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766301DialogEnable1LeeIf we can't defend this place, we'll be exposed to their attacks unprotected.2
877301LeeI'll leave the rest to you.2
1110103012500LuciaGot it. We're all going to survive this.1
171616301How long has it been since she made that promise?
181717301Now, they are trapped inside this church, a sanctum that should be protected by the gods, and all they can hear is the sound of the Hetero-Creatures surrounding them.
191818301She knows her companions are nearby, but she cannot move an inch from all the Corrupted and Hetero-Creatures blocking her way.
201919301She tries to call for her companion, but the transmissions only return disjointed words and white noise.
212020301Perhaps it is true that sometimes prayers do not get answered in this world.
252424301In a brief moment of trance, Lucia recalls the place that sent her down the path of becoming a Construct.
262525301Children cluster together, cold and hungry, lying and hurting each other for their survival.
3029293011LuciaThat... was also a church...1
313030301She lost her last family at a church. Is she going to fall at a place like it as well?
323131301LuciaThis... isn't the end...1
333232301Supporting herself with her katana, Lucia struggles as she moves forward.
343333301LuciaWe haven't...1
353434301Her will is still defiant, but her frame can no longer support the fight that has lasted over ten days.
363535301It is time to face the truth—perhaps this is the end of the line.
383737301Did they make the wrong choice?
393838301Should they have followed Liv back no matter what?
414040301More people would have been lost if they had not stayed.
424141301That is not something she, or anyone from Gray Raven, would want to see.
434242301Captain Chrome has not complained about the harsh battles once in the last ten days. He never regrets his choices because of what he is going through.
444343301How would Captain Vera from Cerberus act?
454444301Vera would look reluctant, but the truth is she would not stop fighting, Lucia thinks.
5049493011Vera was casually talking about her previous rescue missions on the transport craft back from Atlantis with the commandant.
515050301Once, Vera found herself at a place where search and rescue equipment was not operable, but a sheepdog by her side helped her find the target.
525151301It was because of that story that Lucia and Liv managed to find the pregnant Fantine at the ruins with the help of Matches.
535252301As Lucia fights the endless horde of Hetero-Creatures, fragments of her memories flash by her M.I.N.D. like a merry-go-round.
5756563011LuciaNone of us... wishes to see another life lost...1
585757301The other teams might not be here, but Lucia believes that every one of them would have made the same choice.
595858301Even Vanessa, whose whereabouts are unknown, has chosen this path not long ago.
605959301Each of them has someone or something they want to protect, and each of them has fought until their very last breath.
616060301LuciaWe do not regret...1
626161301But the world is not merciful.
636262301Cutting down the enemies before her, Lucia looks around at the more Hetero-Creatures yet to come.
656464301Her frame is pushed to the brink, her Inver-Device at the threshold. Lucia estimates that she has ten minutes before she stops moving.
666565301PanelActor1Shake1LuciaI won't stop even if I only have ten minutes left.1
676666301Her belief will be with her until her last moment.
696868301As if her determination is being rewarded, she hears a voice on the Gray Raven comms channel, one that she has not heard in a while.
747373301LivWhat's happening? Why can't I see you on comms? Where's Lee? Why couldn't I contact you before?
757474301The monitor on the comms is not showing anything. Lucia cannot see Liv, and Liv cannot see her.
767575301That is because the moment she hears Liv's voice, Lucia immediately covers the terminal. She does not want Liv to see her like this.
777676301And maybe Lucia's terminal was damaged during the battles, so she cannot see Liv on it as well.
787777301But that is fine. Despite not being able to see Liv, it is good enough to hear her voice in the end, Lucia thinks.
797878301LuciaAre you still on Babylonia?1
807979301LivI'm on a transport craft to you. I'll be there soon.
818080301LuciaNo, don't come here. It's too dangerous.1
828181301LivLucia? What's going on? Why is it dangerous?
848383301LivIt's okay, you don't have to worry about me. Do you remember the weapon President Hassen mentioned before I left? It's done.
858484301LivIt doesn't matter how dangerous it is. I can protect you.
868585301Liv...I can do it now, Lucia! Please, believe me!
888787301Lucia...How long until you reach us?1
898888301LivIt... should take another hour.
908989301LuciaAn hour...1
919090301...It is too late.
929191301LivWhat's wrong? Why aren't you saying anything?
939292301If she cannot change the ending, then at least she can go accompanied by Liv's gentle voice.
949393301LuciaCan I...1
969595301Lucia...Can I hear you sing one more time?1
979696301LivWhat? Lucia... why are you...
989797301LuciaThink of it as a countdown. I'll feel more assured if I can hear your voice when I fight.1
999898301LuciaWhen your song is close by, I'll know you're near.1
101100100301LuciaAnd Liv... sing it to Commandant someday, okay?1
104103103301Has she realized the situation Lucia is in? Lucia can hear her gentle voice shaking.
105104104301LuciaI'm sorry... it's untoward to ask you to sing mid-flight.1
107106106301Liv...It's the only thing I can do before I reach you.
108107107301LivLet me stand by you this way.
109108108301LivBut you have to promise me that you will keep yourself safe and never give up.
110109109301LivHold on until I get there. I will be able to help.
111110110301LuciaYou have always been able to help, Liv.1
112111111301In order to keep Liv from being more worried, Lucia tries her best to chuckle.1
1131121123011AniZhuanchangBeginLuciaThen... I'll be waiting for you here.1