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432301DialogEnableMotherIs it all ready? Liv, they'll be picking you up... soon.
543301BrotherFather's made arrangements already. When you're in the war zone, just work safely in the back as a medical officer. As for father... he's got work still and can't be here. You understand, right?
654301SisterUm, that white dress of mine, you've always liked it, didn't you? I can tell... You can have it.
765301MotherThough you may be leaving this house, but you're still our family. Don't disgrace our name.
876301MotherGet changed, Liv... At least, you should leave gracefully. You can do it... I'm sure.
987301LivYes, Mother.
10983011AniZhuanchangBeginBefore departing, Liv looks at herself one last time in the mirror...