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433302From the intel we've collected...4
544302It's clear where we must go from here.5
988301DialogEnable1LuciaWe need to find a suitable method to track their whereabouts, or at least uncover enough intel to establish a starting point... Right?3
1099302That's right.10
111010301LeeLiv, scan the entire block for data. If it was machine or AI logic, we should be able to detect a pattern...2
121414301LivI scanned the whole block, and there are multiple data signals... Which one should I track?1
131616301Lee...Is that Commander Nikola's team? They always seem to be carrying out missions, but no one ever knows what they're about.2
141717302What are they doing here?18
151818301LeeGenerally speaking, it's above our pay grade.2
162020301LeeSo... What should we do?2
172121301LeeTracking the more probable signal of the two Task Force might be the most promising. Even if the program has a disguised ID, it wouldn't be Ouroboros or that signal we've never seen before.2
182222302Why's that?23
192323301LeeIf it were a signal we've never seen before, wouldn't that be more suspicious?2
202424301LeeAs for the two unknown signals, let Asimov check them after we solve the issue in the virtual space.2
212525301LeeAt present, we should focus our efforts on solving the more urgent task at hand.2
222727301LeeThe only source of intrusion we've found so far is Huaxu disguising as Bianca.2
232828301LuciaSo, I believe that is our best shot.3
242929301Lee...That makes sense.2
253030302Then let's start looking.31
273232301AniZhuanchangBeginLivUnderstood. I'll keep scanning.1
323737301AniZhuanchangEnd1AsimovMaintain mind link fluctuation within 0.05%... As long as we keep it within this boundary...2
3540403011KareninaAsimov! Something's wrong!1
364141301AsimovWhat is it?2
374242301KareninaBridget said that the energy reserve is almost emptied to keep the engines operational! Power reduction impact is expanding—the voltage regulators of the bridge and Gestalt can't counter this much fluctuation!1
384343301AsimovYou mean, if the energy fluctuations expand further...2
394444301Karenina...It'll be too late for Gestalt and the Gray Ravens inside.1
404545301AsimovIf we can use the independent emergency power of the ship, we may be able to hold out a little longer...2
414646301KareninaHey, Chief Technician! If you have any ideas, now is the time!1
424747301AsimovTurn off the thermostatic system in the residential quarters and divert the energy pipeline to Gestalt!2
434848301AsimovAs for the bridge... We'll have to use some elbow grease.2
465151301AsimovApart from what is needed to maintain the immersion... We'll manually transfer all pipelines, and turn off everything that is not necessary.2
4752523011AniZhuanchangBeginKarenina...That seems a bit primitive, but it just might work.1