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655301DialogEnable1Patrol LeaderSir, the fight here's over...1
766301Guard LeaderBut is it really a good idea to take advantage of their tests to get Babylonia's new device to help clear out the Corrupted nearby?2
10993011WatanabeWho gives a damn? They wanted authentic, accurate data—nothing beats data from a real fight.1
131212301A fallen Corrupted suddenly rises and sprints toward Watanabe at inhuman speed.
151414301But its head is immediately crushed a few steps out—the CUB goes in and stomps for two more strikes, completely shattering the Corrupted into pieces before swiftly returning to Watanabe's side.
1716163011WatanabeHmm, good job...1
181717301He pats the head of the CUB, revealing an unusual smile.
2120203011Patrol LeaderHey, is it just me, or is Mr. Watanabe being much gentler to the metal critter than he is to us?1
222121301Guard LeaderDamn... Stop it. You're gonna make me cry.2
232222301All of a sudden, the CUB raises its head and takes a quick scan of the surrounding before running off in a direction.
242323301Patrol LeaderIs that a joke? Don't tell me it's broken already, running off like that...1
262525301But Watanabe does not seem to be in a joking mood.
2827273011WatanabeEveryone, get up! Follow it!1
3029293011Patrol LeaderW-what's wrong?1
3231313011WatanabeGet in your vehicles! It detected hidden Corrupted outside of our patrol area, and it's heading there at full speed! The destination is—1
343333301AniZhuanchangBeginHearing the location Watanabe says, all the Forsaken soldiers jump to their feet and hop on their vehicles, speeding behind the CUB without delay.
373636301AniZhuanchangEndAfter Watanabe departs the campsite, the children turn their attention to you, a stranger from Babylonia.
383737301Before the boys can act, the previously timid-looking girl walks up to you.
4039393011Ann【kuroname】, is it? Nice to meet you, we are the members of the Forsaken Reserves K-107 Squad One—1
424141301AnnK-107, that's right! Once we grow up, we will graduate into the proper 107 Squad!1
434242301AnnAnyway, before Uncle—I mean, before Chief Watanabe returns, we will be accompanying you at our campsite.1
444343301AnnNo need to worry. We'll keep you safe.1
454444302698I appreciate it.49I'll do the same.50
504949513011XiuyongOh, you're welcome.2
5150503011DeckardWonderful! Let's act together, then!3
525151301AnnIn that case... let's continue our previous operation. But now that we have 【kuroname】 with us...1
535252301XiuyongWe're asking 【kuroname】 to join us now? But we're almost done...2
545353301DeckardBut we'll kill two birds with one stone while also getting to keep an eye on the supplier!3
555454301XiuyongIsn't keeping an eye on the supplier the other bird?2
565555301Ann...Maybe? Not that we can do it any other way!1
575656301The three youthful faces turn serious again. They put their heads together, discussing secretly.
585757301By the time they talk to you again, they seem to have come to a consensus among themselves, and they look at you with anticipation and barely hidden excitement.
595858301XiuyongHere—take this.2
605959301The boy reaches his hand out proudly, and in his palm is a poorly made lantern.
616060301Its rough edges are even more noticeable being in a child's hand.
626161301XiuyongWe've been preparing this.2
636262301AnnExactly... For Uncle Watanabe and his troop!1
646363302It's cute.64But why?65
65646466301AnnHmph! It's my idea, after all!1
666565301DeckardFor decoration, obviously!3
676666301XiuyongThink about it—Uncle Watanabe just left with his men, right?2
686767301XiuyongWe hang this at the entrance of the campsite, and when the squad returns, they'll open the gate and find—2
696868301AnnHey, don't say it out loud! You know we aren't allowed near the entrance outside the camp!1
706969301DeckardWhat are you so afraid of? We know they're not here.3
717070301Ann...And you just have to spoil it! What good does it do if our mission objective knows we can't go near it?!1
727171301AnnYou two bozos!1
737272301XiuyongIt's fine! We're just decorating! Nothing will go wrong with an extra pair of hands!2
747373301XiuyongWe can even manage our time better while keeping 【kuroname】 in our line of sight!2
757474302Are you making me an accomplice?75
767575301XiuyongAccomplice? No!2
777676301XiuyongYou're the reason Uncle Watanabe and his squad are out at this time of the year—2
787777301DeckardAnd we got an extra mission because of you!3
797878301XiuyongYou aren't an accomplice—you're guilty! Helping us is the least you can do!2
807979301The two boys mean business, and they leave you no room for refusal.
818080301And the girl behind them has already laid out all the things she packed earlier, tallying everything carefully.
828181301Ann...It's too late to split up now. We have to take the supplier with us.1
838282301XiuyongJust... to do what, exactly? Decorations... lanterns?2
848383301AnnOur next step is to clear out the trash near the entrance, then put our preparations to good use.1
858484301As she finishes, she divides the decorations in front of her into three parts and hands one to each of you.
868686302Of course.87I'm not sure...88
87878789301AnnI knew it!1
888888301AnnThat's surprising...1
898989301AnnIt'll be too sad to not even have something like this...1
909090301She lowers her head and thinks for a while.
919191301AnnUm... We've made so many already, so what's one more? It'll be our payment to you once we're done decorating!1
9292923021AniZhuanchangBeginI look forward to it.