on that possibility.334
327334334302I will enter the play once again.335
328335335302I need you to do two things for me, Ayla.336
330337337301AylaKeep an eye on Hamlet and locate the whale song by searching for a matching signal on the surface while you are connected?1