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433301DialogEnable—Drip. Drop.
544301A streak of warm liquid flows down your cheek. With the buzz in your ears, you open your eyes to find the fading moonlight behind a cloudy night sky. The small building that trapped you is long gone.
655302Changyu?6Where the hell is the roof?6
988301DialogEnableHoping to take stock of your surroundings, you try to get up, only to find yourself pressed against by something heavy. Something that is dripping the liquid running down your face.
1099302Is that... vital fluid?10
1110103011Your vision trails downward, and you find Changyu's body lying on yours.
15141013301Hearing your voice, Lucia knocks out the remaining guard and hurries toward you with the rest of Gray Raven.
161514302Is everyone alright?15
171615301LuciaEveryone's fine. It's just a flashbang.1
181716302Is Changyu...17
2019183011LivDiagnosing... His M.I.N.D. hasn't been damaged, and his body isn't critically wounded... The vital fluid he's bleeding is probably from injuries he took during the battle...1
212019302But he's not waking up—20
2322213011LeeHey, you! How long are you going to lie there?1
242322301Annoyed, Lee grabs Changyu by his collar and lifts him off his feet.
2625243011Changyu...Think of the children, Lee. Can't you just be a smidge gentler?1
2827263011LeeNot for you.1
302928301Lee lets go of him, and Changyu lands—except he barely catches himself, no sign of the dexterous fighter he has been the whole night. Staggered, he leans on the broken wall next to him, rubbing his eyes clean of the vital fluid that seeped in.
3231303011ChangyuA flashbang... I thought the wacko was bringing us down with him with an explosive.1
333231302Where's their boss, by the way?32
3534333011LeeHe escaped—thanks to a moron who smashed a hole in the wall for him before the flashbang went off.1
3736353011ChangyuC'mon, I couldn't have planned for everything, could I?1
383736301ChangyuFussing over every detail's gonna give you wrinkles, Construct or not.1
4039383011LeeThat's not true!1
424140301You stand up to find all the mechanoid guards you fought now decimated.
434241302Enemy status?42
4544433011LeeWe took care of the rest of them when you were both out. Not that there were many of them left—this doesn't seem to be their headquarters.1
4847463011ChangyuA temporary base of operation, then.2
494847301LeeEnough with this. Care to explain what just happened?1
515049301ChangyuOh. Well...2
525150301Changyu scratches his head, embarrassed.
565554301ChangyuSorry for keeping this from y'all.2
575655301ChangyuYou were discovered the first time you set foot on the dock.2
585756301ChangyuThese were some dirty, rich folks screwing around. They didn't think Babylonia would get involved.2
595857301ChangyuAnd when they realized that we knew each other, they came to me with an offer: remove the Babylonians, and they'll remove some of the more audacious terms on their deal with Akdilek.2
605958301ChangyuAudacious terms that I'd have to follow to get this—2
616059301He picks up the leather suitcase he threw aside and takes out an authenticator, carefully inspecting it.
626160301ChangyuPhew... Everything's intact. Luckily I secured it when the guards came swinging.2
636261302You secured it during a fight like that?62
646362301ChangyuWell, it's important.2
656463302But you just threw it to the side...64You weren't protecting it during the explosion.64
676665301ChangyuPriorities, priorities...2
686766301ChangyuI told you I wanted a win-win situation... But if I have to lose one, I'd rather lose this.2
696867301He gives the authenticator in his hand a spin. Then he walks away and sits on a piece of rubble, mumbling to himself.
706968302Why didn't you tell me the plan?1068
727169301ChangyuWould you have said yes?2
74737173301ChangyuDuh! What do you think?2
757472301ChangyuEven if you agreed, your buddies here wouldn't!2
7877753011LuciaWhat exactly was the plan?1
797876302Changyu was going to—77...79
818078813011ChangyuLook! You're here in one piece!1
838280301ChangyuIt doesn't matter, as long as 【kuroname】 is here in one piece.1
848381302But we've only discovered their scheme.1083But we haven't found those involved.1083
868582301ChangyuI guess you're looking for this?1
878683301Changyu transfers you a data file.
888885302So, all you're after is this device?86
898986301ChangyuYep. Trades can resume once we get to quickly identify counterfeits with this thing.1
909087302You could've left me when you got it.88
919188301ChangyuLeave you? Have you forgotten the last thing I said?1
929289301Changyu raises three fingers, the way he did the day before.
949491301ChangyuI told you I'd protect you, 【kuroname】, and I never go back on my word.1
959592302That doesn't sound like a good deal to you.93
979794301ChangyuWhy? Because I didn't exploit everyone?1
989895301ChangyuSure, I probably should've left sooner for Akdilek's sake.1
999996301ChangyuBut I'm the agent on the scene, and I say you are more valuable than this device, so YOU are my priority.1
10010097301ChangyuAnd I trust you. And I trust me. That's why it was always going to end in our favor.1
10110198302Even though you thought it was a real bomb?99
103103100301ChangyuUgh... Sure.1
105105102301Awkwardly he smiles, recalling how he was on the verge of a breakdown during the heat of the moment.
107107104301ChangyuAnyway, it's lovely how everything went so smoothly.1
108108105301ChangyuI assume you're going after our escapee as well?1
109109106302That's part of the job.107This data is more than enough.107
110110107301ChangyuThen I guess it's fair to say we've killed two birds with one stone.1
112112108301ChangyuWait, no—three birds with one stone...1
113113109302Three birds?110
115115111301Changyu's and your eyes meet, and he quickly looks away with a murmur.
116116112301ChangyuI've got everything I'm after, with a few benefits thrown in... Sounds like the best deal to me...1
119119115301ChangyuNothing! Congratulations on a mission well executed! I'll take my leave now, see ya!1
121121117301Changyu waves everyone goodbye, before hopping over the crumpled walls to a small, hidden path. But then he stops, and he turns around to look at you.
1231231193011ChangyuI'll see you soon, 【kuroname】.1
124124120301He smiles at you and waves one last time, with a sincerity that you can perhaps recognize now.
125125121301ChangyuNext time I'll be an open book.1
1261261223011AniZhuanchangBeginWith that, Changyu dashes away through the ruins, leaping from one broken wall to another, looking almost lighter than he ever was, as he vanishes from your sight...