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5553011HanyingCould it be... him? But that's impossible...1
666301She has no idea how her code signature as a mechanoid was leaked, but the only person in theory who knows the code... is her creator.
777301AniZhuanchangBeginStill, she has more important things to prepare right now. She greets her partners before heading off alone to the guest area behind the stage, where a stout merchant awaits her.
111111301AniZhuanchangEnd1Jin ManQuite a crowd out there, no? You're quite the headliner... Say, I was thinking of forming a group myself. How do you feel about some greener pastures?2
121212301Hanying smiles politely at Jin Man's taunts.
141414301HanyingIt's hardly a lively crowd if you haven't been coming around every day.1
151515301Jin ManYou might not think I was being serious, but I wasn't completely joking... You're worth the admission fee. There's no reason for you to risk going back to Kowloong. Who knows what that place looks like now?2
161616301Jin ManEven if you're doing it for the girl... Why would you let her leave? The Nighter is the safest place to be for her...2
171818301HanyingI promised Yoyo that... we'll go back to Kowloong together safely.1
181919301Jin ManHmph... Whatever. That's all I have to say. At the end of the day, I'm just a businessman looking for the best deal for me... I don't care what you do with your purchase as long as you can pay the price.2
192020301Jin Man takes a letter from his pockets, contemplating for a second before handing it to Hanying.
202121301Jin ManI've arranged the shuttle boat you need... It'll be waiting for you at the stern of the ship in three days when dawn breaks, disguised as a small cargo vessel. Hand this letter to the captain once you board it, and say nothing, understood?2
212222301Jin ManYou can pay me the rest of the fee once you're back on the shores of Kowloong.2
222323301HanyingI see...1
232424301Hanying bows, holding the letter in her arms.
242525301HanyingAnd... thank you.1
252626301Jin Man looks offended being thanked, loathing the suggestion that he is capable of some level of kindness. Eventually, he turns around and leaves, saying nothing.
282929301But he stops halfway through, turning back as if he remembers something he needs to warn Hanying.
293030301AniZhuanchangBeginJin ManThere seems to be a group of folks asking around for you. That's all I know... Stay safe. Don't die before you pay me the rest.2
353636301AniZhuanchangEnd1Hanying, perturbed, pauses in the garden before her home, her head replaying the words Jin Man parted her with.
363737301She had encountered enthusiastic fans before who caused her occasional troubles—nothing alarming for the Nighter.
373838301But this is different. The group looking for her includes half a dozen individuals instead of just a lone wolf or two... and they are not all humans. There are mechanoids and Constructs among them.
383939301Hanying casually removes her hairpin before suddenly turning around and flinging it toward the corridor ceiling—not even enthusiastic fans would be creeping there.
414242301She hears a painful scream from where she hit. Several figures immediately leap out from around her, each holding a stun pitchfork, seemingly trying to capture Hanying.
454646301A flanking tactic like this would have trapped most people, but as their metal stun pitchforks buzz and clank, interlocking with each other, Hanying has already disappeared before their eyes.
5051513011Bamboo Hat Crew?Up there!123
525353301As the forks are still tangled, Hanying, having leaped into the air, pounces from the ceiling, launching herself at one of the men and landing forcefully on his hand with the pitchfork. He collapses before he can scream.
535454301Since the pitchforks are interlocked, Hanying's plunge drives all of their weapons downward. With leverage, she launches several men back, sending them flying in all directions.
545555301RImgBg1ShakeA female mechanoid also in a bamboo hat kicks the figures flying toward her back to Hanying. Despite knowing their ill intentions, Hanying still catches them by their collars and gently tosses them aside.
5657573011Kemuri IBeep—beep beep—1
575858301But the attacking mechanoid is not letting Hanying take a break. Taking advantage of the gaps in Hanying's moves, the mechanoid flips into the air, reaching for Hanying with her branch-like arm.
5960603011HanyingYour foundation is lacking—1
606161301With a smile, Hanying bends backward, supporting herself with her arms. Dodging her assailant's claws with a backflip, she kicks the mechanoid right in the jaw with her raised feet, launching her assailant into the air in one swift, graceful dance-like move.
626363301HanyingTime to show yourself.1
636464301As Hanying stands on her feet, the mechanoid she kicked flies straight toward a rockery in the garden, shattering the small mountain into stones that bury the immobile mechanoid—and revealing the person hiding behind.
6566663011CradleI thought this would be more than enough people to capture a regular dancer...1
676868301HanyingYou might stand a chance with ten times the force.1
686969301Hanying wipes the dust off her sleeve, her gaze turning fierce.
697070301HanyingI hope you can offer a satisfying explanation of why you are following and attacking me, good sir. Otherwise...1
707171301Hanying enters her battle stance again, but the man simply waves his hand, indicating that he has no intention to fight.
7273733011CradleI don't plan to fight you—I don't need to.1
747575301Hanying hears a loud crash behind her. A massive figure is thrown to the ground, its body showing signs of having electricity passed through it.
757676301She immediately recognizes it as Uno, the Blubber mechanoid she keeps around to protect Yoyo. If Uno has been taken down...
7980803011YoyoLet go of me—!2
808181301Bamboo Hat Crew?Shut up!13
818282301Two men in bamboo hats carry Yoyo out of the house. Yoyo tries to fight back to no avail, her struggles leading only to retaliation.
858686301Hanying turns around, hoping to capture the man who poses as the leader, only to find two mechanoids appearing beside him, guarding the man.
868787301Hanying understands full well that while she may be able to kill the man and escape unscathed, it is impossible for Yoyo to survive this.
9091913011CradleMy research is accurate, it seems. You malicious machine is playing house like a human.2
919292301The man approaches Hanying, lifting her delicate chin and observing her shocked expression.
9495953011Hanying...Who exactly are you?1
959696301The man cannot help but chuckle. He grips her hand tightly, and her pearl-white skin turns red under his forceful grasp.
9798983011CradleSuch magnificent craftsmanship. No wonder you're confident enough to pretend to be a human... What a masterpiece by Lord Villier.1
989999301Hearing that name, Hanying's pupils immediately constrict. Before his mechanoid companions can react, Hanying is already gripping the man by his throat.
1011021023011HanyingHow do you know that name...2
102104104301Hanying has heard of this name from Villier in the past. A malicious hacker group formed in Kowloong, Cradle was responsible for the attack on the Kowloong monarchy, which ended with Villier eradicating the group.
103105105301CradleIt seems that he has shared quite a few secrets with you... which is just lovely. The more secrets of him we know, the more vicious our vengeance will be.1
104106106301He looks at the highest point of Kowloong, the tower upon which resides the man he has been hoping to exact revenge.
105109109301CradleOnce Villier is dead... the Nighter, this jewel in this damned age, will be ours.1
106110110301Hanying's grip grows tighter, but the man before her shows no fear as if Hanying is the one whose life is at stake.
107111111301CradleYou didn't kill me the first time because of the girl; you're not going to kill me now. You cannot deviate from your programming, you poor machine.1
108112112301CradleWhy a machine by Villier would show concern for a human girl does pique my curiosity, though, as an engineer myself.1
109113113301RImgBg1ShakeYoyo screams at that moment. The thug in the bamboo hat is pushing the tip of the knife slowly into her leg, and red, warm blood spills out gradually.
117122122301HanyingWhy... ugh... //External Connection Requested <<<<<<< [Deletion] Successful <<<<<<< Reading Logic Units Memory Drive...2
119124124301CradleThe code signature we found in Villier's secret workshop in Kowloong was indeed correct... Your hardware might be impressive, but your software is barely secured.1
121127127301All the secrets Hanying has been guarding, the treasures she has been collecting, are now wantonly revealed.
122128128301Cradle...So that's what Villier's trying to do. How ridiculous! He's not right in the head either, is he? Hahaha!1
123129129301CradleYou're just another worthless puppet he threw away... Don't you despise him? But I suppose you can only feel what you were programmed to feel.1
124130130301As the man goes through Hanying's memories like a hyena that has tasted blood, a small pebble hits him in the back. It does not injure him, but it does make him turn around.
1281341343011YoyoYou're a bad person... Let go... of Hanying!1
1321401403011YoyoYou're wrong! Hanying might be a mechanoid... but she saved me, and she protected and loved me even when I had no value on this ship!1
133141141301Yoyo struggles to stand straight, staring at the people surrounding her angrily with tears in her eyes.
134142142301YoyoShe... is more human than any of you... more human than any person on this ship!1
1371451453011CradleOh, is that so... Would you still say the same when you find out her kindness is programmed and her actions have other intentions?1
138146146301The man grabs the powerless Hanying by her hair and pulls her up from the ground, forcing her to look directly into Yoyo's eyes.
139147147301CradleNow, tell her why you saved a little girl in the beginning.1
140148148301CradleTell her why you protected her time and time again.1
141149149301CradleTell her why you insisted on turning her into a Construct.1
145153153301RImgBg1Shake1HanyingI... Aaargh...1
147155155301Hanying once again feels the pain from the probe inside her mind, and she can no longer control her thoughts.
148156156301Hanying[Upon our first encounter, I tested and discovered that the unconscious subject possessed a high Tantalum affinity.]1
149158158301Hanying[Secondary objective: Prepare the subject until she becomes a Construct and present the subject as a backup vessel to my creator—Villier.]1
150159159301Hanying struggles painfully, but her gaze has not left Yoyo, even though all Yoyo does is look away.
152161161301All her love is merely an extension of Yoyo's values, her trust a bet on the girl. The uncaring truth hurts the girl more than any of her wounds.
153162162301No longer able to say anything, Yoyo cannot even make a sound or wail. She just cries, her feet losing all the strength she used to climb up, and she slowly kneels on the ground.
1561651653011CradleA machine is always going to be a machine. They exist only to fulfill humans' desires.1
157166166301He laughs on his own before signaling the mechanoids around him to take out Yoyo with a glance—now that he has control over Hanying, he no longer needs the useless girl.
164173173301RImgBg1Shake1Hanying desperately throws the letter in her arms toward the fallen Uno with her commands. Uno, having been playing dead, catches and stores it before smashing the ground with its arms, causing dust to fly everywhere.
1681771773011HanyingTake Yoyo away... Stern of the ship... at dawn in three days...!1
169178178301Uno nods, tossing back two approaching mechanoids with one arm while grabbing the crying Yoyo with another. Uno flips into the air over the walls, disappearing into the night.
1721811813011CradleForget them. We don't have to go after them. After all, we've got what we came here for... our most important piece in this game.1
173182182301CradleLet's go, Hanying. This time, we must take back what we lost from Villier... with interest.1
1761851853011Hanying(I'm sorry... Yoyo...)1
1771871873011AniZhuanchangBeginHanying(...I don't think I can keep my promise and return to Kowloon with you.)1