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433301DialogEnableShe walks forward.
544301She has been walking for a very long time, uncertain where to go.
655301But when she reaches this place, she feels like she should stay here for a while.
777301AniZhuanchangBeginWalking along the ruins, she finds an underground theater. Its spacious hall and the dilapidated interior tell the story of the theater's past grandeur.
111111301AniZhuanchangEnd1There is no music in this place, only two dying figures. One of them is quite young, the other fairly senior.
121212301The girl is clearly sick, her hasty breathing seemingly blowing away what little life she has left.
131313301The old soldier leans on the crumbling backdrop, his injuries suggesting that he was in an intense battle. The red lights from his wounds are particularly blinding.
141414301They seem to be infected with some virus. She should remember the name, but she cannot.
151515301SoldierAargh... C-calling conservation area 184... I've found the missing kid...1
161616301SoldierI was attacked by Corrupted during the mission... I'm damaged beyond the threshold... Please send reinforcement...1
1919193011She knows those words. She has heard them before.1
202020301Not here. Somewhere far away, where a young girl cried in the same way.
212121301She does not want to hear that cry anymore.
222222301She steps forward, hoping to assist the two figures.
232323301But as she approaches them, the girl's breathing gets faster, and the limping body of the soldier tenses up.
242424301Did... she do that? Hesitant, she stops. She dares not to get closer, seeing how their conditions worsen.
252525301Suddenly, the soldier raises a hand, seemingly trying to get up. His damaged frame gives in soon, however, falling forward after moving a few inches. But she finds his trembling finger pointing toward her.
262626301She looks down and sees a device.
282828301The gap in her mind seems to be filled up perfectly by the shape of this device.
292929301It is a transmitter, she realizes.
303030301AniZhuanchangBeginShe turns on the device that the soldier cannot reach. After a brief pause, she decides to input the soldier's cry from earlier as well. Then she leaves before her memory returns to her like a deadly tempest.
343434301She keeps walking forward.
353535301She has been walking for a very long time, uncertain where to go.
363636301She seems to be traveling in a universe. Not that she remembers what a universe is exactly, but she can feel the boundless space when she thinks of that word.
373737301Then, she stops.
383838301Light purple petals enter her view, spreading all over the field.
393939301As if the boundless universe suddenly opens a purple eye, she is drawn by a tender but unwavering gravity.
404040301She reaches the eye. She can hear the rustling of the flowers by her feet. For a moment, she is surrounded by the gravity of love, and the empty void of space leaves her in an instant.
414141301Then she hears a call. She turns around.
444444301The stars that have watched this planet for millennia turn to watch her.
454545301She feels dizzy and dazed in their gazes.
464646301But she does not stop looking.
474747301She watches them one by one, going over one eye after another. At last, she stops on one of them.
484848301She can see it blinking. It seems to be singing to her.
494949301She feels compelled to respond.
5050503011AniZhuanchangBeginSo she sings, quietly, to the star.