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433301DialogEnableWith your combined efforts, you have defeated the last of them. However, among their familiar mechanical bodies, you find some unfamiliar Corrupted.
8773011LivWhat are these things?1
988301LuciaLooks like the fused Corrupted on the train.2
1099302Does this have anything to do with the Red Tide?10
111010301LivWe still don't have enough intel. Lee, can you use the Spear of F.O.S. to restore their memory?1
121111301LeeI'm trying.3
131212301LeeI can pick up their data, but it can't be deciphered.3
141313302Are there any other clues?14
151414301LuciaOnce we've watched the final segment, this area will be clear.2
161515302Let's proceed to the next area.16
181717301At that point, your comms indicator flashes again.
2120203011MurrayFinally, I've reached you. Are you alright?1
222121302We're fine.22
232222301MurrayI received Bridget's report. We really should prioritize tracking the Ascendants.1
242323301MurrayIs there anything else to report?1
2827273011AsimovGet out of here. You're distracting me from my work.2
292828301MurraySorry, I'll be leaving shortly.1
302929302Why are you two together?30
313030301MurrayWe lost contact for so long, I was starting to get worried.1
323131301MurrayI noticed you sent a report to Asimov through the survey channel, so I thought I'd come here to see how it's going.1
333232302Asimov, we've collected some new samples.33
343333301AsimovGood, send them to me.2
353434302We also found some new Corrupted.35
363535301AsimovNew Corrupted?2
373636302If you don't mind, Liv.37
4241413011LivNot at all.1
444343301After receiving the sample data from Liv, Asimov furrows his eyebrows in contemplation, revealing an expression you have never seen before.
454444301He stands up suddenly and runs to the other side of the lab as if searching for something. Then you hear the sound of a cup overturning.
4746463011LuciaI've never seen him this flustered.1
484747302Looks like it's serious.48
504949301After waiting for a moment in silence, Asimov returns to the comms with his brows still furrowed.
545353302What's happening?54Are you okay?54
555454301AsimovThese bodies... They're starting to show biological signs never before seen in Corrupted.2
565656302They're evolving biologically?57
575757301AsimovCorrect. However, based on the intel you sent back, there are still a lot of unknowns.2
585858301AsimovBut after breaking down the components of the Red Tide by their functions, we can determine that it closely resembles the primordial ocean on Earth.2
595959302So, the Hetero-Creatures are born from the Red Tide?60
606060301AsimovWe still can't say conclusively. But given how related they are, it is highly possible.2
616161301AsimovHow large is the Red Tide now?2
6464643011LuciaIt can already cover an entire city block. We've also used the Spear of F.O.S. to uncover records of a missing squad. We've only just sent their discoveries back because of the signal issues.1
656565301LuciaAccording to them, the Red Tide was more like a red fountain previously, and it was hiding underground. But in just a short amount of time, it turned into a rising tide that could submerge an entire block.1
666666301Asimov lowers his head and shifts his glance from the report on Hetero-Creature to the information on the missing team.
676767301AsimovThe rate of expansion...2
686868302You worry that it might cover the entire planet?69Will Hetero-Creatures replace humankind?69
707070301AsimovWe can't rule out that possibility, but we also can't panic just because it's possible.2
717171301AsimovWe must investigate further. Aside from this report, do you have any new information on the Red Tide?2
727272302There's only one more thing.73
7474743011MurrayWell, tell us.2
757575301LuciaWhile investigating the missing team, we also found out that the Red Tide can retain the consciousness of the dead.1
7777773011AsimovYes, I saw this information in the report.2
787878301AsimovWhether the Red Tide is imitating the dead, or it really does retain their consciousness, the situation looks bleak.2
797979301AsimovIt means that it can lure unwitting people into the Red Tide.2
808080302...Lure people into it.81
818181301AsimovAlso, it may be able to use the data it collects from their consciousness to evolve its own consciousness... and become a real living organism.2
828282301Lucia...It's still expanding. It even actively moves to places where Corrupted gather to devour them, growing even further.1
838383301AsimovPredatory behavior...2
8585853011LivHowever, the Corrupted don't completely dissolve. Rather, they're... dismantled in the Red Tide.1
868686301LivThey become parts.1
8888883011LuciaIf the Red Tide crashes into humans, they will be hit and maybe even killed by these scraps before they drown.1
898989301AsimovDismantled... into parts? Is it because they can't be dissolved, or...2
909090301Asimov keeps his unproven speculation to himself before throwing out a question.
919191301AsimovWhat do you think the Red Tide will evolve into?2
929292301LuciaIt'll accelerate the spread of the Punishing Virus while continuing to expand.1
9494953011MurrayIs that all?2
959697301Murray nods. Asimov stops his work and turns to see him smiling by his side.
969798301MurrayI just received a report from another team. They were stationed further away, and they hadn't had direct contact with the Red Tide, but they spoke with the scavengers nearby.2
979899301MurrayRecently, a large number of Corrupted have been gathering in the ruins, where there have been reports of unused supplies.2
9899100301MurrayHowever, no one that ventured into the ruins has ever returned. Who do you think is responsible for this?2
99100101302Could it be the Ascendants?102
100101102301MurrayIt's highly likely. The scavengers gave a vague description, but early accounts seem to share some resemblance.2
101102103301MurrayAt this rate, even if Huaxu didn't lead us here, we would've investigated this area due to the rumors or the sheer number of teams that would have gone missing here.2
1031041053011LeeThis means they have a trump card in their hand. Once it matures, they will have something as powerful, if not more, than the Ascendants.1
1071081093011LeeThey needed to keep it a secret in the past, but now they're no longer afraid of people spreading rumors or our squads going missing. That can only mean that their trump card is almost ready to be deployed.1
108109110301LeeIn other words, although the Red Tide and Hetero-Creatures pose a threat, they can't overpower us any time soon. And yet they still carry out their plan, which means there must be an even greater threat.1
1101111123011AsimovI think so too. Now that we have obtained this information, we need to destroy this immature trump card before they can play it.2
1121131143011MurrayOf course it didn't take you long to figure it out, Lee.2
113114115301LeeAnyone would have come to the same conclusion with this information.1
114115116301MurrayBut we don't have enough intel yet. Commandant, Lee, please report back if you have any new information.2
1171181203011AsimovCan you leave my lab first?1
118119122301MurrayAlright, alright. No problem.2
119120123301MurrayI was just here because you looked anxious from all the news on the Red Tide, so I wanted to coordinate with you on the new information as soon as possible. Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you.2
121122125301AsimovI appreciate the gesture, but you can sort out the information later and give it to me then.1
122123126301MurrayAlright, I'll be going now.2
123124127301Murray nods to Asimov, then waves to the camera.
124125128301MurrayBe careful, everyone. Especially you, Lee. Don't get carried away.2
1311321353011Lee...Got it.3
132133136301Murray smiles and terminates the call. But right after that, you see a familiar projection flashes by.
135136139301LuciaWhat is it, Commandant?2
136137140302I think I just saw Roland.141
137138141302AniZhuanchangBeginHe was chasing a boy.142
145146149301AniZhuanchangEnd1Following the direction of the projection leaving, you see Roland smiling as usual while talking with a boy.
146147150301LuciaWho's the boy?
147148151301The four of you look at the boy, who stares at Roland angrily and appears slightly injured.
148149152302They don't look like they're companions.153
149150153301Perhaps because they have distanced themselves from the Corrupted at the scene, you only see them gesturing in conversation without hearing what they are saying.
150151154301Suddenly, the boy angrily smashes his fist against the wall, forming a crack in the projected wall.
151152155302This strength...156
152153156301LuciaLooks like the boy is a Construct, too.
153154157301Their conversation does not appear to be a pleasant one. Despite Roland's dissuasion, the boy runs to the end of the street out of sight of the onlooking Corrupted. At this point, the projections disappear.
1571581613011AniZhuanchangBegin1LuciaLet's go, Commandant!1