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544301DialogEnable The sun probes from the eastern horizon. The morning glow pierces the darkness and fades to black upon reaching this far.
655301An invisible boundary divides the sky. The distant east shines with the first rays of morning, warm and bright. Yet the sky above remains cloaked in darkness, cold and deep.
766301 This is a race toward the rising sun. Under the guidance of the Strike Hawk, you flee the deep and distant darkness as you set out for the bright and warm horizon.
988301RImgBg1Shake In the blue sky, there suddenly appears a beam of light more dazzling than the sun, like a meteor plummeting at your back.
1099301 Before you can turn your head, you hear Wanshi.
1211113011WanshiDon't look back!1
141313301WanshiKeep going. Don't look back.1
151414302(Continue onward)15
171616301 Cross that boundary and do not look back.
181717301 Whether that be the Hetero-Creature or the broken figure within, leave them both behind.
191818301 It seems that as long as you do not think about it, the heavy sense of guilt will not overwhelm you.
201919301 On the way back, the desert is still and lifeless. Without the whale song, the Red Tide is now a stagnant pool.
212020301 Knowing everything that went into this, your pace becomes increasingly burdensome.
222121301 Among the haze, you see three familiar figures standing on a familiar hill in the distance.
232222301 Before you can speak, Lucia rushes forward and hugs you tightly.
2524243011LuciaCommandant... Commandant...1
262525301 You feel her trembling.
272626301LuciaDon't ever do that again. No matter what. Don't ever go at it alone.1
282727301 Surviving this ordeal should have filled you with joy, but now there is only grief.
292828301 Looking around, you see Lee and Liv standing solemnly to the side. Only Lucia is here holding you tightly.
302929301 When choosing to act alone, you never seemed to consider their feelings.
313030301 You feel as if they should be capable of understanding your intentions.
323131301 At this moment, you deeply understand one thing—you should not risk your life as long as they are around.
333232302I'm sorry.33Lucia... I feel... awful.37
3534343011LivCommandant, you really need to reflect on how you left without saying goodbye.1
363535301 The look on Liv's face remains serious briefly before softening.
37363643301LivYou need to... You need to cherish yourself.1
393838301 Lucia finally comes to her senses and releases you.
403939301LuciaLiv, check the commandant's vital signs.1
4241413011LeeRelax, Lucia.1
434242301LeeThe commandant looks unharmed.1
454444301 Lee looks you over steadily. Without saying a word, he seems to understand everything.
464545301 He pats you on the shoulder.
474646301AniZhuanchangBeginLeeTired? Get some rest... We'll talk about the report later.1
4948482021 1
525151301AniZhuanchangEnd1LeeI've compiled a report on the specific matters of the Gray Raven's violations during this operation. I'll submit it to Babylonia when the time comes.1
535252301LeeRegardless of the final outcome, it's an established fact that we acted without regard to the instructions of HQ.1
545353301LeeLooks like this time we'll be tied up in military court for a while.1
555454302Got it.55Afraid?58
565555301Lee...Are you not concerned in the slightest?1
575656301LeeIs it because you've got a big heart? Or are you really that fearless?1
58575761301LeeForget it. Now's not the time. All that matters is you made it back safe and sound.1
6059593011LuciaWe'll always be right there with you, Commandant.1
616060301LuciaWe've got nothing to fear as long as you're here.1
6362623011LeeThere's one more thing. Regarding the refugees...1
646363301 He pauses in thought before continuing slowly.
656464301LeeMost of them have still chosen to stay.1
666565301LeeHowever, some have decided to leave.1
676666301LeeConsidering that there aren't that many people, the temporary facilities will suffice, even if the conservation area on the surface is incomplete.1
686767301LeeBabylonia will soon dispatch a transport craft to relocate them.1
696868302What about the others?69
706969301LeeHonestly, this environment has already become inhospitable for humans.1
717070301LeeEven though the Red Tide has stopped spreading, the remaining Punishing Virus has blocked their access to nearby cities.1
727171301LeeThey won't be able to hold out much longer here.1
737272301LeeBut if they choose to stay, all we can do is respect their decision.1
747373302So all of this was for nothing?74
757474301LeeIf consequentialism is the deciding factor, then most of the actions in the world are meaningless.1
767575301LeeNot everything can be judged based solely on the number of survivors written in the report.1
7877773011LivLee's right. I don't think what you did was meaningless at all.1
797878301LivCommandant, you stood up for their hopes and dreams.1
807979301LivThe fact that you fought until the last minute is precisely why both sides were able to come to a mutual understanding.1
818080301 Mutual understanding?
838282301 Closing your eyes, your mind fills with the image of the broken figure's almost carefree smile after taking over the bit domain node.
848383301 With your thoughts still in disarray, you're unable to conjure up a response to the three people before you.
858484301 You cannot help but look to the scout who, like yourself, knows what really happened.
868585301 After undergoing emergency maintenance, Wanshi is now quietly lying on a haystack with his eyes closed as he basks in a sunbeam. He appears to be fast asleep.
878686301 For a moment, you do not know whether to think about if Constructs actually need sleep or to call him over.
888787301 After some consideration, you decide not to rush over and awaken him.
898888301AniZhuanchangBegin Having crossed such rugged terrain, a short respite is warranted.
919090301AniZhuanchangEnd Regardless of the struggles on Earth, nothing will affect the eternal migration of stars.
929191301 This planet has always been like this—equally cruel, equally compassionate.
939292301 It seldom rains in the desert, but when it does, the sky is as clear and transparent as a mirror.
949393301 The moist dust cannot be lifted by the roaring wind yet. At this moment, everyone stops to appreciate the beauty of the stillness.
959494301 Hans, dressed in his starched and pressed military uniform, stands quietly outside the camp.
969595301 The surrounding scenery is embraced by a brilliant, transparent silence. Now standing here, he can finally overlook the distant sparkling coastline.
989797301 He hears a rustling of footsteps from behind.
999898301 Hans does not look back.
1009999301 The old man walks up to Hans and gazes off into the distance with him.
1021011013011Old ManWhy didn't you retreat?1
107106106301 Hans closes his eyes.
108107107301HansIt's been a long time since I've seen a sunrise.2
109108108301 After a few moments, Hans realizes that he has not been on the surface in nearly ten years.
110109109301 Like a soul without a home, exiled by the atmosphere and gravity, drifting in low Earth orbit.
112111111301HansNow the children of Babylonia have forgotten about the Golden Age.2
113112112301They forgot where they came from and how their culture was born.
114113113301They opened their eyes among the stars. For them, Earth is no different from the Moon.
115114114301HansWe tell them that Earth is our home, but we can't tell them why.2
116115115301HansSoon, everything will become a fragment of history.2
117116116301Old Man...1
118117117301HansIf I had to choose, I wouldn't leave.2
119118118301But as a soldier, he had no choice.2
120119119301HansThose who survive must continue the dreams of the dead.2
121120120301 Only the living can see tomorrow. Only the living can exact revenge. Only the living can have hope.
122121121301 No matter how painful, no matter how unwilling, even if he has to destroy what he truly wants, he must leave.
124123123301HansShould we not feel guilty...?2
125124124301HansI think not.2
127126126301 This burden of guilt nearly crushes him beneath its weight.
128127127301 But it will also become a chain that binds him to the battlefield, forcing him to continue facing all hell before him.
129128128301 Until he dies, he will fight—fight his way.
130129129301 No matter how disgraceful and despised by others... he will fight until his heart stops and shatters to pieces.
131131131301 Rather, he is just a tombstone that refuses to topple.
132132132301AniZhuanchangBegin Should he crumble, the glory of the Golden Age engraved on him will become dust in the long river of time, never to return.
136136136301AniZhuanchangEnd The man in his starched and pressed uniform leaves. Now, only the old man remains standing, gazing off into the distant sea.
137137137301Old ManAt this age, can you still feel sorrow...?1
138138138301 In a trance, he seems to hear the sound of waves.
139139139301 Must be his imagination...
140140140301 From this distance, even the ocean breeze would be unable to carry the sound this far.
141141141301 This is only a residual sound from his memory.
142142142301 He slowly takes a seat on the ground.
143143143301 In the blue sky, several black spots suddenly appear. Those must be the transport crafts sent by Babylonia to pick them up.
144144144301 The old man glances back at the camp. Some people had come out of their homes, mostly young children.
145145145301 The lost boy is leaning against his grandmother and waving at the old man.
146146146301 The old man turns to wave back.
147147147301Old ManGrow up big and strong.1
148148148301 He says almost inaudibly.
150150150301 Life is full of all kinds of farewells.
151151151301 People he had come to know left his world one by one.
152152152301 Regardless of those he loved and hated, they are already gone.
153153153301 This was just another farewell.
154154154301 He cannot leave this land. Many others cannot leave either. Some people will be bound to their hometown all their lives.
155155155301 Those who are about to leave and those who choose to stay say goodbye to each other, but there is no sadness on their faces.
156156156301AniZhuanchangBegin Because watching young birds leave the nest is not something to grieve over.
158158158301AniZhuanchangEnd She had a very long nightmare.
159159159301 Her body was torn apart, broken down, and then put together again.
160160160301 Supporting such a fragmented body, she lingered in the endless darkness until she forgot what she even looked like.
161161161301 In the haze, someone persuaded her to give up.
162162162301 If she were to give up, she would no longer continue to suffer. If she were to give up, she would not have to continue to face hell.
163163163301 Was anything left unfinished? She could not remember. It was as if she had already faded from existence...
164164164301 No, that cannot be.
165165165301 Don't strain your mind with trying to work this strange business out.
166166166301 At a convenient moment, which will be soon, I'll explain everything and all these strange occurrences will become clear.
167167167301 '——'
168168168301 A name passed through her mind. Although she could not recall the exact name, she missed it from the bottom of her heart.
169169169301 Then a beam of light pierced the eternal night.
170170170301AniZhuanchangBegin The darkness was like a curtain, tearing from where the light shined, and slowly opening from both sides.
172172172301AniZhuanchangEnd Suddenly, her senses return.
173173173301 She slowly props up her upper body from the barren ground. She lifts her head and opens her eyes.
174174174301 The sun hangs in the vast blue sky. It is no longer the fiery ball of light in space that incinerates everything. The atmosphere makes it bless all life on Earth equally.
175175175301 It is so gentle that people forget all their sadness.
176176176301Here she sees sunlight for the first time, breathes her first gust of wind, and steps out onto Earth for the first time.
177177177301 Who is she? Why is she here? Nothing matters anymore.
178178178301DialogDisable She only wants to tell you all the miracles she saw along the journey.